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Chapter 2

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Lyrics 2



The Happy One sings:


1. Hey Ho -- isn't it so? This revelation has no end! Everything is

speaking, singing, teaching – everyone's got a story to tell. You may

think you've got the game, maybe gone beyond, but the song of Love

sings on and on – one brilliant shine of clear white light,

ecstatically streaming through trackless space, and all the while,

not moving. Here's to That!


2. The Teacher is always right before you. Be courageous – don't look

away. It's all clear enough. It will not harm you.


3. What's looking out your eyes? You! The Supreme Awareness and you

are not two!


4. How can it be otherwise? Don't fish for an answer, just be it!


5. I am before all fish, the ocean of bliss each fish dissolves in. I

am the depth of a fathomless sea.


6. Mind, a transient fantasy, arises and disappears within me. I am

not what changes, slinks, or swishes through the life stream. I am

not the dream of the stream.


7. I am not what pours over the waterfall, and yet I am that pouring.

There's nothing before or beyond myself -- if there's a wound, I'm

the bleeding. Water, I am its very liquidity. Honey, I'm its

sweetness. All forms alive are lived by me, all breath is my own



8. Really, I am neither you nor I, and yet we are not separate.

Neither at rest nor in motion, we are rest and motion both. The mind,

it cannot touch this.


9. One can't compare a thing with itself. I am the being-ness of

being -- it's absence when absent, its fullness when full. Neither

empty or full, what use are conceits like "perfection" to that which

only Is?


10. All I do is shine. In the ebony darkness of space, I'm that black-

lacquer brilliance. A silent shout through infinity.


11. Even as I pervade all things, I am the pervading. Limitless, I

abide within every kind of limit. Neither free nor bound, lost or

found -- I am myself, before the word took meaning. I am the meaning

of Mystery.


12. This takes some time to settle in. Yes, one breath at a time. To

appreciate and understand the mystery of just one breath, grants the

life divine.


13. Indivisible, ice melts into water – so too the seeker into the

sought. Here's a question, "What's been gained, what lost?"


14. In either case, if you wish to pacify the perpetual churning of

conflicted emotional reactivity, remember who you really are, relax --

it's really nothing.


15. If someone should try to explain causality to you, just keep



16. Can you separate sunlight from the sun, moonlight from the moon,

soul from the Supreme?


17. Be patient – duality and nonduality both are kindling for the

flame of your own dawning recognition. You Are! Let that blaze burn

bright in you, the rest is smoke and small talk.


18. If you are graced to meet someone who can light the match, well

then, kindly thank them!


19. Burn up all grasping at preferences; be kind to all you meet. If

you could see who they really are, you'd fall down at their feet!


20. The one who's been paying attention will notice that there's no

death. Air dissolves into the air, even empty of emptiness.


21. There's a lot of talk about what will be. That's none of our

concern. What will be on the day of our death is no different than

here right now.


22. Drop your body anywhere – everywhere is holy.


23. Those who awaken to what they are know nothing sacred, nothing

not. They go along their own way.


24. No trace of anything remains, and it goes on forever.


25. Such Wisdom is not an object of possible possession, given the

play of fortune or fate. Wait …. it's already too late – seeking it,

you've just missed it!


26. A word to the wise, "It's you."


27. Relax.


28. Unity, duality, a reasonable combination of the two, no

conclusion whatsoever, impossible to say . . . all mind. In what does

the mind arise? No, mind can't touch that. Mind can't touch what you

are, mind can't touch what you are.


29. No one can teach you this. It cannot be learned.


Note: "If such is so, why sing at all?" grinned a mirthful lad.

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