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108names of goddess lakshmi

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108 Names of Goddess Lakshmi :

Goddess Lakshmi, is known for her 108 different names , out of

which , one name is "Navadurga ".The details about other names of

Lakshmi are as follows :


Prakruti - Nature

Vikruti - Multi-Faceted Nature

Vidya - Wisdom

Sarvabhootahitaprada - Granter of Universal Niceties

Shraddha - Devoted

Vibhuti - Wealth

Surabhi - Celestial Being

Paramatmika - Omnipresence

Vachi - Nectar-Like Speech

Padmalaya - Residing On The Lotus

Padma - Lotus

Shuchi - Embodiment of Purity

Swaha - Shape of Swahadevi(Auspicious)

Swadha - Shape of Swadhadevi(Inauspicious)

Sudha - Nectar

Dhanya - Personification of Gratitude

Hiranmayi - Golden Appearance

Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth

NityaPushta - Gaining strength Day By Day

Vibha - Radiant

Aditi - Radiant Like The Sun

Deetya - Answer Of Prayers

Deepta - Flame-Like

Vasudha - Earth

Vasudharini - Bearing the the Burden of Earth

Kamala - Lotus

Kantha - Consort of Vishnu

Kamakshi - One with Attractive Eyes

Kamalasambhava - Emanating from the Lotus

Anugrahaprada - Granter of Good Wishes

Buddhi - Wisdom

Anagha - Sinless

Navadurga - All Nine Forms of Durga

Harivallabhi - Consort of Lord Hari

Ashoka - Dispeller of Sorrows

Amrutha - Nectar

Deepa - Radiant

Lakashokavinashini - Remover of Universal Agonies

Dharmanilaya - Establisher of Eternal Law

Karuna - Compassionate

Lokamatri - Mother of the Universe

Padmapriya - Lover of Lotus

Padmahasta - Having Lotus-Like Hands

Padmakshya - Lotus-eyed

Padmasundari - Beautiful Like the Lotus

Padmodbhava - One Who Emerged Out of the Lotus

Padmamukhi - Lotus-Faced

Padmanabhapriya - Beloved of Padmanabha

Ramaa - Pleaser of the Lord

Padmamaladhara - Wearer of Lotus Garland

Devi - Goddess

Padmini - Lotus

Padmagandhini - Having the Fragrance of Lotus

Punyagandha - Having Divine Perfume

Suprasanna - Ever Cheerful and Beaming

Prasadabhimukhi - Emerging to Grant Boons

Prabha - Radiant Like the Sun

Chandravadana - Moon-Faced

Chanda - Cool Like the moon

Chandrasahodari - Sister of the Moon

Chaturbhuja - with four arms

Chandrarupa - Moon-Faced

Indira - Radiant like the Sun

Indusheetala - Cool like the Moon

Ahladajanani - Source of Happiness

Pushti - Healthy

Shiva - Auspicious

Shivakari - Source of Auspicious Things

Satya - All Truth

Vimala - Pure

Vishwajanani - Mother of the Universe

Pushti - Possessor of All Wealth

Daridriyanashini - Remover of Poverty

Preeta Pushkarini - One with Pleasing Eyes

Shanta - Full with peace or Calm

Shuklamalambara - Wearer of White Garland and Attire

Bhaskari - Radiant like the Sun

Bilvanilaya - Resider Under Bilva Tree

Vararoha - Ready to Offer Boons

Yashaswini - Reputed

Vasundhara - Daughter of the Earth

Udaranga - Endowed with a Beautiful Body

Harini - Deer-Like

Hemamalini - Having Golden Garlands

Dhanadhanyaki - Bestower of Wealth and Foodgrains

Siddhi - Ever Ready to Protect

Straina Soumya - Showering Goodness on Women

Shubhaprada - Granter of Auspicious Things

Nrupaveshvagathananda - Loves to Live in Palaces

Varalakshmi - Granter of Bounty

Vasuprada - Bestower of Wealth

Shubha - Auspicious

Hiranyapraka - Amidst Gold

Samudratanaya - Beloved Daughter of the Ocean of Milk

Jaya - Goddess of Victory

Mangala - Most Auspicious

Devi - The Deity

Vishnuvakshah - Residing in Vishnu's Chect

Vishnupatni - Consort of Vishnu

Prasannakshi - Lively-Eyed

Narayana Samashrita - Sought Refuge in Narayana

