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Question about Ramana - why did he leave the world?

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Ramana was and Is: *I am That*

*Who Is*


In This

anywhere everywhere nowhere

Ramana could be

would be


since IS

is all that Is



here Now

in This Is.

Is he not?

Who determines where IS is?

Who experiences Ramana?

....only an experiencer in time,

only the body of experience changes...

in Is.

Who is beyond that?

Just some questions,

Raise The Vibration,



Jeff Belyea

Saturday, February 11, 2006 2:36 PM

Re: Question about Ramana - why did he leave the world?

Reports are that Ramanawondered what it wouldbe like to die. He

laiddown and remained stillwith this on his mind.At some point in the

stillnesshe entered a rarefied "air",became immersed in the void (the

breathless state?)and he was awakened tohis "I-I", the unifiedI, from

which the personalI is formed by socialconvention (or coercion).This

experience does notbring with it a "choice"to leave the world.

Itbrings a clarity of Selfthat sees the "illusion"of social

convention, andthe facade of the personalI, and its secondary,

ratherthan primary, nature. One becomes, as Paul (the biblical Paul)

wrote,"in the world, but notof it." The god of

what-will-other-people-thinkevaporates. The need to please or

conform, or tobe emotionally manipulated,also disappears. The

"awakening" is the TruthThat Sets You Free.The choice to stay

sociallyengaged, or to go intoreclusion or seclusion,following

awakeningis probably dependent uponpreexisting cultural biasesthat

are in some waydeterminate of how the awakening is viewedand

"used".Or, more cosmically, itmay be karmically predetermined -part

of the divine play or plan.Jeff,

"steve" <spirit5562000 wrote:>> I asked this question on another

group,> though they are not dedicated to Ramana,> but are open to all

gurus. I thought I > would join this group and ask it here too.> > I

have been pondering why Ramana Maharshi> had to leave the world as a

young boy of> 16 I think it was, or some young age, and> go sit by

himself in seclusion for years.> > I remember in the story of his

biography> that after his facing death and that awakening> that he

stayed around at home for awhile, and> even went to school. And then

his brother> noticing that he was not interested in the> world, in

worldly things, said to him something> like why don't you just

renounce the world, you> are not interested in it. And then shortly

after> this confrontation, Ramana secretly left home> and found his

way to Arunachala, where he spent> the rest of his life.> > So I find

it amazing that Ramana kept his awakening> experience secret from his

family, and that they> did not notice anything extraordinary about

him> at that time. His brother was actually putting him> down, like

saying he was useless, why bother staying> here or going to school.

Was it possible for Ramana> to stay in the world, do outwardly the

normal things> people do, and yet still be as awake as he was.> > Why

do most go into seclusion and leave the world> after a profound

awakening like this? Is it possible> to stay in the world?> > Did

Ramana go off to die? Did he not care at all> about what happened to

his physical body, because> he knew he was not his body? Or did he

feel he > would survive, but just stay absorbed in the Self.> > I am

most fascinated with his account and especially > this period of his

life, after his awakening, and why > he chose to go into seclusion

and to totally neglect > his body. I know he was content and didn't

need > anything from the world, but there have been other> teachers

who stayed in the world. If anybody has any > comments on this, I

would love to hear them. Thank> you so much, Steve.>

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