Guest guest Posted February 19, 2002 Report Share Posted February 19, 2002 Very interesting especially from a political standpoint about how big business can hide through very thorough conspiracy Stolen from: THUGS, or PHANSIGARS.Orribili favelle -- parole di dolor.--DANTE.Among the black deeds which Superstition has imposed as duties uponher wretched votaries, none are more horrible than the practices ofthe murderers, who, under the name of Thugs, or Phansigars, have solong been the scourge of India. For ages they have pursued their darkand dreadful calling, moulding assassination into a science, orextolling it as a virtue, worthy only to be practised by a racefavoured of Heaven. Of late years this atrocious delusion has excitedmuch attention, both in this country and in India; an attention which,it is to be hoped, will speedily lead to the uprooting of a doctrineso revolting and anti-human. Although the British Government hasextended over Hindostan for so long a period, it does not appear thatEuropeans even suspected the existence of this mysterious sect untilthe commencement of the present century. In the year 1807, a gang ofThugs, laden with the plunder of murdered travellers, was accidentallydiscovered. The inquiries then set on foot revealed to the astonishedGovernment a system of iniquity unparalleled in the history of man.Subsequent investigation extended the knowledge; and by throwing lightupon the peculiar habits of the murderers, explained the reason whytheir crimes had remained so long undiscovered. In the following pageswill be found an epitome of all the information which has reachedEurope concerning them, derived principally from Dr. Sherwood'streatise upon the subject, published in 1816, and the still morevaluable and more recent work of Mr. Sleeman, entitled the"Ramaseeana; or, Vocabulary of the peculiar Language of the Thugs."The followers of this sect are called Thugs, or T'hugs, and theirprofession Thuggee. In the south of India they are called Phansigars:the former word signifying "a deceiver;" and the latter, "astrangler." They are both singularly appropriate. The profession ofThuggee is hereditary, and embraces, it is supposed, in every part ofIndia, a body of at least ten thousand individuals, trained to murderfrom their childhood; carrying it on in secret and in silence, yetglorying in it, and holding the practice of it higher than any earthlyhonour. During the winter months, they usually follow some reputablecalling, to elude suspicion; and in the summer, they set out in gangsover all the roads of India, to plunder and destroy. These gangsgenerally contain from ten to forty Thugs, and sometimes as many astwo hundred. Each strangler is provided with a noose, to despatch theunfortunate victim, as the Thugs make it a point never to cause deathby any other means. When the gangs are very large, they divide intosmaller bodies; and each taking a different route, they arrive at thesame general place of rendezvous to divide the spoil. They sometimestravel in the disguise of respectable traders; sometimes as sepoys ornative soldiers; and at others, as government officers. If they chanceto fall in with an unprotected wayfarer, his fate is certain. One Thugapproaches him from behind, and throws the end of a sash round hisneck; the other end is seized by a second at the same instant, crossedbehind the neck, and drawn tightly, while with their other hand thetwo Thugs thrust his head forward to expedite the strangulation: athird Thug seizes the traveller by the legs at the same moment, and heis thrown to the ground, a corpse before he reaches it.But solitary travellers are not the prey they are anxious to seek. Awealthy caravan of forty or fifty individuals has not unfrequentlybeen destroyed by them; not one soul being permitted to escape.Indeed, there is hardly an instance upon record of any one's escapefrom their hands, so surely are their measures taken, and so well dothey calculate beforehand all the risks and difficulties of theundertaking. Each individual of the gang has his peculiar dutyallotted to him. Upon-approaching a town, or serai, two or three,known as the Soothaes, or "inveiglers," are sent in advance toascertain if any travellers are there; to learn, if possible, theamount of money or merchandize they carry with them, their hours ofstarting in the morning, or any other particulars that may be of use.If they can, they enter into conversation with them, pretend to betravelling to the same place, and propose, for mutual security, totravel with them. This intelligence is duly communicated to theremainder of the gang. The. place usually chosen for the murder issome lonely part of the road in the vicinity of a jungle, and thetime, just before dusk. At given signals, understood only bythemselves, the scouts of the party station themselves in the front,in the rear, and on each side, to guard against surprise. A stranglerand assistant strangler, called Bhurtote and Shamshea, placethemselves, the one on the right, and the other on the left of thevictim, without exciting his suspicion. At another signal the noose istwisted, drawn tightly by a strong hand at each extremity, and thetraveller, in a few seconds, hurried into eternity. Ten, twelve,twenty, and in some instances, sixty persons have