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RE: Alex/kundalini

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12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">Dear Jill and all,


12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">My comments will be marked by the initials





On Behalf Of Jill Eggers

Friday, November 11, 2005

7:19 AM


- Ramana Guru] Alex/kundalini


On Nov 10, 2005, at 6:55 PM, Harsha





Please tell us all. Don't hold back.x-tad-bigger>bigger>bigger>color>


Hope all is well.x-tad-bigger>bigger>bigger>color>



OK, Harsha, I won't--I can't say no

to you! I hope all is well with you, too, Harsha.

I haven't talked with you in a while but you have been in my thoughts often.




glad you posted Jill.









12.0pt">The experience of feeling the feelings of others and what you describe

as the increase in feelings of lovingkindness and compassion for others has

been for me one of the most powerful parts of the experience, to live more and

more in the heart-centered place that expands outward as it also draws one

inward to a deep, silky place of silent peaceful awareness--the sense of

'outward' and 'inward' feeling clumsy here, but a way of describing

experiencing the self as an expanding field of consciousness in which the body

and mind arise, with self or heart as center, a sensing of the heart-space as

the point of awareness arising and subsiding, between outgoing waves of loving

consciousness and returning to the source of being, awareness.


12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">That’s a truly beautiful and

inspiring description of Self Jill.


Your experiences sound very graceful and rich, and without the kinds of

difficulties many have with the opening of kundalini. Given the smoothness of

your experience, if your heart seems ok, you may not find you continue to want

a teacher to guide it--as you have found it is intelligence itself and follows

its own timing and path.


12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">(Jill wrote to Alex) “…you

may not find you continue to want a teacher to guide it--as you have found

intelligence itself…”; so true Jill, so true.

12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">I love to hear these wonderful

descriptions of self, from one who actually knows.


12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">There is no other guru, than the ever-present

satguru. The satguru is within. The satguru is without. The

satguru is your very own Self--ever available, ever true. The satguru removes

doubt and provides guidance, love and oneness. The guru manifests as the

world, the living beings. The guru and the Maha Shakti are ONE.


Many talk about the illusory and unimportant nature of the experiences, and the

necessity of non-attachment in relation to them. As well as realizing that, we

also do often experience our response to the kundalini activity as we might

experience any change or new arrival in our lives--sometimes the experiences

are astonishing, or surprising, sometimes they are like a new tool for our

interpersonal or spiritual growth that we can't wait to put to use, sometimes

it is like Christmas morning, to find ourselves in this new state or able to

see things in a new way. So in my experience it is natural to respect and enjoy

theses changes, as well as open to letting it pass through without attachment.

12.0pt">Kundalini is not the mind, nor a product of the mind, but the force

that enables the creation manifestation of the mind and body, and governs the

process opening to the self. To my experience it is like a fast-forward of the

evolutionary process of shedding the layers of desire, of the smaller self,

layer by layer, through all levels of experience.


12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">I feel the same way Jill. Life

unfolds in beautiful mysterious ways. Experiences of all types come and

go. Some experiences or conditions linger longer than others, and what

would life be without our experiences? Conversely perhaps, everyone

that I’ve ever known enjoys the state of deep sleep, bereft of dreams or experience.

Both of these two states—waking and deep sleep—are desirable,

enjoyable, and inescapable. And if the waking state sometimes includes experiences

of cosmic oneness, or the bliss of the Maha Shakti, or incredible peace, stillness,

and love, then so much the better.


12.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">Jnana isn’t a dry condition that

excludes experience; rather, Jnana is all inclusive. It is all inclusive

to the degree that It eventually drowns the little “i” that continually

limited One’s life in a myriad of ways.






regards to all,


Jill Eggers wrote:

Hello Alex,

And welcome to the group! Thanks for your post--it's very interesting to read

of your experiences with your beautiful descriptive capacity--("attendant

emotional sequellae"!)--I have had a lot of similar experiences with the

kundalini opening and will email you to talk a little about it, since I may get

long-winded and may test the interest level of the group in general...;) It's

true that there are not many opportunities in daily life to discuss the

experiences and exchange feedback about how to integrate them, physically,

emotionally, and spiritually, and those discussions can be very helpful!



On Nov 10, 2005, at 4:33 AM, Dharma Wayfarer wrote:

