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Dakshinamurti Stotram

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I am seeking an English transliteration of this work by Jagadguru Sri

Shankara. If anyone can point me to an online version, or recommend a

book, I'll be most grateful.


Jai Sri Sharada

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Greetings dursson, where have you been? missed you!!!


well, the dakshinamurthy stotra is one of my favorites - composed by

adi shankara. in fact, shri ramana maharishi (an incarnation of shri

dakshinamurthy ) alsways told his disciples "if you do not have a

guru, do not despair - dwell on the lotus feet of shri

dakshinamurthy" (an incarnation of shiva) " - he also recommended the

chanting of this stotra regularly to get the grace of the guru!


so , here it is, durrson, my pleasure to bring you this treasure !!!!



I worship that south facing god,who revels in his

own self the prime-preceptor, who sports the symbol

of consciousness and is the very personification of

bliss, surrounded by groups of sages and seers established

in the Ultimate Reality, who is of tender age and

expounding the concepts of philosophy by silence, so

eloquent although.



Seated on the floor and under the banyan tree,

purveyor of the valid knowledge to all the groups

of sages and seers directly, the lord of all the

three worlds and the south facing god, the one

who cuts asunder the cycle of births and deaths, I

bow down in supplication.



What a wonderful picture it is that is there

under the banyan tree, where the preceptor is young

and the disciples are old., the explanation of the

preceptor is silence but yet the disciples have their

doubts shattered.



-I bow down in salutation to the south-facing god,

who is the repository of all knowledge, the physician

for those who are struck with the disease of transmigration

and the preceptor of all the worlds.



I salute that south-facing god, who represents the

import of the mystic syllable "OM" and represents the

absolute reality, who is blemishless and of quietitude.



Who sees within himself, the universe which is in

him, by the illusory power (maya), similar to a

city that is seen in a reflecting mirror, but which

is manifested outside, as though, for a perceiver

at the time of waking, his own self without a

second, may this adoration be to him, that Lord

incarnated as the preceptor; in physical form.



OUT of his own will, who like a magician or a

great yogi displays this universe which was

undifferentiated earlier like the sprout in the seed

but later is rendered differentiated under

different situations like the time, space and

activities, all due to the play of illusory power- maya-

to him be this adoration, the one who is the Lord incarnate

as the preceptor, in physical form.



Whose luminosity is existence itself, entering all

objects which

are non-existent, as it were, shines forth; who

instructs those

who seek refuge in him that they are that supreme


as in the scriptural text; by realising whom these

will occur

no more entry into the ocean of transmigration of

the soul,

the one who is the Lord incarnate as the

preceptor, in

physical form, be this adoration.



Who is effulgent like a lamp glowing within a

pitcher with many apertures; whose knowledge goes out

through the eyes and the other organs of perception;

whose perception is that "I know" whom the entire

universe reflects as it glows following him; to him

be this adoration, the one who is the Lord incarnate

as the preceptor, in physical form.



Those who think that the physical body or the

vital airs

within it or the sense organs or the intellect or

the nothingness

as Supreme Reality, are labouring under an illusion

like children, women and the sightless and blabber

too much. May this adoration be to him, the

annihilator of the delusion caused

by the expansive might of the power of illusion,

the one

who is the Lord incarnate as the preceptor, in physical




He who is in the state of sleep due to

dissolution of the mind caused by the veiling power of

Maya- like the sun or the moon eclipsed by (ketu)

or Rahu, upon waking recalls self-existence in the

manner of "I have slept till now ", to him be

this adoration, the one who is the Lord incarnate

as the preceptor in physical form.



In all states of flux like the childhood (youth

and old age) and the waking (sleeping and

dreaming ) state, with the consciousness within

shining as "I" , at all times, that one who also

reveals the real nature of the self to those who

seek refuge in him as by means of the symbol that

is auspicious, him as seekers of knowledge, to him

be this adoration, the one who is the Lord

incarnate as the preceptor in physical form.



Due to the illusive power of Maya, he who sees

the universe with distinctions and in a disparate

state like cause and its effect, master and vassal,

preceptor and seeker, father and son etc., in the

states of dream and waking , to him be this

adoration, who is the Lord incarnate as the preceptor

in physical form.



Who has this universe that moves and also moves

not and comprises in appearance as the earth, water,

fire, air , the

space, the sun, the moon and the individual soul

as his manifestation in an eightfold manner, and for

those who comprehensively analyse there exists nothing

beyond these, to him may this adoration be , who

is that Lord incarnate as the preceptor, in physical




As it has been clarified like a crystal in this

hymn, that everything has the lord as the soul, by

listening to, by cogitating upon the import of what

has been listened to, meditating contemplatively upon it

and singing this hymn, by these practices will occur

the knowledge of the universal self with all its

glory and over-lordship, on its own (or therafter)

and the supernatural faculties in their eight forms

without let or hindrance.


