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** For Quick Evolution of the Human Being By ** SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA







a) An ounce of practice is better than tons of theory. Practice

Yoga, Religion and Philosophy in daily life and attain Self-





b) These thirty-two instructions give the essence of the

Eternal Religion (Sanatana Dharma) in its purest form. They are

suitable for modern busy householders with fixed hours of work.

Modify Them to suit your convenience and increase the period





c) .In the beginning take only a few practicable resolves which

form a small but definite advance over your present habits and

character In case of ill-health, pressure of work or unavoidable

engagements replace your active Sadhana (spiritual practice) by

frequent remembrance of God.









a) Eat moderately. Take light and simple food. Offer it to God

before you eat. Have a balanced diet.




b) .Avoid spicy and hot foods, like chilies, garlic, onions,

tamarind etc., as far as possible. Give up tea, coffee, smoking,

Betels, meat and wine entirely.




c) Fast on Ekadasi days or once in a fortnight. Take milk,

fruits or roots only.




d) Practice Yoga Asana (Hatha Yoga exercises) or physical

exercises for 15 to 30 minutes every day. Take a long walk or play

some vigorous games daily.








a) Observe silence (Mouna) for 2 hours daily and 4 to 8 hours

on Sundays.




b) Observe celibacy according to your age and circumstances.

Restrict the indulgence to once a month. Decrease it gradually to

once a year. Finally take a vow of abstinence for whole life.














a) Speak the TRUTH. Speak little. Speak kindly. Speak sweetly.




b) Do not injure anyone in thought, word or deed. Be kind to





c) Be sincere, straightforward and open hearted in your talks

and dealings.




d) Be honest. Earn by the sweat of your brow. Do not accept any

money, things or favour unless earned lawfully. Develop nobility

and integrity.




e) Control fits of anger by serenity, patience, love, mercy and

tolerance. Forget and forgive. Adapt yourself to men and events.








a) Live without sugar for a week or month. Give up salt on





b) Give up cards, novels, cinemas and clubs. Fly from evil

company. Avoid discussions with materialists. Do not mix with persons

who have no faith in God or who criticize your Sadhana (spiritual





c) Curtail your wants. Reduce your possessions. Have plain

living and high thinking.












a) Doing good to others is the highest religion. Do some

selfless service for a few hours every week, without egoism or

expectation of reward. Do your worldly duties in the same spirit.

Work is worship. Dedicate it to God.




b) Give 2 to 10 percent of your income in charity every month.

Share what you have with others. Let the world be your family.

Remove selfishness.




c) Be humble and prostrate yourself to all beings mentally.

Feel the Divine Presence everywhere. Give up vanity, pride and





d) Have unwavering faith in God, the Bhagavad-Gita and your

Guru. Make a total self-surrender to God and pray: "Thy Will be

done; I want nothing." Submit to the Divine Will in all events and

happenings with equanimity.




e) See God in all beings and love them as Your own Self. Do not

hate anyone.




f) Remember God at all times or, at least, on rising from

bed, during a pause in work and before going to bed. Keep a Mala

(rosary) in your pocket.








a) Study one chapter or ten to twenty-five verses of the Gita

or your scriptures with meaning, daily. Learn the original language

of your scripture, at least sufficient to understand it in original.




b) Memorize important and inspiring portions of your sacred

scripture according to your capacity. Memorize also any inspiring

quotations from other spiritual books. Keep a pocket version your

scripture with you at all times.




c) Read the Ramayana, the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavata, the

Upanishads, the Yogavasishtha or other religious books daily without

fail. Study more during holidays.




d) Attend religious meetings and seek Satsanga (company) with

saints at every opportunity. If not, create opportunities. Listen to

spiritual discourses from learned and holy people. If possible,

organize such functions on Sundays or holidays.




e) Visit a temple or place of worship daily. Preferably before

you leave and upon your return from work, even if only for 5 or 10





f) Spend holidays and leave-periods, when possible, in the

company of saints or practice Sadhana at holy places in seclusion.














a) Go to bed early. Get up at four o'clock. Answer calls of

nature, clean your mouth and take a bath.




b) Recite some prayers and Kirtan Dhvanis (devotional songs).

Practice Pranayama (breathing exercises), Japa (repetition of the

Divine Name of God) and meditation in the early morning. Sit on

Padma, Siddha, or Sukha Asana throughout, without movement, by

gradual practice. While you meditate, forget the outside world

totally. Gradually increase the period of meditation.




c) Perform the daily prayers of your religion. Do not fail to

fulfil your obligatory duties.




d) Write your favourite Mantra or Name of God in a notebook

for ten to thirty minutes, daily.




e) Sing the Names of God (Kirtan) and pray for half to one hour

at night with family and friends.




f) Make annual resolves on the above lines. Regularity,

tenacity and fixity are essential. Record your Sadhana in a spiritual

diary daily. Review it every month and correct your failures.








When we ponder our life as a sadhaka, always remember, that, for a





"the path is as a rajor's edge".




