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Mother as Gayatri -

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adi_shakthi16 (adi_shakthi16): wrote

>"She is the energy in the sun,


the fragrance in the flowers,


the beauty in the landscape,


the Gayatri or the Blessed Mother in the Vedas;


She is the color in the rainbow,


intelligence in the mind,


devotion in worship." <


Question -

Is the "the Gayatri or the Blessed Mother in the Vedas" the same as the

Gayatri Mantra I have seen on this list and another? Would using this Mantra

as well honor the Mother? Or is the word a descriptive one and has two

different meanings here?

This would help me be more specific in my thoughts if I knew; thank you again

for your help. Could someone again repeat the Mantra here on the list for me?

With palms together

Yeshe O


feet so bare

rushing to Mother's breast

Wisdom's rescuse


green sea

waves lashed white

Dawn coming

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The Gayatri Mantra is the universal prayer of Hindus. It aims to give

peace of mind and gets rid of the three main causes of pain and

misery, namely ignorance and weakness, helping us achieve success.


The Gayatri Mantra should be uttered at Sunrise and Sunset. These are

the times that Hindus are not permitted to sleep. They are supposed

to greet and send off "Surya" with the Mantra.


This Mantra is found in the RIG VEDA, known as the "mother of all the

vedas". It is devoted to the sun god.


The twenty four syllables the Mantra comproses corresponds to the

twenty-four nerve-knots ( granthiyan) in the human body. The Mantra

is supposed to awaken the divine force inside us.


Some historical Myth : It is said that with this Mantra that Savitri

won back her husband, Satyavan from Yamadeva, King Dasharada got his

four sons ( including Lord Rama ) through this Mantra. Queen Kunti

got Karna ( in Mahabarata ) by mentioning the Gayatri Mantra, without

the usual process of pregnancy.



Text of the Mantra







Meaning of the Mantra

Let us meditate on the supreme divine

light which is worthy of devotion

which is the dispeller of all ignorance

which is all prevading and blissful

and which enlightens our interest.




OM ParaShatiye Namaha

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Aum: The primeval sound (from which all sounds emerge);


Dheemahi: We meditate upon;


Varenyam: the most adorable, most desirable or most enchanting;


Bhargo: luster or effulgence;


Tat: of that;


Devasya: supreme (Lord);


Savitur: from whom all creations emerge (also means the Sun God who

is our life source);


Bhur: who is our inspirer;


Bhuvah: who is our creator;


Suvaha: who is the abode of supreme joy;


[bhur, Bhuvah and Suvaha are also considered to mean three lokaas or

worlds namely Heaven, earth and lower worlds].


Yo: May this light;


Prachodayaat: inspire/illumine;


Naha: our;


Dhiyo: intellect (activities of the intellect)]



The following table gives the 24 letters


of the Gayatri and its relation to


the power.




1. 'tat' - tapini - fruitfulness

2 'sa' - saphalata - valor

3 'vi' - visshwa - perseverance

4 'tur' - tushti - welfare

5 'va' - varada - yoga

6 're' - revati - love

7 'ni' - sukshma - wealth

8 'yam' - jnana - lustre

9 'bhar' - bharga - protection

10 'go' - gomati - wisdom

11 'de' - devika - subjugation

12 'va' - varahi - allegiance

13 'sya' - simhani - determination

14 'dhi' - dhyana - life

15 'ma' - maryada - time

16 'hi' - sphutaa - penance

17 'dhi' - medha - forecast

18 'yo' - yogamaya - alertness

19 'yo' - yogini - production

20 'nah' - dhanin - protection

21 'pra' - prabhava - idealism

22 'cho' - ushma - adventure

23 'da' - drishya - discrimination

24 'at' - niranjana - service.


and from Adi Shakti






OM (OM) - We meditate (DHEEMAHI) upon the Spiritual Effulgence

(BHARGO) of THAT Adorable Supreme Divine Reality (VARENYAM DEVASYA),

the Source (SAVITUR) of the Physical (BHUR), the Astral (BHUVA), and

the Heavenly (SVAHA) Spheres of Existence. May THAT (TAT) Supreme

Divine Being enlighten (PRACHODAYAT) our (NAH) Intellect (DHIYO) (So

that we may realise the Supreme Truth).


