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The symbolism of KAli ....Dancing with kali

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The word Kali is derived from the well-known

word Kala, or Time, which is the prime mover of the



Time, the moving picture of eternity, has been

perpetually creating and destroying (Bhagavad Gita, 11:32)


·Being the only source of existence, Kali is the power

behind time which devours everything.



The dark blue colour is that of Infinity. Kali's appearance in

dark blue suggests that She is the matrix of all

colours of the objective world.


Sri Ramakrishna tells us hat the advanced devotees of Mother do not

see any colour in Her, although She appears to us as black due

to the impure state of our mind.




The nudity signifies the unconditionally self-conditioned nature of

the Universal Energy whose joyous dance or sportive

play is Life.


She is Infinite and hence She must necessarily be imagined as nude.


She is also called Digambari (clad in space). ·



Her dishevelled hair symbolizes Her unchallenged authority. She is

also addressed as Muktakesi for this reason.



Her third eye, the eye of wisdom, is eternally riveted on Siva's

face. As She is eternally Satchidanandamayi (Existence-Knowledge-

Bliss), She does not want to be led astray from Her

eternal companionship with Siva, the transcendent support

and inspirer of all Her thoughts and actions.



Her exposed white teeth, pressing the red tongue,

gives us a suggestion of controlling the rajas with the

help of sattva. ·


Her protruding tongue,smeared with blood, is indicative of Her blood-

thirsty attitude. She wants us to undergo hardship if necessary and

exert ourselves for the attainment of fulfillment in

our life.


She is biting Her own tongue with Her teeth in shame and surprise.

She is ashamed of Her conduct in dancing on the breast of Her Lord,

the ground of all Her powers.


Siva is Brahman, the Absolute, which is beyond all relativity, and

hence is depicted as a Sava (dead body).



Brandishing Her sword of dazzling brightness and holding the

decapitated head are indicative of Her corrective measures meted

out to Her erring children who are violating cosmic



Her four hands are spread out in all

directions of the cosmos, suggesting thereby Her divine

mission of safeguarding the interests of evolutionary

creative processes .



She wears the garland of skulls or decapitated heads, numbering

fifty, to symbolize the fifty letters of the alphabet.


Kali, wearing an apron of severed human hands, may

suggest her happiness with the offering of our work, and

She keeps its results in Her custody. After

dissolution of the manifest creation, the Mother preserves

the seeds of the actions of Her children in a causal



The background is suggestive of death and

devastation. Unless we destroy our egocentric attitude from

our heart, the Mother will not dance in our impure





to be continued....

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The symbols unmistakably point out the Mother's

deep love and affection for Her devotees who are

invariably assured of Her loving nature, as well as Her

supreme concern and sense of obligation in safeguarding

the well-being of Her children.


A Sakti worshipper is expected to see the Divine behind all these

expressions of nature. The contradictions are experienced in

the relative plane, in Maya. Beyond Maya they have no

existence at all. So the Divine Mother, who is both

transcendent and immanent, wears not only an amiable form, but

also a form that is dreadful and all-devouring.


In Her lower left hand She holds the bleeding head of the

asura (demon). This points to Her alertness and sense

of justice in vindicating Her pledge to protect Her

creation from destruction.


in Her upper left hand Kali holds the terrifying and awful sword

which is the symbol of Her undisputed supreme authority.


It refers to the Upanishadic saying: In fear of the Supreme the

fire burns, the sun shines, the wind blows, the

lighting flashes and the god of death performs his

allotted duty. (Katha Upanishad, 2.3.3)


The shining sword frightens the ignorant and the malevolent demons

bent upon creating chaos in this universe, while it enkindles robust

optimism, unshaken faith and deep reverential attitude in

the mind of Kali's pure-minded, spiritually elevated

children, ready to die for the good of the world.



"The teeth and nails of the lioness, which frighten the

enemies, are the guaranties of safety to her cubs."


The Mother is compassionate in spite of Her harsh appearance

(Devi Mahatyam, 4.22). With the two right hands She

bestows gifts and boons to Her devotees, as well as

protection from abhaya (fear) from all kinds of dangers.



With the expansion of deeper spiritual experiences and

the development of meditative power, the devotee may

receive from within higher and deeper suggestions of

these symbols. After gaining spiritual insight we may

begin to see the cosmic drama from a higher

perspective, and the ability to ascertain Her ingenuity in

encouraging Her children to fight against chaos and

unspiritual forces. Understanding a bit of Her Lila (Sport)

through Her grace, a devotee attains serenity,

enlightenment, peace and faith.


Kali is ever engaged in the act of creation, preservation and

destruction or absorption. Siva, lying inert like a corpse, is the

Absolute Intelligence beyond the plane of relativity. The energy that

is personified as Kali is therefore not the material

energy of the scientist. Chaitanya Sakti or Divine

Energy is instinct with intelligence and purpose. It is

the ground of all phenomena with their orderly

scheme. This is not the outcome of poetic fancy, but a

high spiritual experience of the mystics.


The enlightened Hindu mind accepts the Mother

as the source of everything, good and evil. Evil is

the limitation or diminution of good. At the highest

state of spiritual life, the world appears to be the

veritable abode of the Mother. The superficial mind is

scared by Her terrific look. But the devotee thinks

otherwise. To him Mother has been trying, through Her

chastisement, to bring her wayward children to Her by Her grace

and boons.


Her compassionate aspect is much more pronounced in the image than

Her dreadful aspect. "



by Swami Tathagatananda:-shri ramakrishna mission!


jai mahakali !


jai gurudeva!!

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