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A hymn to the Earth

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The great truth, inviolable law, consecration, austerity, prayer and

sacrificial ritual, sustain the Earth. May she, the mistress of what

is and is to be, spread wide to provide us ample space.


Untrammled in the midst of men, the Earth, possessed of the ascent,

slopes and plains, bears various healing herbs. May she spread wide

to provide us joy!


On whom are the oceans, the rivers, the waters, on whom have come

forth food and ploughman's crops, on whom moves all the breathes,


that stirs. May she gives us the first drought!


The four quarters belong to Earth, on her grows food, on her grow the

ploughman's crops. She bears all that breathes and that stirs.


that Earth grant us kine and food in abundance !


On whom the people in yore spread themselves far and wide, on whom

the gods defeated the demons, on the abode of kine, of horses and of

birds. May this earth grants us good fortune and splendour!


Bearing all, holding treasure, firmly established, golden bosomed,

sustainer of life, bearing the Vaishvanara, the universal fire, whose

hero is Indra, may she prosper us !


Boundless Earth, whom the gods, sleepless defend all the time with

great care, may she yield us honey so desired, and pour on us



Earth who in the beginning was water upon the ocean, whom the seers

discerned with their spiritual powers, whose eternal heart covered in

truth abides in the highest heaven. May she bestows upon us strength,

splendour and highest royalty!


On whom the waters flow, always the same, night and day, ceaseless,

may this Earth, of many rivers, yield us milk and pour on us her

splendour in plenty!


May this Earth, whom the Ashvins measured, on whose vastness Vishnu

strode, whom Indra, the mighty, freed from enemies, release milk for

us like a mother to her son!


May thy hills, O Earth, thy snow-clad mountains, thy forests, be

pleasant to us. Brown, black, red, of varied forms, firmly

established is this Earth, protected by Indra. I, unharmed,

unconquered, unharassed have my abode on this earth.


Grant us, O earth, those vital refreshments, which are confined to

thy middle, in thy navel and those within thy body, purify us fully.

She is mother, I am earth's son, Parjanya is my father, may she


preserve us!


The Earth on which they enclose the sacred alter, on which a group of

men make the sacrificial offering, on which are fixed the sacrificial

posts, tall, bright prior to the sacrifice, may this Earth grant us



Those who would hate us, fight us, O Earth, who would oppose us

mentally or with deadly weapons, do thou deliver them to us, before

they act.


All beings born of thee, go about on thee, thou bearest all the

bipeds, quadrupeds. To thee belong these five races of men, those

mortals on whom the rising sun pours his immortals rays.


May all the creatures, without exception, yield to me the honey of

speech, O Earth, grant me this boon!


The mother of all plants and begetter of herbs, firmly established

Earth, sustained by law, is auspicious and pleasant, may we ever

dwell on her moving about here and there.


O Earth, thou has become great, as a great station, great is thy

motion, great thy stirring and thy quaking. The great Indra ever

protects thee. O earth, make us shine like burnished gold, may noneso

ever hate us!


Agni abides in Earth, in the plants, the waters contain Agni. Agni is

in stones, Agni is in the heart of Men, within cattle, in horses

there are Agnis


Agni flashes heat from the heavens, the vast atmosphere here belongs

to Agni, Agni, it is that is kindled by the mortal men, as conveyor

of oblation, the ghee bearer


May the Earth, clad in fire, black-kneed, grant me sharpness of

intelligence and splendour


On the Earth the mortal men offer sacrifice to the Gods and well

prepared oblations. There they live on food and nourishment, may that

grant us life and breath, allowing us to attain ripe old age.


O Mother earth, fill me with that fragrance in plenty, which is there

in the herbs, in the waters and in thee, and which is shared by the

Gandharvas and Apsaras, let no one ever wish us ill !


What fragrance of thine has entered into the lotus bloom, wherewith

the gods were filled at the wedding of Surya's daughter, O Earth,


the beginning, instill in me that fragrance, may no one ever wish us



The sweet smell which is there in men, in women, in pleasure, what is

in heroes, in horses, what is in wild animals and in elephants, in a

maiden, instill in me that fragrance in abundance, let no one ever

wish us ill!


