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a story on hanuman's guru bhakti-

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Once all the great Sages including Sage Narada had gathered for a big

conference. That was the time when Lord Rama had come back to Ayodhya

after killing Ravana and installing Vibhishana as the king of Lanka.

Ayodhya was a big Empire. As the great Sages were discussing

Spiritual matters, the subject turned to the greatness of Rama's

power and His use of weapons.


Sage Vishvamitra said, "I can promise that there is no power in this

Universe which can challenge the power of Rama's archery. Nobody can

dare stand up to HIS Bows and Arrows, the power of which I have seen

in His childhood."


To this Sage Vasishta said, "Oh Venerable Sage, please do not feel

offended. I think there is one power which can challenge Rama's Bows

and Arrows."


Sage Vishvamitra felt irritated and yelled, "Don't talk foolishly O

sage Vasishta! Really, is there any such… which can challenge Rama's

Bows and Arrows?"


To this Sage Vasishta said again, "Yes there is. O venerable Sages

who have gathered here, I promise that a Devotee of Rama who always

has His Guru's name on His tongue, in His heart and Mind, I promise

that no power in the universe can harm such a person."


"Nonsense!" laughed Sage Vishvamitra. "If that is the case let us



And they chose a Devotee of Rama called Chandrabhanu who was a king

under the empire of Ayodhya where Rama ruled. Chandrabhanu was a

devotee of Rama who practiced Meditation and always recited "Ram,

Ram…" When King Chandrabhanu was in Meditation, deliberately

Vishvamitra went there. As the King was in Meditation, he could not

attend to the needs and to the reception of Saint Vishvamitra. Taking

this as an excuse Vishvamitra got annoyed and straight away went to

Lord Rama and complained that He (Vishvamitra) was dishonoured by the



As Rama revered Sage Vishvamitra, He got terribly annoyed at this and

said He would kill and punish that king for this lapse. Rama

said, "This is a promise in the name of My Bows and Arrows by which I

killed great Emperors like Ravana and Kumbhakarna." Satisfied,

Vishvamitra went away.


Here Sage Narada who always enjoyed the Leelas of the Divine, came to

the King out of curiosity and informed him that Rama was going to

kill him for the offence of dishonouring Vishvamitra. "O God what

shall I do now, O sage Narada?"


Narada said, "Look King, this is a terrible situation. However there

one person who can come to your rescue. Sri Hanuman, the great

disciple of Rama is the only person who can help you. Go and

surrender. But do not tell Him that Rama is going to kill you. Just

tell that you shall be killed and that He should help you. Only after

taking out a promise, then you tell Him who is going to kill you."


The King went To Hanuman and surrendered. "O great Devotee and

Disciple of Rama, please save me from disaster! Coming out of

Meditation, Hanuman said with affection, "O Devotee of Swami Rama,

what calamity has befallen you? Tell me." To this the King

replied, "O Hanuman, only you can help me! Otherwise it is certain

that I will be killed."


"Don't worry," replied Hanuman, " you are a devotee of Swami Rama. No

danger can happen to you in this universe. I will protect you and

this is a promise in the name of Rama, whose Sweet Name is dearer to

me than anything else."


Well, out of curiosity, all Sages, Devatas, (Angels) gathered to

watch the leela. Hanuman defeated an entire army of Rama, His

brothers and all. Finally Lord Rama, Himself, came. He was terribly

annoyed at the sight of His dear Devotee and Disciple, Hanuman,

protecting the King. Rama ordered Hanuman to release the

King. "Hanuman," Rama yelled, "hand over the King! Should I have to

remind you that I am your Guru and Swami? Now it's My order!"


Composed and with Devotion and Respect due to His Guru and Swami,

Hanuman said, "Not in my wildest dreams, could I have thought of

disobeying You my Lord, but when You shall drop Your physical Body,

Your Bows and Arrows will also vanish along with You. My Lord, only

Your Sweet Name of nectar, 'SRI RAMA', will come to the rescue of the

Devotees in the coming ages. So I cannot allow the promise made in

Your name to go to waste, My Lord. But Your promise in the name of

Bows and Arrows can go because it is of no use."


Well, Rama went on shooting arrows to kill Hanuman but Hanuman stood

chanting "Ram Ram…" and to the astonishment of the gathered, nothing

happened to Hanuman. All the Arrows got converted into Flower

Garlands on the neck of Hanuman. Finally Rama blessed Hanuman and the



"This is the power of the Guru's name. If you chant Guru's Name,

nobody can harm You, not even the Guru," Swamiji used to smile.


such is the power of the guru's name!


jai gurudeva!


jai hanumanji ki!



Copyright 2001 Shiva Rudra Balayogi


enjoy your tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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