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Shakta Upanishads....

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db, i thought i would bring you some wonderful passages from shakta

upanishads (they total eight in number) out of 108 upanishads...


AS THE NAME ITSELF SUGGESTS, these Shakta upaniShads aim at

identifying the Highest Reality Brahman of the major upaniShads with

the Goddess, Devi or Shakti.


"Regarding Shakti worship, advaitins differ from Shakta's or

tantrika's in two important ways. First, in the advaitic upAsanA of

Shakti, the Goddess is considered to be on par with the four other

divinities, GaNesha, Shiva, ViShNu, and Suurya. In particular, there

is no difference between Shiva and Shakti or between Shiva and

ViShNu. Second, advaitic upAsanA of Shakti involves only the

sAttvikA elements of worship, leaving out the pancha makra sadhana

resorted to by tantrika's such as offering of fish, meat,

alcohlic beverages, etc. to the Goddess. Wherever possible the

Vedic form of worship is employed rather than tantric."


In the e bahVR^icha upaniShad from the R^ig Veda-


it is mentioned


satyaM ekaM lalitAkhyaM vastu tad advitIyaM akhaNDArthaM paraM



which means the One Truth is the thing called *lalitA *which is the

nondual, indivisible, Supreme Brahman.


Selections from the BahvR^ichopaniShad.h of the R^ig Veda





AUM praNo devI sarasvatI vAjebhirvAjinIvatI |

dhInAmavitryavatu || (R^ig Veda)


May the Goddess SarasvatI, who bestows nourishment and protects

(good) thoughts, protect us.


AUM vAgdevyai namaH ||


Salutations to the Goddess of speech (SarasvatI).


AUM vAN^.h me manasi pratiShThitA mano me vAchi pratiShThitam-

AvirAvIrma edhi vedasya ma ANIsthaH shrutaM me mA prahAsIranenA-

dhItenAhorAtrAn.h saMdadhAmyR^itaM vadiShyAmi satyaM vadiShyAmi

tanmAmavatu tadvaktAramavatvavatu mAmavatu vaktAramavatu vaktAraM ||


AUM shantiH shantiH shantiH ||


Speech is established in my mind; my mind (thought) is established

in my speech. Become manifest to me! Be You both (speech and mind)

the carriers of Veda to me! Let not what I have heard desert me.

With this study, I join the day and night. I speak what is the

true (mental) resolution. I speak true (words). May that protect me.

May that protect the speaker. May that protect me. May that protect

the speaker, may that protect the speaker!


AUM Peace! Peace! Peace!




AUM devI hyekA .agra AsIt.h | saiva jagadaNDamasR^ijata |

kAmakaleti viGYAyate | shR^ingArakaleti viGYAyate || 1 ||


AUM The devI alone was, in the beginning. She created the egg

shaped world. She is known as kAmakalA, which stands for the

syllable IM. She is known as ShR^ingArakala, which stands for

the half-syllable (ardhamAtrA) after the a, u, and m of the



Notes based on upaniShad brahma yogin's commentary:


1. By the words "AUM devI", the Goddess has been identified with the

praNava AUM. That is, She is AUM. AUM is the symbol of both the

Parabrahman or nirguNa Brahman (Brahman without attributes) as well

as the aparabrahman or the SaguNa Brahman (Brahman with attributes).


AUM, due to the greatness of the para and apara Brahman, is called

the material cause of the world. But this material cause or nature

is also the prakR^iti or nature of devI, from the saying of the

Shruti -


praNavatvena prakR^ititvaM vadanti brahmavAdinaH


Those who speak of Brahman say that the praNava (AUM) is the

material nature (prakR^iti).


Therefore, the Goddess is also the material cause of the world.


2. She created the world-egg which is nondifferent from Her.

The world egg is called avidyANDa because the world or saMsAra

is avidyA or ignorance.


3. yA jagannidAnatayA bhAtA tasyAstanurIMkArAtmanA praNavAtmanA

cha kAmakaleti viGYAyate | (Commentary)


She shines as the cause of the world. Her body is known as kAmakalA

because of its nature as the IM syllable and the praNava symbol.

kAmakalA is called IM according to the passage which teaches the

shrIvidyA mantra. Therein, it is stated "kAmo yoniH kAmakalA...",

kAma being identified with ka, yoniH being identified with e,

and kAmakalA being identified with I.


4. She is called ShR^ingArakalA. The a, u, and M are called the

peaks (shR^inga's) of Brahman. The tip of these peaks is the

half syllable that follows AUM. The Goddess is thereby known as

ShR^ingArakalA. In the mANDUkya upaniShad, the three letters

a, u, and M of the praNava (AUM) are identified with the three

states of waking, dream, and sleep. The fourth state, turIya or

chaturtha is identified with Brahman Itself which is Shiva or

auspicious, and nondual. Therefore, by using the term

shR^ingArakalA for the devI, the bahvR^ichopaniShad is indicating

that She is indeed Brahman.








brahman and as pranava mantra AUM!!!


aum sree lalita tripurasundarayaii namaha!!!

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hi kirk, here are the eight shakta upanishads,,,,



2), gaaruDa,

3) kali\-saNTaaraNa,

4) jaabaala,

5) saubhaagya,

6) sarasvatii\-rahasya,




when i get a chance i will post quotations from them.


thank you!



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