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Where can I find more information on Navrati?

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I understand this festival starts in four days. I would like to mark

it in some way and I've not been able to find information that feels

accessible for me.


I appreciate any information that you can share.


Bright Blessings,



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To know more about Navratri please visit


prainbow61 <paulie-rainbow wrote: Namaskar,


I understand this festival starts in four days. I would like to mark

it in some way and I've not been able to find information that feels

accessible for me.


I appreciate any information that you can share.


Bright Blessings,















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There is a good site called hindunet.org


--- "Blessings onthenet.com" <blessnetindia



> To know more about Navratri please visit



> prainbow61 <paulie-rainbow wrote:

> Namaskar,


> I understand this festival starts in four days. I

> would like to mark

> it in some way and I've not been able to find

> information that feels

> accessible for me.


> I appreciate any information that you can share.


> Bright Blessings,


> Prainbow



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> shakti_sadhnaa





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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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Namaste Prainbow!


There is really no one way to observe Durga Pooja/

Navratri "correctly" -- but, on the other hand, there's almost no way

you can observe it incorrectly! The important thing is to *observe*

it -- the best you can, and in your own way. Devi will know, and She

will appreciate, your effort, however technically perfect or



Navratri is a very old holiday, and it can be a very elaborate one --

our own Chumki (blueblackeyes) compares its emotional and ceremonial

import in West Bengal to that of Christmas in the West. And as with

Christmas, there are many differences in approach both from region to

region, and from family to family. On the more popular side, there

are recitations of the Chandipath (Devi Mahatmya), and the Devi-

Bhagavata-Purana; elaborate temple cermonies and processions -- and

much noise, color, music and mayhem; almost like Mardi Gras in Rio or

New Orleans.


Complete, traditional religious observance requires a deep and

complex knowledge of temple ritual and the Sanskrit language, as well

as materials that most common people in India -- never mind people in

the West -- cannot readily get hold of. Among the pandits,

additionally, there is a split of opinion over whether the Devi

Mahatmya is more important for its mantric value (i.e., the intrinsic

spiritual energy of its sound) or its substantive content (i.e., the

moral and theological teachings contained in its stories and hymns).

Moreover, a "complete" mystical observance involves complicated

individual poojas on each of the nine days for each of the nine forms

of Durga (Navdurgas; see more on the homepage). And members of

various initiatory traditions have their own unique observances,

based on the instruction of their respective gurus.


Now: I do not say any of this to discourage you -- on the contrary, I

hope it gives you a sense that (again, like Christmas), Durga

Pooja/Navratri is not something that you can really do wrong. The

important thing is that you do observe it and that you give fully of

yourself and your devotion in doing so.


If there is a Hindu community of any size where you live, you might

choose to let them take the lead. Call the local Hindu temple (or

perhaps even better, the proprietor of a good Indian grocery -- they

know *everything* that's happening in the community) and ask whether

there are any special Durga Pooja events scheduled. If so, go! Watch,

enjoy, listen, and -- if you feel welcome and so moved -- get

involved yourself. Have fun! If you have any practicing Hindu

friends, let them know that you're interested in sharing any private

Durga Pooja observances they may be planning with their family. More

than likely, they'll be surprised and complimented by your interest

and happily invite you to participate.


Even if you have to "go it alone," it's no great disadvantage, In

some ways, it's even better and more intimate. For example, if you

have an idol of Durga Mahishasuramardini, wash Her thoroughly each

day. Annoint Her with sandalwood oil and red turmeric (kumkum) paste

(both easily available at Indian groceries). Light candles and/or

incense for Her; offer Her beautiful, fresh flowers each day. Offer

Her delicious fresh fruits and freshly cooked rice; split a cocunut,

and offer it to Her as if it were Your own head, inviting Her to fill

it with Her essence. Play devotional music, preferably Shakta hymns,

etc. When you can, sit down at Her feet and recite Her mantra,

meditate upon Her, recite from the Devi Mahatmyam and.or Devi

Bhagavata Purana.


Begin each of the nine days early, spending some time alone in

devotions to Her in the predawn hours; during these days, it is not a

bad idea to rise at two or three in the morning and spend several

hours with Her before you begin your mundane obligations. Tuesday,

Friday and Saturday are especially powerful days to do this. Stop in

with Her again last thing before going to bed at night. Open yourself

to Her as far as you are able, and let Her fill you. By the time the

nine nights are over, you should have gone through the Devi Mahatmya

several times. If you're unable to devote that much time, the online

Devi Mahatmya linked off the homepage's Mahishasura Mardini

presentation is prefaced with a suggestion for spreading one thorough

reading over the nine days. You should do this even if you also

participate in the public celebration.