been thus despatchedat the same moment. Should any victim, by a rare chance, escape theirhands, he falls into those of the scouts who are stationed withinhearing, who run upon him and soon overpower him.Their next care is to dispose of the bodies. So cautious are they toprevent detection, that they usually break all the joints to hastendecomposition. They then cut open the body to prevent it swelling inthe grave and causing fissures in the soil above, by which means thejackals might be attracted to the spot, and thereby lead to discovery.When obliged to bury the body in a frequented district, they kindle afire over the grave to obliterate the traces of the newly turnedearth. Sometimes the grave-diggers of the party, whose office, likethat of all the rest, is hereditary, are despatched to make the gravesin the morning at some distant spot, by which it is known thetravellers will pass. The stranglers, in the mean time, journeyquietly with their victims, conversing with them in the most friendlymanner. Towards nightfall they approach the spot selected for theirmurder; the signal is given, and they fall into the graves that havebeen ready for them since day-break. On one occasion, related byCaptain Sleeman, a party of fifty-nine people, consisting of fifty-twomen and seven women, were thus simultaneously strangled, and throwninto the graves prepared for them in the morning. Some of thesetravellers were on horseback and well armed, but the Thugs, who appearto have been upwards of two hundred in a gang, had provided againstall risk of failure. The only one left alive of all that numerousparty, was an infant four years old, who was afterwards initiated intoall the mysteries of Thuggee.If they cannot find a convenient opportunity for disposing of thebodies, they carry them for many miles, until they come to a spotsecure from intrusion, and to a soil adapted to receive them. If fearof putrefaction admonishes them to use despatch, they set up a largescreen or tent, as other travellers do, and bury the body within theenclosure, pretending, if inquiries are made, that their women arewithin. But this only happens when they fall in with a victimunexpectedly. In murders which they have planned previously, thefinding of a place of sepulture is never left to hazard.Travellers who have the misfortune to lodge in the same choultry orhostelry, as the Thugs, are often murdered during the night. It iseither against their creed to destroy a sleeper, or they find adifficulty in placing the noose round the neck of a person in arecumbent position. When this is the case, the slumberer is suddenlyaroused by the alarm of a snake or a scorpion. He starts to his feet,and finds the fatal sash around his neck. -- He never escapes.In addition to these Thugs who frequent the highways, there areothers, who infest the rivers, and are called Pungoos. They do notdiffer in creed, but only in a few of their customs, from theirbrethren on shore. They go up and down the rivers in their own boats,pretending to be travellers of consequence, or pilgrims, proceedingto, or returning from Benares, Allahabad, or other sacred places. Theboatmen, who are also Thugs, are not different in appearance from theordinary boatmen on the river. The artifices used to entice victims onboard are precisely similar to those employed by the highway Thugs.They send out their "inveiglers" to scrape acquaintance withtravellers, and find out the direction in which they are journeying.They always pretend to be bound for the same place, and vaunt thesuperior accommodation of the boat by which they are going. Thetravellers fall into the snare, are led to the Thug captain, who veryoften, to allay suspicion, demurs to take them, but eventually agreesfor a moderate sum. The boat strikes off into the middle of thestream; the victims are amused and kept in conversation for hours bytheir insidious foes, until three taps are given on the deck above.This is a signal from the Thugs on the look-out that the coast isclear. In an instant the fatal noose is ready, and the travellers areno more. The bodies are then thrown, warm and palpitating, into theriver, from a hole in the side of the boat, contrived expressly forthe purpose.A river Thug, who was apprehended, turned approver, to save his ownlife, and gave the following evidence relative to the practices of hisfraternity: -- "We embarked at Rajmahul. The travellers sat on oneside of the boat, and the Thugs on the other; while we three (himselfand two "stranglers,") were placed in the stern, the Thugs on ourleft, and the travellers on our right. Some of the Thugs, dressed asboatmen, were above deck, and others walking along the bank of theriver, and pulling the boat by the joon, or rope, and all, at the sametime, on the look-out. We came up with a gentleman's pinnace and twobaggage-boats, and were obliged to stop, and let them go on. Thetravellers seemed anxious; but were quieted by being told that the menat the rope were tired, and must take some refreshment. They pulledout something, and began to eat; and when the pinnace had got on agood way, they resumed their work, and our boat proceeded. It was nowafternoon; and, when a signal was given above, that all was clear, thefive Thugs who sat opposite the travellers sprang in upon them, and,with