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Devi features

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The most important features of Devi ParaShakti mythology and theology

is that she have two forms, namely the auspicious and the terrible



As auspicious form , she manifests as Lakshmi, Parvati, Sati and

Prthivi . She plays the positive roles of protection, fertility and

establishment of dharmic order, cultural creativity, wifely duty and

material abundance. These encompases 3 aspects :

1. as the granter of wisdom, learning and liberation

2. as embodiment of female beauty and the exciter of desire

3. as the source of food and nourishment


As the granter of wisdom, learning and liberation. HER name appears

many times in the following text:


a. Aryastava text she is called :

Mukti = liberation

She who speaks the language of Brahman

She who is the knowledge of Brahman


b. Mahabharata

Liberator and knowledge of Brahman as well as the mother of the



The destroyer of ignorance and mankind fetters.


c. Lalita-sahasranama

Mahabuddhi - The great Intelligence

Vijnanabhanarupini - she whose form is a mass of knowledge

Prajnatnika - She who is wisdom itself

Pasupasavimocini - She who releases creatures from bondage

Tamopaha - She who removes the darkness

Mati - Intelligence

Bandhamocani - She who removes bonds

Vidya - Knowledge

Atmavidya - She who is knowledge of the atman

Gurumurti - She whose form is guru

Jnanada - She who bestows knowledge

Muktida - She who gives salvation

Svargapavargada - She who bestows heaven and liberation

Satyajnananandarupa - She whose form is truth, Wisom an bliss

Janmamrtyujarataptajanavisrantidayini - she who brings peace to

people consumed


By birth, death and decrepitude.

Sarvapadivinivarini - She who removes all misfortune.

Ajnanadhvantadipika - She who is the lamp that dispels the

darkness of ignorance.



As embodiment of female beauty and the exciter of desire, many texts

describe the Devi extraordinary beauty


a) Saundaryalahari : one of the most famous ( the translated

version is in our briefcase. See link for URL) hymn praising the



b) Lalitha-Sahasranama


This names stress Devi's physical beauty and sexual vitality

Ramya - the beautiful one

Kanta - loveliness

Vamanayana - she who have beautiful eyes

Vamakesi - she who has beautiful hair

Ratirupa - She whose form is Rati

Kamya - the one who is desired

Srngatatasasampurna - she who is filled with erotic sentiment

Lolaksikamarupini - she whose form is the desire of women

Ksobhini - She who causes emotion

Mohini - enchantress

Kamarupini - she whose form is sexual desire

Kamakelitarangita - she who overflows with desire and pleasure.


These names associate the Devi with life and the rhythms of the

physical world

Ojovati - vitality

Pranada - she who gives life

Pranarupini - she who form is life


As the source of food and nourishment : one of the Devi distinctive

characteristic. She is often associated with Earth itself


a) Lalitha-Sahasranama

Annanda - She who gives food

Pusti - She who gives nourishment

Satakasi - She who has one hundred eyes * (see note)

Sakambhari - She who bestows vegetables

Annapurna - She who is full of food.

Jagaddhatri - she who supports the world or another meaning "world




As terrible forms, The Devi is said to possess fierce and terrible

appearance. Often these forms are associated with war, blood,

destruction, death, hunger and anger.


These terrible forms arises in two context, namely

1. To maintain cosmic order

2. Asserting her power as that greater than Siva



To maintain cosmic order.

Devi often takes in fierce form when she enters into battle. As

guardian of the Cosmos, she appears in a form of a great warrior,

battling against Demons on behalf of the gods. Nevertheless in most

text it is said that the Devi only take the fierce form when she has

actually entered the battle or when she is being provoked by the

insults of her enemies. The Devi transforms herself, and then

multiplies herself into ferocious goddess or goddesses. Devi terrible

forms often betray the benign qualities of the goddess, and it

threatens the world. This action suggest the dangerous and

uncontrolled facets of the goddess when she loses control


She is described as rending her enemies' limb from limb, tearing


flesh with her teeth and drinking their blood, when then intoxicates

her. Thirsting for more blood or dancing drunkenly out of control,


herself becomes a threat to the cosmos and must be tamed or subdued.

She can becomes dangerous to her own allies.


Asserting her power as that greater than Siva

The Mahavidyas (the great manifestation) played a central role in

Sati's attempt to overpower or frighten Siva, so that she may have


own way. Even though Sati played the submissive wife, she contains

fearsome and independent aspects that easily overwhelmed Siva.


In the Mahavidyas myth, it is about Sati and Siva. Satis father,


decides to perform a great sacrifice an invites all the inhabitants


the heavenly spheres to attend. Sati and Siva was the only couple not

invited because Daksa does not like her son-in-law especially Siva's

uncivilized habits and disheveled appearance. Siva was not offended,

but Sati was greatly insulted. She insists of going to the sacrifices

and to disrupt it. Siva was not pleased and forbid her from attending

the sacrifice. Sati unable to change Siva's mind, eventually loses


temper. First she assumed a dreadful forms then she multiplies


into 10 forms namely: Kali, Tara, Chinnamasta, Bhuvanesvari, Bagala,

dhumavati, Kamala, Matangi, Sodasi and Bhairavi.


Siva was frightened of Sati fearful appearance and the terrible forms

that she assumed, which completely surround him. He eventually gives

her permission to go if she withdrew them.


Om ParaShaktiye Namaha

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Thank you so much for all of this information about the forms and

aspects of the Goddess in these sources.


What is the Lalitha-Sahasranama and could you explain more about

Lolaksikamarupini - she whose form is the desire of women?



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