My main message, I guess, is: Do *something*! Do not get trapped in

the process of analyzing the "correct" approach, because there isn't

one. The main thing is that you remember and observe the holiday in

your own way. It's okay to do research and learn more about the

details, but do not overly "intellectualize" the holiday. Feel it,

don't "think" it! It is the primary holiday of the Goddess. Make that

understanding a part of yourself, absorb the profundity of this

truth -- and then act, observe, celebrate and give thanks as your

mind and spirit direct.


Aum Maatangyai Namahe

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In a message dated 10/4/2002 5:30:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

sarabhaanana writes:


> > There is really no one way to observe Durga Pooja/

> > Navratri "correctly" -- but, on the other hand, there's almost no

> way

> > you can observe it incorrectly! The important thing is to *observe*

> > it -- the best you can, and in your own way. Devi will know, and

> She

> > will appreciate, your effort, however technically perfect or

> > imperfect.



> What does that mean? The way in which a Navaratri should be

> observed is clearly written in the Devi Bhagavatha. Ofcourse I agree

> with you that itz difficult to follow exactly as written here in US.

> Nevertheless one has to read that and try their best to keep up to

> the rules. And regulations.




I don't get it? Does this mean you have to be a Brahman Male in order to do

anything or should one who is not a native born of India wait for someone to

guide them by the hand to worship Maa? If I had waited for that moment, I

would have still not have gotten to worship my Mother and be delivered by Her

with me knowing it was Her.


It only matters if the worship and the attempts at worship come from the

heart. The Motivation is the key as well as Whom the prayers are directed to.

These "teachings" are not rules to be fearful of, but guide lines from the

Divine of effectual worship and boons. If a Wiccan Sister or a Buddhist

Sister or a Christian Sister or a Muslim Sister or a Jewish Sister or a Hindu

Sister or any other Sister wishes to "attempt" a worship of Mother, then it

will be a blessing regardless of the "formula" used and that is because Maa

made us all and made the place in the world we inhabit and made our very

being. She awaits us with open arms.


Yes, there are effectual ways to worship Maa; but when her child does not

know that way, Maa will not shun them. OK some will say I am ignorant of the

scriptures, but I can say Maa knows my whispers at night and She knows my

prayer attempts by day and I sit upon Her lap daily. I grew tired of waiting

for the proper authorities to teach me to worship my Mother I asked her

myself and I am still learning what it all means and the proper ways that

please Her .... but She hears me and is blessing me!


I say, celebrate where ever and who ever you are, the wonders of Maa within

Navaratri --- regardless of if at this time you know what it means or not!

Maa will hear you and bless you. I am so glad to have a place to meet with

others seeking Mother's face and Her heart with in Her MANY forms! I look

forward to celebrating this time with all of you.

Jai Maa!!!

with palms together



"According to the Tantra, the Ultimate Reality is Chit, or Consciousness,

which is identical with Sat, or Being, and with Ananda, or Bliss. This

Ultimate Reality, Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Ablsolute, is

identical with the Reality preached in the Vedas. And man is identical with

this Reality; but under the influence of maya, or illusion, he has forgotten

his true nature. He takes to be real a merely apparent world of subject and

object, and this error is the cause of his bondage and suffering. The goal of

spiritual discipline is the rediscovery of his true identity with the divine


page 20

-The Gospel of Ramakrishna-




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, "Devi Bhakta" <devi_bhakta> wrote:

> Namaste Prainbow!


> There is really no one way to observe Durga Pooja/

> Navratri "correctly" -- but, on the other hand, there's almost no


> you can observe it incorrectly! The important thing is to *observe*

> it -- the best you can, and in your own way. Devi will know, and


> will appreciate, your effort, however technically perfect or

> imperfect.



What does that mean? The way in which a Navaratri should be

observed is clearly written in the Devi Bhagavatha. Ofcourse I agree

with you that itz difficult to follow exactly as written here in US.

Nevertheless one has to read that and try their best to keep up to

the rules. And regulations.


Initiates follow their teacher's instructions. That is

the "right way" for them. Non initiates can refer to Devi Bhagavatha

for a "correct approach". Even while refering to Devi Bhagavatha

avoid something if it says recite such and such mantra. Stotras can

be chanted as you like. Remember mantras require initiation.




