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very interesting observations...


here is what shri ramakrishna himself said on this subject...


Two Paths: Jnana and Bhakti


Master: "Reasoning is one of the paths; it is the path of the

Vedantists. But there is another path, the path of bhakti. If a

bhakta weeps longingly for the Knowledge of Brahman, he received that

as well. These are the two paths: jnana and bhakti."

"One may attain the Knowledge of Brahman by either path. Some

retain bhakti even after realizing Brahman, in order to teach

humanity. An Incarnation of God is one of these.

"A man cannot easily get rid of the ego and the consciousness that

the body is the soul. It becomes possible only when, through the

grace of God, he attains samadhi - nirvikalpa samadhi, jada samadhi.

"The ego of the Incarnations returns to them when they come down

from the plane of samadhi; but then it is the 'ego of Knowledge' or

the 'ego of Devotion'. Through the 'ego of Knowledge' they teach men.

Sankaracharya kept the 'ego of Knowledge'.

"Through the 'ego of Devotion' Chaitanyadeva tasted divine love

and enjoyed the company of the devotees. He talked about God and

chanted His name." "




hari om tat sat!

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hey durrson,


you are keeping me on my toes this evening dear one!


let us look at the seal of the vedanta society (the ramakrishna



"The wavy waters in the picture are symbolic of Karma, the lotus of

Bhakti and the rising-sun, of Jnana. The encircling serpent is

indicative of Yoga and the awakened Kundalini Shakti, while the swan

in the picture stands for the Paramatman. Therefore, the idea of the

picture is that by the union of Karma, Jnana, Bhakti and Yoga, the

vision of the Paramatman is obtained."


Swami Vivekananda


a car runs on four wheels- the vedanta society recognizes the

importance of all four yogas namely bhakti, karma, jnana and raja





shri ramakrishna himself adised ghis disciples...


"That doctrine teaches that one should always be careful to observe

three things, namely, a taste for God's name, kindness to all beings,

and the service of co-devotees. ...One should have the conviction in

one's heart that the whole universe belongs to Krishna, and

therefore, one should have compassion for all beings."


The master said "Talk of compassion for beings! Insignificant

creature that you are, how can you show compassion for all beings?

Who are you to show compassion? You wretch, who are you to bestow it!

No, no; it is not compassion to jives, but service to them as Shiva."


when narendra (swami vivekananda) heard this he exclaimed "Ah, what

a wonderful light have I got today from the Master's words! What a

new and attractive Gospel have we received today through those words

of his, wherein a synthesis has been effected of sweet devotion to

the Lord with Vedantic knowledge, which is generally regarded as dry

austere and lacking in sympathy with the suffering of others.

Whenever shall I get the opportunity I will preach this wonderful

doctrine of 'Shiva Jnane Jiva Seva', serving God in each living



since then, serving the living god (the poor and the downtrodden) has

become the 'motto' of the ramakrishna order.


what is karma yoga? the path of self-less action- not being attached

to the fruits of action- serve god by serving all fellow human

beings - 'nara seva narayana seva' -'jana seva janardana seva' -


the ramakrishna order always takes a lead in relief fforts whenver

there is a natural calamity or disaster- in the recent earthquakes in

gujarat, the society launched an aggressive 'fund' drive and rushed

men, materials and money to the victims of the quake.


so, according to the princilpes as laid down by the ramakrishna

order "we can live in accordance with our divine nature by serving

God and following our divine path by releasing the ego (Embree:279).

When we can act with selfless pursuit we recognize our unity with the

entire universe." this is karma yoga at its best.




please read swami vivekananda's views on different yoga including

raja yoga...


"Each soul is potentially divine.

The goal is to manifest the Divinity within by controlling nature,

external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic

control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be

free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or

rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are nothing but secondary



In this quotation, "work", "worship", "psychic control"

and "philosophy" represent the means of Four Yogas, namely Karma

Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Jnana Yoga, respectively.


Raja Yoga seeks to achieve inner mental control by spiritual

exercise and following the path of meditation. ,


" The focus of this path is the mind. Through our intellectual powers

and ability to still the mind it is possible to realize our oneness

with Brahman. The constant thoughts of our brain keep us constantly

moving, thinking, and preoccupied; there is little time left for our

true, divine self to emerge. To train the mind we must become aware

of our thoughts through the practices of meditation, during which we

direct all our energies to understanding this process. This path is

most often practiced along with one or all of the other yoga's

discussed. A contemplative life is one that is focused on

controlling the mind in addition to worshipping, serving, and

realizing God. Following one or more or all of these paths with a

devoted heart and true desire to seek God will lead one to

realization of one's divine nature ."


dear friend, the teachings and practices of vedanta society give

importance to all four paths - namely bhakti, karma, jnana and raja

yoga depending on the temperament of the spiritual aspirant.



in one evening, i have broken my 'mauna' four times!!! smiles!!!


hari om tat sat!!!

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Oh Adi,


It is in my very own Samskaras to like to keep others on their toes!

Sorry if I caused you to wreck your vrata 4 times. But your

reproductions of those quotations is most instructive indeed. Many



Om Sri Hanumate Namah



ps: 13 is my favorite number

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