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love the Essential and not the phenomena!!!!!

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yes! yes! yes! sivadancer and shankaree! now, we are on the same



No one religion has the monopoly of 'Truth' .... christianity, islam,

hinduism, sikhism, jainism , buddhism etc - all have their own

idealogies and their owmn belief systems and their own version of

what the 'ultimate reality' is.... so, the problem is not with these

religions but with those who practice these religions and make claims

and say if you do not follow our way you will rot in hell!


this is partly the reason why i am so much attracted to Sufism....

you would see me always quoting from Rumi, ibn arabi and sant



the great sufi saint Muhiyuddin Ibn-e-Arabi propounded the famous

doctrine of wahdat al-wujud (Unity of Being) which is revolutionary

in many respects.


"The most important aspect of this doctrine is that real Being is One

i.e. God and we all are His manifestation. This implies that all

human beings, whatever religion they follow, are creation of God and

hence must be respected. This doctrine demolishes all walls of

separation and communal hatred."


"Sufi Islam is love-oriented while theological Islam is law (shari'ah-

oriented and this makes all the difference). The theologians find it

difficult to reconcile with those who deviate from the Shari'ah law

whereas sufi Islam, being love-oriented, is not stickler for shari'ah

and lays emphasis on love, love of God and love of humanity."


" No wonder then that Muhiyuddin Ibn Arabi said that my heart is

centre of love and it is a mosque, a temple, a church and synagogue."


beloved ibn arabi says...


"Those who adore God in the sun, behold the sun; and those who adore

Him in living things see a living thing; and those who adore Him in

lifeless things see lifeless things; and those who adore Him as a

Being unique and unparalleled see that which has no like. Do not

attach yourself to a particular creed exclusively so that you

disbelieve in all the rest; otherwise you will lose much good: nay,

you will fail to recognize the real truth of the matter. God, the

omnipresent and omnipotent, is not limited by any one creed.

Wheresoever you turn, there is the face of Allah." (please substitute

god, krishna,, devi, buddha, etc for allah- whatever you prefer...

allah here stands for divine truth)


ibn arabi says...


"My heart can take on any appearance. The heart varies in accordance

whit variations of the innermost consciousness. It may appear in form

as a gazelle meadow, a monkish cloister, an idol-temple, a pilgrim

Kaaba, the tablets of the Torah for certain science, the bequest of

the leaves of the Koran.


"My duty is the debt of Love. I accept freely and willingly whatever

burden is placed upon me. Love is as the love of lovers, except that

instead of loving the phenomenon, I love the Essential. That

religion, that duty, is mine, and is my faith. A purpose of human

love is to demonstrate ultimate, real love. This is the love which is

conscious. The other is that which makes man unconscious of himself."



our beloved Penkatali, a beloved friend of ours and also a very

learned member of this forum (he translated the 100 verses of

saundarya lahari for shakti sadhana) once wrote...


"the ideal balance is when you devoutly observe the requirements of

your own faith while renouncing the temptation to get prejudiced

against the others, keeping an open-minded liberality toward others

while carefully tending your own garden. The perspective called the

"Transcendent Unity of Religions" sees that, on this human plane,

each revealed religion has a reason for its own distinct form that

differentiates it from the others. The unity of them all is

transcendent, meaning that it is on the highest formless plane. The

mystics of each faith who have seen that transcendent unity are

friends with one another, each still remaining within the bounds of

his or her own tradition. They know that ultimately there is only one

primordial Tradition, and the difference in forms is from Divine

Providence, not something to fight over. Each form deserves to have

its own integrity respected.


Respect is the key. Respect yourself, respect others. "


so ultimately it all boils done to LOVE AND MUTUAL RESPECT!!!!


when you 'love' GOD how can you not love your fellow brothers and

sisters ? after all the creator.creatrix is synonymous with his/her



it is for this reason even saints like shri ramana maharishi placed

emphasis on awakening the 'amrita nadi' in the right side of the

heart (not the physical heart) ... and shri ramana said once you

experience this free flowing of the amrita nadi, there is no going



TO COME TO THIS UNDERSTANDING may take time! But, there is no harm in



with love towrads one and all


thans shankaree and siva for changing the 'direction' of the

discussion and taking it to the next level...


love recognizing love...