Daridriya Dhwamsini - Destroyer of Poverty

Devi - Goddess

Sarvapadravanivarini - Dispeller of all Distresses

Mahakali - A Form of Kali

Brahma-Vishnu-Shivatmika - Trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva

Trikala-dnyanasampanna - Aware of all 3 -the Past, Present and Future

Bhuvaneshwarya - Supreme Deity

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1.Om Pakrutyai namaha

Nature : Goddess Lakshmi is nature, the center of all the manifested

and the unmanifested.


2Om Vikrutyai namaha

Multi-faceted Nature : Attributed with a multi-faceted nature,


Lakshmi assumes many forms, known by numerous names, yet is



3.Om Sarvabhoota hitapradayai namaha

Granter of Universal Niceties : All sensual pleasures are dependent

upon the grace of Goddess Lakshmi only. As a repository of knowledge

and wisdom, she personifies pleasantries and blesses her devotees




4.Om Shraddhayai namaha

Devoted : The goddess, who is realized by devotion, is ever fond of

her devotees. By one's devotion, one can grasp the Ultimate Reality


5.Om Vibhutyai namaha

Wealth : Goddess Lakshmi, bestowing wealth and happiness on Her true

followers, is the eternal source of bliss and joy, whose divine grace

and benevolence on Her devotees bring joy to them.


6.Om Surabhyai namaha

Celestial Being : The Goddess, who is the supreme Form, is also a

celestial Being, she is worshipped by the Highest, the Trimurthis.


7.Om Paramatmikayai namah

Omnipresence : Goddess Lakshmi is the Supreme Goddess of the three

world and is the sole shelter for the distressed and the destitute.


8.Om Padmayai namaha

Lotus : Emerging from the Ocean of Milk, seated on a lotus, Goddess

Lakshmi is also called Padma. She adores the lotus flower, and is

Herself like one, tender, supple and graceful.


9.Om Vaache namaha:

Nectar-Like Speech : The graceful and beautiful Goddess, is


with speech like nectar, sweeter in melody than the nectar, or even

the music of the veena.


10.Om Padmanilayayai namaha

Residing on the lotus : Emerging from the Ocean of Milk and Nectar,

the Divine Goddess has her abode in the lotus, which is a shelter of

bliss and happiness.



11.Om Shuchaye namaha

Embodiment of Purity : Attributed with virtues of compassion,

kindness, love, benevolence and mercy, among other things, the

gracious Supreme Goddess is the symbolic representation of purity.


12.Om Swaahayai namaha

Shape of Swahadevi ( Auspicious ) : Goddess Lakshmi embodies all that

is held auspicious. Her grace and blessings ensure all comforts and

bestow fruits of labour and true devotion, for She is the source of

all that is good and auspicious.


13.Om Swadhayai namaha

Shape of Swadhadevi ( Inauspicious ) :Bestowed with auspiciousness


sacred attributes, Goddess Lakshmi spells doom for those violating

universal laws, becoming a sign of inauspiciousness for them.


14.Om Sudhayai namaha

Nectar : The beneficient, most endearing and lovable Goddess Lakshmi

dwells in everybody as nectar, as the source of all bliss and

enjoyment. She is effulgent with kindness and as sweet and charming




15.Om Dhanyayai namaha

Personification of Gratitude : The most benevolent, the most

compassionate, the most endearing - with these attributed, Goddess

Laksmi dwells in everybody as the source of all bliss and enjoyment,

for she is Gratitude Personified.


16.Om Hiranmayaayai namaha

Golden Appearance : Like a thousand suns, Goddess Lakshmi radiates

splendour. Resplendent in all Her glory, She is dazzling like

lightning, and cool as the silvery moon.


