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How does one hear the Sound of Anahata within and without?

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,


I have read and heard that you could hear the sound of Anahata within

you and the sound waxes and wanes from Pournami to Amavasya. There is

a mention of this even in the Shiva Sutras. Could someone please

enlighten me on how to hear the anahata sound? If anyone of you knows

how to hear the sound and could teach me and you are in Madras please

let me know. I would be most glad to contact you and get enlightened.


Seshadri Sarman.

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OM Seshadri Sarman


At the risk of sounding too erudite, hearing the various dhvani

(meaningless) anahata sounds such as waterfall, the shabda

anahata sounds of the chakra petals, the supersenuous nada

anahata sound or para-shabda sound of the muladhara chakra,

requires first that one embark on a long and intense process of

purifying the nadis and the chakras plus developing

samyama(dharana - concentration, dhyana - meditation, and

samadhi - realization). There are various levels of shabda with

the coarest level being speech (vaikhara-shabda). Purification

can start with purification of speech and ahimsa is a good guide

to such purification.


Anahata sounds are siddhis and as such will arise incidentally

as spiritual practices deepen and intensify. Most Gurus and

scriptures caution the aspirant to ignore siddhis just as they

ignore thoughts of the mundane world and continue with the

sadhana. Siddhis should be ignored because of the potential for

aggrandizing the ego again.


Only Adepts should concentrate on developing siddhis.

Patanjali's Raja Yoga Sutras has this to say about developing

the sound-related siddhi:


"Sabdartha-pratyayanam itaretaradhyasat samkaras

tatpravibhage-samyamat sarva-bhuta-ruta-jnanam.


Sound, meaning and corresponding ideas are usually confused

together in the mind; but when samyama is performed on the

sound, their meaning and ideas are resolved, and

comprehension is gained of the sounds of all living beings."




Other references are found in

1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika (II.78, III.64ff, IV. 90ff.)

2.Darshana Upanishad (VI.36)

3. Nada-Bindu-Upanishad (34ff)

4.Hamsa Upanishad (16, 43)

5. Dhyana-Bindu-Upanishad (95)

6. Yoga-Shikha-Upanshad (III.3)

7.Maitrayaniya Upanishad



OM Namah Sivaya



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If you are in any silent place where your blood stills you will hear hum of

universe. Many take it for granted and in other words don't even hear it

anymore. But those in city can still hear such silence because of the contrast.

That's why Kali yuga is such a great place to grow up because you can identify

the things of the spirit since they aren't common until you know them. Then the

universal bleeds over intio the material and commonplace and you find your self

becoming enlightened. Then you can fall in love again this time with Kali. She




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My $0.02:


Anahata sounds are different from ordinary sounds. Literally it

means "Unstruck" sounds as opposed to striking a drum or a spoon to

make a sound.


Anahata sounds are of various types and intensities some very low and

some very high pitch like ringing sounds etc. etc. They last for a

few seconds or for a few minutes depending on a variety of factors.


Anahata sounds can usually be heard when the sadhaka (aspirant) is

meditating. This is when they first appear and continue for a long

time. Sometimes they may even appear while awake and not meditating.

One needs to be quiet and observant to notice these sounds. The

effects of meditation are cumulative and hence regular meditation

helps if you want to hear these sounds.


Anahata sounds are a stage in the progress of sadhana (spritual

practice). The sadhaka does not go looking for them. They

automatically appear as part of the process of the evolution of the

spiritual practice.


I have not heard of any correlation with the phases of the moon.

However, Amavasya or New Moon is an auspicious day to worship the

Mother. The intensity of the meditation practice could be affected by

fasting, chanting, mantra japa, etc which has a direct effect on the

anahata sounds.


Sound ethical and moral behavior and lifestyle helps in meditation.

Sound ethical and moral behavior is the bedrock of any spiritual

practice, as outlined by Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga. Yama is the first

limb and not Asana! After a few years of meditation the sounds

disappear and only silence remains. That is when you know you are

making progress!!!






, "nsrravi" <nsrravi> wrote:

> Dear Brothers and Sisters,


> I have read and heard that you could hear the sound of Anahata


> you and the sound waxes and wanes from Pournami to Amavasya. There


> a mention of this even in the Shiva Sutras. Could someone please

> enlighten me on how to hear the anahata sound? If anyone of you


> how to hear the sound and could teach me and you are in Madras


> let me know. I would be most glad to contact you and get



> Seshadri Sarman.

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