> Navratri is a very old holiday, and it can be a very elaborate one -


> our own Chumki (blueblackeyes) compares its emotional and


> import in West Bengal to that of Christmas in the West. And as with

> Christmas, there are many differences in approach both from region


> region, and from family to family. On the more popular side, there

> are recitations of the Chandipath (Devi Mahatmya), and the Devi-

> Bhagavata-Purana; elaborate temple cermonies and processions -- and

> much noise, color, music and mayhem; almost like Mardi Gras in Rio


> New Orleans.


> Complete, traditional religious observance requires a deep and

> complex knowledge of temple ritual and the Sanskrit language, as


> as materials that most common people in India -- never mind people


> the West -- cannot readily get hold of. Among the pandits,

> additionally, there is a split of opinion over whether the Devi

> Mahatmya is more important for its mantric value (i.e., the


> spiritual energy of its sound) or its substantive content (i.e.,


> moral and theological teachings contained in its stories and




Morals from Chandi Path? I dont remember any. Please do touch

upon'em if you have time. Even the "traditional religious

observeance" doesnt need much knowledge of sanskrit. It can be done

if you know how to pronounce the sanskrit mantras correctly.


Ragarding Split: Can we discuss about this split.


As far as I see, both are important. For philosophical and

theological importance you may refer to Bhaskararaya's commentary on

Chandi Path by name Guptavati. of course its importance as a source

of mantras is well discussed in major tantras.(Katyayani Tantra for

ex: which many scholars quote)


> Moreover, a "complete" mystical observance involves complicated

> individual poojas on each of the nine days for each of the nine


> of Durga (Navdurgas; see more on the homepage). And members of

> various initiatory traditions have their own unique observances,

> based on the instruction of their respective gurus.



Can you explain what a mystical observance is?



S.----------------------- my reply



> Now: I do not say any of this to discourage you -- on the contrary,


> hope it gives you a sense that (again, like Christmas), Durga

> Pooja/Navratri is not something that you can really do wrong. The

> important thing is that you do observe it and that you give fully


> yourself and your devotion in doing so.


> If there is a Hindu community of any size where you live, you might

> choose to let them take the lead. Call the local Hindu temple (or

> perhaps even better, the proprietor of a good Indian grocery --


> know *everything* that's happening in the community) and ask


> there are any special Durga Pooja events scheduled. If so, go!


> enjoy, listen, and -- if you feel welcome and so moved -- get

> involved yourself. Have fun! If you have any practicing Hindu

> friends, let them know that you're interested in sharing any


> Durga Pooja observances they may be planning with their family.


> than likely, they'll be surprised and complimented by your interest

> and happily invite you to participate.


> Even if you have to "go it alone," it's no great disadvantage, In

> some ways, it's even better and more intimate. For example, if you

> have an idol of Durga Mahishasuramardini, wash Her thoroughly each

> day. Annoint Her with sandalwood oil and red turmeric (kumkum)


> (both easily available at Indian groceries). Light candles and/or

> incense for Her; offer Her beautiful, fresh flowers each day. Offer

> Her delicious fresh fruits and freshly cooked rice; split a


> and offer it to Her as if it were Your own head, inviting Her to


> it with Her essence. Play devotional music, preferably Shakta


> etc. When you can, sit down at Her feet and recite Her mantra,

> meditate upon Her, recite from the Devi Mahatmyam and.or Devi

> Bhagavata Purana.


> Begin each of the nine days early, spending some time alone in

> devotions to Her in the predawn hours; during these days, it is not


> bad idea to rise at two or three in the morning and spend several

> hours with Her before you begin your mundane obligations. Tuesday,

> Friday and Saturday are especially powerful days to do this. Stop


> with Her again last thing before going to bed at night. Open


> to Her as far as you are able, and let Her fill you. By the time


> nine nights are over, you should have gone through the Devi


> several times. If you're unable to devote that much time, the


> Devi Mahatmya linked off the homepage's Mahishasura Mardini

> presentation is prefaced with a suggestion for spreading one


> reading over the nine days. You should do this even if you also

> participate in the public celebration.


> My main message, I guess, is: Do *something*! Do not get trapped in

> the process of analyzing the "correct" approach, because there


> one. The main thing is that you remember and observe the holiday in

> your own way. It's okay to do research and learn more about the

> details, but do not overly "intellectualize" the holiday. Feel it,

> don't "think" it! It is the primary holiday of the Goddess. Make


> understanding a part of yourself, absorb the profundity of this

> truth -- and then act, observe, celebrate and give thanks as your

> mind and spirit direct.


