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devi's sword and its glories- a tribute!!!!

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Sri Devi Khadga Mala Stotram



Om Asya Sri Suddha Sakti mala maha mantrasya


Upasthendriya adhisthayi Varunaditya Rishih


Daivi Gayatri Chandah


Satvika Kakara bhattaraka pithasthita


Sri mat Kamesveranka nilaiaya


Sri mat Kamesvari devata


Aim Bijam, Klim Saktihi, Souh kilakam


Sri Devi prityarthe Khadga siddthyarthe jape viniyogah


Of this, Devi's sword, the Seer is the Sun rising from

the ocean; the ocean being the Divine Mother; Gayatri

is the meter; passionate Kameshwari, sitting on the

lap of joyous Kameswara is the deity; Aim is the seed;

Klim is the power; Souh is the pivot; it is purpose is

for worship of the Divine Mother. This worship of the

Divine Mother (of Kameshwari ) which is the ocean's

embrace with the Sun, gives the devotee a Sword, a

power supreme, that Heavens of the remotest galaxies.

When the devotee thinks of such a sword, he or her

become the protector and enjoyer of eighteen lands of

jewels ( Sakti peetams ), and five continents.




Dhyanam (meditation)


Tadrisam Khadgam apnoti


Yena hasta sthitena vai


Astadasa Mahadvipa


Samrad bhokta bhavisyati


Hrimkrasana Garbhitanala Sikham


Souh Klim kalam bibhratim dhautam trinetrojvalam


I meditate on Sri Devi glowing with red, yellow, and

blue flames of passion fanning the erotic sentiment of

Kameshwara, in the meddle of a triangle called Hrim,

whose three points are the light of Hari, Hara

Virinchi, the three gurus; Sri Devi is wearing the

full moon on her crown ( Souh ), Her body is full of

desire for union ( Klim ) with Kameshwara, the

controller of lust;




Vande pustaka pasam ankusadharam


Sragbhusitam ujvalam


Tvam Gourim Tripuram Paratparakalam


Sri Cakra Sancarinim


She is wearing a sari made of golden threads; She is

fair as nectarine milk and the moonlight; She has

three eyes; in Her four hands she is wearing a book of

knowledge, a noose, a goad, and a garland of letters;

She is a personification of all that is beautiful,

aesthetic, harmonius, joyful, vibrant; she moves in

Sri Chakra, a mandala consisting of all the deities

worshipping their consorts named here after.




Om Aim Hrim Srim Aim Klim Souh


om (in the name of God), may you grant us benediction

of knowledge, power and grace; and the power over

creation, nourishment and destruction.


Om Namah Tripura Sundari




devi's attributes....


Hridayadevi - Compassionate heart


Sirodevi - princely diadem


Sikhadevi - flowing hair


Kavaca Devi - protective hands


Netra Devi - graceful look


Astra Devi - protective weapons


Om, we bow to you, the most beautiful in all the

waking, dreaming, or sleeping worlds. Oh Tripura

Sundari. We bow to the compassionate heart of your

highness princely diadem, flowing hair, protective

hands, graceful look, protective weapons.




offer prayers....


( Keep offering kumkum at Her feet with every name

below )


Kamesvari - Controller of lust


Bhagamalini, - Garland of Suns


Nityaklinne, - Oozing wet


Bherunde, - Terrific


Vahnivasini, - Residing in fire


Mahavajresvari, - Jewel in lotus


Sivaduti, - Llarbinger of joy


Tvarite, - Speed


Kulasundari, - beautiful lotus on a lake


Nitya, - Eternal


Nilapatake, - Blue flag with red tip


Vijaye, - Dominat


Sarvamangale, - All auspicious


Jvalamalini, - Flames


Citre, - Kaleidoscope


Mahanitye, - Truth eternal


Paramesvara - Goddess of God


Paramesvari - Friendly


Mitresamayi, - Sexy


Sasthisamayi, - Erect


Uddisamayi, - Stroking


Caryanathamayi - Happiness



( Follow the names of the saints who have worshipped

the Deviine Mother and attained liberation thereby;)


Lopamudramayi, - Lopamudra - She offered

herself for worship


Agastyamayi, - Agastya - he drank

the water of the oceans, drying them up


Kalatapanamayi, - Kalatana - he set time

on fire


Dharmacharyamayi, - Dharmacharya - he preached

the nature of good and evil


Muktakesisvaramayi, - Muktakaleisvara - not

worrying about his appearace he let the hair flow



Dipakalanathamayi, - Depakalanada - he gazed on

eternal light


Visnudevamayi, - Vishnudeva - he expanded

himself, took up the whole of space


Prabhakara devamayi, - Prabhaharadeva - he became

a star called the sun


Tejodevamayi, - Tejodeva - he became

the light witch was speeding over all space creating

space itself


Manojadevamayi, - Manojadeva - he was



Kalyanadevamayi, - Kalyanadeva - he was

ever auspicious


Vasudevamayi, - Vasudeva - the world

grew out of his memory


Ratnadevamayi, - Ratnadeva - concentrated

like jewels


Sri Ramanandamayi - Sri Ramananda - he enjoyed

the Goddess Sri Rama Blissfully



to be continued.....

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