Hello, this is my first post here. I'd have to say I'd concur in terms of

not 'pushing IT' ... as when it is awakens, it pushes of its own accord which

in and of itself is quite an adjustment. If I may share ... this

individual had been a meditator for a number of years, then stopped all formal

practice for almost 15 years. A year ago he attended an

intensive ten day/ten to twelve hours daily Vipassana meditation retreat

to renew practice. Two days into simple Anapana (meditation following

subtle breath - not pranayana) while seated in half lotus spontaneous and

progressive unfoldment occurred: pulsing/expansion of forehead/pineal,

sensations of extreme cold, facial tremors/twitches, upwards pressure on inside

surface of cranium - (involuntary) straightening of spine, mouth slowly opening

wide - head tilting back, tongue curling pointing to back of throat, focus

shifting to ache in heart region - experience of undergoing non-physical

angioplasty as heart ache expands to sensation of solidified mass size of golf

ball starting to move through a garden hose across chest to plexus, up to

throat, gastro-difficulties/pain, with finale of rushing whorling energy

running 'counter-clockwise' (I think) from base of spine up to crown,

constricting and rattling breath with deep squeezing sensation of upper body

.... frequent heart arythmia for months, awakening one night with sensation of a

'shinai' (bamboo cane) whacked across shins, attendant emotional sequellae

of huge energetic releases through heart and throat, some laughter but mostly

crying - experience of deep unutterable sadness identified with 'pain and

suffering' of .... (sure not my own stuff), intensified intuitions later

verified with applied kinesiology (a la David R. Hawkins), all settling down

into an ongoing state where the subtlest in breath awakens whether with eyes

open or closed, sitting or standing at the grocery check-out

counter, the energetic flow and sensations of expansion - most prominent

in the forehead/crown/entire head, but extending in circuit through base of

spine, to medula to crown and around again. I sit 1-2 hours daily,

meditation tends to 'do me' rather than I do it' ... sometimes just

hanging on and watching the sensations/energetic expressions which vary in

intensity and pressure. Experiences of intermittent huge expansions

of the heart, and sadness/release of tears continues - equating with loving

kindness/compassion, sympathetic joy or connection with others. Sorry for

going over-long, just not too many opportunities in daily life to express this

amongst beings who may understand and offer comment of their own

experience. I am 52 years old and look forward to finding a qualified

teacher who may guide this experience appropriately, as the good folks running

the vipassana course didn't seem to be able to offer much advice other than see

your Family Physician to get your heart checked, and to suggest that one just

continues to 'watch' the 'sensations' .. which I do .. understanding that it is

to be preferred not to become attached to, or to cultivate sensations or

experiences, rather just let them arise and pass, arise and pass. That

said, after a year of watching, I think it's safe (without attachment/ego

identification) to ask a few questions now :) ... comments/suggestions


With metta


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Hi Michael,


Thanks for your comments--I really appreciate them!



On Nov 12, 2005, at 2:10 PM, Michael Bowes wrote:

> Dear Jill and all,




> My comments will be marked by the initials “mbâ€






> [] On Behalf Of Jill Eggers

> Friday, November 11, 2005 7:19 AM


> Alex/kundalini





> On Nov 10, 2005, at 6:55 PM, Harsha wrote:


> Hi Jill,






> Please tell us all. Don't hold back.





> Hope all is well.





> Harsha





> OK, Harsha, I won't--I can't say no to you! I hope all is well with

> you, too, Harsha. I haven't talked with you in a while but you have

> been in my thoughts often.


> snip


> mb


> I’m glad you posted Jill.





> snip














> The experience of feeling the feelings of others and what you describe

> as the increase in feelings of lovingkindness and compassion for

> others has been for me one of the most powerful parts of the

> experience, to live more and more in the heart-centered place that

> expands outward as it also draws one inward to a deep, silky place of

> silent peaceful awareness--the sense of 'outward' and 'inward' feeling

> clumsy here, but a way of describing experiencing the self as an

> expanding field of consciousness in which the body and mind arise,

> with self or heart as center, a sensing of the heart-space as the

> point of awareness arising and subsiding, between outgoing waves of

> loving consciousness and returning to the source of being, awareness.

> mb


> That’s a truly beautiful and inspiring description of Self Jill.






> snip





> Your experiences sound very graceful and rich, and without the kinds

> of difficulties many have with the opening of kundalini. Given the

> smoothness of your experience, if your heart seems ok, you may not

> find you continue to want a teacher to guide it--as you have found it

> is intelligence itself and follows its own timing and path.


> mb


> (Jill wrote to Alex)   “…you may not find you continue to want a

> teacher to guide it--as you have found intelligence itself…â€; so true

> Jill, so true.


> I love to hear these wonderful descriptions of self, from one who

> actually knows.




> There is no other guru, than the ever-present satguru.  The satguru is

> within.  The satguru is without.  The satguru is your very own

> Self--ever available, ever true.  The satguru removes doubt and

> provides guidance, love and oneness.  The guru manifests as the world,

> the living beings.  The guru and the Maha Shakti are ONE.



> snip







> Many talk about the illusory and unimportant nature of the

> experiences, and the necessity of non-attachment in relation to them.

> As well as realizing that, we also do often experience our response to

> the kundalini activity as we might experience any change or new

> arrival in our lives--sometimes the experiences are astonishing, or

> surprising, sometimes they are like a new tool for our interpersonal

> or spiritual growth that we can't wait to put to use, sometimes it is

> like Christmas morning, to find ourselves in this new state or able to

> see things in a new way. So in my experience it is natural to respect

> and enjoy theses changes, as well as open to letting it pass through

> without attachment.


