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40 verses in praise of Ramana Maharshi part 2

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paradeshineva dhavalena vaasasaH

shakalena veShTita kaTii vishobhinaa|

varadeshikena nara veSha dhaarinaa

shikhi vaahanena guru majjagad bhavet||11||






paradesin - ascetic,


eva - only,


dhavalena - with white,


vasasah - cloth,


sakalena - piece,


veshtita - wrapped,


kati - buttocks,


visobhina - adorned by, vara - best, most excellent,


desikena - guru,


nara - man,


vesha - appearance, guise,


dharina - wearing,


sikhi - peacock,


vahanena - with the mount, (Skanda,)


gurumaj - (has a) Master,


jagad - world,


bhavet - is




He is an ascetic, wearing only a white piece of cloth adorning his

buttocks. He is the Supreme guru, he is the peacock-mounted Skanda,

wearing the guise of a man. In him the world has a Master!






atiita guNa jaalaaya naiShThika brahmacaarine

namo maayaa manuShyaaya gurave taarakaaraye ||12||






atita - having transcended,


guna - property, quality,


jalaya - multitude,


naishtika - highest, perfect,


brahmacharine - (to) brahmachari,


namo - prostrations,


mayamanushyaya - to the mortal by Maya,


gurave - to the guru,


tarakaraye - to the enemy of Taraka (Skanda)





Prostrations to him who has transcended the multitude of gunas and

is the perfect brahmachari! To him who is mortal by the workings of

Maya, to the Guru, the enemy of Taraka (Skanda), prostrations!




















yaanaayaatra na kekinaaN-kulapatiH snaanaaya na svarNadii

paanaaya kShitibhRRin-mahendra-duhitur na stanya-dugdhaamRRitam |

gaanaaya pramatheshvaraas-savayaso naivaatra-viiNaabhRRito

vaasaM shoNagirau karoShi bhagavan krau~ncaadri-bhettaH kutaH ||13||




yanaya - for riding,


atra - here,


na - not,


kekinam - of peacocks,


kulapatih - leader of the family,


snanaya - for bathing,


na - not,


svarnadi - celestial river,


panaya - for drinking,


kshitibhrn - mountain,


mahendra - great lord,


duhitur - daughter,


na - not,


stanya - mother's,


dugdhamrtam - nectar of milk,


ganaya - for singing,


pramatheshvaras - the divine attendants of Siva,


savayaso - contemporaries,


naivatra - not even here,


vinabhrto - vina playing,


vasam - dwelling, home,


sonagirau - on Arunachala,


karoshi - you do, make,


bhagavan - O Bhagavan,


kraunchadri-bhettah - pounder of Krauncha hill*,


kutah - how?




Here there is no king of the peacocks for riding, nor a celestial

river for bathing, nor is there the nectar of milk from the breast

of the daughter of the Mountain-Lord (Parvati). The divine vina-

playing attendents, who are your comtemporaries, are not even here

to sing to thee! How is it then, O Bhagavan, pounder of Krauncha

Hill,* that you make your dwelling upon Arunachala?








ekaM vaktram umaa~Nka-vaasa-virahaH paanau na shaktyaayudhaM

martyatvaM na pataakinii ca prtanaa paarshvadvaye naakinaam |

veSho'laM punareSha mugdha-nayana prachchhaadane bhuajuShaam

antardhaanam-upaiShi taaraka-ripo kva stanyadaayaadataH ||14||




ekam - one,


vaktram - face,


umanka - Mother's lap, vasa - seat,


virahah - separated,


panau - in hand,


na - not,


shaktyayudham - spear weapon,


martyatvam - mortal,


na - not,


patakini - with flags,


cha - and,


prtana - army,


parshvadvaye - on either side,


nakinam - of the gods (nakin),


vesh - disguise,


alam - enough,


punar - though,


esha - this,


mugdha - foolish, unwary,


nayana - eyes,


prachchhadane - for covering,


bhujusham - delighting in the world,


antardhanam - escape notice, pass out of sight,


upaishi - you go,


taraka - Taraka,


ripo - enemy,


kva - where,


stanyadayadatah - from your brother (suckled at the same breast)




You have one face, you are separated from Mother Uma's lap! You do

not have a spear in your hand. You are mortal, and there are no flag-

bearing armies of the gods on either side! This disguise is enough

to cover the eyes of those unwary ones who delight in the world, but

how will you, O Enemy of Taraka (Skanda), escape the notice your

brother (Ganapati)?