> Aum Maatangyai Namahe

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> > What does that mean? The way in which a Navaratri should be

> > observed is clearly written in the Devi Bhagavatha. Ofcourse I


> > with you that itz difficult to follow exactly as written here in


> > Nevertheless one has to read that and try their best to keep up


> > the rules. And regulations.

> >

> >


> I don't get it? Does this mean you have to be a Brahman Male in

order to do

> anything or should one who is not a native born of India wait for

someone to

> guide them by the hand to worship Maa? If I had waited for that

moment, I

> would have still not have gotten to worship my Mother and be

delivered by Her

> with me knowing it was Her.


You got me wrong. What I wrote is" to follow rules etc" what i

did "not" write or say is " you have to be a brahman male...etc" .

Show in my mail where did i intend anything like that.


Seems likes there is certain type of complex bein developed among

folks, that whenever someone says rules they immediately jump to

this brahmin thing



> It only matters if the worship and the attempts at worship come

from the

> heart. The Motivation is the key as well as Whom the prayers are

directed to.

> These "teachings" are not rules to be fearful of, but guide lines

from the

> Divine of effectual worship and boons. If a Wiccan Sister or a


> Sister or a Christian Sister or a Muslim Sister or a Jewish Sister

or a Hindu

> Sister or any other Sister wishes to "attempt" a worship of

Mother, then it

> will be a blessing regardless of the "formula" used and that is

because Maa

> made us all and made the place in the world we inhabit and made

our very

> being. She awaits us with open arms.



Please refer the Devi Gita. It clearly mentions that the rules for

worship are laid out by Herself. if you beleive in the efficacy of,

say a certain formula which the scripture gives , then why not

follow the rule and regulations which the same scripture lays out?


So should one believe whatever they feel convenient?? That will

lead nowhere. can sometimes lead to destruction. I think initiated

and experienced ones in the list will attest to this.




> Yes, there are effectual ways to worship Maa; but when her child

does not

> know that way, Maa will not shun them. OK some will say I am

ignorant of the

> scriptures, but I can say Maa knows my whispers at night and She

knows my

> prayer attempts by day and I sit upon Her lap daily.


I did not say she will shun becoz of childs ignorance of worship.


There is no use saying I donno. One should try their best without

being disheartened. That is what I want to say.


>I grew tired of waiting

> for the proper authorities to teach me to worship my Mother I

asked her

> myself and I am still learning what it all means and the proper

ways that

> please Her .... but She hears me and is blessing me!


Nice to hear that. But keep trying, you will find someone when

time comes.


And remember for a number of initiates in india, initiation doesnt

come whenever and whereever they wish. They have to wait for yrs and

yrs, when it comes to certain teachers. They dont keep'em waiting

for fun, itz a sort of preparation.


> I say, celebrate where ever and who ever you are, the wonders of

Maa within

> Navaratri --- regardless of if at this time you know what it means

or not!

> Maa will hear you and bless you. I am so glad to have a place to

meet with

> others seeking Mother's face and Her heart with in Her MANY forms!

I look

> forward to celebrating this time with all of you.


I agree. Yes Celebrate.

> Jai Maa!!!

> with palms together

> Yeshe


> "According to the Tantra, the Ultimate Reality is Chit, or


> which is identical with Sat, or Being, and with Ananda, or Bliss.


> Ultimate Reality, Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss

Ablsolute, is

> identical with the Reality preached in the Vedas. And man is

identical with

> this Reality; but under the influence of maya, or illusion, he has


> his true nature. He takes to be real a merely apparent world of

subject and

> object, and this error is the cause of his bondage and suffering.

The goal of

> spiritual discipline is the rediscovery of his true identity with

the divine

> Reality."

> page 20

> -The Gospel of Ramakrishna-




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To know more on Navratri puja& celebrations visit


HZ813 wrote: In a message dated 10/4/2002 5:30:37 PM Central Daylight


sarabhaanana writes:


> > There is really no one way to observe Durga Pooja/

> > Navratri "correctly" -- but, on the other hand, there's almost no

> way

> > you can observe it incorrectly! The important thing is to *observe*

> > it -- the best you can, and in your own way. Devi will know, and

> She

> > will appreciate, your effort, however technically perfect or

> > imperfect.