Sage Vishwamitra discovered the Gayatri Mantra.


The Gayatri Mantra is addressed to the energy of the Sun - Surya. It

is addressed to the Immanent and Transcendent Divinity. This mantra

has infinite potentiality; it is a vibrant formula. It has immense

powers, which are truly amazing, for the Sun is it's presiding Deity.


The Gayatri Mantra is enshrined in the Vedas.


Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and Gayatri redeems the chanter of

the Mantra.


Ma Gayatri is present wherever the Mantra is chanted.


Gayatri has three names - Gayatri, Saavitri and Saraswati. These

three are present in each one of us. Gayatri is the master of the

senses, Saavitri is the master of Prana (Life Force). Saavitri

signifies Truth. Saraswati is the Presiding Deity of Speech (Vaak).

Theses three represent purity of Thought, Word and Deed. One who

practises the purity and harmony of Thought, Word and Deed will have

Gayatri, Saavitri and Saraswati in him./her


The Gayatri Mantra Has Three Parts






These three parts refer to the three elements that figure in the

adoration of the Lord - Praise, Meditation and Prayer. These Parts

may be described as :


Prayer to Savitha, The Divine is first praised

Meditation on Savitha, The Divine is then meditated upon with



Prayer to Savitha.

An appeal is made to the Divine to awaken and strengthen our

intellect, the discriminating faculty in us. The Gayatri Mantra is

considered to be the Essence of the teachings of the Vedas, The Veda

Sara. Chanting it fosters and sharpens the knowledge-yielding faculty

in man, and one who chants it regularly with faith the mantra

relieves him of diseases, wards off all misery and fulfils all the

needs of man. It bestows all that is beneficial to the chanter.


This mantra should be chanted three times a day - Dawn, Noon and

Dusk,. Remember it can be chanted anywhere and at any time. The

chanter of Gayatri mantra should not treat it casually and his heart

should be pure at all times. .


The Gayatri mantra is a Universal prayer, which asks for a clear

Intellect so that the Truth may be reflected therein without



Men, Women of all climes and creed, can chant Gayatri Mantra.


The Gayatri Mantra is synonymous to the Divinity and therefore must

be approached with humility, reverence, faith and love towards the





Of the many methods of yoga one of the most potent is the yoga of

Gayatri mantra. Mantras have powers to endow one with remarkable

abilities. The Gayatri mantra gives the devotees spiritual as well as

material benefits."



--- Ramana Maharshi



"The way honey is the essence of flowers, and butter of milk, in the

same manner Gayatri is the essence of all the Vedas. Gayatri when

realized is verily the Kamadhenu - the celestial wish-fulfilling cow.

Ganga cleanses the sins of this worldly body; Gayatri purifies the

soul. The worship of god bereft of Gayatri is like going out to beg

food leaving the meals laid out before you. Gayatri is the greatest

means of extending your spiritual powers and successful

accomplishment of good ends. There is nothing greater than Gayatri

for this purpose.."



--- Veda Vyasa



"Even divinities like Brahma pray to Gayatri because Gayatri makes

possible the realization of Brahman. Gayatri removes from you the

propensity to evil actions."



--- Rishi Bharadwaja



"Even fools, criminals and men with unstable minds are able to attain

enlightenment by the power of Gayatri. When that is so, then the

worship of Gayatri by the firm and pure minded persons will surely

lead them to self knowledge and self-realisation."



--- Sage Vashishtha



"It is not possible for us to describe the greatness of Gayatri. It

is not possible to act in this world beneficently without purity of

mind. This purity of mind which brings in enlightenment leading to

self-realisation is the result of the inspiration received from

Gayatri. The avatara of Gayatri has occurred to aid us in the

eradication of evil and to help increase the good."



