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Kali/ Tara questions ( A repost )

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The similarities between Kali and Tara are striking and unmistakenly,

especially in their two most common images : daksini Kali and Ugra

Tara :


1. They both stand upon a supine male figure, sometimes being

identified as Siva and other times anonymous corpse.

2. Both goddess are black, dark blue or blue black.

3. Both are naked or wear minimal clothings, sometimes a tiger


4. Both have human head as their necklace

5. Both are shown in the cremation ground

6. Both have a lolling toungue with blood oozing from their



Their could be easily mistaken from each other. Even the devotional

poet Ramprasad Ren, a Bengali saint, used their name interchangeable

in his poet such as follows :


1. "? The knowledge of Siva and the power of Tara guide and

protectme night and day' [Wherever I go there is only kali ]


2. "?O longing mind, consecrate your being to pure love, turn

every thought to Goddess Tara " [ Consecrate your being to pure love]


3. " Utterly disillusioned by the world of convention, this poet

prays with revolutionary fervor : Ma Tara Ma Tara?you who bring me

soul to truth !"[white ants of selfish destruction' And the list goes



I have currently with me about 20 of Ramprasad hymns with him

mentioning Tara repeatedly. When I stated reading it, I have this

impression that both Kali and Tara are the same.


My question is: 1. Why do you think Ramprasad used Kali and Tara

interchangeable if they are two separate form of goddess ?


Om ParaShaktiye Namaha



Nora, After I reply this I will advice you to refer to the text of

aadi Sankara and Paramahansa Ramakrishna dealing with Tara devi and

Kalika devi. Ramprasad indeed was a mystic but his works also

state "My father is crazy My mother too and so they son I am crazy"

this was a self boastful statement not to mention labelling the

goddess a deity beyond logic and conciousness. As for Kali being

black and all there are many forms. This is all the artist's

expression... There is a sadhana called the kali Darshana siddhi I

was taught this by the guru of Lord Aadi sankara my acestors spent

ages looking for him and now I am fortunate enough to meet him.

Anyways the details of which I cannot share but like I said she has

two forms one the ugra and the most common (tongue out on shiva ready

to kick some demon heads around) while the other the priya

(mishevious, foggy colour and plain old loving). The same is with

Tara both the Ugra and Tara mati this cause they represent same

things death and time, love and beauty. So they are 99% the same the

only thing that makes them diff is that when Kali is envoked in her

ugra form Tara will come in her pleasent form and when Tara is

envokled in her ugra form the Kali ma will come in her pleasent form.

This is cause thier ugra form emit a lot of energy and can render a

sadhak mad or even kill the sadhak since their ugra form is for the

destruction. Due to this the other goddess comes as a sheath to

protect the sadhak from eradication. This is what Ramaprasad ment.

And the crazy poem that is the greatest work for that is the path

that will lead to kali. Here is the test before I give you the

meaning I want to see how you interpret this. A clue meditate on

goddess chinnamasta and try stimulus words like mind, logic and


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I have seen the similarities between Mother Tara and Mother Kali. I

thought I would share here a web site I use for a bookmark on two of

my sites -




"Who or what are the Three Taras and the Twenty-One Taras"


I thought you might find it helpful in your research of this. There

is a Sadhana of Red Tara (Buddhist - Nyingma Tradition) that is said

to help people at the transition in to death when done for that

person by a practitioner. I am looking into this in the future since

I appear to run into a lot of other people who are experiencing loss

in this way and need prayer for themselves and their loved one.

Compassion of a Mother towards them in their sorrow.


I thank you for the post and the information. Just wonderful. with

palms together






Dear Yeshe,


I am aware of the siddhi of red tara in the buddhist religion and

personally I think it does take a long time. If you want to see your

mother the perfect Mother Red Tara why dont u try the hindu way. Yes

it may be a little un orthodox with the tibetain buddhist way of

worship to red tara but it is the same form of worship as to how

kurukulla is envoked. i can give you this siddhi but will doubt it

will work cause u need teacher.


Anyways the divine mother has blessed me with many things but alas

memory is not one of them so I dont remember... You speak of that

satement as u were offended if so I humbly ask your forgivness and

that of the divine mother Tara.


Forever mother's servant




Dearest Monk


Mother's actual servant!

I am thankful for your attention to my approach to Mother Tara. To

tell you the truth I had never thought of actually asking her to come

to me in person! I feel very unimportant for such a wonderful thing

to happen to me. And then my system would probably not be able to

handle such a visit - I would be beyond my self. I know I will see

her later on when my journey is complete, since she is always with me

and near me. And I know it is not all because of my devotion; she is

present here with me and always acting in my interest.


