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Bagalâmukhi is clad in yellow and has two hands. With Her left hand

She catches hold of the opponent's tongue and strikes him with a mace

held in Her right hand. She is the striking force, the paralyzing

power, the stupefying Shakti. She paralyses the opponent's speech

(vâk stambhankari).

Her beeja mantrâ is Hlrim. She has to be thought in contemplation as

all yellow. Her complexon is yellow, Her garment is yellow, and Her

ornaments and garlands are yellow. Worshipper is also to be clad in

yellow and do the japa with beads of turmeric. What is the

significance of the yellow color? Yellow is gold with its hue

suppressed. It is the color associated with the thinking mind. A

thinking mind arrests the downpour of intution and inspiration

keeping man dwarfed before higher faculties.

Bagala mukhi has close connections with Sri Vidya. She corresponds to

Dandanâtha, the Commander of the Armed Forces of Rajarâjeshwari. She

is the striking force of the Mother, stifling all movement and

activity. She induces sudden immobility in action. She suppresses

action after it has begun. She is the power which arrests

manifestation. When a rushing current of water is stemmed, two things

may happen. Water whirls and eddies gathering momentum or it changes

its course and flows swiftly into new channels. In fact, this is the

principle on which the whole edifice of Hatha Yoga and RAja Yoga is


By arresting the flow of breath for a while, control over pânic

energy is obtained. By the sudden stoppage and release of breath in

praânâyâma a hatha yogi can continue to live for any length of time.

He gains the power to stop natural activities like impending rain.

However, the laws of nature can only be suspended temporarily, not

annulled. RAja yoga deals with mental prânâyâma. The thoughts coming

into the mind and leaving are equated with the inhalation and

exhalation. Thus control of the space between thoughts leads to

control over the mind.

Worship of Bagalâmukhi can change the course of progress towards

destiny, not the destiny itself.