17.Om Lakshmyai namaha

Goddess of Wealth : The source of all powers and energies, dazzling


all Her glory.


18.Om Nityapushtaayai namaha

Gaining strength day by day : She is the greatest strength, the

greatest intelligence and the greatest bliss. By concentrating on


one can grow stronger day by day.


19.Om Vibhaavaryai namaha

Radiant : The great Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi is a limitless ocean


beauty, whose spectacular appearance overwhelms the mind. She shines

in all Her glory and beauty of form.


20.Om Aadityai namaha

Radiant like the sun : The beautiful, graceful, eternally radiant and

smiling Goddess Lakshmi is the center of beauty, the source of


Seeing Her beauty, even a thousand Kamadenus feel belittled.


21.Om Dityai namaha

Answers of Prayers : Quickly dispelling all afflictions and fears,


beautiful Goddess protects Her beloved ones as an answer to their



22.Om Deepaayai namaha

Flame-like : The gracious Goddess, most beautiful and graceful shines

with radiance, like a thousand suns' brillance.


23.Om Vasudhaayai namaha

Earth : As Goddess of Earth, Goddess Lakshmi bestows Her grace and

love on Her worshippers. Anyone who seeking shelter in Her will be



24.Om Vasudhaarinyai namaha

Bearer of the Burden of earth : Mother Lakshmi, who quickly dispels

all afflictions, is the Supreme Goddess of Earth. She protects her

loved ones and showers Her grace and blessings on them, by bearing


taking upon Herself their burden.


25.Om Kamalaayai namaha

Lotus : Although attributeless, Goddess Lakshmi has a lotus-like


eyes, hands and feet which carry their fragrance far and wide. Like

the nectar in the lotus, She is ever sweet and endearing.


26.Om Kaantaayai namaha

Consort of Vishnu : As the beloved consort of Lord Vishnu, Goddess

Lakshmi is the light of the universe, and its infinite existence.


27.Om Kaamaakshyai namaha

One with attractive eyes : The eternally beautiful Goddess Lakshmi is

loved by all the gods. Her eyes, radiating love and compassion,


with the knowledge and wisdom of infinite power which the gods

recognize as Ultimate Reality.


28.Om Kamasambhavaayai namaha

Emanating from the lotus : Goddess Lakshmi's emergence out of the

powerful and waveless Ocean of Milk and nectar is significant, for


is without attributes, changeless, yet the cause of all change.


29.Om Anugrahapradaayai namaha

Granter of Good Wishes : The ever-benevolent Goddess Lakshmi is the

bestower of all kinds of comforts to Her devoteed, granting them Her

grace, Her blessings and shelter.


30.Om Bhudhaye namaha

Wisdom : She is self-luminous ie illuminated the senses, thereby

dispelling ignorance.


31.Om Anaghaayai namah

Sinless : She is untainted, pure Consciousness. By Nature

concentration on Her, every sin becomes a virtue.


32.Om Harivallabhaayai namaha

Consort of Lord Hari : As Hari's beloved, Goddess Lakshmi is His

Consort, as takes various forms when He manifests in the human form.

She is the power of knowledge and the abode of all gods.


33.Om Ashokaayai namaha

Dispeller of sorrows : Armed with all the tools of destruction, the

Supreme Goddess dispels all sorrows and vanquishes evil . She dispels

the fear of Her devotees by destroying evil and ensuring peace to



34.Om Amruthaayai namaha

Nectar : The Goddess is the quintessence of nectar. The devotees


incomprarable bliss when he surrenders himself totally, transcending

his ego.


35.Om Deeptaayai namaha

Radiant : The radiance emanating from Goddess Lakshmi overwhelms the

mind of even Her beloved. Ever shining and resplendent in all Her

jewellery, she exudaes charm and magnetism.


