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(for Padma)

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Padma Menon

Thursday, September 22, 2005 4:14 AM

Re: Re: Living a Life's Message orig. sent in may

Pranaams Yosy,

I am not complaining but I am very confused. I can't make any head or

tial of the messages. I though this group was to discuss, analyse &

explain the teachings of the Great Guru. As you said Yosy not

everyone can understand everything. But I think a concerted effort

could be madeThat I thought was the core concern of this group, Looks

like I am wrong. I always pray that all of us have enough of

everything weneed. I hope this message of mine has enough of all that

we need

pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough


Dear Padma:

It seems to me that we all need to give one another a little space

to "be as we are." While the list does not encourage vacuous repetetive

ramblings ad infinitum, there should be some leeway for playfullness.

After all, why takes it so seriously when nothing ever happened anyway ;-)

Padma, I feel you are sincere in your words and do not intend to

hurt anyone with your questions or comments, so do not take my

comments as a criticism of your posts, as they are not meant as such.

As Yosy says, you can delete the posts of those whose words of wisdom

do not strike your fancy!!! Anyway, even Bhagavan

did not have all of the answers :-) ....................see below....



From...Kanakammal’s Memories of Bhagavan

An elderly man walked into the hall and upon seeing him, Sri

Bhagavan’s behavior changed: he appeared to behave like an obedient

student. The person who entered said, “Bhagavan, please clear all my


Smiling and looking at a devotee nearby, Sri Bhagavan replied, “Do you

know who this person is? I came away from Madurai unable to answer his

questions. Now he has come all the way here with more questions!” The

visitor was Sri Bhagavan’s Tamil teacher in school. (from Ch. 17)

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Thank you for the kind words.I looked at the messages at their face

value & thus was confused. I am new to this group. If I have hurt

anyone I am sorry I very sincerely asked as I am very keen to

learn.Of course the delete button is there but is it the answer?

Thank you once again

pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough

PadmaLady Joyce <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Padma Menon

Thursday, September 22, 2005 4:14 AM

Re: Re: Living a Life's Message orig. sent in may

Pranaams Yosy,

I am not complaining but I am very confused. I can't make any head or

tial of the messages. I though this group was to discuss, analyse &

explain the teachings of the Great Guru. As you said Yosy not

everyone can understand everything. But I think a concerted effort

could be madeThat I thought was the core concern of this group, Looks

like I am wrong. I always pray that all of us have enough of

everything weneed. I hope this message of mine has enough of all that

we need

pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough


Dear Padma:

It seems to me that we all need to give one another a little space

to "be as we are." While the list does not encourage vacuous repetetive

ramblings ad infinitum, there should be some leeway for playfullness.

After all, why takes it so seriously when nothing ever happened anyway ;-)

Padma, I feel you are sincere in your words and do not intend to

hurt anyone with your questions or comments, so do not take my

comments as a criticism of your posts, as they are not meant as such.

As Yosy says, you can delete the posts of those whose words of wisdom

do not strike your fancy!!! Anyway, even Bhagavan

did not have all of the answers :-) ....................see below....



From...Kanakammal’s Memories of Bhagavan

An elderly man walked into the hall and upon seeing him, Sri

Bhagavan’s behavior changed: he appeared to behave like an obedient

student. The person who entered said, “Bhagavan, please clear all my


Smiling and looking at a devotee nearby, Sri Bhagavan replied, “Do you

know who this person is? I came away from Madurai unable to answer his

questions. Now he has come all the way here with more questions!” The

visitor was Sri Bhagavan’s Tamil teacher in school. (from Ch. 17)

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font-weight:bold;mso-bidi-font-weight:normal">Namaste Padmaji,

Welcome to the group.

bold">To answer your earlier question. Sri

Ramana was referred as Bhagavan by his devotees. That customary practice

is followed by devotees not everyone. Sri Ramana said that that the same Self

is in all.

You have not hurt anyone’s

feelings, I don’t think.

Anyway, welcome.



[] On Behalf Of Padma Menon

Saturday, September 24, 2005

6:53 AM

Re: [ -

Ramana Guru] (for Padma)


12.0pt">Pranaams Joyce,

12.0pt"> Thank you for the kind words.I looked at the messages at their

face value & thus was confused. I am new to this group. If I have hurt

anyone I am sorry I very sincerely asked as I am very keen to learn.Of course

the delete button is there but is it the answer?

