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Jai Nora!

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Dear Paulie:


I would like to thank you very much for your post. Nora has long

deserved this kind of recognition; she too often gets flak from

various naysayers and "negative-vibe-mongers," and your kind words

are a much-needed reminder that her admirers far outnumber any



When I first asked Nora to co-moderate the Shakti Sadhana Group, it

was because I was immediately struck by that quality you call

"grace," and by the purity of her devotion. I personally tend to err

toward a kind of wonky theological hairsplitting, which, without that

living devotion, becomes at worst a bore, and at best a high form of

intellectual amusement -- the talk may be "about religion," but it is

not religion.


Nora is very much the animating Shakti of our Group; certainly, in

our interactions as Moderators, she has more than once "cleared away

the Maya" when I've become mired in the molasses swamp of inter-Group

politics, and has provided the inspirational jolt to move me from

inertia to action, when I need a reminder of what ultimately brings

all of us here together. She is also very smart and very tough --

both of which qualities are often called upon.


Our Moderation of the Group is most explicitly democratic and trust based. The

club owner is officially , an administrative ID to which both of

us have full access. At any time, I could go in change the password, remove

Nora's moderator status, and delete her from the Group. She could just as easily

do the same to me. Our decision to arrange the Group moderation this way was

intentional: We had both learned firsthand the damage that can be done when a

co-administrator ceases to be a friend, and instead uses their status to

essentially hold the Group hostage. That very situation led to the unnecessary,

premature destruction of the Shakti Sadhana Club. And so we decided at the


one's own self-interest) must be the foundation of this, the Club's successor



In the past year, I have often been moved to thank Goddess again and again for

Her wise guidance in bringing Nora and I together for this most

worthwhile endeavor. During the most recent problem, when all our

members began to disappear due to the idle mischief-making of some

unfortunate soul with too much time to kill, Nora once again proved

her exquisite grace under pressure. As it happened, I was wrapping up

business to leave on a two-week holiday (I'm remote now; that's why

I'm not much around the Group), and I was next to useless in

addressing the day-to-day demands of the crisis.


And so I was truly not exaggerating when I entitled this message "Jai

Nora!" I doubt she'll be pleased, or even amused, but it is an honest



Thanks Nora, from us all.



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hi db . thanks for this post! this was long overdue.... yes, nora has

worked very hard to build this group in more ways than one.


1) first, she was the one who reserved a place for the 'shakti

sadhna' group in setting way back in september of 2001.


2) not only that, she effected a succesful transfer of all the files,

photos and posts from the old 'shakti sadhna ' club into this new

group gradually - making sure nothing got lost in the transition.


3) thirdly, she had always extended to me unconditional support for

which i am always grateful. infact, between the two of you, you

helped me recover my 'lost identity!


But as she has always mentioneed time and again, 'adi ma, excessive

praise makes me uncomfortable' -so , i refrained from prasing her too

much. but in our heart of hearts, we all do appreciate her

contributions very much.....


She has been a pillar of strength to all of us here day after day

even when you were off line in the months of february-march 2002.


Yes, nora can be tough ! that is a great asset in a woman specially

in a man's world. i like her perseverance as well.


sure, there are bound to be differences in a big group like this... i

have seen in big groups even people arguing about trivial things!


A moderator's job is a 'hard' one and sometimes one cannot please

all! so, we should not even attempt to do that!


but the 'hacking' incident really sent a 'shiver' down my spine and i

was really worried about how a person can do such a heinous' act and

start deleting members at random!!! thank god. the whole group was

not 'deleted' - but guess what! as eve so beautifully pointed out we

can 'rebuild' the group again in no time as we have a group of loyal

family mebers who simply love Shakti !!!


Btw, i really liked the repost of dreamy's post on' misery' by swami

vivekandanda very much, i enjoyed reading every word of it. it could

not have been more timely!!! most of our misery does stem from the

fact that we have too much expectations - we want a 'pat' on the back

or we get 'attached' to the results of our actions.


But as my beloved guruji used to say our critics are our best

friends. sometimes they make us see 'things' from another

persspective abd we learn something new!! after all, we do not

want 'sychphants' , do we?


Our beloved member ompremji can express himself fluently in the

english language and not only that he can state 'truths' in a way

that are not 'hurtful' but unfortunately i do not have such

communication skills and sometimes I can be misinterpreted...


anyway, let us move on.... in devi's temple, there is no room

for 'remorse' or 'regrets ' only 'rejoicing' !



jai maa!

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