36.Om Lokaaloka Vinaashinyai namaha

Remover of Universal Agonies : Without Goddess Lakshmi's grace, it is

impossible to accomplish and sacrificial rite of big mission. By

surrendering unto Her, one can be relieved of one's agonies and



37.Om Dharmanilayaayai namaha

Establisher of Eternal Law : The great, ever-forgiving Goddess


stays with dharma, staying when one leads a pious life, devoid of any

immoral activities. The devotee is blessed with the grace of Goddess

Lakshmi and absolved of all sins.


38.Om Karunaayai namaha

Compassionate : As mother of the universe, Goddess Lakshmi si the

ocean of compassion and love. She is the embodiment of peace, praised

by the gods, and giver of every wealth that is sought.


39.Om Lokamatre namaha

Mother of the Universe : There is no end to Her immense power. Her

glory is so great as to be beyond description. As Mother of the

universe She commands the admiration and reverence of the gods and

other beings.


40.Om Padmapriyayai namaha

Lover of Lotus : Goddess Lakshmi, seated on a lotus and emerging from

the Ocean of Milk, is extremely fond of the flower. Her Garland of

lotuses is significant in that Her beauty transcends all.



41.Om Padmahastaayai namaha

Having Lotus0like Hands : Goddess Lakshmi is attributed with hands

that are soft and gentle like the petals of the lotus. They sparkle

with ornaments that are studded with precious stones.


42.Om Padmakshyai namaha

Lotus_eyed : Her lotus-like eyes are full of divine love and

gentleness. As a source of bliss and limitless happiness, the Supreme

Goddess radiates kindness and compassion, and infinite power and



43.Om Padmasundaryai namaha

Beautiful like the lotus : Radiant and lowing as She is, Goddess

Lakshmi is as slender and beautiful as a lotus stalk. Like the nectar

in it, She is attractive, and extremely graceful like a deer.


44.Om Padmodbhavaayai namaha

One who emerged out of the lotus : When the Ocean of Milk was


the great, divine Goddess emerged out of the lotus, and looked so

beautiful that everyone sang Her praises.


45.Om Padmamukyai namaha

Lotus-faced: Goddess Lakshmi, gentle and beautiful like the lotus

flower, is benevolence personified. With Her lotus-like faced, She is

the source of all speech.


46.Om Padmanaabhapriyaayai namaha

Beloved of Padmanabha : Padmanabha, another name of Vishnu, is

Consciousness, and His power is Lakshmi, His beloved consort. There


no distinction between them.


47.Om Ramaayai namaha

Pleaser of the Lord : As ramaa, Goddess Lakshmi roams the three

worlds, keeping a watchful eye on her faithful devotees, she


on them Her grace and blessings.


48.Om Padmamaaladharaayai namaha

Wearer of Lotus Garland : Bedecked with a garland of lotuses, the

graceful Goddess is the queen of the universe, moving and non-moving.

Since She emanated from the lotus, She is fond of the flower.


49.Om Vidyaayai namaha

Wisdom : Goddess Lakshmi is the inward movement of Consciousness

towards liberation or realization of the Ultimate.


50.Om Padminyai namaha

Lotus : The beloved daughter of the Ocean of Milk, emerging from the

waters on a lotus, is the granter of divine bliss. Like the lotus,


personifies beauty and tenderness.


51.Om Padmagandhinyai namaha

Having the Fragrance of the Lotus : The great Goddess, emerging from

the lotus, has the fragrance of the lotus, the appearance of the


and its tenderness.


52.Om Punyagandhaayai namaha

Having divine perfume : The beautiful and gracious Goddess engulfs


whole universe with Her being and divine frangrance. Her lotus-like

appearance exudes a heavenly perfume that pervades everywhere.


53.Om Suprasannayai namaha

Ever cheerful and beaming : The Supreme Goddess, ever beautiful and

radiant in all Her splendour, is the embodiment of loveliness, grace

and charm, compassion and love, power and infinity. She is ever

cheerful, a smile playing on her lips.


54.Om Prasaadaabhimukhyai namaha

Emerging to Grant Boons : He who worships Goddess Lakshmiwith sull

faith in his heart gets the desired boon and attains perfection for

She is ever ready to fulfill the wishes of Her devotees.


