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How did shri ramakrishna view the discipline of Tantra as a means

of god realization?


Under the guidance of a female guru named bhairavi bhramani. a

tantrika, our beloved shri ramakrishna practised the rituals of all

various Tantric schools, achieving in three days the result promised

by each of them.


Shri ramakrishna worshipped the divine mother kali. because he already

wass blessed with a 'mahabhava' ( the sate of great enlightenment just

like shri chaitanya mahaprabhu), THE PARAMAHAMSA had no need of the

five ingredients (PANCHA MAKRAS) of the Tantric worship in their

physical form.


"KAL, KALI " WAS ALL THAT HE UTTERED , he would go into a trance -

talking incoherently like a mad man or a dunkard - in a state of

god-intoxication or spiritual ecstasy. it was so easy for our

beloved thakor to go into a state of samadhi-


It is said he would go into ecstasy " at the sight of a prostitute, of

drunkards revelling in a tavern, and of the sexual union of a dog and

a bitch. The whole world was revealed to him as the play of

Siva-Sakti, and he beheld everywhere the power and beauty of the

Divine Mother."


to shri ramakrishna , everything around him was vibrating with divine

energy (sakti)! no wonder then that when a cow trampled on a blade

of grass, shri ramakrishna's body bore marks of physical bruises- his

consciousness was so awakened that he could not even tolerate

the 'grass' being trampled upon by the cow!


"In a vision of Maya he saw a pregnant woman of exquisite beauty

emerging from the waters of the Ganges River. Presently she came to

the land and gave birth to a child, whom she began to nurse

tenderly. A moment later she assumed a terrible aspect, seized the

child between her grim jaws and crushed it; as she swallowed the

child, she re-entered the waters of the Ganges." this was the

awakening of the kundalini ! Sri Ramakrishna directly perceived the

ascent of the Kundalini, and later described to his disciples it's

various movements: fishlike, monkeylike, and so on.


How do you identify a true tantrik? TRUE TANTRIKS ALWAYS SHOW GREAT

REVERANCE FOR WOMEN - TO SUCH A TANTRIK, every woman IS the embodiment

of the Divine Sakti,!


so much so, shri ramakrishna did "shodasi puja" to his young wife

sarada devi and regarded her as the divine mother! he always

preached that the only way to overcome lust was to regard every

woman as the manifestation of the divine mother.


Shri ramakrishna discouraged his disciples from practising the rituals

prescribed for a sadhaka of heroic disposition. (vira bhava)


OUR BELOVED PARAMAHAMSA always said "avoid kanch and kamini" - Kanch

meand gold and kamini means women- its real interpretation is to teach

freedom from lust and desires !


shri ramakrishna says- " why enter the Mansion from backdoor like

a thief? Instead, take the royal road of japa and devotion, which is

the right approach to the Golden Gate of the Mansion! "







O Mother, I throw myself on Thy mercy; I take shelter at Thy

hallowed feet. I do not want bodily comforts; I do not crave for

name and fame; I do not seek the eight occult powers. Be gracious

and grant that I may have pure love for Thee, a love unsmiften by

desires, cherished by no selfish ends - a love craved by the devotees

for the sake of love alone. And grant me that favour, O Mother, that

I may not be deluded by Thy world-bewitching maya, that I may

never be attached to the world, to "woman and gold" conjured up by

Thy inscrutable maya. O Mother, there is no one but Thee whom I

may call my own. Mother, I do not know how to worship; I am

without austerity; I have neither devotion nor knowledge. Be

gracious, O mother, and out of Thy infinite mercy grant me love for

Thy lotus feet." (The Gospel, ).


jai gurudeva !


jai mahakali!

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