the aid of others, strangled them. Having done this, they broketheir spinal bones, and then threw them out of a hole made at theside, into the river, and kept on their course; the boat being allthis time pulled along by the men on the bank."That such atrocities as these should have been carried on for nearlytwo centuries without exciting the attention of the BritishGovernment, seems incredible. But our wonder will be diminished whenwe reflect upon the extreme caution of the Thugs, and the ordinarydangers of travelling in India. The Thugs never murder a man near hisown home, and they never dispose of their booty near the scene of themurder. They also pay, in common with other and less atrociousrobbers, a portion of their gains to the Polygars, or nativeauthorities of the districts in which they reside, to secureprotection. The friends and relatives of the victims, perhaps athousand miles off, never surmise their fate till a period has elapsedwhen all inquiry would be fruitless, or, at least, extremelydifficult. They have no clue to the assassins, and very often imputeto the wild beasts of the jungles the slaughter committed by thatwilder beast, man.There are several gradations through which every member of thefraternity must regularly pass before he arrives at the high office ofa Bhurtote, or strangler. He is first employed as a scout -- then as asexton -- then as a Shumseea, or holder of hands, and lastly as aBhurtote. When a man who is not of Thug lineage, or who has not beenbrought up from his infancy among them, wishes to become a strangler,he solicits the oldest, and most pious and experienced Thug, to takehim under his protection and make him his disciple; and under hisguidance he is regularly initiated. When he has acquired sufficientexperience in the lower ranks of the profession, he applies to hisGooroo, or preceptor, to give the finishing grace to his education,and make a strangler of him. An opportunity is found when a solitarytraveller is to be murdered; and the tyro, with his preceptor, havingseen that the proposed victim is asleep, and in safe keeping tilltheir return, proceed to a neighbouring field and perform severalreligious ceremonies, accompanied by three or four of the oldest andsteadiest members of the gang. The Gooroo first offers up a prayer tothe goddess, saying, "Oh, Kalee! Kun-kalee! Bhud-kalee! Oh, Kalee!Maha-kalee! Calkutta Walee! if it seems fit to thee that the travellernow at our lodging should die by the hands of this thy slave,vouchsafe us thy good omen." They then sit down and watch for the goodomen; and if they receive it within half an hour, conclude that theirgoddess is favourable to the claims of the new candidate foradmission. If they have a bad omen, or no omen at all, some other Thugmust put the traveller to death, and the aspirant must wait a morefavourable opportunity, purifying himself in the mean time by prayerand humiliation for the favour of the goddess. If the good omen hasbeen obtained, they return to their quarters; and the Gooroo takes ahandkerchief and, turning his face to the west, ties a knot at one endof it, inserting a rupee, or other piece of silver. This knot iscalled the goor khat, or holy knot, and no man who has not beenproperly ordained is allowed to tie it. The aspirant receives itreverently in his right hand from his Gooroo, and stands over thesleeping victim, with a Shumseea, or holder of hands, at his side. Thetraveller is aroused, the handkerchief is passed around his neck, and,at a signal from the Gooroo, is drawn tight till the victim isstrangled; the Shumseea holding his hands to prevent his making anyresistance. The work being now completed, the Bhurtote (no longer anaspirant, but an admitted member) bows down reverently in the dustbefore his Gooroo, and touches his feet with both his hands, andafterwards performs the same respect to his relatives and friends whohave assembled to witness the solemn ceremony. He then waits foranother favourable omen, when he unties the knot and takes out therupee, which he gives to his Gooroo, with any other silver which hemay have about him. The Gooroo adds some of his own money, with whichhe purchases what they call goor, or consecrated sugar, when a solemnsacrifice is performed, to which all the gang are invited. Therelationship between the Gooroo and his disciple is accounted the mostholy that can be formed, and subsists to the latest period of life. AThug may betray his father, but never his Gooroo.Dark and forbidding as is the picture already drawn, it will becomestill darker and more repulsive, when we consider the motives whichprompt these men to systematic murder. Horrible as their practiceswould be, if love of plunder alone incited them, it is infinitely morehorrible to reflect that the idea of duty and religion is joined tothe hope of gain, in making them the scourges of their fellows. Ifplunder were their sole object, there would be reason to hope, thatwhen a member of the brotherhood grew rich, he would rest from hisinfernal toils; but the dismal superstition which he cherishes tellshim never to desist. He was sent into the world to be a slayer of men,and he religiously works out his destiny. As religiously he educateshis children to pursue the same career, instilling into their minds,at the