55.Om Prabhaayai namaha

Radiant like the Sun : Fond of the golden hue, Goddess Lakshmi is

always reflecting the radiance in Her sparkle, like a thousand

brilliant suns.


56.Om Chandra Vadanaayai namaha

Moon _ faced : Goddess Lakshmi is likened to the moon in appearance

and in coolness. She is a virtue of goddness, raining the


of nectar on her worshippers.


57.Om Chadraayai namaha

Cool like the moon : The moon-faced Goddess Lakshmi is always cool


calm like the moon and is ever endearing. She is the embodiment of


the aspirations of a peace-loving man.


58.Om Chandra Sahodaryai namaha

Sister of the Moon : Goddess Lakshmi is considered to be the moon's

sister, for both emerged out of the Ocean of Milk when it was churned

by the gods. Her appearance is radiant like the moon.


59.Om Chaturbhujaayai namaha

Four-shouldered : The Almighty Goddess Lakshmi is attributed with


shoulders, and in each of her arms, She carries something which is

symbolic. Sh eis Infinite Power.


60.Om Chandra Roopayai namaha

Moon-faced : The ever-radiant, beautiful Goddess Lakshmi, with her

moon-liked face, reflects the cool, silvery luminiscence of the moon.

She is the personification of virtues.


61.Om Indiraayai namaha

Radiant like the Sun : Seated on a golden throne in the Ocean of

Nectar, She shines with the brillance of a thousand rising suns.


62.Om Indusheetalaayai namaha

Cool like the Moon : Goddes Lakshmi, though radiating from the heart

of the sun, is cool lilke the moon. She is the power that goads our

minds, which are conditioned by various limitations, to free


from sins.


63.Om Aahlaada Jananyai namaha

Source of Happiness : The benevolent Goddess Lakshmi rules the entire

universe, and its laws and its execution, bringing joy and happiness

to Her faithful devotees. She is the personification of divine bliss.


64.Om Pustaayai namaha

Healthy : Full of the bliss of youth, the Goddess is tender but at


same time bouncing with good health. She is the divine Mother who

blesses Her children with good health.


65.Om Shivaayai namaha

Auspicious : The beautiful Goddess, radiant and dazzling like a

thousand suns, portends all that is auspicious, for She embodies

Primordial Energy.


66.Om Shivakaryai namaha

Source of Auspicious things : Goddess Lakshmi, embodying

auspiciousness, is the Primodial energy invoked by devotees for their



67.Om Sathyai namaha

Totality of truth : The powerful Goddess Lakshmi, as Satya, is the

ultimate reward of any endeavour that is undertaken with true faith.

She is the Ultimate Reality, and anyone who recognizes this Truth, is

blessed with Her grace.


68.Om Vimalaayai namaha

Pure : The most benevolent, the most loving, the most powerful,

Goddess Lakshmi is the mine of all virtues, as pure as the best gems.


69.Om Vishwa Jananyai namaha

Mother of the Universe : Mother Lakshmi, the ever benevolent, the

compassionate, loving, forgiving Goddess, who is ever protective

towards Her loved ones, is the source of all happiness and virtues.


70.Om Daaridra Naashinyai namaha

Remover of poverty : By Her glory, Goddess Lakshmi procures for Her

devoted ones every kind of wealth and prosperity, thus removing their



71.Om Preethi Pushkarinyai namaha

One with pleasing eyes : In the ocean of Her beauty, Goddess


eyes are gentl and pleasing. They are ever watchful , seeing

everything, and are full of compassion and divine love.


72.Om Shaanthayai namaha

Peaceful or Calm : Ecstatic with a smiling face, as a sign of her

inner bliss, She shines with the seven colours of the rainbow. Just


a peacock dances with pleasures at the sight of clouds, even so, She

makes the mind sof devotees dance with bliss, dispelling troubled



73.Om Shukla Malyaambhara Dharayai namaha

Wearer of white garland and attire : On emerging from the Ocean of

Milk, seated on a lotus, She looked so radiant and beautiful that the

great Ocean gave her a garland of imperishable white flowers.