1. Bagalâ (restrainer)

2. Bagalâmukhî (she who restrains the mouth)

3. Bagalâvasî (she who restrains speech)

4. Vacamatâ (mother of speech)

5. Mantramatâ (mother of mantra)

6. Stambhanî (paralyzer)

7. Prânayamî (restrainer of breath)

8. Mudgaravinî (she who holds the mace)

9. Jivhâunmûlayati (she who pulls out the tongue)

10. Pitisuryâ (she who is yellow like the sun)

11. Kanakî (she who is golden)

12. Tejasuryâ (she who is resplendent like the sun)

13. Hlîma (the embodiment of the bija hlim)

14. Asurâghnî (she who slays asuras)

15. Gambhiraghosî (she whose voice is profound)

16. Vimochanî (she who gives release)

17. Mokshachanî (she who gives liberation)

18. Haimâ (golden)

19. Raktasanâ (she who loves blood)

20. Stambhanakartî (she who causes paralysis)

21. Sudarshanî (she who is pleasant to look upon)

22. Jivhâsthitî (she who is stationed on the tongue)

23. Vashinî (she who keeps persons under control)

24. Saptâvidyâ (the seventh wisdom)

25. Mahânâdî (she who has great sound)

26. Vijayâ (she who is victorious)

27. Sarvamantravidyâ (she who knows all mantras)

28. Amarsanî (she who is angry)

29. Krodhâvâni (she whose voice causes agitation)

30. Hastâthâdâmoksha (she who gives liberation from her hand)

31. Damanadambhâ (she who suppresses arrogance)

32. Bhogakarâ (she who enjoys pleasures)

33. Unmattavesî (she who appears insane)

34. Mahâbalâ (she who is very strong)

35. Tigmamanyu (fiercely angry)

36. Niyantrâ (she who restrains)

37. Sukhakarâ (she who causes joy)

38. Madhusanâ (she who loves wine)

39. Vihâsâ (she who laughs)

40. Mattâ (she who is intoxicated)

41. Akshâkashamâ (she whose eyes are akasha)

42. Jihvâstambhinî (she who paralyzes the tongue)

43. Brahmarandhrâpavartrî (she who opens the brahmarandhra)

44. Hriyantrinî (she who has a yantra for a heart)

45. Mahâkalâmukhî (she whose mouth is very black)

46. Maunakartâ (she who causes silence)

47. Sambrahmî (she who is a furious and awesome attendant upon


48. Kriyâpadâ (she whose words are actions)

49. Kritâbhayanâ (remover of fear)

50. Bandhakî (she whose form is illusion)

51. Simhanadî (she who makes a sound like a lion)

52. Tryaksî (she who has three eyes)

53. Rathakartî (chariot-maker)

54. Ratnayonî (she whose yoni is a jewel)

55. Devâsuravarapradâ (she who gives boons to gods and demons)

56. Muktakesî (she whose hair is unbound)

57. Gabhîrâ (she who is somber and profound)

58. Vyâkaranodbhavî (originating from correct use of language)

59. Gâyatrî (identical with the Gayatri-mantra)

60. Mahângâ (having great limbs)

61. Pîtamanirupâ (she whose form is topaz)

62. Mamsâtti (meat-eater)

63. Varâ (she who is excellent)

64. Nadipatyâ (belonging to sound)

65. Pîtaromanâ (she whose hair is yellow)

66. Mânamukhâ (she who measures the mouth)

67. Balahâ (she who is strong)

68. Sukhambikâ (mother of pleasure)

69. Yuddhâmbikâ (mother of war)

70. Sunadikartâ (maker of good sounds)

71. Bhrantikaramardinî (slayer of those who cause error and


72. Hastastambhanâ (she who paralyzes the hand)

73. Rudranî (she who wails)

74. Vagaladî

75. Adharâtâ (she who is in the south)

76. Krodhinî (agitated)

77. Vajrayani (she who has a thunderbolt)

78. Manogrâhini (she who captivates the mind)

79. Sumanoharâ (very captivating)

80. Mantraprânâ (she whose breath is mantra)

81. Smashanî (she who dwells in the cremation ground)

82. Palâshasapâdukâ (she who wears sandals of Palasa wood)

83. Katuravâmukhî (frog-mouthed)

84. Helakartâ (she who causes hatred)

85. Haritâlanî (she who loves yellow pigments)

86. Kapalaprakshudî (she who crushes the skull)

87. Aksharambikâ (mother of letters)

88. Bhasmadâtvâ (giver of sacred ashes)

89. Yamî (consort of Yama)

90. Svâjapa (she who commands that mantras be recited)

91. Siddhaushadhâ (panacea)

92. Shivâ (auspicious)

93. Durvacamardinî (slayer of the demon Durvaca)

94. Raktâmkritâ (she who is adorned with blood)

95. Gîrnimatâ (mother of praise)

96. Trilokâmohanî (she who stuns the three worlds)

97. Nilakanthadharnî (supporter of the blue-necked god/Shiva)

98. Vimadâ (sober)

99. Suvarcâsî (splendidly shining)

100. Bhîshâ (she whose actions are frightening)

101. Gamakî (she who clarifies and convinces)

102. Ânapâyya (she who does not drink water)

103. Rasavacâ (the essence of speech)

104. Ânapahnavâ (she who does not conceal the truth)

105. Abhivâdyâ (she who is worthy of being saluted)

106. Abhayadâ (bestower of fearlessness)

107. Pretacârinî (she who walks among ghosts)

108. Sarvâbhidhâ (all-hearing)



Om Hlim Bagalamukhi Sarvadustanam Vacam Mukham Padam Stambhaya

Jihvamkilaya Buddhim Vinashaya Hlim Om Svaha"

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thanks kalikaputri for sharing this valuable information on one of

the 'maha vidyas' -- i am sure many members here would appreciate the

weath of infomation you have given us. it is nice to see you taking a

lively interest right from the start.


now, is the deity who help you defeat your opponents in debates, law

suits etc because by praying to bagalamukhi we simeltaneously

accomplish two things...


1) one our opponent is silenced because his/her speech is restrained


2) secondly, we acquire more skills in vak shakti (language power?) ?




i do remember our ex member sankarukku's posts on this deity

bagalamukhi ... in our club shakti sadhana


maybe our beloved nora might post those 'bagalamukhi' messaages

judst to refresh our memory on this subject...


thanx once again...


p.s i received your email. so you want to travel with me to

india ,,,, that will be neat, dear!!! i am also planning to help a

friend of mine do a documentary on 'shakti' temples in south india -

he markets these to universities for studies in theology...

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I am very envious about the temple project. Wish I could do something

like that someday. God luck and enjoy.



Monday, February 25, 2002 8:06 AM

Re: Bagalamukhi

thanks kalikaputri for sharing this valuable information on one of the

'maha vidyas' -- i am sure many members here would appreciate the

weath of infomation you have given us. it is nice to see you taking a

lively interest right from the start. now, is the deity who help you

defeat your opponents in debates, law suits etc because by praying to

bagalamukhi we simeltaneously accomplish two things... 1) one our

opponent is silenced because his/her speech is restrained 2)

secondly, we acquire more skills in vak shakti (language power?) ?

true? i do remember our ex member sankarukku's posts on this deity

bagalamukhi ... in our club shakti sadhana maybe our beloved nora

might post those 'bagalamukhi' messaages judst to refresh our memory

on this subject... thanx once again... p.s i received your email. so

you want to travel with me to india ,,,, that will be neat, dear!!! i

am also planning to help a friend of mine do a documentary on 'shakti'

temples in south india -he markets these to universities for studies

in theology... To from this group, send an email

to:shakti_sadhnaaYour use of

Groups is subject to the

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