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40 verses in praise of Ramana Maharshi part 4

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bhuvanabhuupater bhagavataH kRRite |


bhavasi paacako yamavataaM pate ||31||




bhuvana - mankind,


bhuu - universe,


pater -of the Lord,


bhagavataH - Bhagavan,


kRRite - for, on the account of,


bhavasi - you are,


paacako - the cook,


yamavataaM - of the self-controlled,


pate - Oh Lord






For the Universal Lord of mankind, you are the cook,oh Lord of the










narapashuunimaan ahami taaDayan |


parashivaudanaM vitanuShe pacan ||32||




nara - man,


pashuun - beasts,


imaan - these,


ahami - ego


taaDayan - slaying,


parashivaudanaM - food for Supreme Shiva,


vitanuShe - you prepare, make ready,


pacan - cooking




Slaying the ego of these man-beasts (humans steeped in ignorance),

and cooking them, you prepare food for the supreme Shiva.






timiraaNi na kevalaB vacobhiH


karuNaapaa~Ngavilokitaish ca nRRiNaam |


hRRidaye prasaranti mardayantaM


bhagavantaM ramaNaM guruM namaami ||33||




timiraaNi - darkness,


na - not, kevalaB - only,


vacobhiH - by words,


karuNaa - grace, compassion,


apaa~Nga - from the corner of the eye,


vilokitaish - by glances,


ca - and,


nRRiNaam - of men,


hRRidaye - in the heart,


prasaranti - prevails,


mardayantaM - destroying,


bhagavantaM - Bhagavan,


ramaNaM - Ramana,


guruM - to Guru,


namaami - I bow




I bow to the guru Bhagavan Ramana, who destroys the darkness

prevailing in the hearts of men, not only by his words, but by his

sidelong glances of grace and compassion.






bhavajalanidhiM gaahaM gaahaM ciraadalasaalasaan


padajalaruhadvandva-dviipaM shritaaMstava samprati|


ramaNabhagavan kalyaaNaanaaM niketana paahi naH


sadaya dayayaa siktair bhaktaan apaa~NgavilokitaiH ||34||


bhava - world,


jalanidhiB - ocean,


gaahaM gaahaM - diving into again and again,


ciraad - a long time,


alasaalasaan - extremely tired,


pada - foot,


jalaruha - lotus,


dvandva - two, pair,


dviipaM - island,


shritaaMs - approached for refuge,


tava - your,


samprati - now, at this moment,


ramaNabhagavan - Oh Bhagavan Ramana,


kalyaaNaanaaM - of virtues,


niketana - abode,


paahi - protect,


naH - us,


sadaya - merciful,


dayayaa - with grace,


siktair - with pouring out,


bhaktaan - to the devotees,


apaa~Nga - from the corner of the eye,


vilokitaiH - by glances




Oh Bhagavan Ramana, diving again and again into the ocean of the

world, we are extremely tired. Now, at this moment, we approach the

island of your lotus feet for refuge. You, the merciful abode of

virtues, please protect us with the grace that pours out through

your eyes to your devotees .



yadi na jananii stanyaM dadyaac chishor bata kaa gatiH


yadi pashupathiH krodhaM kuryaat pashor avanaM kuta |


yadi padajuShaam aacaarya tvaM nihaMsi na saMshayaM


bhramashataparaabhuuta ete tarantu bhavaM kathaM ||35||




yadi - if,


na - not,


jananii - mother,


stanyaM -milk,


dadyaac - would give,


chishor - of the child,


bata - oh!, alas,


kaa - what,


gatiH -the fate,


yadi - if,


pashupathiH - cowherd, or Lord of creatures,


krodhaM - anger,


kuryaat - would be, (would make),


pashor - of the cow,


avanaM - preservation, protection,


kutaH - where,


adi - if,


pada - feet,


juShaam - resorting to, taking delight in,


aacaarya - Teacher,


tvaM - you,


nihaMsi - dispel,


na - not,


saMshayaM - doubt,


bhrama - confusion,


sshata - hundred, multiple,


paraabhuutaa - overcome,


ete - these,


tarantu - may cross over,


bhavaM - worldly existence,


kathaM - how?




If the mother will not give milk, alas, what will be the fate of the

child? If the cowherd be angry, how will the cows be protected?


If you, Teacher, do not dispel the doubts of those resorting to your

feet, how will those overcome by many confusions cross over this

worldy existence?






vishadahasite puurNaashaantiH sudhaakarasodare


sthirapRRithulayoH puurNaa shaktir dRRishor atulaarcishoH |


hRRidayakamale nityaa niShtaa bahishca saratprabhe


ramaNa bhagavan ko vaa maunii samastava bhuutale ||36||




vishada - bright, splendid,


hasite - (in) smile,


puurNaashaantiH - full of peace,


sudhaakara - moon,


sodare - related to, kin,


sthira - firm, steady,


pRRithulayoH - (in) broad, large,


puurNaashaktir - full of power,


dRRishor - (in) eyes,


atula - unequalled,


arcishoH - (in) luster,


hRRidaya - heart,


kamale - in the lotus,


nityaa - eternal,


niShtaa - abidance,


bahish - outwards,


ca - and,


sarat - flowing,


prabhe - splendor, radiance,


ramaNa - Ramana,


bhagavan - Oh Bhagavan,


ko - who,


vaa - possibly, perhaps,


maunii - Muni, Sage,


samas - equal,


tava - your,


bhuutale - on the earth




In your moon-like splendid smile peace reigns. Your large broad eyes

are steady and unequaled in luster. You are eternally abiding in the

lotus of the Heart with your splendor outwardly flowing. Oh Bhagavan

Ramana! What Sage on earth is possibly your equal?






