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40 verses in praise of Ramana Maharshi part 3

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janmasthaanamavaapya guptamahamo yo bhedamaadhuutavaan


bhuutanaaM carataaM pRRithagvidhadhiyaam aatmaiva yo bhaasate |


deham sarvam idam jagacca vibhavaadaakramya yaH prollasa-


tyekastaM gurumurtimaanamata re lambodarabhraataram ||21||


janmasthaanam - place of birth,


avaapya - having




gupta - secret,


mahamo - great,


yo - who,


bhedam - dualism,


aadhuutavaan - shook off,


bhuutanaaM - of beings,


carataaM - (of) moving,


pRRithag - several, different,


vidha - kind, sort,


dhiyaam - in the intellect,


aatmaiva - very self,


yo - who,


bhaasate - shines,


deham - body,


sarvam - all,


idam - this,


jagat - world,


ca - and,


vibhavaad - with might, glory,


aakramya - having pervaded,


yaH - who,


prollasaty - shines,


ekastaM -that one,


gurumurtim - form of the guru,


aanamata - salute,


re - oh!,


lambodarabhraataram - brother of Lambodara (Ganapati)


He who has shaken off all duality, having obtained the great secret

of the place of birth (of the `I - thought'), and who shines as the

very Self in the various intellects of sentient beings, he who

having pervaded the world and all bodies, shines forth with his

glory, oh men! salute that one, in the form of the Guru, the brother

of Ganapati!








antaryashca bahirvidhuutatimiraM jyotirmayam shaashvataM


sthaanaM praapya viraajate vinamataam aj~naanam unmuulayan |


pashyanvishvam apiidam ullasati yo vishvasya paare paraH


tasmai shrii ramaNaaya lokagurave shokasyahantre namaH ||22||


antar - inside,


yash - who,


ca - and,


bahir - outside,


vidhuuta - removes,


timiraM - darkness,


jyotirmayam - made of light,


shaashvataM - eternal,


sthaanaM - state,


praapya - having obtained,


viraajate - shines,


vinamataam - of devotees,


aj~naanam - ignorance,


unmuulayan - uprooting, destroying,


pashyan seeing,


vishvaM - universe,


api - also, even,


idam - this,


ullasati - sports,


yo - who,


vishvasya - of the universe,


paare paraH - higher than, beyond,


tasmai - to him,


shrii ramaNaaya - Sri Ramana,


lokagurave - to the Guru of the world,


shokasya hantre - the destroyer of sorrow,


namaH -salutations




He who removes the darkness from within and without, having obtained

that eternal state made of light, who uproots the ignorance of his

devotees, who though seeing and sporting in this universe is beyond

the universe, to him, Sri Ramana, the Guru of the world and

destroyer of sorrow, salutations!








prasarataaditaH shubhavilokitam |


ramaNa te sakRRitphalatu me kRRitam ||23||




prasarataaditaH - by the flowing forth,


itaH - now,


shubha - splendid,


vilokitam - gaze,


ramaNa - O Ramana,


te - your,


sakRRit - at once, immediately,


phalatu - may it bear fruit, may it bless,


me - me,


kRRitam - done




O Ramana, now, by the flowing forth of your splendid gaze, may I at

once be blessed!








ramaNa janminaamayi bhavaanguruH |


abhida aashayastava mahaanuruH ||24||




ramaNa - O Ramana,


janminaam - of men,


ayi - O,


bhavaan - you,


guruH - Guru,


abhidaa - non-difference,


aashayas - heart,


tava - your,


mahaan - very,


uruH - great, infinite




O Ramana, you are the Guru of men. Infinite is your heart, in which

there is no differentiation.








jagadahaM paraH sphurati me trayam |


adabhida giraa tava visaMsayam ||25||




jagad - the world,


ahaM - `I',


paraH - the Supreme,


sphurati - destroys,


me - for me,


trayam - the triad,


sad -the reality,


abhidam - without differentiation,


giraa - speech, word,


tava - your,


visaMsayam - without doubt






Your word destroys for me the triad of `world', `I', and `the

Supreme', (and there remains) the one reality without

differentiation, without doubt.


tvadupadeshato galati saMvidaa |


mayi niranyayaa sadahamorbhidaa ||26||




tvadupadeshato - from your teaching,


galati - dropped, lost,


saMvidaa - by knowledge,


mayi - to me,


niranyayaa - not other, inseparable,


sadahamor - between the reality and the ego,


bhidaa - difference



>From your teaching, by knowledge inseparable from me, the difference

between the reality and the ego is lost.






ahami yo'ntaras tamamalam hRRidi |


anubhavema bhos tava kRRipaa yadi ||27||




ahami - ego,


yo - which,


antaras - Supreme Self,


tam - that,


amalam - pure,


hRRidi - in the Heart,


anubhavema - we could experience,


bhos - Oh,


tava - your,


kRRipaa - grace, compassion,


yadi - if




Oh (Ramana), if your grace (extends to us), we could experience the

Supreme Self in the pure heart, hidden within the ego.








na karunaa gunastava vidaampate |


hRRidayatejasaH sahajabhaiva te ||28||




na - not,


karunaa - compassion,


gunas - quality,


tava - yours,


vidaaM - of the wise,


pate - Oh Lord,


hRRidaya - heart,


tejasaH - brilliance,


sahajabhaiva - only natural ,


te - your




Oh Lord of the wise! Compassion is not just a quality of yours. It

is natural for you, as the effulgence of your Heart.










tava tanurjvalatyanagha vidyutaa |


tava dRRigaatataa lasati bhaasvataam ||29||




tava - your,


tanur - body,


jvalati - blazes,


anagha - Oh


spotless one,


vidyutaa, as lightning,


tava - your,


dRRig - look,


aatataa - pervasive, extended,


lasati - shines,


bhaasvataa - bright




Oh spotless one, your body blazes like lightning. Bright and

pervasive is your look.






kabalitaM maastava vibho hRRidaa |


tvamasi santataM vilasito mudaa ||30||




kabalitaB - weakened, dissolved,


manas - mind,


tava - your,


vibho - Oh Lord,


hRRidaa - by the heart,


tvam - you,


asi - are,


santataM - eternally,


vilasito - gleaming, shining,


mudä - with bliss




Your mind has been dissolved by the heart, oh Lord! You are

eternally shining with bliss.

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