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Sree devi and Bhu devi - A question

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I just couldn't help it, but when I was going through this

message to

be repost, this line caught my eye, and that I just have to ask this

question out of curiosity, and please I do not mean ridicule anybody.

I just need some clarification, because thanks to hanuman who have

given me the blessing of courage, I have the nerve to ask, and

hopefully some kind soul can enlighten this for me.


"In the course of time, God appeared before Her and convinced Her

saying that as He is having Lakshmi on His chest all the time, She is

superior to Bhoodevi !"


This sentence dosent make sense to me.


Does GOD too have favouritism, indicating which of his consort is

more superior?


I Know Mother Shakti sees all her children as equal!


Om ParaShaktiye Namaha

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dear nora,


no problem... you can ask as many questions as you please and some

noble soul will answer all your questions whether the answers are to

your satisfaction or not we do not know know! smiles!!!


but, first of all, we cannot defend what maha vishnu says or thinks



it is the devis (sri devi and bhu devi) who were fighting for shri

maha vishnu's LOVE. not the other way around... You got to

familiarize yourself with hindu mtyhological stories. there is also

another story where saraswati and lakshmi fought amonsgst themselves

as to who is superior and were banished to earth for the same

earth... this story will be narrated later...


except Shri rama . all hindu gods have more than one wife. and we

have so many puranic stories where the wives are always fighting with

each other... in Rsrimaad bhagvatam and you will find how srimati

radharani was jealous of another gopika ( i think it is chandravali)

but the difference between radharani and chandravali was smt.

radhrani always said KRISHNA belonged to her and chandravali said

she belonged to krishna!! in a state of heightened bhakthi, god does

not belong to you , rather you belong to god and that is why in

vaishnava literature, chandravali's love for krishna is considered

superior to smt radhrani- for radhrani's love was possessive love and

chandravali's love was self-less love.....


there is another story ... the parijata story...


PARIJATA: This plant is no longer available on earth. It was a divine

plant that grew in the gardens of Indralok. It became a source of

tension between Indra and Krishna, and Lord Krishna finally brought

this plant to earth on the request of his consort Satyabhama. This

plant is said to have again ascended to Indralok when Lord Krishna

left for his heavenly abode. The legend is as follows:


Indra planted the Parijata tree, one of the products of the churning

of `Ocean of Milk', in his garden. Narada, who delighted in sowing

discord, brought a flower of this tree to Dwarka and presented it to

Krishna. He waited to seeto which of his wives krishna would give the

flower. Krishna gave it to Rukmani whereupon Narada went straight to

Satyabhama, Krishna's other consort wearing a sorrowful look. On her

enquiry why he was sad, the sage replied that he had presented

Krishna with a flower of the Parijata tree thinking that he would

present it to her, his favorite wife, but was grieved to find that he

had given it to rukmani instead. Satyabhama's jealousy was roused,

and she asked Narada as to what could be done to spite Rukmani. The

sage advised her to to ask Krishna to bring the Parijata tree itself

to Dwarka, and plant it near her abode. After gving this advice he

went back to the celestial region, and informed Indra that thieves

were about, and that he should guard Parijata tree with care.

Satyabhama repaired to the `anger chamber' and when Krishna came to

her and tried to console her, she replied she would not be satisfied

with anything less than the Parijata tree itself. Krishna proceeded

to Amrawati with Satyabhama, stole into indra's garden and uprooted

the Parijata tree. Mounted on Garuda, he escaped with the tree but

Indra, warned by Narada, followed him. A battle followed and Indra

was defeated and Krishna brought the tree to Dwarka


Now he had to face the problem of fulfilling his promise to

Satyabhama without offending Rukmani. He solved the problem by

planting the tree in such a position that while its base and trunk

lay within Satybhama's garden, its branches extended over the

adjoining palace of Rukmani, scattering flower early in the morning.


so, lord appeased both his wives by planting the parijatha tree in

this fashion....






let me tell you something abour the DIVINE MOTHER AS WELL ! while all

children are 'equal' in the eyes of the mother , her 'bhaktas' always

have a special place in her heart ! even the non-bhaktas like

mahishasur ultimately get 'moksha ' by being slain by her.


that is why if you read bhakta prahlad's story, you will know that

hiranyakashyapu attained moksha by being slain by lord narasimha.

similarly, ravana attained moksha by being slain by shri rama....



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"will answer all your questions whether the answers are to your

satisfaction or not we do not know know!"


The answer is simple adi ma. If the answer satisfy me, I do not ask

further. I will just keep my mouth shut. But if the answer did not

make sense, I will continue to ask. One have to ask in order to get

an understanding and not just swallow whatever that are being put

forward. I hope no offence, but your reply still does answer my

question. But I will not continue this query and as you say one do

not question the MahaVishnu. Is it wrong for us to question if we

feel that some of the actions does not make sense?


Im sorry.