A demon took the form of the Krauncha Hill and Lord Subramanya

pounded it to pieces.








kechidyogavidaaM puraHsara iti praj~nani buddhyaa pare

saadhuH kashciditiitare gurudhiyaa ke'pya~Nghri padmaM tava |

sevante ramaNaabhidhaana manjua-kShemaaya jaata kShitau

dvitraastvaaM girijaa~NkapiTthanilayaM jaananti devaM guham ||15||


kechid - some,


yogavidam - of the knowers of yoga,


puras - foremost, sara - going,


iti - indicates quotations (""),


prajnani - gyaani,


buddhya - with thought, idea,


apare - others, sadhus - sadhu,


kaschid - some,


iti - idicates quotations,


itare - another,


gurudhiya - with idea of Guru,


ke'py - some also,


anghripadmam - lotus feet,


tava - your,


sevante - they worship,


ramanabhidhana - named Ramana,


manuja - born of Manu, man,


kshemaya - for peace,


jata - born,


kshitau - on earth,


dvitras - two or three,


tvam - you,


girijanka - Mother's lap,


pitha - seat,


nilayam - resting place,


jananti - they know,


devam - Lord,


guham - Skanda




Some (know you) as "the foremost of the knowers of yoga," others

as "gyaani," some others as "sadhu," while some, thinking of you

as "guru," worship your lotus feet. Ramana, born on earth for the

peace of men, (only) two or three know you as Lord Skanda, resting

on the lap of Girija, the Divine Mother.








omkaaraartham-upaadisho bhagavate vaaNimanohaariNe

taataayaapy-upadeShTum-udyatamabhuut ki~ncit-tvadiiyaM mukham |

jyeShThasyaadya sahodarasya gurutaaM praaptosi dhii-gauravaat

subrahmaNya kaniShThataamapi gataH sarvaadhikas-tvaM gunaiH ||16||




omkarartham - the meaning of OM,


upadiso - explained,


bhagavate - to Lord,


vani-mano-harine - the stealer of Vani's (Saraswati's) mind, Brahma,


tataya - to father (Shiva),


apyupadeshtum - even to explain,


udyatam - undertaken, commenced,


abhut - had,


kincit - something,


tvadiyam - your,


mukham - mouth,


jyeshthasya - of the eldest,


adya - now,


sahodarasya - of brother,


gurutam - state of being guru,


praptosi - you obtained,


dhi - intellect, wisdom,


gauravat - from the weight Subrahmanya, O Subramanya!,


kanishthatam - state of youngest,


api - though,


gatah - gone,


sarvadhikas - greater than all,


tvam - you,


gunaih - by merits.




The meaning of OM was explained (by you) to Lord Brahma. (Opening)

your mouth, you had undertaken to explain something to even your

father (Shiva). O Subramanya, even though you are the youngest, by

your merits you have become greater than all! By the weight of your

wisdom, you have obtained the state of guru to your eldest brother





yat-puurvam shruti-paaradarshidhiShaNo dvaipaayano'dhyaaruhat

pashcaad bodha-kalavidhuuta-timiraH sha~Nkapahash-sha~NkaraH |

tat-sampratya-khilaavanii-talajuShaam aacaarya-siMhaasanaM

deva tvaam prativiikShate naratano giirvaiNa-senaapate||17||




yat - which,


purvam - before,


sruti - Vedas,


para - fullest extent,


darsi - seeing,


dhishano - wise, intellegent,


dvaipayano - Vyasa,


adhyaruhat - mounted,


pascad - after,


bodha - knowledge,


kala - a single portion (one-sixteenth),


vidhuta - dispelled,


timiras - darkness,


sanka - fear,


apahas - removing,


sankarah - Sankara,


tat - that,


samprati - now,


akhila - whole,


avani - world,


tala - surface,


jusham - suffering in,


acarya - teacher,


simhasanam - lion's throne (seat of honor),


deva O Lord!, tvam - you,


prativikshate - (it) awaits,


naratano - embodied as man,


girvana - gods,


senapate - O army chief!