Resplendent in a white garland and attire, she personifies purity.


74.Om Bhaskaryai namaha

Radiant like the Sun : Goddess Lakshmi's entire image is dazzling, fo

rShe is the mind of all virtues, shining like gems and precious

stones. Her beauty is beyond comparison in the three worlds.


75.Om Bilvanilayaayai namaha

Resider Under Bilva Tree : Goddess Lakshmi, Mother Nature in Her

pristine form, resided under the bilva tree, whose leaves are offered

as worship to the gods.


76.Om Varaarohaayai namaha

Ready to offer Boons : resplendent in all her glory, She is ever


77.Om Yashasvinyai namaha

Reputed : The Supreme Goddess, slender and beautiful like a lotus, is

reputed to be the embodiment of Highest Knowledge and Ultimate



78.Om Vasundharaayai namaha

Daughter of the Earth : Goddess Lakshmi, Daughter of the Earth,

creates, preseres and destroys the universe for Her own pleasure. She

is changeless, yet is the cause of all changes.


79.Om Harinyai namaha

Deer-like : Although attributeless, Goddess Lakshmi assumes the most

beautiful form, and like a deer, is ever graceful and gentle.


80.Om Hemamaalinyai namaha

Having Golden garlands : The beautiful Goddess, having emerged from

the Ocean of Milk on a lotus flower, is ever fond of wearing the

golden flower garlands that bedecks Her bosom supremely.


81.Om Dhanadhaanya karyai namaha

Bestower of Wealth and Foodgrains : Goddess Lakshmi, symbolic of

wealth and prosperity, is also the Goddess of foodgrains. She fulfils

the desires of the ever-faithful and showers. Her grace on them


82.Om Siddhaye namaha

Ever ready to protect : The great Supreme Goddess is always ready to

protect anyone who seeks Her blessings and grace. She is benevolent,

compassionate, forgiving and loving.


83.Om Straina Sowmyaayai namaha

Showering Goodness on Women : The compassionate, loving Mother of the

world is Goddess Lakshmi. She provides succour to Her loved ones,

especially women, showering Her divine grace on them.


84.Om Shubha Pradaayai namaha

Granter of Auspicious things : The auspicious and benevolent Goddess

Lakshmi makes everyone affluent with all kinds of riches. She is the

treasury, the fountainhead from which flows the material that the

universe is built of.


85.Om Nrupaveshma Gathanandayai namaha

Loves to live in Palaces : Goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of wealth,

power and knowledge, loves to dwell in palaces, meaning that she

resides in those who are large-hearted, for She Herself is most



86.Om Brahmavishivaayai namaha

Trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva : The supreme Goddess, the cause of


changes and creation, is the mistress of all the three works, Even

Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma revere Her, for She is the beloved of all.


87.Om Varalakshmyai namaha

Granter of Bounty : Goddess Lakshmi is repository of all virtues. She

is ever bountiful and compassionate, bestowing all kinds of riches


happiness on whoever worships Her truly.


88.Om Vasupradaayai namaha

Bestower of Wealth : All virtues are embedded in the virtuous Goddess

Lakshmi, and by Her grace, one accomplishes one's desire. She is the

personification of benevolence and bestows lavishly.


89.Om Shubhaayai namaha

Auspicious : Goddess Lakshmi, also called Shubha, is the harbinger of

good auspicies, for She is full of bliss and good virtues, worshipped

by all, loved by all, even by the gods. Endowed with everything

auspicious She spells success and prosperity.


90.Om Hiranya Praakaarayai namaha

Amidst Gold : The great goddess, with her gracious and radiant

experience, stands out amidst the glittering gold- like rays of a

thousand suns.


91.Om Samudra Tanayaayai namaha

Beloved daughter of the Ocean of Milk : When the Ocean of Milk was

churned, there emerged fourteen gems. Emerging out of it as one of

them, Goddess Lakshmi chose Vishnu's companionship forever.