earliest age, that Thuggee is the noblest profession a man canfollow, and that the dark goddess they worship will always providerich travellers for her zealous devotees.The following is the wild and startling legend upon which the Thugsfound the divine origin of their sect. They believe that, in theearliest ages of the world, a gigantic demon infested the earth, anddevoured mankind as soon as they were created. He was of so tall astature, that when he strode through the most unfathomable depths ofthe great sea, the waves, even in tempest, could not reach above hismiddle. His insatiable appetite for human flesh almost unpeopled theworld, until Bhawanee, Kalee, or Davee, the goddess of the Thugs,determined to save mankind by the destruction of the monster. Nervingherself for the encounter, she armed herself with an immense sword;and, meeting with the demon, she ran him through the body. His bloodflowed in torrents as he fell dead at her feet; but from every dropthere sprang up another monster, as rapacious and as terrible as thefirst. Again the goddess upraised her massive sword, and hewed downthe hellish brood by hundreds; but the more she slew, the morenumerous they became. Every drop of their blood generated a demon;and, although the goddess endeavoured to lap up the blood ere itsprang into life, they increased upon her so rapidly, that the labourof killing became too great for endurance. The perspiration rolleddown her arms in large drops, and she was compelled to think of someother mode of exterminating them. In this emergency, she created twomen out of the perspiration of her body, to whom she confided the holytask of delivering the earth from the monsters. To each of the men shegave a handkerchief, and showed them how to kill without sheddingblood. From her they learned to tie the fatal noose; and they became,under her tuition, such expert stranglers, that, in a very short spaceof time, the race of demons became extinct.When there were no more to slay, the two men sought the great goddess,in order to return the handkerchiefs. The grateful Bhawanee desiredthat they would retain them, as memorials of their heroic deeds; andin order that they might never lose the dexterity that they hadacquired in using them, she commanded that, from thenceforward, theyshould strangle men. These were the two first Thugs, and from them thewhole race have descended. To the early Thugs the goddess was moredirect in her favours, than she has been to their successors. Atfirst, she undertook to bury the bodies of all the men they slew andplundered, upon the condition that they should never look back to seewhat she was doing. The command was religiously observed for manyages, and the Thugs relied with implicit faith upon the promise ofBhawanee; but as men became more corrupt, the ungovernable curiosityof a young Thug offended the goddess, and led to the withdrawal of aportion of her favour. This youth, burning with a desire to see howshe made her graves, looked back, and beheld her in the act, not ofburying, but of devouring, the body of a man just strangled. Half ofthe still palpitating remains was dangling over her lips. She was sohighly displeased that she condemned the Thugs, from that timeforward, to bury their victims themselves. Another account states thatthe goddess was merely tossing the body in the air; and that, beingnaked, her anger was aggravated by the gaze of mortal eyes upon hercharms. Before taking a final leave of her devotees, she presentedthem with one of her teeth for a pickaxe, one of her ribs for a knife,and the hem of her garment for a noose. She has not since appeared tohuman eyes.The original tooth having been lost in the lapse of ages, new pickaxeshave been constructed, with great care and many ceremonies, by eachconsiderable gang of Thugs, to be used in making the graves ofstrangled travellers. The pickaxe is looked upon with the utmostveneration by the tribe. A short account of the process of making it,and the rites performed, may be interesting, as showing still furthertheir gloomy superstition. In the first place, it is necessary to fixupon a lucky day. The chief Thug then instructs a smith to forge theholy instrument: no other eye is permitted to see the operation. Thesmith must engage in no other occupation until it is completed, andthe chief Thug never quits his side during the process. When theinstrument is formed, it becomes necessary to consecrate it to theespecial service of Bhawnee. Another lucky day is chosen for thisceremony, care being had in the mean time that the shadow of noearthly thing fall upon the pickaxe, as its efficacy would be for everdestroyed. A learned Thug then sits down; and turning his face to thewest, receives the pickaxe in a brass dish. After muttering someincantation, he throws it into a pit already prepared for it, where itis washed in clear water. It is then taken out, and washed again threetimes; the first time in sugar and water, the second in sour milk, andthe third in spirits. It is then dried, and marked from the head tothe point with seven red spots. This is the first part of theceremony: the second consists in its purification by fire. The pickaxeis again placed upon the brass dish, along with a cocoa-nut, somesugar, cloves, white sandal-wood, and other articles. A