That Lion's seat of honor which was previously mounted by the wise

Vyasa, who saw the fullest extent of the Vedas, was afterwards

occupied by fear-destroying Sankara, who with a single portion of

his knowledge dispelled the darkness (of ignorance). Now that throne

of Acharya, (to save) those who are suffering in the world awaits

thee, O Lord embodied as man, O Army Chief of the Gods (Skanda)!








dharme nashamupaagate tribhuvane paryaakule paapataH

praj~naane parito giraaM pathi mudhaa sa~ncaaryamaaNe janaiH |

sadbhaave parameshvarasya cha pituha sandehaDolaaM gate

dviipaH kaitavamartya kekituraga tvaamantaraa kassataam ||18||


dharme - when dharma,


nasam - destroyed,


upagate - when has been,


tribhuvane - when the three worlds,


paryakule - bewildered, confused,


apataha - from wrong-doing,


prajnane - when true knowledge,


parito - everywhere,


giram - of words,


pathi - way, course,


mudha - in vain,


sancharyamane - being brought together, collected,


janaiha - by men,


sadbhave - when true existence,


paramesvarasya - of the supreme Lord,


cha - and,


pituha - of the Father,


sandeha - doubt,


dolam - swing, gate - has gone,


dvipaha - protector, refuge,


kaitava - deceit,


martya - mortal,


kekituraga - peacock as a mount,


tvam - you,


antara - except,


kas - who,


satam - of the good




When dharma has been destroyed, when the three worlds are bewildered

by wrong doing, when scholars everywhere declare words (polemics) as

true knowledge, when the true existence of the supreme Lord the

Father is doubted, who but you is the refuge of the good, O peacock-

mounted one, disguised as a man (Skanda)?








vairaagyaM tava vittamastu karunaam shaknoShi haatuM kathaM

duuShyasthe'stu samudyamaH pitrapadadhyaanaM ca kiM taadRRiusham |

kaamaste'stu vigarhito vinamataam rakShaa ca kim garhitaa

skanda cchadmamanuShya kinnu samayaM ka~nchit samudviikShase ||19||




vairagyam - dispassion,


tava - yours,


vittam - accquistion, wealth,


astu - maybe,


karunam - compassion,


saknoshi - you can,


hatum - to fosake,


katham - how,


dushyas - vile, reprehensible,


te - to you,


astu - may be,


samudyamaha - great effort,


pitr - Father,


pada - feet,


dhyanam - meditation,


ca - and,


kim - is,


tadrusam - of that kind,


kamas - desire,


te - to you,


astu - maybe,


vigarhito - prohibited,


vinamatam - of those bowing (devotees)


raksha - protection, cha - and,


kim - is,


garhita - forbidden, denied,


skanda - O Skanda,


cchadma - disguise,


manushya - man,


kinnu - do,


samayam - occasion, opportunity,


kanchit - some,


samudvikshase - await




Dispassion may be your weatlh, but how can you forsake compassion?

Great effort may seem reprehensibile, but what of meditation on the

feet of the Father? Desire may be prohibited by you, but is

protection denied to your devotees? O Skanda, in the disguise of a

man, do you await a proper opportunity?









duuram yahi kuvaada dharmavRRiSha te netaH paraM pa~Ngutaa

durbhraante buvanaM jahiihi parito vardhasva saMsatsataam |

sodaryeNa samanvito bhuvamimaaM praapto gurugraamaNii

shuuraantaH puranetra vibhramaharo devo bhavaaniisutaH ||20||


duram - far, at a distance,


yahi - go,


kuvada - detracting,


dharmavrsha - bull of dharma,


te - your,


netaha (na itaha) - from here,


param - afterwards,


panguta - lameness,


durbhrante - O confusion,


buvanam - world,


jahihi - leave,


parito - everywhere,


vardhasva - may increase, prosper,


samsat - association,


satam - of virtuous,


sodaryena - with brother,


samanvito - associated with,


bhuvam - world,


imam - this,


prapto - obtained,


guru - guru,


gramaniha - leader, chief,


sura - the demon Shura,


antahapura - females, wives of Shura,


netra - eyes,


vibhrama - amorous,


haro - destroyer,


devo - Lord,


bhavani - Parvati,


sutaha - son




O detraction, go far away! Bull of dharma, henceforth you will not

be lame! Leave the world, O confusion. May association with the

virtuous increase everywhere! In association with his brother

(Ganapati), this world has obtained the chief of gurus (Ramana). He

is the destroyer of the demon Sura and of the amorous passions,

Lord, son of the Divine Mother Parvati.

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