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Conch Shell Shankh

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The shankh or the conch is the most ancient wind instrument known to

man. It was obtained as a gift from the great ocean-churning. It is

held very sacred and reference to it is found in all the

ancientliterature of India. It is seen in the hands of almost all the

goddess/god, whenever they are happy or setting out on a war. Goddess

Lakshmi were carried ashore on a scallop shell


The spiral formation inside the conch-shell is symbolic of infinite

space which gradually expands in clock-wise direction. The Shell is

also like the Human Journey Through Life, Birth, Life, Resurrection,

Love, Good Luck. The shell's hard casing protects life, the pearl

inside, and its aquatic nature associates it with the feminine, lunar,

and virginity. Symbolic with music, the conch shell's spiral form and

relation to water cause it to represent the beginning of existence.


The shankh is regarded as one of the attributes of Vishnu. It is one

of the 5 weapons of Vishnu to destroy evil forces. On the battle field

of Kurukshetra in the Mahabhrata, every morning the start of warfare

was signaled by the blowing of the Shankh and again every evening, the

war for that day used to be ended with blowing the Shankh. Every great

King and army chief had his own particular Shankh.


Whenever the shell is blown, it is said to purify the environment from

all evil effect. Even the scientists have agreed to the fact that the

blowing of a conch increases the positive qualities in the atmosphere

such as courage, hope, determination, will-power, optimism, etc. It is

also a call to awakened one from ignorance and announces the victory

of good over evil. The sonorous sound of conch shell honors and

salutes the Lord of Creation. It was the primordial sound of creation

and the divine sound "Om" The sound of welcome and in relation to its

symbolic nature with music and water, the conch shell's spiral form

represent the beginning of existence.


The devotees blow the Shankh before the supreme God with sentiments

of welcoming Him in their hearts and as a symbol of His divine grace

especially at the beginning of worship of the deity. The blowing of

the shell during any auspicious occasion, is said also to bring good

luck and prosperity.


In Buddhism the conch shell's call too meant to awakens the faithful

from ignorance and a sign of victory over samsara, or suffering

existence. In Chinese Buddhism, the conch shell can signify a

prosperous journey, and in Islam it represents the hearing of the

divine word. In medieval Christianity the scallop shell was the emblem

of St. James, the patron of pilgrims, so the shell came to symbolize a

pilgrimage. The scallop shell is also associated with the guardian

angel Raphael, and the Virgin Mary. In later Christianity, it

symbolized resurrection and baptism. Used throughout the Pacific rim

cultures as a signaling and ceremonial wind instrument. Known as

'Putatara' to the Maori. Used by the Aztec culture in ceremonies to

signal the 4 directions, and used to call the rain god 'Tlaloc'. It is

said that Quetzalcoatl created life with the aid of a conch shell and

he is always pictured wearing a conch pectoral. In the Maya region,

conch shells were associated with the Underworld and conch trumpets

were used during rituals to recall ancestors or supernaturals. Known

as the 'Pututo' among the Indians of the highlands in South America.

Used in religious events, communal gatherings, festivals, and

processions. Used by Triton the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, this

merman of the ancient Greeks was often depicted with a trumpet made

from a conch which he used to raise or calm storms




in every bengali household, one will see a conch placed near the

deities at the altar!. the conch is blown once or several times before

ritualistic worship (pooja). It is sometimes blown whilst during

aartis. The conch is placed at the altar in temples and homes next to

the Lord as a symbol of naada brahma (truth), the vedas, Om, dharma,

victory and auspiciousness. the conch is often used to offer devotees

tirth (sanctified water) to raise their minds to the highest truth.


during, weddings (bengali) the conch is blown real loudly to drown any

evil spirits... our chumki can elaborate on this custom better than i

do. Another wel known purpose of blowing the conch and other

instruments, known traditionally to produce auspicious sounds is to

drown or mask the negative comments or noises that may disturb or

upset the atmosphere or the minds of the worshippers.


in certain indian dance forms like manipuri , conch is one of the

important accompanyments.


the conch is blown before a battle starts or to announce the victory

of an army. thus in the bhagvat gita, there is a vivid description of

the blowing of the conch....


a dear friend of mine yogaji wrote in our club bhraman on this...

Bhishma blew his conch-shell---"simhanaadam vinadyochaihi";


Lord Krshna also blew his, Paancajanya (name of a special tyoe of

conch) ----"maadhavaf paandavaschaiva divyosankhau pradadhmatuh ..."


Then, Arjuna, Yudhishthira, Bhim sena, Nakula and Sahadev all blew

their respective conchshells--


"paancajanyam hrshikesho devadattam dhananjayah,

paundram dadhmau mahaasankham bhimakarma vrkodarah"..

"anantavijayam raajaa kuntiputro yudhishthirah,

nakula sahadevasca sughoshamanipushpakau.."


in yoga, we have a mudra called shankha mudra...






Place firmly the left-hand thumb on the right palm and close the


Let the right-hand thumb touch the remaining fingers. Thus all the

four fingers touch the fire element. This mudra leads the hand in

conch shape. Thus it is called "Shankh mudra". The opening

between fingers and thumb at the upper side is like the mouth of


conch. If You try to blow through this portion, as you blow a sound

similar to that provided by a conch is generated. This mudra can

also be formed by changing hands.





I have to add a few things:


Resonance from sound of conch can destroy airborne



2 types of conchs are used, right and left handed. Left handed or

with an opening on the left if head is towards bearer is the


of Laxshmi and friend of Vishnu. Right handed has opening on right

and is still held in right hand. Vishnu held the right handed conch


right hand at the churning of the ocean of existence. Laxshmi was

born from the churning ocean and then Vishnu married her. The

right handed conch bestows prosperity when worshipped.


On Thursday the right handed conch should be washed in

panchramit, then kept on red cloth and worshipped with white

sandalwood mixed with camphor and saffron, flowers, rice, incense,

and light. One should feed a young priest and give him some money.

The conch should then be kept wrapped in red cloth in a silver pot.

This conch can be worshipped as Vishnu and Laxshmi and will

solve financial problems. Japa can be done - the mantra is


om hreem shreem kleem shreedhar karasthaya payonidhi jataya

shree dakshinavart shankhaya hreem shreem kleem shree karaaya

poojyaaya namah.


Finally, water poured from conch on a person destroys his sins, and

milk poured from conch on Laxshmi statue increases wealth.


All this taken from guide "Gems and Rudraksha" put out by Rudra

Centre www.rudraksha-ratna.com







thanks djinia for a post filled with valuable information.


my sister brought for me a beautifuul "valampuri" shankh from a

temple resort in south india - believe me, i gave it to my daughter

with my blessings and since then, "lakshmi devi" has taken a

permanent residence in their abode!


have you heard of "moti shankh" - a shankh shining like a pearl?

well, it has great properties...


pl visit this link


www.siddhashram.org/s20000529.shtml - 29k - Cached - Similar



members, our djinia has mentioned about panchamrit -


what is this panchamrit? it is made out of five ingredients and i


the vest receipe for it - obtained from the tirupatti devastanam?


one interested?




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