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Thank you for taking the time to read it. And I am truly pleased to

hear that you enjoyed it.


Aum Maatangyai Namahe


, Satyendra Rao <kashyapa_705> wrote:

> Thank you Devi bhakta on such a beautiful rendition on

> Devi Matangi.

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2. Counselor of all. / Not sure about first question.



Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:42 AM




1. Are Matangi and Mantrini really the same?

2. Is Matangi the counselor only of Lalita Triura Sundari, or also that of

Kali, Tara, Chinnamasta etc.?





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The question mixes two traditions. In Srividya, Matangi is the

counselor to and an aspect of Lalita Tripurasundari. In sadhana of the

Dasha Mahavidyas, Lalitha (in her 16-year-old form, Shodashi) is only

one of the Ten Mahavidyas, understood as aspects of Kali. In which

conception both Matangi and Tripura are both just secondary forms,

like Bagala, Dhumavati, Chinnamasta etc.


Hope that helps ...





-----But from the standpoint of nonduality, where the ocean of creation is

contained in every drop, the aspect called Matangi also exists in every drop of

the other forms of beings.



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Okay, but when in Kali worship Matangi is an aspect of Kali, this doesn't mean

that Matangi cannot be Kali's councelor.

Is she?


Detective_Mongo_Phd <detective_mongo_phd wrote:


The question mixes two traditions. In Srividya, Matangi is the

counselor to and an aspect of Lalita Tripurasundari. In sadhana of the

Dasha Mahavidyas, Lalitha (in her 16-year-old form, Shodashi) is only

one of the Ten Mahavidyas, understood as aspects of Kali. In which

conception both Matangi and Tripura are both just secondary forms,

like Bagala, Dhumavati, Chinnamasta etc.


Hope that helps ...





-----But from the standpoint of nonduality, where the ocean of creation is

contained in every drop, the aspect called Matangi also exists in every drop of

the other forms of beings.













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Thanks, rudrajoe -- This is true, of course. My reply focused on the

ontological, because I understood the thrust of alexandra's question

as such. The entire Cosmos, seen and unseen, is the body of DEVI. All

individual goddess forms may be considered as facets of and portals to

Her entirety.




---But from the standpoint of nonduality, where the ocean of creation

is contained in every drop, the aspect called Matangi also exists in

every drop of the other forms of beings.



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Excuse me, but I did not ask from the standpoint of non-duality.


Devi Bhakta <devi_bhakta wrote:Thanks, rudrajoe -- This is true, of

course. My reply focused on the

ontological, because I understood the thrust of alexandra's question

as such. The entire Cosmos, seen and unseen, is the body of DEVI. All

individual goddess forms may be considered as facets of and portals to

Her entirety.




---But from the standpoint of nonduality, where the ocean of creation

is contained in every drop, the aspect called Matangi also exists in

every drop of the other forms of beings.















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Wait, wait, I'm figuring this out...


On the one hand, the Devi Mahatmyam says that Durga Mata contains within

her all the other forms of Shakti.


On the other hand, Kaula devotees say that "all the Goddesses are forms

of Kali."


On the third hand (this is Hinduism, many hands!) all that lives contains

the spark of Shakti, who is Durga, who is Kali.


And Shree Vidya scholars (fourth hand!) say Mantrini advises

Tripurasundari, who is Shodasi (a Wisdom Goddess form of Kali) -- yet

Mantrini is Matangi (another Wisdom Goddess form of Kali)...


So, if Durga contains all the Goddesses, and all of them (including

Durga) are really Kali, when Mantrini advises Tripurasundari, is she

really whispering in her own ear?


And I'm my own Grandpa!


I think I should buy a copy of "Hinduism For Dummies."


-- Len/ Kalipadma



On Wed, 19 May 2004 15:14:34 -0000 "Devi Bhakta" <devi_bhakta


> Thanks, rudrajoe -- This is true, of course. My reply focused on the

> ontological, because I understood the thrust of alexandra's question

> as such. The entire Cosmos, seen and unseen, is the body of DEVI.

> All

> individual goddess forms may be considered as facets of and portals

> to

> Her entirety.