> What does that mean? The way in which a Navaratri should be

> observed is clearly written in the Devi Bhagavatha. Ofcourse I agree

> with you that itz difficult to follow exactly as written here in US.

> Nevertheless one has to read that and try their best to keep up to

> the rules. And regulations.




I don't get it? Does this mean you have to be a Brahman Male in order to do

anything or should one who is not a native born of India wait for someone to

guide them by the hand to worship Maa? If I had waited for that moment, I

would have still not have gotten to worship my Mother and be delivered by Her

with me knowing it was Her.


It only matters if the worship and the attempts at worship come from the

heart. The Motivation is the key as well as Whom the prayers are directed to.

These "teachings" are not rules to be fearful of, but guide lines from the

Divine of effectual worship and boons. If a Wiccan Sister or a Buddhist

Sister or a Christian Sister or a Muslim Sister or a Jewish Sister or a Hindu

Sister or any other Sister wishes to "attempt" a worship of Mother, then it

will be a blessing regardless of the "formula" used and that is because Maa

made us all and made the place in the world we inhabit and made our very

being. She awaits us with open arms.


Yes, there are effectual ways to worship Maa; but when her child does not

know that way, Maa will not shun them. OK some will say I am ignorant of the

scriptures, but I can say Maa knows my whispers at night and She knows my

prayer attempts by day and I sit upon Her lap daily. I grew tired of waiting

for the proper authorities to teach me to worship my Mother I asked her

myself and I am still learning what it all means and the proper ways that

please Her .... but She hears me and is blessing me!


I say, celebrate where ever and who ever you are, the wonders of Maa within

Navaratri --- regardless of if at this time you know what it means or not!

Maa will hear you and bless you. I am so glad to have a place to meet with

others seeking Mother's face and Her heart with in Her MANY forms! I look

forward to celebrating this time with all of you.

Jai Maa!!!

with palms together



"According to the Tantra, the Ultimate Reality is Chit, or Consciousness,

which is identical with Sat, or Being, and with Ananda, or Bliss. This

Ultimate Reality, Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Ablsolute, is

identical with the Reality preached in the Vedas. And man is identical with

this Reality; but under the influence of maya, or illusion, he has forgotten

his true nature. He takes to be real a merely apparent world of subject and

object, and this error is the cause of his bondage and suffering. The goal of

spiritual discipline is the rediscovery of his true identity with the divine


page 20

-The Gospel of Ramakrishna-
















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In a message dated 10/5/2002 1:12:27 AM Central Daylight Time,

sarabhaanana writes:


> So should one believe whatever they feel convenient?? That will

> lead nowhere. can sometimes lead to destruction. I think initiated

> and experienced ones in the list will attest to this.



What I was implying is that one does not have to be a born or guru directed

Hindu or of any particular origin or knowledge base to know, worship,

celebrate, talk to or learn about Maa. Nor does one have to go to India to

find Maa. Maa is everywhere and is calling everyone to Herself. To say one

must have the "right" knowledge and the "right" initiations to worship or

know Maa; does not attest to the wonders of our Mother finding each of us

where we are - in what body male or female, in what race or country or family

during this life time.


Those new to finding and understanding Maa do not have to take years of

waiting to be able to hear her and worship her. If one wishes and is able due

to karma to go and be in India at the feet of a realized Guru and do all that

that contains then that is wonderful and they may one day come back to the

rest of us and teach us about their experiences and their insight into Maa.

For those of us not able to physically go in search of Maa, we can and do

find Her right where we are - She knows where Her children are and finds

them. We can over time learn all these rituals handed down through the ages

to us and the belief systems associated with these. But for now, for today,

let us all approach our Mother from where we are without fear or concern in

our hearts or minds. I encourage all to celebrate Maa the best one can now,

with where Maa has you now. Maa is not a belief system She is Reality and can

be approached from what ever belief system an individual Devotee finds

themselves within. The rituals and formulas for worship will come in time as

will the experiences and teachers to a Devotee through the guidance of the

greatest Guru -- our Mother.


I wish all a happy and insightful Navaratri --- which is the point of

responding to this message to begin with. To encourage all who wish to, to

observe this holy time with Maa with Her in the place She has found you and

with the knowledge you now have. There is no right or wrong belief or ritual

when it comes to the joining of ourselves with our Mother -- since it is She

who is calling us and She gives us what we need. These ancient ways can be

learned over time and be a boon to all. The ways were met to empower us and

not hinder or obstruct our joining with our Mother. But -- We live life now

--- and Maa is calling us now. So enjoy Her blessings now.