12.0pt">Thank you once again

12.0pt">pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough


Lady Joyce <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>





Padma Menon


font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold">Thursday, September

22, 2005 4:14 AM


Re: Living a Life's Message orig. sent in may


12.0pt">Pranaams Yosy,

12.0pt"> I am not complaining but I am very confused. I can't make any

head or tial of the messages. I though this group was to discuss, analyse &

explain the teachings of the Great Guru. As you said Yosy not everyone can

understand everything. But I think a concerted effort could be madeThat I

thought was the core concern of this group, Looks like I am wrong. I always pray

that all of us have enough of everything weneed. I hope this message of mine

has enough of all that we need

12.0pt">pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough



12.0pt">Dear Padma:


12.0pt">It seems to me that we all need to give one another a little space

12.0pt">to "be as we are." While the list does not

encourage vacuous repetetive

12.0pt">ramblings ad infinitum, there should be some leeway for playfullness.

12.0pt">After all, why takes it so seriously when nothing ever happened anyway



12.0pt">Padma, I feel you are sincere in your words and do not intend to

12.0pt">hurt anyone with your questions or comments, so do not take my

12.0pt">comments as a criticism of your posts, as they are not meant as such.

12.0pt">As Yosy says, you can delete the posts of those whose words of

wisdom do not strike your fancy!!! Anyway, even Bhagavan

12.0pt">did not have all of the answers :-) ....................see









font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">Kanakammal’s Memories of Bhagavan

font-weight:bold"> An elderly man walked into the hall and upon seeing

him, Sri Bhagavan’s behavior changed: he appeared to behave like an

obedient student. The person who entered said, “Bhagavan, please clear

all my doubts.”

font-weight:bold">Smiling and looking at a devotee nearby, Sri Bhagavan

replied, “Do you know who this person is? I came away from Madurai unable to answer

his questions. Now he has come all the way here with more questions!” The

visitor was Sri Bhagavan’s Tamil teacher in school. (from Ch.


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Pranaams Padmaji:

If you have love and compassion in your heart, that

is mostly all you need to "know." And as to learning,

surrender is the key to the kingdom for some of us :-)

Sure beats trying to understand all those fancy words

and esoteric conceptual nondualspeak!!!

There are so many wonderful quotes of Sri Ramana. And

yes, as if often said, he can sometimes appear inconsistent

in the advice he gives. Some folks also say that he answered

devotees according to their "level" of understanding. I prefer

to think of it as giving to each what they needed according to their

path of yoga...see the reproduction of Prof VK's post

below. And yes, it talks about levels..oh, well, can't get away

from them can we? ;-)

Do not worry about it at all, Padmaji. Like Harshaji says, just be

natural and do what feels right to you. If you surrender, truly

surrender, the rest will come through the power of Grace.




"Silence is the true teaching. It is the perfect teaching.It is suited

only for the most advanced.Others are unable to draw full inspiration

from it.Therefore they require words to explain the Truth.But Truth

is beyond words.It does not admit of explanation.All that it is

possible to do is only to indicate It.Silence is the best and the

most potent initiation. Silent-initiation changes the hearts of all.

Silent-initiation is the most perfect;It comprises looking, touching

and teaching. It will purify the individual in every way and

establish him in the reality. Silence is meditation without mental

activity.The inner silence is self-surrender and that means living

without the sense of ego.Silence comes into being when the individual

is completely free from ego,when he surrenders himself totally to the

Lord.Silence is truth.Silence is bliss.Silence is peace.And hence

silence is the Self."~Sri Ramana


ProfVK's post...