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--- adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:

> this is partly the reason why i am so much attracted

> to Sufism....


Me too! You'll like this one from Sufi poet

Shams-ud-din Muhammad Hafiz. Jnana, bhakti, and karma

are all expressed. We are all the same!


"I know the way you can get

When you have not had a drink of Love:


Your face hardens,

Your sweet muscles cramp.

Children become concerned

About a strange look that appears in your eyes

Which even begins to worry your own mirror

And nose.


Squirrels and birds sense your sadness

And call an important conference in a tall tree.

They decide which secret code to chant

To help your mind and soul.


Even angels fear that brand of madness

That arrays itself against the world

And throws sharp stones and spears into

The innocent

And into one's self.


O I know the way you can get

If you have not been out drinking Love:


You might rip apart

Every sentence your friends and teachers say,

Looking for hidden clauses.


You might weigh every word on a scale

Like a dead fish.


You migth pull out a ruler to measure

>From every angle in your darkness

The beautiful dimensions of a heart you once



I know the way you can get

If you have not had a drink from Love's



That is why all the Great Ones speak of

The vital need

To keep Remembering God,

So you will come to know and see Him

As being so Playful

And Wanting,

Just Wanting to help.


That is why Hafiz says:

Bring your cup near me,

For I am a Sweet Old Vagabond

With an Infinite Leaking Barrel

Of Light and Laughter and Truth

That the Beloved has tied to my back.


Dear one,

Indeed, please bring your heart near me.

For all I care about

Is quenching your thirst for freedom!


All a Sane man can ever care about

Is giving Love!"






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thank you siva dancer! that is a beautiful verse from Hafiz...


yes - Love is the answer - not some complex mantra ,,,,, not some

involved yoga technique but simply 'loving kindness' what buddhists

call 'metta'


just learning to be kinder and more loving to each other...


Hafiz writes...



It happens all the time in heaven,

And some day


It will begin to happen

Again on earth-


That men and women who are married,

And men and men who are



And women and women

Who give each other Light,

Often will get down on their knees


And while so tenderly

Holding their lover's hand,


With tears in their eyes,

Will sincerely speak, saying,


"My dear,

How can I be more loving to you;


How can I be more



my gurudeva was always fond of narrating this story....



once a guru wanted to teach his students what real awareness is ...

so he escorted five of his students to the edge of a lush, green

forest and asked: "What do you see here?"


The first student replied: "I see a lush, green forest."


The second stated: "Yes, I see the forest, and there are many kinds

of trees here. I can see at least seven varieties, may I stay and

study them?"


The third remarked: "The trees are very beautiful, and I notice all

kinds of wildlife among them. I can see many animals and birds, may I

spend some time to learn from them?"


The fourth said: "I see a symphony of life, the perfect ecosystem.

Each plant and animal giving, and taking; cooperating to fulfill each

others needs; sustaining a harmonic balance of nature. It is a

wonderous sight, may I sit and enjoy it for a while?"


The fifth, tears in his eyes, whispered softly: "I see God."


so, you see -siva dancer ! that is the height of awareness -

seeing 'god/ess' in everyone... if we come to that level of

understanding , we do not need anything else!! that is the highest

religion- ! that is 'tantra' that why i regard sufis like rumi a

great-"expanded consciousness'


love and regards,

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--- adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:

> yes - Love is the answer - not some complex mantra

> ,,,,, not some

> involved yoga technique but simply 'loving

> kindness'


Yes, yes, yes!!! The masters are always saying that

enlightenment is so simple, but we make it so

difficult and complex. Perhaps all these complex

things are needed to purify us, to concentrate our

minds, even to push us off balance so that we must

find the center again. But eventually we come to the

true yoga, where there are no techniques, mantras,

thoughts...there just IS...BEING...LOVE...


"You love me, I love you" -Gurudeva

"Love and be-loved" -mine

"Let it Be..." -Paul McCartney

"Just Be." -Calvin Klein






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