fire of themango tree, mixed with dried cow-dung, is then kindled; and theofficiating Thug, taking the pickaxe with both hands, passes it seventimes through the flames.It now remains to be ascertained whether the goddess is favourable toher followers. For this purpose, the cocoa-nut is taken from the dishand placed upon the ground. The officiating Thug, turning to thespectators, and holding the axe uplifted, asks, "Shall I strike?"Assent being given, he strikes the nut with the but-end of the axe,exclaiming, "All hail! mighty Davee! great mother of us all!" Thespectators respond, "All hail! mighty Davee! and prosper thy children,the Thugs!"If the nut is severed at the first blow, the goddess is favourable; ifnot, she is unpropitious: all their labour is thrown away, and theceremony must be repeated upon some more fitting occasion. But if thesign be favourable, the axe is tied carefully in a white cloth andturned towards the west, all the spectators prostrating themselvesbefore it. It is then buried in the earth, with its point turned inthe direction the gang wishes to take on their approaching expedition.If the goddess desires to warn them that they will be unsuccessful, orthat they have not chosen the right track, the Thugs believe that thepoint of the axe will veer round, and point to the better way. Duringan expedition, it is entrusted to the most prudent and exemplary Thugof the party: it is his care to hold it fast. If by any chance heshould let it fall, consternation spreads through the gang: thegoddess is thought to be offended; the enterprise is at onceabandoned; and the Thugs return home in humiliation and sorrow, tosacrifice to their gloomy deity, and win back her estranged favour. Sogreat is the reverence in which they hold the sacred axe, that a Thugwill never break an oath that he has taken upon it. He fears that,should he perjure himself, his neck would be so twisted by theoffended Bhawanee as to make his face turn to his back; and that, inthe course of a few days, he would expire in the most excruciatingagonies.The Thugs are diligent observers of signs and omens. No expedition isever undertaken before the auspices are solemnly taken. Upon thissubject Captain Sleeman says, "Even the most sensible approvers, whohave been with me for many years, as well Hindoos as Mussulmans,believe that their good or ill success depended upon the skill withwhich the omens were discovered and interpreted, and the strictnesswith which they were observed and obeyed. One of the old Sindousestock told me, in presence of twelve others, from Hydrabad, Behar, theDooah, Oude, Rajpootana, and Bundelcund, that, had they not attendedto these omens, they never could have thrived as they did. In ordinarycases of murder, other men seldom escaped punishment, while they andtheir families had, for ten generations, thrived, although they hadmurdered hundreds of people. 'This,' said the Thug,' could never havebeen the case had we not attended to omens, and had not omens beenintended for us. There were always signs around us to guide us to richbooty, and warn us of danger, had we been always wise enough todiscern them and religious enough to attend to them.' Every Thugpresent concurred with him from his soul."A Thug, of polished manners and great eloquence, being asked by anative gentleman, in the presence of Captain Sleeman, whether he neverfelt compunction in murdering innocent people, replied with a smilethat he did not. "Does any man," said he, "feel compunction infollowing his trade? and are not all our trades assigned us byProvidence?" He was then asked how many people he had killed with hisown hands in the course of his life? "I have killed none," was thereply. "What! and have you not been describing a number of murders inwhich you were concerned?True; but do you suppose that I committedthem? Is any man killed by man's killing? Is it not the hand of Godthat kills, and are we not the mere instruments in the hands of God?"Upon another occasion, Sahib, an approver, being asked if he had neverfelt any pity or compunction at murdering old men or young children,or persons with whom he had sat and conversed, and who had told him,perchance, of their private affairs -- their hopes and their fears,their wives and their little ones? replied unhesi- tatingly that henever did. From the time that the omens were favourable, the Thugsconsidered all the travellers they met as victims thrown into theirhands by their divinity to be killed. The Thugs were the mereinstruments in the hands of Bhawanee to destroy them. "If we did notkill them," said Sahib, "the goddess would never again be propitiousto us, and we and our families would be involved in misery and want.If we see or hear a bad omen, it is the order of the goddess not tokill the travellers we are in pursuit of, and we dare not disobey."As soon as an expedition has been planned, the goddess is consulted.On the day chosen for starting, which is never during the unluckymonths of July, September, and December, nor on a Wednesday orThursday; the chief Thug of the party fills a brass jug with water,which he carries in his right hand by his side. With his left, heholds upon his breast the sacred pickaxe, wrapped carefully in a whitecloth, along with five knots of turmeric, two copper, and one