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Waves of Bliss ( Anandalahari )

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O bhavani, the four-headed Lord of Creatures, is not able to worship


Nor even the five-headed destroyer of the Tripura,

Nor the six-headed commander of the celestial hosts,

Nor even the thousand-headed Lord of Serpents.

If , then, they cannot, tell me who else is able so to do?



O Devi ! how can we speak of Thy qualities,

Which are not to be described by any Niguana,

As the sweetness of Ghee, milk, the grape, and honey

Cannot be distinguished and described by words,

But may be perceived by the tongue only;

In like manner Thy beauty can be seen only be the eyes of Paramesvara.



We ever pray to Thee, O Gauri,

Youthful daughter of the Lord of Mountains.

Beautiful is the betel in Thy mouth

And the collyrium in Thy eyes;

Beautiful, too, are the saffron on Thy forehead,

The necklet of pearls on Thy throat,

Thy silken garment and the glittering gold waist ornament on Thy

large hips.



May Bhagavati, Sati, whose lotus eyes sparkle,

Spouse of Sambhu, on the slope of whose breast

Rests a beautiful garland of the flowers of the Mandara Tree,

Whose earring is the pleasing sound from the vina,

Who stoops ( from the weigh of her breasts),

Whose beautiful swaying gait is that of the female elephant

May that Bhagavati be ever victorious!



O beauteour Aparna!

Bestow the fullness of happiness on me,

Thou whose limbs art covered

With ornaments of gold and gems glittering like the newly risen sun,

Whose eyes are beautiful as those of a doe,

Of whom Siva is a part,

Who is the golden colour of lightning,

Beauteous in yellow garments and tinkling anklets.




Shines forth does the Devi born in the snowy mountains.

Her beautiful hands are like a red leaf.

She is adorned with beautiful flowers and pearls.

Her head, by its weight of hair, seems covered by a swarm of bees.

It is She with whom Siva seeks shelter,

Who stoops from the weight of Her breasts,

Whose words are sweet,

The Destructress of ills,

Ever and in all places pervading,

Tender creeper of Intelligence and Bliss



Others worship with reverence the plan with leaves and particular


But I Know that Aparna alone in this world should be worshipped.

Then the old Shiva garmented with space

Surely grants to Thy worshipper the fruit of full liberation.



Thou art the Mother of all Vedas,

The regulator of all dharmas

And the root of all wealth –

Thou whose lotus feet are worshipped even by the wealth-giver.

O Mother ! Thou art the primal cause of all desires.

Victrix of Kandarpa, Thou art the seed of liberation for the good.

Thou art the Spouse of the Parabrahman.



Although my mind be fickle and wanting in great devotion to Thee,

Yet by Thy mercy Thou should look auspicious upon me.

The cloud gives sweet water to the mouth of the cataka bird.

I know not by what ( good) fate my mind is directed.



O Virtuous One, from the corner of Thine eyes

Cast now a glance of kindness upon me;

Neglect so to do is not proper on Thy part,

Seeing that I have reached the refuge of Thy initiation

Alas! The creeper of desire, whose very name shows that it gives


Yet cannot give that which is desires,

What difference is there between it and any other common creeper?



I, thought I have sought refuge with other Devatas,

Have yet placed full trust in Thy lotus feet.

If, nevertheless, your heart is not timely set on me,

Then with whom shall I in my helplessness seek shelter,

O Mother of the big-bellied one!



As iron touched by the touchstone becomes at once gold,

As the water of the roadway mixed with that of the Ganges becomes


In like manner will not my heart,

Greatly soiled though it be by my great sins

Become pure if attached with devotion to Thee?



O Isani , as the old Lotus-Born and others have said,

The rule is that if others than Thyself art worshipped,

Only the particular fruit desired is gained;

But thou giveth more even than is asked for,

Make me, then, ever attached to Thee by day and night.



O Spouse of the Great Lord of the three worlds!

Most pleasant is Thy abode,

The walls whereof glitter with various gems and crystals,

Whereon Thy image is reflected.

On the summit of Thy abode the quivering light waves of the moon (

are shed ).

Therein dwell Mukunda, Brahma and other Devas

It is ever victorious.



Thy dwelling is in Mount Kailasa

Thy worshipper are Brahma, Indra and other Devas.

All are subservient to Thee in the three regions.

The number of siddhis join their palms in adorations before Thee

Siva is Thy lover;

Therefore, O Daughter of the Lord of mountains

Nothing is equal to Thy fortune.



the old bull is Siva's carrier

Poison is his food, space is his dwelling;

The cremationg ground is his playground,

Serpents are his ornaments.

All things in the world are known to the enemy of Smara;

But the wealth of all this is due to the greatness of Thy fortune.

O Mother!





The Lord of Pasus, besmeared with ashes, sits in the cremation ground.

>From his nature arises the force which destroys the world

Out of compassion for the whole world, He held the poison in his


O Kalyani! In all this I see the fruit of his companionship with Thee



O Daughter of the mountain,

When Gange had seen Thy great beauty,

She was afraid, and turned into water;

Then Siva, seeing her sad, lotus0like face,

In his mercy made a dwelling for Her on his own head.



O Bhagavati, the Creator having with his own hands taken Thy bathing


Mingled with liquid sandal, musk, saffron, and flowers.

And the dust of Thy moving feet,

Created therewith the lotus-eyed women of the city of the Devas.



If one but contemplates Thee, in play with Thy maidens,

In pleasing springtide with its flowers and creepers

Upon the lake, beautiful with many blossoming lotus and flocks of


The waters of which are rippled by the breeze from the Malaya


>From such an one all fevered ills pass away.



Om ParaShaktiye Namaha

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