NamasteI have recently been translating Kanchi

Mahaswamigal'sDiscourses on Advaita Saadhanaa for the 'advaitin'

list. Ifound the following important passage on pages 278-279

ofDeivathin Kural, Vol.6, in Tamil. I think every Hinduspiritual

seeker should be aware of this. Almost everylist (touching the

subject of spirituality) has recurringdiscussions on whether one on

the karma path or the jnanapath has to be a devotee or not. So I am

reproducing herethis beautiful verdict of the Mahaswamigal for the

benefitof all on this list. In the following, 'Acharya' refers toAdi


did the Acharya, as well as Lord Krishna Himself,demarcate only two

classes of people: those who qualify forkarma yoga and those who

qualify for jnAna yoga? Why didthey not make one more classification,

namely, those whoqualify for bhakti? [Note by VK: cf. B. G. III -

3]This is because, both the karma yogi and the jnAna yogineed to have

bhakti. In both the classes, bhakti is animportant part and both have

to do it. That is why it wasnot separated into a class by itself. The

karma pathfinderhas to show bhakti at a certain level while the

jnAnapathfinder has to do the same at a different level. AlreadyI

have told you about two levels of shraddhA. Just as weuse the word

bhakti-shraddhA, in bhakti also there are twosuch levels! - as we

have two levels of courses inShorthand and Typewriting!. The lower

level - karma pathfinder has to do bhakti inorder to recognise the

thought that there is an Ishvaraabove us who watches us and gives

punishment. He shouldthen progress in the same level and continue to

do bhaktinow to focus the mind through Love. A further progress

-still in the same 'lower' level, not 'higher' - would makehim carry

on bhakti with the attitude of surrender of allfruits of action. And

now at the higher level, the jnana pathfinder does hisbhakti with the

thought: 'The Brahman or the Atman forwhich I am doing my saadhanaa,

it is the same brahman that,in its saguna, is the Ishvara; it is that

Ishvara who hasgranted me the taste in this path and it is only by

HisGrace that I should obtain siddhi (success).Above this -- above

or below, higher or lower, none ofwhich is applicable now - is the

bhakti of those 'siddhas'who have reached that experiential stage (of

BrahmanRealisation). For them there is no reason why they dobhakti but

still they do, says Shukacharya , one suchrealised soul. (Shrimad

Bhagavatam I - 7 - 10).Thus, at all levels, there is bhakti in both

karma andjnAna; that is why bhakti is not separately

mentioned.PraNAms to all seekers of Truth.PraNAms to Kanchi

Mahaswamigal.profvk Prof. V. KrishnamurthyLatest on my website: A

conversation on the Concept of God in



Padma Menon

Saturday, September 24, 2005 6:53 AM

Re: (for Padma)

Pranaams Joyce,

Thank you for the kind words.I looked at the messages at their face

value & thus was confused. I am new to this group. If I have hurt

anyone I am sorry I very sincerely asked as I am very keen to

learn.Of course the delete button is there but is it the answer?

Thank you once again

pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough

PadmaLady Joyce <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Padma Menon

Thursday, September 22, 2005 4:14 AM

Re: Re: Living a Life's Message orig. sent in may

Pranaams Yosy,

I am not complaining but I am very confused. I can't make any head or

tial of the messages. I though this group was to discuss, analyse &

explain the teachings of the Great Guru. As you said Yosy not

everyone can understand everything. But I think a concerted effort

could be madeThat I thought was the core concern of this group, Looks

like I am wrong. I always pray that all of us have enough of

everything weneed. I hope this message of mine has enough of all that

we need

pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough


Dear Padma:

It seems to me that we all need to give one another a little space

to "be as we are." While the list does not encourage vacuous repetetive

ramblings ad infinitum, there should be some leeway for playfullness.

After all, why takes it so seriously when nothing ever happened anyway ;-)

Padma, I feel you are sincere in your words and do not intend to

hurt anyone with your questions or comments, so do not take my

comments as a criticism of your posts, as they are not meant as such.

As Yosy says, you can delete the posts of those whose words of wisdom

do not strike your fancy!!! Anyway, even Bhagavan

did not have all of the answers :-) ....................see below....



From...Kanakammal’s Memories of Bhagavan

An elderly man walked into the hall and upon seeing him, Sri

Bhagavan’s behavior changed: he appeared to behave like an obedient

student. The person who entered said, “Bhagavan, please clear all my


Smiling and looking at a devotee nearby, Sri Bhagavan replied, “Do you

know who this person is? I came away from Madurai unable to answer his

questions. Now he has come all the way here with more questions!” The

visitor was Sri Bhagavan’s Tamil teacher in school. (from Ch. 17)

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