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Guru tattwa- more thoughts ....

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thanx ompremji, there is nothing new or original in what i am saying -

these are all the statements made by great acharyas over time... but

as you have said again and again, it is 'practice' which makes one

perfect in sadhana...


as you have rightly mentioned it is the *** ego*** that stands in the

way- the "berlin wall" - one needs to run a 'bull dozer' through this

great berlin wall... and who else ? who else? but a guru can help one

trancend that 'ego.' ?


our beloved nora mentioned about 'full moon' or purnima in a post

yesterday... she also wanted to know how we can celebrate this great



what is so special about a 'full moon day' -


poornima is a day when the moon is at its brightest - that is also

the day when there is so much 'brightness' in the sky and very little



it is also a great day for Dhyana or worshipping the guru... because

all great gurus were born on a full moon day.. to name a few VYASA



incarnated as vishwambara avadhotta...


when one looks at the full moon, one feels like one is looking at the

face of a 'beloved' - this is how sufis refer to god/ as being the

face of beloved ... monn is the simile...


The true meaning of Guru is 'one who dispels the darkness of

ignorance in us'.


Gukaaraschaandhakaarastu rukaarastannirodhakah


guru is brahma guru is vishnu and guru is maheshwarah!!!


why is guru called brahma? it is because he creates a new person out

of us... he gives us spriritual 're birth'


why is he called vishnu?


HE fills our minds with 'adhyatmic' knowledge.. the Guru protects us

by giving us Upadesha and by showing us the path of Sadhana to foster

the Atman.


why guru is called maheshwara.?


what does he destroy- he dhelps to destroy slowly all the evil

tendencies or vrittis ---- 'guru destroys ignorance ... ...


as adi shankara says... . (viveka chudamani- crest jewel of



Shaantaah mahanto nivasanti santo

vasantavalloka hitam charantah

Teernaah swayam bheema bhavaarnavam janaan

ahetunaanyaanapi taarayantah


The Gurus are men of peace, (shantaah like bhismas pitamaha ) as

great men, (mahanto) as saintly and virtuous men who have crossed

the terrible ocean of Samsara. They also make others cross it. The

spring brings blessings to the world without expecting anything in

return. This is exactly what a Guru does for the world. In this way,

the Guru is like Vasanta (spring season), which brings benefits to

the world without any reason or motive.


gu stands for darkness and ru stands foor dispelling...


AS brahma, guru creats the birth of Jnana in the student

as vishnu, guru nurtures the the Jnana so created; and

as maheshwera destroys the obstacles on the path of Jnana.

These encompass the functions of creation, protection and



what is created and sustained by guru is jnana and what is destroyed

by guru is ajnana.



"Gurubrahma gururvishnuh gurudevo maheshwarah É.

Tasmai Sri gurave namah"


in fact, by initiating a disciple, a guru inherits all the karma ?

(good and bad) of a disciple... that is why we need to pay special

salutations to the guru - for taking over our bad karma...


Unless the guru himself is the Parabrahman, will he be able to bring

about such a ransformation? So, the declaration is apt : "Guruh

saakshaat parambrahma".


Vedas declare that whoever unties the knot of ignorance in the heart

of the Shishya is the real Guru.


In the opening verses of Viveka Chudamani, adi Shankaracharya

says :


Durlabham trayamevaitat devaanugraha hetukam

Manushyatvae mumukshutvam mahaa purusha samshrayah


"Three great and rare opportunities or boons are obtained only by the

grace of the Lord: the first is the birth as a human being; the

second is the desire to become a liberated soul; and the third is

coming in contact with a guru or a great man."


adi shankara also says in his Gurvashtakam clearly explains the

importance of meditating upon Guru's holy feet. Very simply, he

says : You may have everything in the world in your possession, (like

fame, wealth, health, physique, beauty etc?), but if you cannot

concentrate and meditate upon Guru's feet, everything is useless:


Shareeram suroopam tathaa vaa kalatram

yashashchaaru chitram dhanam meru tulyam

Guroranghri padme manshchenna lagnam

tathah kim tathah kim tathah kim tathah kim


so, pleas join me in offering salutations to our guru of all gurus

shri dattatreya who was born on chitra purnima day...



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