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samaya worship - adi shankara -manasika puja

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Samaya worship is pure internal worship withouth any external ritual

or ingredients, and is performed in the Hrdayakasa (the spiritual

sky, as contrasted with Mahakasa or the external space). Hrdayakasa,

otherwise called the Dahara, is the subtle dimension into which a

Yogi, who has gained absolute control over the movements of his body

and mind, enters. In such an aspirant the Kundalini, awakened by the

meditative process and the grace of the Guru (technically called

Sambhava mahavedha - on a more personal note the Guru would be the

last "Other" the "I" comes to know, would it be a human form or a

conceptual form), rises from the Muladhara, through the swadhisthana

to Manipura, where the Devi is worshiped with various ingredients,

not material but of subtle dimension of Cittakasa. Then She is led to

the Ajna-cakra where further items of worship are offered to Her. She

then quickly enters into the Thousand-petalled Lotus of the

Sahasrara, generating infinite bliss in the aspirant.


The mental adoration of the Siva-Sakti in the Thousand-Petalled

Lotus of Sahasrara, which is considered identitical with the Sri-

Cakra, is the form that the worship of the Samayins take. The

adoration of the Devi in the different Cakras is not essential for

them. For all the Cakras are included in Sri-Cakra.


Pure internal worship can be done only by highly advanced Sadhakas.

The worship done by those who cannot attain to this high level is

called Misra or a mixture of internal and external worship. They do

internal worship through meditation according to they capacity, and

worship the Devi in the Sri-Cakra designed on Bhurja-patra, silk or

metal sheet making offerings of various items of worship. This is the

common form of worship prevalent among those who call themselves

Samayins, the pure mental worship being confined to advanced




Sri-Cakra is conceived by these worshippers not as a mere design,

but as the very manifestation of Siva-Sakti in Their abode, wherein

Their devotees can adore them. Sri-Cakra is described by texts as

Sivayor vapuh - the very body of Siva and Sakti. It represents also

the manifestation of Siva-Sakti as Brahmanda (manifested universe as

a whole) and as Pindanda (individuals). Therefore the Sahasrara and

all the six Cakras are included in the Sri-Cakra, and its adoration

is conceived as equal to the adoration of Siva-Sakti in all Cakras

including the Sahasrara. But in pure Samaya worship there is no need

of any such external symbol, as the worshipper is abble to ascend

into higher dimension of Chittakasa, and adore Sakti in the Cakras

and unite Her with Siva in the Sahasrara.



According to Laksmidhara the most important part of Samayin's

adoration consist of realizing the four kinds of identities:


First there is the identity of the six Cakras begining with the

Muladhara of the with the six Konas (angles) of the Sri-Cakra

begining with the Trikona.

Second identity is between the quadrilateral in wich the Bindu is

located in the Sri-Cakra of the Samyins, with the middle of the

thousand-petalled lotus (Sahasrara).

The third one is the identity between Bindu and Shiva.

The fourth one is the identity of the totality of the Sri-Cakra with

the fifteen letters of the Pancadasaksari Mantra or Tripurasundari

standing for her fifteen Kalas.


Beyond them, the twentyfive evolutionary categories, is




It is said that by this practice of meditation on these identities

the aspirant's mind gets absorbed in Sadakhya Kala. Then by the grace

of the Guru the aspirant's Kundalini, which as been asleep in the

Muladhara, immediatly rises to the level of Manipura. There the

aspirant performs Her worship in the Dahara (the spiritual sky) and

leads Her through the Anahata and Sisuddhi Cakras to the Ajna-cakra,

where She apppears as a streak of Lightning and immediately unites

with Siva in the Sahasrara. This result in infinite bliss in the body-

mind of the aspirant. As the Kundalini rises, the body becomes cold,

and when it reaches the Sahasrara, his individual consciousness is

absorbed in the unitary consciousness of Samadhi.


abstracted from a web source


om sree mahatripurasundarayaii namaha!

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