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Bala Mahamantra - 1

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Jaya Jaya Shankara !

Namastripurasundaryai !

Namo chandramouleeshwaraaya !

Namo Narasimhaaya !

Bala Tripurasundari,verily the same as Mahatripurasundari, is the

wondrous delight of consciousness which is supreme and unsurpassable.

She is Parashakti, Paramashiva, Parabrahman, the supreme beautitudeor

ultimate reality to be realised by vigorous and constant practice of

the supreme srividya. Supreme conciousness is Shiva and Shakti, Jnana

and kriya, Prakasha and Vimarsha. Shiva and shakti are two only by

connotation and by denotion they are one and the same reality.

Prakasha is light. It is the illumintion or the knowledge as the

nature of the self, predominated by shiva bhava. Vimarsha literally

means thinking or ideation. It's potentiality is calle shakti. It

should be clearly noted that there is no material activity here,

everything is mental.Vimarsha conists in completely

withdrawingoneself from all voluntary thinking. A spontaneous

thinker, is at the same time , a natural spectator(saakshi) of his

mind. This leads to Sahaja Samaadhi, undisturbed equipose .

The very form of Tripura refers to the primal energy Parasakthi,

transcending the three divinities Kali(Shiva),Lakshmi(Narayana) and

Saraswathi(Brahma) who represent the three fold manifestation. This

Parasakthi is the divine power of the transcendent master,

Kameshwara, unconditionally inseperable from Parashakti. Tripura is

the spreme consciousness that illumines the three states of

wking,sleep and dream in the microcosm and Bhuh-Bhuvah-svah in the

macrocosm. She is the luster of the supreme spirit perceived in the

three spots in the body, forehead,head and the heart, depicting Her

powers of knowledge,volition and activity, experienced by the devotee

during meditation or worship.

Parasakthi, depicted as Laghu Srividya in the form of Bala Tripura,

has three inherent powers- Ichha sakthi, Jnana sakthi and kriya

sakthi, explained in triple symbolism of Poojasamketa-Chakrasamketa

and Mantrasamketa. I will refrain from talking about Poojasamketa

which in itself would require a seperate post.

Chakrasamketa : Goddess Tripura bears in the centre of the

forehead,splendour of Jnana sakthi(power of knowledge). Forehead

refers to Ajna chakra, the place of concentration for the yogis. The

first evident appearance of Paraamba is in the knowledge aspect.

Manifestation begins with souns, anaahata naada, expressed first in

the vedas. Thence, all kinds of knowledge take the form of activity.

The forehead, situated between the heart and the head, is the

junction of all nerves. All inherent powers of Jnana shakti are

present here predominantly.

Mantrasamketa : Primorodial knowledge is expressed through universal

sound, "Sabdabrahman". This sound gets thick and becomes audible

through the three vedas. The first mantra of Rigveda begins with 'a'

and that of Yajurveda with 'i'. 'a' + 'i' gives the souns 'ae'.

Samaveda starts with 'a' again. This finally gives rise to the sound

'ai'. Syllable 'ai' thus represents th three vedas. This connotes the

existance-knowledge-bliss(sat-chit-ananda) aspects of Brahman.To

express the non-dual parabrahman, the final import of the vedic

traid, Bindu is added to 'ai', forming the Maha mantra 'AIM'. This

being the combination of letters from 'a' to 'am' ,governs all

sounds. Thus, the shiva-shakti one, non-dual parabrahman

Mahatripurasundari, as Balambika, in her knowledge aspect is

represented by the saraswatha bija mantra "AIM". The first appearnce

of speech(vak) being pashyanti, concentration on the bija should be

on Ajnachakra between the brows.

The place of Kundalini, when active towards manifestation, is the

pelvic plexux(mooladhara) in the human body. She is called

Adahkundalini. The three main nerves Ida-Pingala-Sushumna originate

here and are together called Yuktha Triveni. When the kundalini is

awakened by the great mantra and guru's grace, she moves like

lightnening towards Brahmarandhra, at medulla plexus. She is now

OOrdhwakundalini. Ida and Pingala merge in Sushumna to form Mukta

triveni. Kundalini is the yoni, the place of emnation of all kinds of

energy. She is of the nature of subtle kandarpa vayu and not the gross

Prana vayu. The bija Aim, written in sanskrit represents a triangle.

This triangle is full of the power-points of knowledge,will and

activity, with predominance of the knowledge aspect. With a central

bindu, it is a very poerful,forceful bija mantra, which when received

from a mantra siddha samradayavit Sadguru and repeated, concentrating

the traditional way, surely awakens the kundalini.

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harsha dearest, welcome back! we did miss your posts in many groups !


it was a delight to read your post on sree lalta tripura sundari

especially the 'kunalalini' awakening with the recitation and

worship of the divine mother in this most magnificent form...


as described in sree lalita saharanama, our divine mother shree

lalita travels from muladhara to manipura to ajna to sahasara chakra -

in between she cuts open the knots (grantis) of brahma, vishnu and

rudra to finally unite with her lord siva in the sahasara ...









SO, IN KUNDALINI YOGA , as per the samaya path (adi shankara and sree

vidya tradition) , sahasara is the goal where shiva unites with

shakti and this equality is evident in 1) adhisthana (abode), 2)

anusthana (occupation) , avastha (condition) and rupa (form) and nama

(name) ? !


so, on the eve of maha shiv ratri, i wish you and other members here

a very blissful shiv ratri...


i myself have been busy reciting the rudra chamkan and namakam ,

lingashtakam and meditating on 'om nama shivaye' this past one week

and was transported to another world -


om siva-saktty aikya ruoinyai namaha


salutations to HER who is the unity of sHiva and sHakti!



love and blessings to you, harsha!

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