Jai Mahakali!!!

Jai Maa!!!


~I will light candles, lay out flowers, bowls of water and fruit, sing songs

and read the Devi Gita with my Mother in front of me, holding me, sitting

next to me, hovering over me protecting me and teaching me from within this

body She has made. I am thankful for her finding me where I am!





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, HZ813@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/5/2002 1:12:27 AM Central Daylight Time,

> sarabhaanana writes:



> > So should one believe whatever they feel convenient?? That will

> > lead nowhere. can sometimes lead to destruction. I think


> > and experienced ones in the list will attest to this.

> >


> What I was implying is that one does not have to be a born or guru


> Hindu or of any particular origin or knowledge base to know,


> celebrate, talk to or learn about Maa. Nor does one have to go to

India to

> find Maa.


I dint mean to say that either. The reason I said rules

etc..is regarding a statement in Shri Devi Bhakta's mail

saying "chant mantras". when I said follow scripture , it is for

this purpose of "chanting mantras", not for worshipping Maa.


I never wrote anything close to saying you have to go to india.



>Maa is everywhere and is calling everyone to Herself.


Yes she is everywhere. Can you clearly expalin what is "calling

to herself". If She is calling , how will u know that. What is the

guarantee that you are not imagining something. How do u distinguish

between these both? i.e whether you are in a hallucination or

whether it is Maa calling.(whatever that means)

>To say one

> must have the "right" knowledge and the "right" initiations to

worship or

> know Maa; does not attest to the wonders of our Mother finding

each of us

> where we are - in what body male or female, in what race or

country or family

> during this life time.



Such Mother "finding each of us" things , ppl experience'em

because of past karmas. With what authority do u say that right

knowledge and right initiations is not required?? Did you read

somewhere ? did somebody tell u that? or is it a feeling or

a "revelation"?





> Those new to finding and understanding Maa do not have to take

years of

> waiting to be able to hear her and worship her.


WHat is this "hearing"? Thatz what I have been saying again and

again. You "need not "be initiated to worship. Such initiation is

required if you are "chanting some mantras"(Hello! Mantras, not

stotras or any procedure of offerings like offerings you mentioned

at the end).





> For those of us not able to physically go in search of Maa, we can

and do

> find Her right where we are - She knows where Her children are and


> them. We can over time learn all these rituals handed down through

the ages

> to us and the belief systems associated with these. But for now,

for today,

> let us all approach our Mother from where we are without fear or

concern in

> our hearts or minds. I encourage all to celebrate Maa the best one

can now,

> with where Maa has you now. Maa is not a belief system She is

Reality and can

> be approached from what ever belief system an individual Devotee


> themselves within.


Tired of this "themselves", "within" things. How do you know you

are not realizing a demon(mantra shastra mentions some which are

benevolent) instead of Maa?


Well, there is a belief system a proven one whom 100s and 1000s of

saints and Mahatmas have treaded in the past and many 100s now. And

all have reached Maa.


Whatz the harm in following that? Or trying to follow that.


How difficult it is to get(to Buy or borrow) a Devi Bhagavatha and

read the procedure?





> There is no right or wrong belief or ritual

> when it comes to the joining of ourselves with our Mother -- since

it is She

> who is calling us and She gives us what we need.


Qualify your statement. Itz easy to say something like this. I

can make a few like these. Prove that. Prove that there is no right

or wrong belief.


What if I "believe" doin a NaraBali(decapitating someone to appease-

a god or goddess) is right? Should I go ahead and do that since

thatz my belief system?



What I am saying: Is that in order to worship "with mantras"

initiation is required. But if you are doin something like you

mentioned(See Below--starting : I will light candles..etc) below

anyone can do it. But it would please Maa more if you do the same

according to scriptures which golrify her.


>These ancient ways can be

> learned over time and be a boon to all. The ways were met to

empower us and

> not hinder or obstruct our joining with our Mother. But -- We live

life now

> --- and Maa is calling us now. So enjoy Her blessings now.


> Jai Mahakali!!!

> Jai Maa!!!

> Yeshe

> ~I will light candles, lay out flowers, bowls of water and fruit,

sing songs

> and read the Devi Gita with my Mother in front of me, holding me,


> next to me, hovering over me protecting me and teaching me from

within this

> body She has made.



Thatz Awesome!


Happy navaratri.






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Hi All:


Just adding my two pence.