YES, DURRSON, THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL SLOKA and it is said that when

you sit in the company of shri daksinamurthi (tjhe silent guru) . you

are sitting in the company of TRUTH. THis great guru had only a

handful of disciples wo sat with him under a banyan tree , His

SILENCE WAS THEIR SHAKTIPAT-such was his power... same was said of

shri ramana maharishi.... ramana maharishi was also a mouna rishi in

whose very silence, you realized the 'para bhraman'....


our divine mother sree laitambika is also described as





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Dear Adi and Kirk,


The versions you supplied are wonderfully poetic. thx!

However, I think I have miscommunicated my intent in the original

post. I am looking for an English phonetic translation/transliteration

(?) of the stotra's Sanskrit verses.


An example:


"Yasonmesanimesabhyam jagatah pralayodayau

Tam sakticakravibhavapravaham Sankaram stumah!"


<<I offer my salutations to Shankara, by whose mere opening and

shutting of the eyelids the universe is created and destroyed, and

who is the source of the wheel of the glorious shaktis. (Sri

Ksemaraja ~ "Spanda



I agree, adi, the Dakshinamurti stotram is a very important and very

powerful hymn! However, I am not quite sure if I agree with that far-

right Shakta statement which says Ma has taken the form of

Dakshinamurti. :)





, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>


> hey durrson, now you have both me and kirk rushing to halp you!!!!

> both versions are grea! choose the one you like!!!


> love

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> I agree, adi, the Dakshinamurti stotram is a very important and


> powerful hymn! However, I am not quite sure if I agree with that


> right Shakta statement which says Ma has taken the form of

> Dakshinamurti. :)



Lalita Sahasranama says Dakshinamurti roopiniyai namaha.


I am sure if you search the scriptures you will find a 100

statements which confirm that Ma has taken the form of Dakshinamurti.


They are 1 and the same.










> luv2



> , "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>

> wrote:

> > hey durrson, now you have both me and kirk rushing to halp


> > both versions are grea! choose the one you like!!!

> >

> > love

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hi sarabhanana and durrson,


it is clearly stated in sree lalita sahsaranama that sree lalita is

om dakshinamurthi-rupinyaii namaha...


i either you believe in scriptures or you don not believe, dear



all it means is sree lalita is silent guru like sree dakshinamurti!!


durrson, i did not write sree lalita sahasaranama . I only recite it,

sweetie pie!


thanks sarabhanana for your other post on names and forms !!!



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hey durrson.,

you are really keeping this 'old' mother of yours alert and right on



do you want the sanskrit version along with the english



i am not sure what you mean? pl state clearly....




p.s. we are all bhakthas forst then shaktas, shaivites, vaishnavites



so maa sree lalita can appear in any form ! she can be


1) durgamaya - one who is difficult to access - (here durga is an

attribute - not the form of durga )


2) vasuda - vasuda means -earth- here it means one who is the

generous giver of everything valuable... (so someone who only knows

forms and names will ask how can vasuda (bhu devi) be lalta? here

vasuda is a quality or an attribute


3) nmme 684 in sree lalita sahasanama describes sree lalita as sree

raja rajeshwari ( the all week controversy we had - is this a picture

of sree lalita or sree raja rajeshwari) = here again mother is

described as the ruler of the rulers....


4)chandika- the awe-inspiring one- so how can sree lalita be

chandika- she belongs to devi mahatmiyam? here again, go beyond the

name and form... this is an attribute, a quality , a guna....


5) brahma -sree lalita is described as BRAHMA - is she brahma? yes,

for she has creative faculties too....


6) visalakshi - how can sree lalita be visalakshi? visalakshi is the

deity in kashi? but visalakshi just means one who has large eyes -

so , here the devi's beautiful eyes are praised...


so devi can be anything she can be dakshinamurthirupini (here it

means she is the silent guru) .... that is why i keep saying like a




worshipping -Saraswati devi can be painted by painter huusain wearing

a GREEN SAREE or a RED SAREE (that is the artist's imagination or

shall we say poetic licence - although we are used to seeing

saraswati devi wearing white saree denoting purity or virginity) but

we worship saraswati devi as a goddess of wisdom/intelligence/fine

arts -so does it make a difference if she is shown wearing a 'green'



so, the whole point of this elaborate discussion is we should be like

the bee - that is why devi is called a Bhramari - take the nectar

from every divine source and finally discover the 'source' of

divinity within!!!!


ps -hey durrson, btw - krishna's mother DEvaki COMES VERY CLOSE TO

your description of a virgin goddess (god's mother is goddess. i

suppose) and it was prophesised that she would give birth to krishna

by immaculate conception? she also gave birth to durga (krishaa - the

daughter born before krishna whom kamsa attempted to slay but she

escaped in thin air)


but, the only virgin goddesses i can think of in hinduism are

shodashi, kaumari and maa durga..and kanya kumari ..



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