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narayani stuti

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Narayani Stuti





devi prapannarti-hare prasida prasida matar-jagato khilasya

prasida visvesvari pahi visvam tvamisvari devi caracarasya

adhara-bhuta jagatas-tvam-eka mahi-svarupena yatah sthitasi

apam svarupa sthitaya tvayaita dapyayate krtsnam-alanghya-virye

tvam vaisnavi saktir-ananta-virya visvasya bijam paramasi maya

sarnmohitam devi samasta-metat tvam vai prasanna bhuvi mukti-hetuh

vidyah samastas-tava devi bhedah striyah samastah sakala jagatsu

tvayaikaya purita-mambayaitat ka te stutih stavyapara paroktih

sarva-bhuta yada devi svarga mukti pradayini

tvam stuta stutaye ka va bhavantu paramoktayah

sarvasya buddhi-rupena janasya hrdi samsthite

svargapavargade devi naraya,ni namostute

kalakasthadirupena parinama-pradayini

visvasyoparatau saktyai narayaoi namo stute

sarva-mangala-mangalye sive sarvartha-sadhike

saranye tryambake gauri narayani namo stute

srsti-sthiti-vinasanam sakti bhute sanatani

gunasraye gunamaye narayani namo stute


sarvasvarti-hare devi narayani namo stute

hamsa-yukta-vimana-sthe brahmam rupa-dharini

kausambhah ksarike devi narayani namo stute

trisula-candrahi-dhare maha-vrsabha-vahini

mahesvari-svarupena narayani namo stute

mayura-kukkuta-vrte maha-sakti-dhare naghe

kaumari rupa-samsthane narayani namo stute


prasida vaisnavi-rupe narayani namo stute

grhitogra-mahacakre danstroddhrta-vasundhare

varaha-rupini sive narayani namo stute

nrsimha rupenogrena hantum daityan krtodyame

trailokya-trana-sahite narayani namo stute

kiritini mahavajre sahasra-nayanojjvale

vrtra-prana-hare caindri narayani namo stute

siva duti-svarupena hata-daitya-mahabale

ghora-rupe maharave narayani namo stute

damstra-karala-vadane siromala-vibhusane

camunde munda-mathane narayani namo stute

laksmi lajje mahavidye sraddhe pusti-svradhe dhruve

maharatri maha vidye narayani namo stute

medhe sarasvati vare bhuti babhravi tamasi

niyate tvam prasidese narayani namo stute

sarvasvarupe sarvese sarva sakti samanvite

bhayebhyas-trahi no devi durge devi namo stute

etat-te vadanam saumyam locana-traya-bhusitam

patu nah sarvabhlrtibhyah. katyayani namo stute


trisulam patu no bhiter-bhadra-kali namo stute

hinasti daitya-tejamsi svanenapurya ya jagat

sa ghanta patu no devi papebhyo nah sutaniva

asurasrgvasapanka-carcitas-te karojjvalah

subhaya khadgo bhavatu candike tvam nata vayam

rogan-asesan-apahansi tusta rugta tu kaman sakalan-abhistan

tvam-asritanam na vipan-naranam tvam-asrita hyasrayatam prayanti










Narayani Stuti O Devi ! O Destroyer of woes! Be Pleased. O Mother of

all the worlds! O Supreme Controller of the Universe! Protect us all,

and protect this world! Thou art the Support of this Universe. Thou,

the One is appearing as this world! Thou art water. Thou art the

elements. Thou are Vishnu-Maya. Thou art the Cause for bondage and

liberation. All knowledge is Thy form. All women are Thyself, O

Mother! All this is filled by Thee alone. Thou art Intelligence in

all men. O Narayani! Thou art the giver of Svarga and Moksha. Thou

art Time, Space and Causation. O Blessed Refuge of the distressed, O

Narayani! Salutations to Thee! O Destroyer of all troubles of the

devoted who take refuge in Thee, O Narayani, Salutations to Thee!


O Brahmani with Kamandalu, sitting on the swan! O Mahasvari with

trident, moon and serpents, sitting on a bull! O Kaumari with

Mahasakti, sitting on a peacock! O Vaishnavi with Sankha, Chakra,

Gada, Sarnga, and various great Astras! Be pleased, O Narayani!

Salutations to Thee! O Inrani sitting on the elephant, with Vajra in

the hand! O Narayani! Salutations to Thee! O Devi of the dreadful

form of Narasimha and of Varaha with a ferocious tusk, O Narayani,

Salutations to Thee! O Devi who took various forms like Kaali and

Sivadooti, O Terrible-faced! O Narayani, salutations to Thee! O

Lakshmi! O Kaali! O Sarasvati! Protect us, O Durga! O Naragani,

salutations to Thee! May Thy Trisula, Chakra Ghanta, Conch, Sword,

which destroyed Chanda, Munda, Sumbha, Nisumba and other Rakshasas,

protect us, O Narayani, Salutations to Thee!


O Devi! Thou destroyest all the bad diseases completeb. Thou givest

when pleased all that one desires. To them who take refuge in Thee,

there is no want. They really get a suitable Refuge in Thee. O Devi,

wherever there are evil qualities, wherever there are Rakshasas,

wherever there are unrighteous forces, there Thou manifestest Thyself

and destroyest them, O Devi! Be Pleased, Be pleased. Protect, O

Protect us! May the sins of the world lessen quickly. O adorable

Devi! Take pity on these (Devas) who are under Thy Great Feet







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