devii shaktiriyaM dRRishoH shritajanadhvaantakShayaadhaayinii


devii shriiriyam ambujaakShamahiShii vaktre sahasracchade |


devii brahmavidhuur iyaM vijayate vyaahaaraguuDhaa paraa


vishvaacaarya mahaanubhaava ramaNa tvaaM stautu kaH praakRRitaH



devii - Devi, Mother,


shaktir - shakti, power,


iyaM - here,


dRRishoH - in (two) eyes,


shrita - attached to,


jana - man,


dhvaanta - darkness, ignorance,


kShaya - to put an end to,


aadhaayinii - effecting,


devii - Devi,


shriir - Lakshmi,


iyaM - here,


ambu - water,


jaa - born in,


akSha - eye,


mahiShii - wife,


vaktre - (in) face,


sahasra - one thousand,


chade - cover, veil,


devii - Devi,


brahmavidhuur - wife of Brahma, Saraswati,


iyaM - here,


vijayate - victory-causing,


vyaahaara - utterance,


guuDhaa - concealed,


paraa - supreme,


vishva - universe,


acaarya - teacher,


mahaa - great,


anubhaava - experience,


ramaNa - O Ramana!


tvaaM - you,


stautu - may praise,


kaH - who?,


praakRRitaH - ordinary




In your eyes is Devi Shakti, effecting the end of man's ignorance.

In your face of a thousand expressions is Lakshmi, the wife of the

lotus-eyed Vishnu. Concealed in your utterance is victory-causing

Saraswati, supreme. Oh universal teacher Ramana of great experience

(of Being)! What ordinary man could praise you?








sohaM jaato ramaNabhagavan paadayoste daviShTho


yadyapyasmin mahati samaye shaktilaasye pravRRite |


suuryasyeva jvalatimahaso duuragaaM naatha shaktiM


vishvasyaagryaaM tava mama mano viitaduHkhaM tathaapi ||38||




sohaM - I that very person, myself,


jaato - happened, become,


ramaNabhagavan - Oh Bhagavan Ramana,


paadayos - from (two) feet,


te - your,


daviShTho - very far away,


yadyapyasmin - even though in this,


mahati - great,


samaye - occasion, time,


shakti - Shakti, power,


laasye - dance,


pravRRite - begins,


suuryasyeva - as of the sun,


jvalati - blazing,


mahaso - knowledge,


duuragaaM - being far, remote,


na - not,


atha - now,


shaktiM - Shakti,


vishvasya of the universe,


agryaaM - topmost,


tava - your,


mama - mine,


mano - mind,


viita - vanished,


duHkhaM - sorrow,


tathaapi - even though




Even though I myself am very far away from your holy feet, Oh

Bhagavan Ramana, when on this great occasion the dance of Shakti

commences, the knowledge that your power, blazing as the sun and

foremost in the universe, is not remote from me, and has caused the

sorrow of my mind to vanish.


tadbhaagadheyam asamaanam anekamauni-


vaasaarjitaM kshitibhRRitaH khalu lohitasya |


a~Ngiicakaara bhagavan ramaNo maharShir


anyeShu satsu yad imaM bahuShu sthaleShu ||39||


tad - that,


bhaaga - good fortune,


dheyam - giving,


asamaanam - unequalled,


aneka - many,


mauni - saints,


vaasa - dwelling,


arjitaM - earned, accquired,


kshiti - mountain,


bhRRitaH - borne, acquired,


khalu - indeed, verily,


lohitasya - of the red-coloured,


a~Ngiicakaara - chose,


bhagavaan - Bhagavan,


ramaNo - Ramana,


maharShir - Maharshi,


anyeShu among others,


satsu - good, holy,


yad - because, since,


imaM - this,


bahuShu - among many,


sthaleShu - places




Verily, that good fortune accquired by the red colored mountain

(Arunachala), gained by the dwelling there of many sages, is now

unequaled, because Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi has chosen this

(dwelling) from among other holy places.


Shaantir nitaantam adhikaa paramaasya shaktir


vairaagyam adbhutatamaM karuNaa tu saandraa |


j~NaanaM nirastakuhanaM madhuraM ca vRRittaM


nRRINaaM nidarshanam ayaM ramaNo maharShiH ||40||


shaantir - peace,


nitaantaM - extraordinary,


adhikaa - surpassing, superior,


paramaa - chief, highest,


asya - of him,


shaktir - power,


vairaagyam - dispassion, renunciation,


adbhutatamaM - most extraordinary,


karuNaa - compassion,


tu - used as exclamation,


saandraa - strong, intense,


j~NaanaM - knowledge,


nirasta - banished,


kuhanaM - hypocrisy,


madhuraB - sweet, pleasant,


ca - and,


vRRittaM - conduct,


nRRINaaM - for, of men, mankind,


nidarshanam - pointed to, indicated,


ayaM - this,


ramaNo - Ramana,


maharShiH - Maharshi




For his extraordinary peace, supreme power, most extraordinary

dispassion, intense compassion, for knowledge that has banished

hypocrisy and for his sweet conduct, Ramana Maharshi is indicated

(as the ideal) for mankind.


naarasiMhirgaNapatir vaasiShTho ramaNëaM gurum |


catvaariMshanmitaiH padyaiH skandaaMshaM stutavaanRRiShim ||




naarasiMhir - son of Narasimha,


gaNapatir - Ganapati,


vaasiShTho - Vasishta,


ramaNaMB gurum - Guru Ramana


catvaariMshan - forty,


mitaiH - by measured,


padyaiH - verses,


skanda - Skanda,


aMshaM - incarnation,


stutavaan - praised,


RRiShim - Rishi




Vasishta Ganapati, son of Narasimha, has praised with forty measured

verses the Rishi, the incarnation of Skanda, Guru Ramana.




om tat sat

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