Earth is made of rocks, stone and dust. Earth is held together,

consolidated, to this golden-visaged Earth I have paid homage!


Upon her stand the forest and other trees firm, unshakable, this

Earth sustaining all we now address, that is held together,



Whether we stand erect or sit, whether we walk forth or remain still,

whether we walk with right or left foot, never may we stagger !


The purifying earth, I call, the patient one, increased by worship,

that bears nourishment, prosperity, food, ghee and strength, O Earth,

may we sit down upon thee!


May purifying water flow flow over our bodies, that which defile, we

deposit on him who hates us. I do purify myself as with a purifier.


May all thy directions, to eastward, to southward, northward, and

westward, receive me graciously whenever I go about them. May I never

fall down when standing on thee!


Do not push us aside from front or behind, from above or below. Be

kind to us, O Earth. Let no robbers way lay us on our travel, keep

away from us the deadly weapon!


A great much of thee as my sight may reach, O earth, with the Sun as

my allay, so far may my sight never fail from one year to another.


Whether I remain lying, turn upon my right side or my left side, or

lie stretched upon my back, I feel your pressure all over my body, be

soft and gentle, O Earth, thou bed of all !!


Whatever of thee, O Earth, I dig up, let hot season, thy rainy

season, thy autumn, winter, cool one and spring, let thy arranged

seasons, thy nights and succeeding days, O Earth, yield us their milk!


The cleansing Earth, one trembling on the Serpent, who protected the

fires that were within waters, who chastised the god-insulting

demons, has chosen Indra as her mate and not Vritra, surrendering

herself to the mighty one, the lusty bull.


On the Earth are made the altars to hold oblations, and the

sacrificial posts are erected, on her the Brahmans the knower of the

sacrificial formulas, chant their Verses, on her the hotar-priests

set before sacrifices, may that Indra enjoy Soma !


On her the sages in yore, the Seven Seers, the maker of beings, sand

holy hymns while performing sacrifice and doing penance and thereby

caused the kine to generate!


May the Earth grant us abundant wealth that we desire. May Indra lead

us followed by Bhaga!


May the Earth, where mortal men sing and dance in gay abundance,

where they fight resounding it with cries of battle and beating of

the drums, push far away our rivals, and free us from our enemies!


The Earth where food grows, rice and barley are produced whose are

these five races of men, the sap-enriched Earth, the spouse of

Parjanya be homage!


On the Earth the gods made castles, in the vast plains men waged the

war, the Earth, the mother and womb of everything, may Prajapati make

all her regions pleasant for us !


May the treasure bearing Earth and also the secret wealth in many

places, the generous giver of good things, grant us besides gold and

gems, her special favour!


May the Earth, bearing diverse people of diverse speech and customs

in several places, yield me a thousand streams of wealth, like a

steady milch-cow that never resists the milking hand!


The hard stinging serpents and scorpions, that lie lazily hidden

chilled with winter, and the worms, all that move about in the early

rain, may al that creeping ones, not creep on us. May thou be

gracious to grant us all that is auspicious!


The many roads thou hast for people to go upon, the track for the

chariot, and for the cart, by which the mankind travel, used by both

good people and evil, may we choose one free from foes, free from

robbers. May thou be gracious to grant us all that is auspicious!


The Mother Earth bears on he r bosom both the fool and the wise, she

bears the death of good as well as of evil one. She in accord with

the boar, ,opened herself to the wild hog.


O Earth, thine wild beast, dwelling in woods, lions, tigers, man-

eaters that misfortune stalking about, and the demons, do thou chase

away from us afar!


The Earth, on whom the bright and the dark, the day and the night in

association, though separate, are disposed, the vast Earth, often

drenched and made fertile with rains, may settle us graciously in

each well-loved abode!


Both Heaven and Earth and the atmosphere in between have given me

this vast expanse. Agni, the Sun, the Waters, the gods have jointly

given me this wisdom.


In villages, in forests, in places where men gather, in market

places, in assemblies may we ever speak that which is pleasant about



O Mother Earth, do thou graciously settle me down that I may be at my

ease, in harmony with the heaven, do thou set me.. O Poet, in

prosperity !



Atharvveda. Book twelve.


Om ParaShaktiye Namaha

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