> Kundalini is not the mind, nor a product of the mind, but the force

> that enables the creation/ manifestation of the mind and body, and

> governs the process opening to the self. To my experience it is like a

> fast-forward of the evolutionary process of shedding the layers of

> desire, of the smaller self, layer by layer, through all levels of

> experience.


> mb


> I feel the same way Jill.  Life unfolds in beautiful mysterious ways. 

> Experiences of all types come and go.  Some experiences or conditions

> linger longer than others, and what would life be without our

> experiences?   Conversely perhaps, everyone that I’ve ever known

> enjoys the state of deep sleep, bereft of dreams or experience.  Both

> of these two states—waking and deep sleep—are desirable, enjoyable,

> and inescapable.  And if the waking state sometimes includes

> experiences of cosmic oneness, or the bliss of the Maha Shakti, or

> incredible peace, stillness, and love, then so much the better.




> Jnana isn’t a dry condition that excludes experience; rather, Jnana is

> all inclusive.  It is all inclusive to the degree that It eventually

> drowns the little “i†that continually limited One’s life in a myriad

> of ways.










> Warmest regards to all,


> michael
















> Jill Eggers wrote:


> Hello Alex,


> And welcome to the group! Thanks for your post--it's very interesting

> to read of your experiences with your beautiful descriptive

> capacity--("attendant emotional sequellae"!)--I have had a lot of

> similar experiences with the kundalini opening and will email you to

> talk a little about it, since I may get long-winded and may test the

> interest level of the group in general...;) It's true that there are

> not many opportunities in daily life to discuss the experiences and

> exchange feedback about how to integrate them, physically,

> emotionally, and spiritually, and those discussions can be very

> helpful!


> Best,


> Jill




> On Nov 10, 2005, at 4:33 AM, Dharma Wayfarer wrote:



> Hello, this is my first post here.  I'd have to say I'd concur in

> terms of not 'pushing IT' ... as when it is awakens, it pushes of its

> own accord which in and of itself is quite an adjustment.  If I may

> share ... this individual had been a meditator for a number of years,

> then stopped all formal practice for almost 15 years.  A year ago he

> attended an intensive ten day/ten to twelve hours daily Vipassana

> meditation retreat to renew practice.  Two days into simple Anapana

> (meditation following subtle breath - not pranayana) while seated in

> half lotus spontaneous and progressive unfoldment occurred: 

> pulsing/expansion of forehead/pineal, sensations of extreme cold,

> facial tremors/twitches, upwards pressure on inside surface of cranium

> - (involuntary) straightening of spine, mouth slowly opening wide -

> head tilting back, tongue curling pointing to back of throat, focus

> shifting to ache in heart region - experience of undergoing

> non-physical angioplasty as heart ache expands to sensation of

> solidified mass size of golf ball starting to move through a garden

> hose across chest to plexus, up to throat, gastro-difficulties/pain,

> with finale of rushing whorling energy running 'counter-clockwise' (I

> think) from base of spine up to crown, constricting and rattling

> breath with deep squeezing sensation of upper body ... frequent heart

> arythmia for months, awakening one night with sensation of a 'shinai'

> (bamboo cane) whacked across shins, attendant emotional sequellae of

> huge energetic releases through heart and throat, some laughter but

> mostly crying - experience of deep unutterable sadness identified with

> 'pain and suffering' of .... (sure not my own stuff), intensified

> intuitions later verified with applied kinesiology (a la David R.

> Hawkins), all settling down into an ongoing state where the subtlest

> in breath awakens whether with eyes open or closed, sitting

> or standing at the grocery check-out counter, the energetic flow and

> sensations of expansion - most prominent in the forehead/crown/entire

> head, but extending in circuit through base of spine, to medula to

> crown and around again.  I sit 1-2 hours daily, meditation tends to

> 'do me' rather than I do it' ... sometimes just hanging on and

> watching the sensations/energetic expressions which vary in intensity

> and pressure.   Experiences of intermittent huge expansions of the

> heart, and sadness/release of tears continues - equating with loving

> kindness/compassion, sympathetic joy or connection with others.  Sorry

> for going over-long, just not too many opportunities in daily life to

> express this amongst beings who may understand and offer comment of

> their own experience.  I am 52 years old and look forward to finding a

> qualified teacher who may guide this experience appropriately, as the

> good folks running the vipassana course didn't seem to be able to

> offer much advice other than see your Family Physician to get your

> heart checked, and to suggest that one just continues to 'watch' the

> 'sensations' .. which I do .. understanding that it is to be preferred

> not to become attached to, or to cultivate sensations or experiences,

> rather just let them arise and pass, arise and pass.  That said, after

> a year of watching, I think it's safe (without attachment/ego

> identification) to ask a few questions now :) ... comments/suggestions

> welcomed.


> With metta


> Alex






> /join






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> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma







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