silvercoin. He then moves slowly on, followed by the whole of the gang, tosome field or retired place, where halting, with his countenanceturned in the direction they wish to pursue, he lifts up his eyes toheaven, saying, "Great goddess! universal mother! if this, ourmeditated expedition, be fitting in thy sight, vouchsafe to help us,and give us the signs of thy approbation." All the Thugs presentsolemnly repeat the prayer after their leader, and wait in silence forthe omen. If within half an hour they see Pilhaoo, or good omen on theleft, it signifies that the goddess has taken them by the left hand tolead them on; if they see the Thibaoo, or omen on the right, itsignifies that she has taken them by the right hand also. The leaderthen places the brazen pitcher on the ground and sits down beside it,with his face turned in the same direction for seven hours, duringwhich time his followers make all the necessary preparations for thejourney. If, during this interval, no unfavourable signs are observed,the expedition advances slowly, until it arrives at the bank of thenearest stream, when they all sit down and eat of the goor, orconsecrated sugar. Any evil omens that are perceived after thisceremony may be averted by sacrifices; but any evil omens before,would at once put an end to the expedition.Among the evil omens are the following: -- If the brazen pitcher dropsfrom the hand of the Jemadar or leader, it threatens great evil eitherto him or to the gang -- sometimes to both. If they meet a funeralprocession, a blind man, a lame man, an oil-vender, a carpenter, apotter, or a dancing-master, the expedition will be dangerous. In likemanner it is unlucky to sneeze, to meet a woman with an empty pail, acouple of jackals, or a hare. The crossing of their path by the latteris considered peculiarly inauspicious. Its cry at night on the left issometimes a good omen, but if they hear it on the right it is verybad; a warning sent to them from Bhawanee that there is danger if theykill. Should they disregard this warning, and led on by the hope ofgain, strangle any traveller, they would either find no booty on him,or such booty as would eventually lead to the ruin and dispersion ofthe gang. Bhawanee would be wroth with her children; and causing themto perish in the jungle, would send the hares to drink water out oftheir skulls.The good omens are quite as numerous as the evil. It promises afortunate expedition, if, on the first day, they pass through avillage where there is a fair. It is also deemed fortunate, if theyhear wailing for the dead in any village but their own. To meet awoman with a pitcher full of water upon her head, bodes a prosperousjourney and a safe return. The omen is still more favourable if she bein a state of pregnancy. It is said of the Thugs of the Jumaldehee andLodaha tribes, that they always make the youngest Thug of the partykick the body of the first person they strangle, five times on theback, thinking that it will bring them good luck. This practice,however, is not general. If they hear an ass bray on the left at thecommencement of an expedition, and an another soon afterwards on theright, they believe that they shall be supereminently successful, thatthey shall strangle a multitude of travellers, and find great booty.After every murder a solemn sacrifice, called the Tuponee, isperformed by all the gang. The goor, or consecrated sugar, is placedupon a large cloth or blanket, which is spread upon the grass. Besideit is deposited the sacred pickaxe, and a piece of silver for anoffering. The Jemadar, or chief of the party, together with all theoldest and most prudent Thugs, take their places upon the cloth, andturn their faces to the west. Those inferior Thugs who cannot findroom upon the privileged cloth, sit round as close to it as possible.A pit is then dug, into which the Jemadar pours a small quantity ofthe goor, praying at the same time that the goddess will always rewardher followers with abundant spoils. All the Thugs repeat the prayerafter him. He then sprinkles water upon the pickaxe, and puts a littleof the goor upon the head of every one who has obtained a seat besidehim on the cloth. A short pause ensues, when the signal for stranglingis given, as if a murder were actually about to be committed, and eachThug eats his goor in solemn silence. So powerful is the impressionmade upon their imagination by this ceremony, that it almost drivesthem frantic with enthusiasm. Captain Sleeman relates, that when hereproached a Thug for his share in a murder of great atrocity, andasked him whether he never felt pity; the man replied, "We all feelpity sometimes; but the goor of the Tuponee changes our nature; itwould change the nature of a horse. Let any man once taste of thatgoor, and he will be a Thug, though he know all the trades and haveall the wealth in the world. I never was in want of food; my mother'sfamily was opulent, and her relations high in office. I have been highin office myself, and became so great a favourite wherever I went thatI was sure of promotion; yet I was always miserable when absent frommy gang, and obliged to return to Thuggee. My father made me taste ofthat fatal goor, when I was yet a mere boy; and if I were to live athousand years I should never to follow any other