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celibacy versus celebration?

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Hi liz, you do ask the most pertinent question!!!


Lyn asks....


is shaktism (a branch of tantra) about celibacy or joyfully or

joyfully celebrating the body?


YES, lyn- IN TANTRA- we do not think of the 'world as an illusion' as

in advaita and other spiritual systems - rather as devi bhakta has

pointed out time and again everything in this world is the divine

manifestation of 'shakti' or rather 'shakti' resides in all of

creation. She is the 'creator and the created.'


so, we do not recommend to our sadhaks or spiritual aspirants to turn

away from the mundane pleasures of the world but rather how to

convert 'bhoga' into 'yoga. ' that is how to use the body as a

vehicle to reach oneness with God/brahman.


So, for the tantrik - it is not 'austeririties' that are recommended -

like 'fasting' , 'abstaining from sex' etc - rather how to 'nourish'

the body through proper 'nutrition and diet' and how to convert

the 'small love' )mundane sexual love for one's partner ) into

the 'big' love for the universe.


so, in tantra, do we negate 'sexuality' - not at all! on the

contraray, sex is recognized as one of the most 'creative' energies -

not only that a woman's womb is considered a seat of 'brahma and

vishnu' - a seat of presrvation and creation... you might like to

read 'yoni tantra' on this ---


in tantra, 'sex' between two partners (legally wedded, may i add

please or bewtween two consenting adults, smiles!!! ) is not

considered a'sin ' or 'something 'impure' or 'vulgar' or indecent .

sex is actually regarded as 'sublime' and 'sacred' act of divine

creation because a tantrik approaches his shakti (partner) ' not with

hisr physical body but with pure love and reverance . the woman

represents the divine feminine principle ! likewise, when a woman

approaches a man, he represents the ultimate male principle - the




In advaita, celibacy (abstinance) or control of sexual energy is

recommended as a necessary pre-requisite for progress in spiritual

path. but here, you might like to know about an incident in adi

shankara's life where he was challenged by mandan misra's wife who

redused to carry on a debate with adi shabnkara on the grounds that

he has not gone through all of life's pleasures... (such as sexual)


but not so in tantra- by definition, tantra rcognizes

no 'restrictions' whatsoever- 'tantra is all about 'freedom' - it has

a unique approach towrads human sexuality...


"In tantrik vision In this vision, there is no good and bad, no lower

and no higher. There is only energy (SHAKTI). It is purely our inner

attitude that determines the morality of an action. Humans have two

choices: to let this energy rule their life - and then they are its

slaves - or to effortlessly control it through the TANTRIC

techniques - and then they become the masters of it. TANTRISM knows

that the secret of life and death lies in controlling effortlessly

the sexual energy, which is the prima facie, the basal aspect of

human beings. Sexuality is subjected to rigorous discipline, being

used to conquer lower desires. This is the profound meaning of

BRAHMACHARYA - the third YAMA. The person who practices successfully

BRAHMACHARYA is called BRAHMACHARIN = one who uses material bliss to

attain spiritual bliss.


At the time when an emotion - such as love, etc. - rises to the

climactic point, senses automatically cease to function, and

Consciousness shines clearly.SPANDA KARIKA, a Tantric text."


THIS BRINGS US TO THE BASIC QUESTION- is sex a friend or a foe? TO

THE TANTRIKS sex is not just a physical act? it is sacred and holy-

it connects you to your higher self- the god/goddess within.

so it is not all about sex- it is Love - love for everything around

you and within you -


so, how can you deny the physical plane? but use the physical to

reach the heights of spirituality. "this body is the temple of god"

and the goddess lives as " kundalini" shakti in the muladhara chakra.


so, lyn you are absolutely right tantra is all about celebrastion -

celebrating all of life... there is no room for negative emotions

like fear, jealousy, possessiveness,anger etc...


YEs, sex is ok... but not 'promiscuous' sex or 'sex' as understood

today... but 'sacred' sex between two partners who love each other

with body, mind and spirit. ! i am a 'qualified' prude!!!


so it is a "union-" -or 'yoga" -merger or oneness - so the goal is

the same as in advaita... the union of the atman with brahman.


there are many instances where yogis and swamis withdraw themselves

from the material world and retire into a cave in the himalays

killing all their physical desires to reach a state of 'nirvana' but

in shaktism ( tantrik shaktism) we say , do not 'withdraw' from the

world , be in the 'world' but always keep your 'spritual' vision

alive - so ultimately- is is the 'intent that makes a thing sacred or



If you want to become voluntarily celbate, more power to you! ( that


there is no use renouncing physical desires (like a buddhist monk)

and carrying them in your heart... and at the first sign of

temptation, you fall down like sage vishwamitra on seeing the

bautiful apsara menaka!!! the recent incidents in catholic church

also support this that any form of artifical control always leads to

one's downfall!! for control to be effective, it has to come from



hope this perspective helps!



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