Some say Maa does not require intitations etc. Others say otherwise. Some say

nothing is required Maa will provide everything. I do not know what is right or



But there MAY be a simple answer.




In Sri Vidya (on which ALONE I MAY BE slightly competent to speak of,) it is

said you do not choose SriVidya; but SriVidya chooses you. Thus the duty of

providing Guru (if necessary) etc is simply up to HER.




When you are ready the Guru will appear. If you are not ready or do not need one

nothing will happen. Accept it as HER will and wait for her directions while

doing what you think is right. We cannot go wrong as she will guide us at the

appropriate time and place.






S wrote:



, HZ813@a... wrote:

In a message dated 10/5/2002 1:12:27 AM Central Daylight Time,

sarabhaanana writes:


So should one believe whatever they feel convenient?? That will lead nowhere.

Can sometimes lead to destruction. I think initiated and experienced ones in the

list will attest to this.


What I was implying is that one does not have to be a born or guru directed

Hindu or of any particular origin or knowledge base to know, worship, celebrate,

talk to or learn about Maa. Nor does one have to go to India to find Maa.


I dint mean to say that either. The reason I said rules etc.. is regarding a

statement in Shri Devi Bhakta's mail saying "chant mantras". when I said follow

scripture , it is for this purpose of "chanting mantras", not for worshipping



I never wrote anything close to saying you have to go to india. Maa is

everywhere and is calling everyone to Herself.

Yes she is everywhere. Can you clearly explain what is "calling to herself". If

She is calling, how will u know that. What is the guarantee that you are not

imagining something? How do u distinguish between these both? i.e whether you

are in a hallucination or whether it is Maa calling.(whatever that means)


To say one must have the "right" knowledge and the "right" initiations to

worship or know Maa; does not attest to the wonders of our Mother finding each

of us where we are - in what body male or female, in what race or country or

family during this life time.


Such Mother "finding each of us" things, ppl experience'em because of past

karmas. With what authority do u say that right knowledge and right initiations

is not required?? Did you read somewhere? Did somebody tell u that? or is it a

feeling or a "revelation"?


Those new to finding and understanding Maa do not have to take years of waiting

to be able to hear her and worship her.


WHat is this "hearing"? Thatz what I have been saying again and again. You "need

not "be initiated to worship. Such initiation is required if you are "chanting

some mantras"(Hello! Mantras, not stotras or any procedure of offerings like

offerings you mentioned at the end).


For those of us not able to physically go in search of Maa, we can and do find

Her right where we are - She knows where Her children are and finds them. We can

over time learn all these rituals handed down through the ages to us and the

belief systems associated with these. But for now, for today, let us all

approach our Mother from where we are without fear or concern in our hearts or

minds. I encourage all to celebrate Maa the best one can now, with where Maa has

you now. Maa is not a belief system She is Reality and can be approached from

what ever belief system an individual Devotee finds themselves within.


Tired of this "themselves", "within" things. How do you know you are not

realizing a demon(mantra shastra mentions some which are benevolent) instead of



Well, there is a belief system a proven one whom 100s and 1000s of saints and

Mahatmas have treaded in the past and many 100s now. And all have reached Maa.


Whatz the harm in following that? Or trying to follow that.


How difficult it is to get(to Buy or borrow) a Devi Bhagavatha and read the



There is no right or wrong belief or ritual when it comes to the joining of

ourselves with our Mother -- since it is She who is calling us and She gives us

what we need.


Qualify your statement. Itz easy to say something like this. I can make a few

like these. Prove that. Prove that there is no right or wrong belief.


What if I "believe" doin a NaraBali(decapitating someone to appease- a god or

goddess) is right? Should I go ahead and do that since thatz my belief system?


What I am saying: Is that in order to worship "with mantras"

initiation is required. But if you are doin something like you mentioned(See

Below--starting : I will light candles..etc) below anyone can do it. But it

would please Maa more if you do the same according to scriptures which golrify




These ancient ways can be learned over time and be a boon to all. The ways were

met to empower us and not hinder or obstruct our joining with our Mother. But --

We live life now --- and Maa is calling us now. So enjoy Her blessings now.


Jai Mahakali!!! Jai Maa!!!





~I will light candles, lay out flowers, bowls of water and fruit,

sing songs and read the Devi Gita with my Mother in front of me, holding me,

sitting next to me, hovering over me protecting me and teaching me from within

this body She has made.


Thatz Awesome!


Happy navaratri.