trade."The possession of wealth, station in society, and the esteem of hisfellows, could not keep this man from murder. From his extraordinaryconfession we may judge of the extreme difficulty of exterminating asect who are impelled to their horrid practises, not only by themotives of self-interest which govern mankind in general, but by afanaticism which fills up the measure of their whole existence. Evenseverity seems thrown away upon the followers of this brutalizingcreed. To them, punishment is no example; they have no sympathy for abrother Thug who is hung at his own door by the British Government,nor have they any dread of his fate. Their invariable idea is, thattheir goddess only suffers those Thugs to fall into the hands of thelaw, who have contravened the peculiar observances of Thuggee, and whohave neglected the omens she sent them for their guidance.To their neglect of the warnings of the goddess they attribute all thereverses which have of late years befallen their sect. It is expresslyforbidden, in the creed of the old Thugs, to murder women or cripples.The modern Thugs have become unscrupulous upon this point, murderingwomen, and even children, with unrelenting barbarity. Captain Sleemanreports several conversations upon this subject, which he held atdifferent times with Thugs, who had been taken prisoners, or who hadturned approvers. One of them, named Zolfukar, said, in reply to theCaptain, who accused him of murdering women, "Yes, and was not thegreater part of Feringeea's and my gang seized, after we had murderedthe two women and the little girl, at Manora, in 1830? and were we notourselves both seized soon after? How could we survive things likethat? Our ancestors never did such things." Lalmun, another Thug, inreply to a similar question, said, "Most of our misfortunes have comeupon us for the murder of women. We all knew that they would come uponus some day, for this and other great sins. We were often admonished,but we did not take warning; and we deserve our fates." In speaking ofthe supposed protection which their goddess had extended to them informer times, Zolfukar said: -- "Ah! we had some regard for religionthen! We have lost it since. All kinds of men have been made Thugs,and all classes of people murdered, without distinction; and littleattention has been paid to omens. How, after this, could we think toescape? * * * * Davee never forsook us till we neglected her!"It might be imagined that men who spoke in this manner of the anger ofthe goddess, and who, even in custody, showed so much veneration fortheir unhappy calling, would hesitate before they turned informers,and laid bare the secrets and exposed the haunts of their fellows: --among the more civilized ruffians of Europe, we often find the onechivalrous trait of character, which makes them scorn a reward thatmust be earned by the blood of their accomplices: but in India thereis no honour among thieves. When the approvers are asked, if they, whostill believe in the power of the terrible goddess Davee, are notafraid to incur her displeasure by informing of their fellows, theyreply, that Davee has done her worst in abandoning them. She caninflict no severer punishment, and therefore gives herself no furtherconcern about her degenerate children. This cowardly doctrine is,however, of advantage to the Government that seeks to put an end tothe sect, and has thrown a light upon their practices, which couldnever have been obtained from other sources.Another branch of the Thug abomination has more recently beendiscovered by the indefatigable Captain Sleeman. The followers of thissect are called MEGPUNNAS, and they murder travellers, not to rob themof their wealth, but of their children, whom they afterwards sell intoslavery. They entertain the same religious opinions as the Thugs, andhave carried on their hideous practices, and entertained their dismalsuperstition, for about a dozen years with impunity. The report ofCaptain Sleeman states, that the crime prevails almost exclusively inDelhi and the native principalities, or Rajpootana of Ulwar andBhurtpore; and that it first spread extensively after the siege ofBhurtpore in 1826.The original Thugs never or rarely travel with their wives; but theMegpunnas invariably take their families with them, the women andchildren being used to inveigle the victims. Poor travellers arealways chosen by the Megpunnas as the objects of their murderoustraffic. The females and children are sent on in advance to makeacquaintance with emigrants or beggars on the road, travelling withtheir families, whom they entice to pass the night in some secludedplace, where they are afterwards set upon by the men, and strangled.The women take care of the children. Such of them as are beautiful aresold at a high price to the brothels of Delhi, or other large cities;while the boys and ill-favoured girls are sold for servants at a moremoderate rate. These murders are perpetrated perhaps five hundredmiles from the homes of the unfortunate victims; and the children thusobtained, deprived of all their relatives, are never inquired after.Even should any of their kin be alive, they are too far off and toopoor to institute inquiries. One of the members, on being questioned,said the Megpunnas made more money than the other Thugs; it