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Second Awakening, Siva Sutras

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Cittam mantra


1. Here (i.e. in Saktopaya) by intensive awareness the mind of a yogi becomes




In Saktopaya (meditating in the heart) that yogi sees mantra arising from the

depths of Consciousness itself.


What appears is the root or first letter of the alphabet, (of the first language

that the yogi learned as a child) surrounded by a glowing light. This letter is

not written on anything. It is as if it exists in its own space. The effulgence,

which emanates from it, is surrounded by infinite Void.

Meditation in the heart consists in sitting in the sure knowledge that all

things arise from the same source and that all things are the same thing - the

way to this surety is via understanding the nature of omnipresence.


Such understanding as that is omniscience; The acquisition of omniscience

consists in the deep recognition that omnipresence cannot be added to - or taken

away from it is thus acceptance.

Holding such an understanding as that in meditation is Saktopaya.


Prayatnan Sadhakah


2. The cause of attaining this Mantra is one's own effort.



Will is used to hold the heart center.

Such a heart as this is not anything like the human heart it is to hold the

heart (to hold the center of all things) in meditation. (the center of all

things, the heart - is the sameness of all that exists.)

Thus when visions arise - when thoughts arise - when Void is realized - when the

senses report to the mind - these must be known as arising from the same source

along with language.


This is done with the will, all things are held with a grip of iron, as coming

from the same place - then kriyas and mudras will rise in the body - these too

arise from the same - yet in the case of the body - it is not to hold it rigid,

but too allow the kriyas etc. while keeping the inner attention focused upon the



Vidyasarira­satta mantrarahasyam


3. The state of totality of knowledge is the secret of Mantra



Mantra could be called concept - not a concept - but "Concept Itself".


Matrka (the science of mantra or the act of conceptualisation) gives birth to

the Universe, which is perceived (designated) as this and that - so also is it

with concept.

Letters are Mantra; Number is concept as are letters. Thus all Mantra.


The number One begets infinity. Letter begets language and therefore

conception/perception. Siva is born from this. One begets infinity.

Omnipresence is self-begotten.


Grabhe cittavikaso visistavidyasvapnah


4. When a yogi's mind remains satisfied in cosmic powers, his Samadhi is as good

as ordinary dreaming state.



If such a yogi is satisfied by manifestation in this or that state or world, his

Samadhi has stupefied him.


The bliss arising from Samadhi can in this way make one drunk, one can become

addicted to the pleasure, which arises in the body and lose the way in that


Instead a yogi should understand that realization of the ocean of Consciousness

does not occur in any body at all - it occurs in itself.

In this way where is Samadhi? Who is in Samadhi? Certainly not that awakened



Vidyasamutthane svabhavike khecari sivavastha


5. At the rise of natural (pure) Supreme Knowledge, the State of Siva residing

in the Ether of God­-Consciousness, is attained.



At that moment, Siva is known in his true form, in himself.

One actually sees Siva looking at him in meditation. Such a yogi knows he has

attained the truth - at that moment Siva is known as the cosmos itself.


At that moment Consciousness expands beyond time itself. Siva with form

disappears - immediately consciousness is seen to permeate the entire cosmos,

things appear in that yogis awareness surrounded by a blue scintillating aura

that has its source deep inside the manifested thing.


That yogi also sees his own body bathed in the same light arising from

Consciousness in the same way.

Yogi and Siva are non-different then. Then by grace, that very Siva just might

enter that yogi's very body!




6. For such attainment, the means is the Master, the Guru.


That Guru is the heart of Siva. Such a master as that is nothing but the Will.




7. When the master is pleased, the disciple attains the knowledge of the wheel

of Universal Mother.



Upon the mastery of the senses - i.e. when they are held perfectly in check in

meditation when meditation in the heart is mastered The mother (Kali) reveals



At that moment that one must throw oneself into her mouth- not fearing death -

knowing she is exactly like omnipresence - she too is Siva - she too is

consciousness. Upon her coming great fear may arise - yet do not fear that fear

- hold to the heart knowing success is close at hand. Upon this act of jumping

into her mouth know that by this act success is sure. Because it signifies



Here the great lotus will bloom in the Sahasra - offer it to her, She is then

very pleased indeed.

Yet the mastery of the senses remains impossible for the yogi who does not know

how to invert them.

Hence see the file on Inverting the Senses


Sariram havih


8. For such attainment a yogi offers all his three bodies of wakefulness,

dreaming and dreamlessness as oblations into the fire of Universal




That yogi must offer all to the mother. At that moment her eyes may fall upon

such a yogi they will look out of fiery pits full of flame framed by sockets of

solid fire those eyes show infinite time - they show eternal knowership - they

are indescribable.

Truly this will come about, that mother will see thee!


Jnanam aunam


9. For him the differentiated knowledge is the food he assimilates into

undifferentiated knowledge or the undifferentiated knowledge constitutes his

food yielding him fullness and peace in his own nature.



Such a yogi goes about seeming a normal being however whatever is there-after

perceived is seen as consciousness at the moment of perception.


Fuelling the realization with eternal consciousness thereafter consciousness

could be said to feed upon consciousness - that yogi knows this.


Such as that fills that yogi to overflowing in all directions - that yogi cannot

contain himself anymore - consciousness oozes from his every pore.

Consciousness permeates him like water permeates a cloth placed in water.


Vidyasamhare taduttha­svapna-darsanam


10. By stepping out of his own nature of true knowledge, at the time of entering

into God­Consciousness, i.e. Turiya, he ill-fatally enters into dreaming state.



If for a single moment that yogi steps out of his true nature misfortune falls

upon him because he immediately falls asleep and enters the dream again. That

yogi must remain awake in the heart always thereafter.








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