> DB


> ---But from the standpoint of nonduality, where the ocean of

> creation

> is contained in every drop, the aspect called Matangi also exists in

> every drop of the other forms of beings.

> >





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Dear Len:


You ask: *** So, if Durga contains all the Goddesses, and all of them

(including Durga) are really Kali, when Mantrini advises

Tripurasundari, is she really whispering in her own ear? ***


Now you're getting it! ;-) ...


*** And I'm my own Grandpa! ***


Yes indeed. And more than that, it is you who are whispering in your

own ear.


Aum Maatangyai Namahe

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As the Sadhu said to the tofu-pup vendor, "Make me One with Everything!"


But he already was!



-- Len/ Kalipadma


On Wed, 19 May 2004 16:30:54 -0000 "Devi Bhakta" <devi_bhakta


> Dear Len:


> You ask: *** So, if Durga contains all the Goddesses, and all of

> them

> (including Durga) are really Kali, when Mantrini advises

> Tripurasundari, is she really whispering in her own ear? ***


> Now you're getting it! ;-) ...


> *** And I'm my own Grandpa! ***


> Yes indeed. And more than that, it is you who are whispering in your

> own ear.


> Aum Maatangyai Namahe




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om srimatre namaha


dear kalipadma,nameste


I have been reading your mails,they are too bold and carelessly written.

As for your discritpion of devi its a bit too vulgur.How you use the word is

important.It is how you realy is it.Physicaly ,tantra is misleading,because it

is not easily achivable to all one has to do a lot TAPASYA (Penance) to have

the "real"knowledge.you have to stop debating needlessly.Beliving is very

important,there should be total surrender in what you are doing,having an alter

alone will not give anything. To add ,in sadhana the more you go deep the more

you become abusive towards your Ishta,Because there will be no difference

between you and him/her, that is higest level.But that is a long long way.so do

not confuse your self stick to the basic and learn from your guru.


srimata's baby


srinivas sahu





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Well, sure, but there is no standpoint of nonduality as all of life is one

fabric with various warp and woof. One can pick out theads ad nauseam, or one

can stand back and get the picture. I would wonder why anyone would want to pin

down Devi to some exact and specific form or location. Sure study is good when

it relates to the practice of Devi worship, whose meditations are certainly not

simple. Yet, chraging though a forest of facts accomplishes what? Even should

someone figure out definitively what goes where and so on of what value is that

sinces as we can easily and in real time see from these groups no one ever

agrees with anyone else about anything.


But this is a good thing as it makes one responsible to themselves only for

their own upliftment. And so as such I have to say that before I alot resources

to answering such exacting and scholarly questions I have to know the motivation

of the person asking them. Simple curiosity isn't good enough motivation for me

for wasting time answering. How will this person use this knowledge? And if it

is to write some treatise on the subject then is the word of some newsgroup

correspondent really evidentiary enough for proof of the answer?


As you wrote, Matangi is the power of mantra. Mantra by the time it reaches the

tongue has moved into the realm of the impure senses. When speech resides in

the state of paravak then it was pure and one with Brahman. Ever motion into

manifestation is a more definitive move into the realm of ignorance. This is why

Matangi is the Goddess of the Impure. However her realm is that of speech.


People take various Shakta systems as being separate and uncomplimentary, and

yet, there is no system exactly, just as history is his story. People take all

religions as being truth or compilations of truths, some of which people feel

hold a torch of truth, while they feel others hold a candle. However, if people

put the books down and sat quietly there would be all the truth which was ever

known, or ever will be known. All religions certainly started with some inner

awakening. And so inner is the key. Whether in Shodashi training camp, or

Dashmaha, you will find that looking within is the key to practice and

knowledge. All these deities...what's for dinner?


Devi Bhakta

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:14 AM

Re: Matangi



Thanks, rudrajoe -- This is true, of course. My reply focused on the

ontological, because I understood the thrust of alexandra's question

as such. The entire Cosmos, seen and unseen, is the body of DEVI. All

individual goddess forms may be considered as facets of and portals to

Her entirety.




---But from the standpoint of nonduality, where the ocean of creation

is contained in every drop, the aspect called Matangi also exists in

every drop of the other forms of beings.


















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