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, sankara menon <kochu1tz> wrote:

> Some say Maa does not require intitations etc. Others say

otherwise. Some say nothing is required Maa will provide everything.

I do not know what is right or wrong.


> But there MAY be a simple answer.

> In Sri Vidya (on which ALONE I MAY BE slightly competent to speak

>of,) it is said you do not choose SriVidya; but SriVidya chooses

>you. Thus the duty of providing Guru (if necessary) etc is simply

>up to HER.



Well said. I absolutely agree with this. Yes she chooses.


But that in no way can mean, do as u like.


> When you are ready the Guru will appear. If you are not ready or

>do not need one nothing will happen. Accept it as HER will and wait

>for her directions while doing what you think is right. We cannot

>go wrong as she will guide us at the appropriate time and place.


One can go wrong. Even great sages were not an exception. What

to speak of us.


Doin what ones think is right:Thoughts in humans dont spring out of

their own all the time. Thinking is affected by many external

factors too. So we should make sure that our thinking is influenced

by the right things.


The Jnana Khanda of Tripura rahasya says that one should employ a

kind of limited(good) logic(Sanskrit word-Sutarka) to arrive at

truth. The limiting factor being the scriptures, which in another

way means that thinking should be influenced by the right things.


The Bhagavadgita and patanjali Yoga Sutras say that effort has to be

there from the Jiva's side. Nothing can replace effort. So one

shouldnt just sit about thinking God will do something.


As a great saint(probably Ramakrishna Paramahamsa -unsure

about this) said, try to move 1 step towards god and God will move

1000 steps towards you.


But this one step is no easy task. Let this navaratri be one.


> Kochu




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Just adding my two pence above that of Kochuji two pence


"In Sri Vidya (on which ALONE I MAY BE slightly competent to speak

of,) it is said you do not choose SriVidya; but SriVidya chooses you.

Thus the duty of providing Guru (if necessary) etc is simply up to



It my personal believe too that you do not choose MOTHER, but MOTHER

will choose you. And MOTHER will make sure you are properly guided.

Even if the physical Guru does not come, MOTHER herself will be the

GURU. To me this is the fact. MOTHER call me and I responded her call

and it has always been this way : Whenever I need guidance, MOTHER

never fail to be there. Even if I think I dont need any guidance ( as

usual this ego ) MOTHER send a "reminder note" to me in her own

unique way.



OM ParaShaktiye Namaha

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Dear All:




I did NOT say that one can do ANYTHING or EVERYTHING and call it spiritual





As S says there must be a reasonable basis for what one does.




All the same if one does not know ANYTHING then one can be guided by the heart

till a proper Guru is sent by MAA. One cannot go against normal social norms or

legal requirements and say I did it because I think it is sadhana and escape the





All the same it is said tantropasana is “Swechaachaara” = “going along your

unique path”. Again that is not going against social norms and practices.








S wrote:




, sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:

Some say Maa does not require intitations etc. Others say otherwise. Some say

nothing is required Maa will provide everything. I do not know what is right or



But there MAY be a simple answer.

In Sri Vidya (on which ALONE I MAY BE slightly competent to speak of,) it is

said you do not choose SriVidya; but SriVidya chooses you. Thus the duty of

providing Guru (if necessary) etc is simply up to HER.



Well said. I absolutely agree with this. Yes she chooses.


But that in no way can mean, do as u like.



When you are ready the Guru will appear. If you are not ready or do not need

one nothing will happen. Accept it as HER will and wait for her directions while

doing what you think is right. We cannot go wrong as she will guide us at the

appropriate time and place.



One can go wrong. Even great sages were not an exception. What to speak of us.


Doing what ones think is right: Thoughts in humans don’t spring out of their own

all the time. Thinking is affected by many external factors too. So we should

make sure that our thinking is influenced by the right things.


The Jnana Khanda of Tripura rahasya says that one should employ a kind of

limited(good) logic(Sanskrit word-Sutarka) to arrive at truth. The limiting

factor being the scriptures, which in another way means that thinking should be

influenced by the right things.


The Bhagavadgita and patanjali Yoga Sutras say that effort has to be

there from the Jiva's side. Nothing can replace effort. So one shouldn’t just

sit about thinking God will do something.


As a great saint(probably Ramakrishna Paramahamsa -unsure about this) said, try

to move 1 step towards god and God will move 1000 steps towards you.


But this one step is no easy task. Let this navaratri be one.




Peace S.













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