We must be careful not to fall on either side of the straight and

narrow path of Divinity.




The Ego is lurking, waiting, and creating: every second, every

moment, every beat of the heart, and in every breath.




And while the Divine Mother is the source of MahaMaya, MahaKaliji,

She, weeps for Her children when emeshed therein...




Dear Ones, please strive to be happy, to be good, to be kind, to

be sbsolute LOVE.





Contributed by Nishashakti

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Celibacy? I'm confused. What happened to joyfully celebrating the

body? I'm probably taking this out of context. Is it a particular

discipline of Shaktism, or is this advice given to all?

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OM Merrlynnwiz


Brahmacharya when defined as celibacy is only for the serious

spiritual aspirant. The purpose is to redirect that sexual energy

so that the prana known as Ojas is not dissapated but

concentrated and used to fuel the spiritual consciousness.


Ojas is the essential constituent of the seven Dhatus - skin.

blood, flesh, sinew, bone, marrow and semen (Bindu). So,

retention of Ojas also leads to improved health.


The idea of celibacy or retention of Bindu is a part of all major

religious/spiritual practices (including Tantrism and Hatha

Yoga). Even the the coach of the Italian soccer team in the World

Cup forbids his players to engage in sexual activity because of

the attendent lost of vitality and damage to the immune system.


However, a teacher will often define Brahmacharya variously

according to the attainments of his/her students. For some,

seeing Brahmacharya as fidelity in thought, word and deed

might be more than enough of a challenge. For others, a little

more advanced in spiritual realization, Brahmacharya could be

viewed as fidelity plus sexual continence, while, still others, the

highly evolved students, could see Brahmacharya as celibacy for

the above reasons.


You will notice that Swami Sivanada included Brahmacharya

under the heading of 'energy culture' because of the idea of Ojas

preservation. He also wrote about not only celibacy but the

intervening steps of sexual continence. He is saying that in the

beginning it is fine to celebrate the body provided that Bindu is

preserved, but that in the end, celibacy of thought, word and deed

is most useful because the outgoing tendencies of the mind and

ego are checked and the Ojas is retained, all of which, facilitate



According to Swami Sivananda (and many other great saints and

all the major religions and spiritual paths) there is no other way

to Self-Realization except through meditation. He is saying that

preserving Ojas and checking the outward tendencies of the

senses are conducive to that liberating meditational attitude.


OM Namah Sivaya



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Our beloved ompremji writes...


" According to Swami Sivananda (and many other great saints and

all the major religions and spiritual paths) there is no other way

to Self-Realization except through meditation."


This morning i posted a beautiful verse from Srimad BHAGVAT GITA

which reads...



"Tapaswibhyodhiko Yogi JnaniBhyopi Mathodikah

Karmabhyaschadiko Yogi Tasmat Yogi Bhavarjuna"



"O Arjuna! The Yogi is nobler than those who perform Penance. I feel

he is greater than the Wise. He is even better than those who perform

various rituals. So become a Yogi!!"



Srimad Bhagwat Gita



one who practices yoga nad meditation is vey dear to his heart and

our lord says god-relaization can be achieved through constant

practice or abhyasa.


the hatha yoga pradipika also states...


"The younger, the old, the extremely aged, even the sick and the

infirm obtain perfection in Yoga by constant practice. Success in

Yoga is not obtained by mere theoretical study, or talking about it

at, reading the sacred texts. Constant practice alone is the secret

of its success."


-ha means the sun

-tha means the moon


"Hatha-Yoga' is the meeting of two forces animating the human body,

i.e., the union of positive energy (symbolized by the sun) and

negative energy (symbolized by the moon) plus a perfect balance.

Mastery of these two currents and complete equilibrium between them

will keep us in perfect health."


the very first verse of hatha yoga pradipika reads...



WISDOM , as the first step to the pinnacle of raja yoga."


hatha also,means will power , resoluteness and perseverance. these

qualities are needed for success in all spiritual paths - be it

bhakti yoga, karma yoga, jnana yoga or raja yoga...this will what

will lead us to liberation and freedom from ignorance and

egocentricity. .


by means of constant practice or abhyasa, the mind gets purified .


all the various yogic paths are the means to lift the veil of

ignorance and know the ultimate reality.


"The word 'Yoga' comes from the Sanskrit root `yug' meaning 'to

join'. It designates `the joining of the lower human nature to the

higher in such a manner as to allow the higher to direct the lower',

or union with the Self'. It also signifies communion with the supreme

Universal Spirit to obtain relief from pain and suffering."'


in the tantric path also, the feminine represents the 'lunar' side

and the masculine is represented by the 'solar side and the union of

the two principles- masculine and feminine constitute the great union-


so, ultimately, each aspirant should choose a path that is suited to

his/her temperament or emotional make up and the path thus chosen is

the right path for that individual...


but whatever you choose, stick to it with determination for a journey

of thousand miles starts with a single step!



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