Yes, because of where I live I am without a Buddhist Priest, a place

of worship (I have a small altar in my bedroom) and of course without

a Monk or Priest as yourself near by to teach and direct; so my

learning and progress are all because of the kindness of the Buddha

and Mother Tara. I am amazed at this calling to be close to them; I

cannot even begin to explain it.


I find this club for the Mother a place I have learned much and a

place where I see I am so ignorant as well. I can only offer to the

club the little I know and the devotion I have. This club has

brought personal questions to me and has brought thoughts I had

missed and should look into and ask about. Yes, we all need a Teacher

to guide us on the Path; in my case the compassion of the Buddha and

Tara have reached out for me beyond my needs and helped me in this

life time. I am not alone now.


Yes, most definitely a Teacher is needed to do this kind of Siddhi,

from what I have read. But I do thank you for explaining it to me and

wanting to help me. Again I am ignorant in much that is discussed

here; except for the feelings and caring I am receiving from Arya

Tara on my path. I would love to learn more to open my mind and heart

to Tara and to the path of liberation and enlightenment; bring down

all the obstacles and filling these places with wisdom.


I am not offended by your caring or teaching Monk! I only humbly

offer what I know to the group. And I am confident there are many

ways to accomplish the task ahead that are more powerful than the

ones I know. I am equally confident that Tara will show me the way as



Always seeking to loose ego in the ocean of compassion - Yeshe


feet so bare rushing to Mother's breast

Wisdom's rescue



Hi Yeshe,

I finally checked out the website on the 21 Taras and reading through

them, it seems to me that you're covering all these different Taras

by chanting the 21 Praises of Tara. Each discription of each Tara

reflects a praise.



Shanti Om ~ Jay!






I am so pleased you are finding the site helpful. Yes, it covers all

the Taras known in Buddhism and helps one concentrate on them during

the Sadhana and afterward too. The Sadhana also covers the dedication

of this merit of this focus upon Tara and dedicates the

resulting positive karma toward all beings and their liberation. The

Sadhana also begs Tara to remain for all time and continue her work

for us.


But the Sadhana is of Buddhist origins and I was sharing it from

where I live with in my devotion and the finding of my Mother Tara. I

am amazed she had found me. The one and only ceremony I have ever

been to, beyond my Refuge and Bodhisattva vows, has been the one for

seeking the protective covering of Tara. It was given by some Tibetan

Buddhist monks at a Unitarian Church. This was first time I had felt

her power and presence and her protection. The chanting was

wonderful and then to my surprise we were all given Tara's

protective "shell" to be round us, our families and where we live.


We were told to expect it all around us from now on. I did not expect

this and the vision has stuck with me. I am a chick within her hard

protective white shell. I am forever grateful to these Monks and

their kindness to conduct such a ceremony to the small group that

gathered at this Unitarian Church. I see her shell around about me

and my family and I claim it daily for all those beings around me

during my prayers.


I am so glad to share this with you on this list about our Mothers.

In Buddhism all beings are to be considered our kind mothers as a

means for us to have compassion towards all beings. I thought a

funny thought the other night during prayer that even the Buddha and

Mother Tara were at some point in these many life times my actual

kind mother, who held me in their gentle arms. This thought moved me

as to the mysteries of my future liberation and the enlightenment;

the time I can also be as my Mother Tara toward all beings around me.


I am so pleased to be accepted in this group about our Mothers.

with palms together






Dear Yeshe,

Ignorance is bliss. The divine mother only craves pure and

uncontaminated love. When you gove her this she will come running to

you. She indeed is mother perfection but lets not forget father. If

you worship the goddess Tara in the Tibetain buddhist way then I

advise u to also meditate on Padmasambhava and Avalokiteshwara.


They too are the divine fathers. Forget the stuff the lamasaries

teach as to look at lord Padmasambhava as one's teacher and so on

and so forth... Look at him as a loving yet a sturn father for it is

through the worship of the two that the goddess is pleased. If you

dont want her to come to you in flesh and blood (good u are kicking

ur self but anyway) then try to feel her love; dont say u have cause

if u would have then you would have become a bodhosattva yourself!

Meditate on her and remember there is something as one's imagination

so you must draw the line. Follow this as the dhyana siddhi on tara

devi. Dont forget use her mantra the hindu or the buddhist dosent

matter as long as u call her mother.


Wait there is more I have a very special mantra for you:

agchheha Mahadevi! Sarva sampatpradyini yavat vratam sampyeta

agchha sannidhou bhava


Om Tare tat tare Tu re Soham avahanam samrpayami.


This is the hinu mantra on calling the goddess do continiou japa on

this say about 16 thousand times for forty five to 50 days with the

tara yantram drawn on ground rice with vermillion. With lotus postion

(right leg on top) and have the statue or picture of tara devi behind

yantram but in front of u. Do this with love and she will come!

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