92.Om Jayaayai namaha

Goddess of victory : As the triumphant victor, Goddess Lakshmi is the

element of success in al lactions, pervading the three worlds wit her

faultless brilliance, she is Supreme, She is Omniscient.


93.Om Mangalaayai namaha

Most auspicious : Goddess Lakshmi is the source of all that is good

and auspicious. She is the harbinger of good auspicies.


94.Om Devyai namaha

The diety : She is Pure Consciousness, unformulated or

undifferentiated. Unsupported, She is the support of the universe.


95.Om Vishnuvaksha Stala stithayai namaha

Residing in Vishnu's chest : residing in the chest of Vishnu, Goddess

Lakshmi worships and adores her consort. They are the two aspects of

the Ultimate Reality.


96.Om Pushtiaayai namaha

Possessor of all Wealth : A true devotee gets immense richness and

happiness, and never suffers prication. For the most benevolent

Goddess Lakshmi is the possessor of all wealth and is bounteous.


97.Om Vishnupatnyai namaha

Consort of Vishnu : When Goddess Laksmi emerged from the ocean of

Milk, Vishnu chose her as His consort. She is the Darling of the


worlds, being gentle, loving and benevolent and beautiful.


98.Om Prasannakshyai namaha

Lively eyed : Goddess Lakshmi, whose eyes are like lotus petals, who

is gold-hued, who has in her hand a lotus flower, is soft and gentle

like the lotus stern, and She showers Her loved ones with Her



99.Om Naaraayana Samaashritaayai namaha

Sought refuge in Narayana : Goddess Lakshmi, the beloved consort of

Vishnu, sought refuge in His chest after emerging from the lotus.

Vishnu is the power that sustains the world, and Goddess Lakshmi

represents the inherent energy in that power.


100.Om Daaridrya Dwamsinyai namaha

Destroyer of Poverty : being a treasure of kindness, the great


displels all ignorance, and eliminates poverty, She is the

personification of kindness and benevolence.


101.Om Devyai namaha

Goddess : The gracious Goddess is the darling daughter of the entire

universe. Even luminaries like the sun and the moon, and the gods and

mortals worship her devotedly.


102.Om Sarvopadrava Nivaarinyai namaha

Dispeller of All distresses : the primordial power of the Ultimate

being the focal point of everything we expericence, Goddess Lakshmi


full of compassion and out of love for Her devoteed, she relieves


of all their distresses.


103.Om Navadurgaayai namaha

All nine forms of Durga : The Omniscient, most powerful Goddess,

assumes all the nine forms of Goddess durga, for Goddess Lakshmi is

Durga, Lakshmi, ie the Ultimate form of Realilty.


104.Om Mahaakaalyai namaha

A form of Kali : Goddess Lakshmi, armed with many radiant weapons in

all Her eighteen hands, is also MahaKali, the vanquisher of the demon



105.Om Trikaala Gyana Sampannayai namaha

Aware of the Past, Present and Future : Pure as the rain-drenched


charming and untouched by impurity, Goddess Lakshmi is aware of the

happenings of the past, the present and the future.


106.Om Bhuvaneshvaryai namaha

Supreme Deity : As ruler of the whole universe, Goddess Lakshmi holds

a pitcher of nectar in one hand, and the other , a bell constantly

ringing - these proclaim Her victory. She is ever victorious.


107.Om Udaaraangaayai namaha

Endowed with a beautiful body : Goddess Lakshmi is not only the

Goddess of wealth, but also of beauty. She dazzles in all her

splendour, exuding charm and grace, and is the focus of all



108.Om Mahalakshmi Devataayai namaha

The Great Goddess : She is beyond comparison. Her glory is ineffable,

incomparable and endless. She is the Supreme, the Ultimate Reality,

without form, yet creating forms.




Jai Maa

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Guest guest

thanks dear baba, for providing us with the english translation of

goddess lakshmi's 108 names... it will help all those who are not

well-versed in sanskrit! that is very considerate of you!!



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