OM ParaShaktiye Namaha

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dear nora, whether one likes it or not- god does have favorites -

everyone knows that 'arjuna' was shri krishna paramatma's favorite-

in fact, krishna went out of his way to savre arrjuna's life in the

mahabharata war by resorting to shadyantra... shri krishna paramatma

went in the disguise of a brahmin to ask for the 'golden' earrings

worn by Krna knowing fully well thar those earrings were given to

Karna by his own father surya bhagwanas a 'kavach' to protect karna

from enemies.... the only reason shri krishna paramatma supported

Arjuna so much was to lord krishna the pandavas represented 'dharma'

and karna was fifgting on the side of kauravas who represent adharma.


first of all these stories are myths and legends - they have no

beginning and no end ... .sometimes they have a 'moral' to convey -

sometimes they do not convy anything....


in my opinion, the bhudevi and sreedevi story has this 'moral to

convey ... and that is all of god's devotees (his wives sridevi and

bhudevi) want to be in his heart - occupy a central place in his

heart - so it is all how you want to interpret a story - this is all

about jivatma merging with paramatma not about 'favoritism.'


that is why i tell you again and again to go beyond names and forms -

as long as you idntify 'devi' as residing only in the 'idol' - you

cannot see 'devi' residing in anything else, including shri

mahvishnu's heart!!





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Yeah, that's much right. One should not do dosh

darshan from the stories as such, but should look at

the good part or the message to be conveyed from it

and try to apply the same in our life.







--- adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:






dear nora, whether one likes it or not- god does have

favorites - <BR>

everyone knows that 'arjuna' was shri krishna

paramatma's favorite- <BR>

in fact, krishna went out of his way to savre

arrjuna's life in the <BR>

mahabharata war by resorting to shadyantra... shri

krishna paramatma <BR>

went in the disguise of a brahmin to ask for the

'golden' earrings <BR>

worn by Krna knowing fully well thar those earrings

were given to <BR>

Karna by his own father surya bhagwanas a 'kavach' to

protect karna <BR>

from enemies.... the only reason shri krishna

paramatma supported <BR>

Arjuna so much was to lord krishna the pandavas

represented 'dharma' <BR>

and karna was fifgting on the side of kauravas who

represent adharma.<BR>


first of all these stories are myths and legends -

they have no <BR>

beginning and no end ... .sometimes they have a

'moral' to convey - <BR>

sometimes they do not convy anything.... <BR>


in my opinion, the bhudevi and sreedevi story has this

'moral to <BR>

convey ... and that is all of god's devotees (his

wives sridevi and <BR>

bhudevi) want to be in his heart - occupy a central

place in his <BR>

heart - so it is all how you want to interpret a story

- this is all <BR>

about jivatma merging with paramatma not about



that is why i tell you again and again to go beyond

names and  forms -<BR>

as long as you idntify 'devi' as residing only in the

'idol' - you <BR>

cannot see 'devi' residing in anything else, including

shri <BR>

mahvishnu's heart!! <BR>




love <BR>












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yes udayji, one reads or relates these puranic srories only with a

view to convey some spiritual truths or meanings...


Take for instance the incident in srimad bhagvatam where BALAGOPALA

(YOUNG KRISHNA) goes to the yamuna river and hides behibd the

tree. our balagopala teases the gopis who are bathing in the river by

teling them that he has hid their clothes and will not give them

their clothes unless the gopis promise to give him butter!! now,

there are two ways of interpreting the story- one - the ordinary

meaning is Our BALAGOPALA is a 'butter thief' and he is

blackmailing the gopis into yielding to HIS wishes for more



the other esoteric meaning is when you approach god , you are

supposed to approach god in a bhava or emotion of a child - the

sahaja bhava... that is total child like devotion - a mood of

acceptance and surrender... clothes repreaent the covering or the

illusion or ego - so, go naked in god's presence - be stripped of

your veiling power of maya or ego - approach NALAGOPALA in a child

like bhava...


so, it is all how you want to INTERPRET THESE STORIES...


gurudeva always saId by all means ask questions but a;lwauys in

a 'submissive' fashion with a desire to learn not with a view to

challenge and argue - it is only in this mood of 'surrender' one can

progress in spiritual path...



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dear nora,


this was posted in our shakti sadhana club. and you say you wanted to

repost it but you had a question.


may i kindly ask you one question...


it would have been better if you had reposted the entire post instead

of just this one sentence .


"In the course of time, God appeared before Her and convinced Her

saying that as He is having Lakshmi on His chest all the time, She

is superior to Bhoodevi !"



then nora you go on to say "this sentence does not make sense to me."


this sentence was part of a story ... of course it will not make

sentence if you take it out of context...


in many pictures, lakshmi IS SEEN sitting at the lotus feet of lord

mahavishnu. in some pictures, lakshmi is seem as residing in the

heart of mahavishnu. the story i narrated was an attempt to explain

how this came about.


Lakshmi (sree devi) resides in the heart of shri mahavishnu. That is


IS LAKSHMI) RESIDES. the story that was narrated in the ex shakti

sadhana club was just to illustrate this point as to how Lakshmi came

to reside in the heart of shri vishnu.


in any case, those who are familiar with vaishnava literature knows

that it is 'blasphemous' for us to interpret God's statements.


in any case, a bhakta may be a shakta or a shaivite or may belong to

any other belief systems. but a shakta is also a bhakta. a shakta may

worship shakti but by the same token a shakta does not 'put down'

shaki's cosnorts. in this case. maha vishnu is lakshmi's consort so

we need to respect both lakshmi and her consort....that is why

mahavishnu is called lakshmipati (husband of lakshmi) and bhupati

(husband of bhudevi) ...


who could be a greater shakta than than shri ramakrishna paramahamsa?

he worshipped kali , his ishtadevata. (or devi) but he was also known

for offering regular prayers to all the twelve jyothirlingas (shiva

lingas) in the dakshiineshwar temple.


thanks and i sincerely hope this hepls....



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