was moreprofitable to kill poor people for the sake of their children, thanrich people for their wealth. Megpunnaism is supposed by its votariesto be, like Thuggee, under the immediate protection of the greatgoddess Davee, or Kalee, whose favour is to be obtained before thecommencement of every expedition, and whose omens, whether of good orevil, are to be diligently sought on all occasions. The first apostleto whom she communicated her commands for the formation of the newsect, and the rules and ordinances by which it was to be guided, wascalled Kheama Jemadar. He was considered so holy a man, that the Thugsand Megpunnas considered it an extreme felicity to gaze upon and touchhim. At the moment of his arrest by the British authorities, a firewas raging in the village, and the inhabitants gathered round him andimplored him to intercede with his god, that the flames might beextinguished. The Megpunna, says the tradition, stretched forth hishand to heaven, prayed, and the fire ceased immediately.There now only remain to be considered the exertions that have beenmade to remove from the face of India this purulent and disgustingsore. From the year 1807 until 1826, the proceedings against Thuggeewere not carried on with any extraordinary degree of vigour; but, inthe latter year, the Government seems to have begun to act upon asettled determination to destroy it altogether. From 1826 to 1855,both included, there were committed to prison, in the variousPresidencies, 1562 persons accused of this crime. Of these, 328 werehanged; 999 transported; 77 imprisoned for life; 71 imprisoned forshorter periods; 21 held to bail; and only 21 acquitted. Of theremainder, 31 died in prison, before they were brought to trial, 11escaped, and 49 turned approvers.One Feringeea, a Thug leader of great notoreity, was delivered up tojustice in the year 1830, in consequence of the reward of five hundredrupees offered for his apprehension by the Government. He was broughtbefore Captain Sleeman, at Sangir, in the December of that year, andoffered, if his life were spared, to give such information as wouldlead to the arrest of several extensive gangs which had carried ontheir murderous practices undetected for several years. He mentionedthe place of rendezvous, for the following February, of some wellorganized gangs, who were to proceed into Guzerat and Candeish.Captain Sleeman appeared to doubt his information; but accompanied theThug to a mango grove, two stages from Sangir, on the road toSeronage. They reached this place in the evening, and in the morningFeringeea pointed out three places in which he and his gang had, atdifferent intervals, buried the bodies of three parties of travellerswhom they had murdered. The sward had grown over all the spots, andnot the slightest traces were to be seen that it had ever beendisturbed. Under the sod of Captain Sleeman's tent were found thebodies of the first party, consisting of a pundit and his sixattendants, murdered in 1818. Another party of five, murdered in 1824,were under the ground at the place where the Captain's horses had beentied up for the night; and four Brahmin carriers of the Ganges water,with a woman, were buried under his sleeping tent. Before the groundwas moved, Captain Sleeman expressed some doubts; but Feringeea, afterlooking at the position of some neighbouring trees, said be would riskhis life on the accuracy of his remembrance. The workmen dug five feetwithout discovering the bodies; but they were at length found a littlebeyond that depth, exactly as the Thug had described them. With thisproof of his knowledge of the haunts of his brethren, Feringeea waspromised his liberty and pardon if he would aid in bringing to justicethe many large gangs to which he had belonged, and which were stillprowling over the country. They were arrested in the Februaryfollowing, at the place of rendezvous pointed out by the approver, andmost of them condemned and executed.So far we learn from Captain Sleeman, who only brought down his tablesto the close of the year 1835. A writer in the "Foreign QuarterlyReview" furnishes an additional list of 241 persons, committed toprison in 1836, for being concerned in the murder and robbery of 474individuals. Of these criminals, 91 were sentenced to death, and 22 toimprisonment for life, leaving 306, who were sentenced totransportation for life, or shorter periods of imprisonment, or whoturned approvers, or died in gaol. Not one of the whole number wasacquitted.Great as is this amount of criminals who have been brought to justice,it is to be feared that many years must elapse before an evil sodeeply rooted can be eradicated. The difficulty is increased by theutter hopelessness of reformation as regards the survivors. Theirnumbers are still calculated to amount to ten thousand persons, who,taking the average of three murders annually for each, as calculatedby Captain Sleeman and other writers, murder every year thirtythousand of their fellow creatures. This average is said to be underthe mark; but even if we were to take it at only a third of thiscalculation, what a frightful list it would be! When religion teachesmen to go astray, they go far astray indeed! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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