--- Jagadguru Sankaracharya


"I tell people that due to the sadhana of Gayatri hard austeries have

been rendered unnecessary. The treatest of siddhis can be obtained by

the japa of Gayatri. The Gayatri mantra is small but its powers




--- Ramakrishna Paramahamsa





Jai Maa

Love baba





, "nora55_1999" <nora55_1999> wrote:

> The Gayatri Mantra is the universal prayer of Hindus. It aims to


> peace of mind and gets rid of the three main causes of pain and

> misery, namely ignorance and weakness, helping us achieve success.


> The Gayatri Mantra should be uttered at Sunrise and Sunset. These


> the times that Hindus are not permitted to sleep. They are supposed

> to greet and send off "Surya" with the Mantra.


> This Mantra is found in the RIG VEDA, known as the "mother of all


> vedas". It is devoted to the sun god.


> The twenty four syllables the Mantra comproses corresponds to the

> twenty-four nerve-knots ( granthiyan) in the human body. The Mantra

> is supposed to awaken the divine force inside us.


> Some historical Myth : It is said that with this Mantra that


> won back her husband, Satyavan from Yamadeva, King Dasharada got


> four sons ( including Lord Rama ) through this Mantra. Queen Kunti

> got Karna ( in Mahabarata ) by mentioning the Gayatri Mantra,


> the usual process of pregnancy.



> Text of the Mantra







> Meaning of the Mantra

> Let us meditate on the supreme divine

> light which is worthy of devotion

> which is the dispeller of all ignorance

> which is all prevading and blissful

> and which enlightens our interest.




> OM ParaShatiye Namaha

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Thank you Baba


Now I just to add a little bit more.


One of the sacred text says that Tha gayatri is Brahma, Vishnu and

Siva. Later it came to be personified as a Goddess. She is shown as

having five heads and is usually seated within a lotus. The four


of Gayatri represent the four vedas and the fifth one represent the

almighty. In her ten hands, she holds all the symbold of Lord vishnu.

She is another Consort of Lord Brahma.


Saraswati and Gayatri

One myth also tells that Saraswati, haughty by nature was initially

the wife of Vishnu. But as she quarreled too much, Vishnu gave her to

Brahma. Once Brahma had to perform some ritual in presence of all the

gods in which the presence of his wife was essential. Saraswati asked

him to proceed while she completed her dressing and followed. Brahma

reached there but Saraswati did not reach on time. Brahma sent a

messenger to call her who came back with the message that she would

follow after her dressing is complete. Angered on this message,


asked the gods to give him another wife so that he could perform the

ritual on time. Gods listened and agreed to his demand and gave him

Gayatri, daughter of a sage. When Saraswati arrived, she cursed

Brahma for cheating her and in her fury told him that he will be

worshipped only once every year. Gayatri however was accepted by her

but on the condition that she will always take the second place.


is the reason that many Hindus do not even know Gayatri as Brahma's

second wife.


Note : I have download Pics of Mother Gayatri in the group album. See

album on Adhi ParaShaktiye.


OM ParaShatiye Namahe

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yeshe, our beloved nora and babaji have answered your questions in

a 'thorough' manner! i am sorry i was a little busy with a house

guest and could not answer you prompltly. but we are a 'team' here

and i appreciate very much nora and babaji's responses. thank you,

dear ones!



for uploading the picture of mother gayathri- her 4 heads represent

the vedas and the fifth that of brahma.


Gayatri is the mother of universe, the shakti itself.

There is nothing she cannot do. Her mantra purifies

the mind, destroys pain, sin and ignorance, brings

liberation, and bestows health, beauty, strength,

vitality, power intelligence and magnetic aura. . Anybody who

enchants the gayatri mantra everyday can never be

affected by diseases. the daily chanting of the gayathri mantra

sharpens your inteelect (dheemahi) and nurtures your soul.


May the divine light of gayathri shine upon you!


om! om! om!



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