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End of suffering

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have, however, not reached the end of your search.You have one more

question for the sage. By this time,somehow, the deeper personality

of the sage, together

with the outpouring compassion from him, has subtlychanged, the

relationship between you and the sagesince the moment the sage has

accepted you as asincere seeker and not just a curious or

impertinentquestioner; the stranger has disappeared and a

personal relationship has taken over. There is moreand more feeling in

the sage for you; your friendlyaffection for the sage has gradually

but noticeablychanged into a respectful love for the guru with an

enormous amount of gratitude for what is happening toyou that is

beyond your imagination. So, in thisapparently new relationship, you

now ask question withgreat love, respect and devotion:" I have one


question, guruji. What I now have is an intellectualacceptance of the

concept that no human being is anactual doer and even the

intellectual acceptance hasbrought about an awesome feeling of great

freedom. I

can only imagine what the final effect could be if Iam able totally to

accept this concept not as a mereconcept, but as absolute truth. I

know this canfinally happen only if it is God's will and mydestiny.

But, since the sense of doer ship is still

very much there, I ask: is there not something I cando to hasten this

process?" The sage- Guru looks at his new disciplewith

great affection and compassion and says: "I can

understand exactly why you

are asking this question. You can feel that you arenearing the end of

your quest. I can suggest to youwhat precisely you should try to do

because you haveaccepted that the final happening can only depend on

the Will of God. What I am suggesting is really quitesimple. All you

need to do is to test the concept inthe fire of the experience and at

the end of it youwill either reject it or accept it totally, not as

concept any more but as a truth itself, because it isyou who have done

the testing and it is in your ownexperience that the test has been

conducted. All that you have to do is take a single actionand

investigate it thoroughly and honestly – not with

a view to seeking confirmation that it is indeed youraction but with

open mind. At the end of the day, taketwenty minutes off, relax

totally by your self andinvestigate a particular, single action which

you are

convinced is your action. How did that action happen?Did I at any

moment decide, from out of the blue, thatI would do that action? Your

investigation wouldimmediately disclose that what started that action


actually a thought and, of course, you could not havehad any control

over that particular thought happeningat that particular moment. And,

really important, ifthat thought over which you had absolutely no


had not happened, then your action would not havehappened. In these

circumstances, can you really callthat happening your action? The

answer is obviously'No'-it is not your action. In this

way, you can investigate any

number of actions and every single time you willarrive at the same

conclusion. If the thought thathappened had not happened, my action

would not havehappened. If I had not happened to see something when

I did, my action would not have happened; if I did nothappen to

overhear a conversation, I would not havedone what I did; If I had

not happened to readsomething when I did , I would not have done what

Idid… In other words when one investigation after the

other brings you the same conclusion that you cannotreally cal that

action your action, at some point inthe series of investigations, a

flash of totalacceptance happens... At what point it happens

isobviously God's Will and your destiny. And when you

accept that you are not the doer, you have to acceptthat no one is a

doer either"(to be continued)Ramana Sarma

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, Ramana Sarma Poduri

<rpodury@g...> wrote:


> One has to clearly understand that the investigation

> refers to one specific action and not a whole incident

> over a period of time. Some how or the other, this is

> not clearly understood, and when a visitor reviews his

> process of investigaton with me, it becomes amply

> clear that the investigation process has not been

> properly understood or practiced. The investigation

> certainly has to be done by the ego itself from his

> own experience-no one can effectively do it for you.

> The only point is that it is the working mind working

> in the present moment that must do the investigation,

> and not the thinking mind always functioning in the

> past or the present, trying to prove something for the

> apparent benefit of the ego


> Once the flash of total acceptance happens that there

> cannot be any individual doer-oneself or the other-but

> that every single apparent action is not done by any

> individual doer but that it is a happening produced by

> the Primal energy, functioning through the body-mind

> instrument, precisely as electricity produces through

> each electrical gadget precisely that which the

> particular gadget has been designed to produce, there

> is a corresponding result. There is the personal

> experience of the Buddha's statement, "events happen,

> deeds are done, but there is no individual doer

> thereof", which, in turn, produces an intense, deep

> feeling of total freedom from personal pride or

> arrogance, guilt and shame for what was earlier

> considered to be one's own actions, and also total

> freedom from any hatred or ill will or malice towards

> any one. The deep understanding, is clearly, that if

> I am not supposed to get hurt according to my destiny

> or God's will, no power on earth can hurt me; on the

> other hand , if it is my destiny to be hurt, through

> which individual body-mind instrument the relevant

> action happens is for me tonally irrelevant.


> The ultimate understanding works very simply in daily

> living; daily living becomes the going with the flow,

> witnessing impersonally whatever happens not as

> anyone's doing but a series of happenings according to

> a cosmic Law-total freedom personal doer ship, total

> freedom from pride and arrogance, from gilt and shame,

> total freedom from hatred and malice towards any one.

> That is living one's life as a sage.


> One point needs to be very clearly understood. The

> Ultimate Understanding of non-doer ship-Self

> Realization-does not mean the total annihilation of

> the ego. This cannot happen for the simple reason that

> the ego is necessary for the sage to live the rest of

> his allotted span of life. The sage responds to his

> name being called and functions as an individual

> entity in his allotted role in life. But the ego of

> the sage is without any sting because the sense of

> personal doership has been annihilated. In the words

> of Ramana Maharshi, the ego of the sage is like the

> "remnants of burnt rope" –absolutely helpless and

> harmless. ( introduction concluded)


> Ramana Sarma




> The deep understanding, is clearly, that if

> I am not supposed to get hurt according to my destiny

> or God's will, no power on earth can hurt me; on the

> other hand , if it is my destiny to be hurt, through

> which individual body-mind instrument the relevant

> action happens is for me tonally irrelevant.




:)) really? what "I" exactly are you talking about?

and whose destiny?



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