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Pranam. Let us all meditate on these words by Thiruvalluvar. Let us all give to

others with pleasure........


A jubilant heart rejoices upon seeing

those who give without scoffing or scorning.


Deprived of beggars, this vast and verdant Earth would

become uncharitable, a ball for the play of wooden puppets.


-Tirukkural 106: 1057-1058


With Love








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giving presupposes having.everything is His.In daridranarayan seva,

God appears as a beggar.Sarveswaran who has all the wealth seeks to

bless the charitable.In Buddhist countries, on Wednesdays, people

feed the monks.Wednesday is budhwar, and the belief is that the

Buddha or God Himself appears as a beggar.another interesting thing

is, if we do not help the beggar when he or she appears, we may not

find anyone to feed when we may like to, to ward off our sins.dharmo

rakshati rakshitah.

sarvam brahma mayam





, shankaree ramatas <shankaree> wrote:


> Pranam. Let us all meditate on these words by Thiruvalluvar. Let us

all give to others with pleasure........


> A jubilant heart rejoices upon seeing

> those who give without scoffing or scorning.


> Deprived of beggars, this vast and verdant Earth would

> become uncharitable, a ball for the play of wooden puppets.


> -Tirukkural 106: 1057-1058


> With Love


> Shankaree






> Get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs.




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Respected Brahamadeva,


thank you for these beautiful words on this wednesday morning

dedicated to LOrd BUDDHA and SHri KRISHNA Paramatma...


Nara seva IS narayana seva; Jana seva is Janardana seva... iT IS FOR

THIS REASON shri MAHATMA GANDHIJI ADVOCATED 'serving the poor and the

downtrodden' he maintained that serving the poor means serving LOrd

HARI - he addressed the untouchables as 'harijans' thereby relpacing

the name untouchables.'


there are many words derived from the sanskrit root word 'da' ,,,, da

means to 'give' and that is why God is always described as 'dayalu' -

one who 'gives' - also one who is so compassionate that he gives and

gives... our durga mata is also described as 'dayani' one who

bestows 'boons' ...


in upanishads, there is a beautiful story which centres around this

word 'da' ....


Brahma the creator-god of Hinduism has sunk into insignificance now

but he was once a very important presence in the mythology of the



In one of the Upanishads is this unusual tale of how he dispensed

wisdom to the three great classes of beings - Gods (devas),Humans

(manavas) and Demons (danavas).


The traditional method of receiving spiritual knowledge in India used

to be to stay with the guru for a time while he observed you and

gauged your level of receptibility. It was also a process of learning

humility,as the newcomers usually had to perform the menial tasks in

the ashram or residence. After you spent some time being suitably

humble and reverent,you might be initiated into a course of study or

provided a mantra or some such thing.



The devas were the first to undergo this course. After many years

spent in service and with no sign of any spiritual knowledge

forthcoming they became apprehensive and asked for permission to go

back home. Brahma is always occupied with the task of creation and

his absentmindedness is perhaps understandable. To their

consternation,the great god made no objection to their desire to

leave. Some of the bolder spirits screwed their courage up to the

sticking point and asked for some final instruction.


The Creator brooded for a while and then replied with one syllable.




Then he asked them,"Have you understood what I mean by this?" As it

happens they did understand. Their minds were so keen and receptive

now that this seed-syllable induced a satori like experience for all

of them. They caught it straight off the bat.


Replied the Devas," Yes,oh Lord. We as the guardians of heaven are a

bit too prone to enjoy all the celestial pleasures. (In passing let

it be said that there is no greater voluptuary delight in all the

mythologies of the world than in the Hindu heaven.) You are hinting

that our challenge is to overcome this delight in sensual

pleasure. "Da" means Damana or the control of the senses. It is only

by controlling the senses and then the mind that we can develop

detachment. And it is only by so doing that we can attain the

realization of the Absolute."


Brahma was pleased and said,"You have understood rightly."


In this context it must be explained that such word games were a

legitimate part of spiritual training in ancient India. The ability

to perceive the right meaning through a haze of obfuscation was

highly prized. Instruction used to be given in this cryptic manner so

that people who were not spiritually ready would not end up harming

themselves by attempting to implement knowledge they were not yet

ready for.


Manavas saw the gods increase in splendor and power as a result of

their new understanding. They too hastened to Brahma and asked to be

taken on as students. Brahma was as reticent with them too as he was

with the devas. The manavas felt that they were being excluded and

that made them only more determined to wrest this knowledge out of

the Creator. Brahma observed this covetous attitude but he kept

quiet. However human lives are much shorter than that of the gods and

they are consequently less patient. Very soon they too asked to go

back home and requested a farewell teaching.


said Brahma. "Now,have you understood?"


"Oh yes! Da means Dana or charity and generosity. We should not be

grasping and covetous. We should be helpful and share what we have.

Only thus will our hearts be purified of the sin of greed and we

attain the Absolute."


Brahma was rather pleased that they did after all understand the

right meaning.


By now however the Danavas were getting rather apprehensive. What

were these wily devas and manavas upto? They marched up to Brahma and

demanded that they not be left out when knowledge was being

transmitted. Realizing that the demons were in a very rare state of

receptivity to good sense, Brahma told them that he would tell them

exactly what he had told the others. This was only fair and they were

all agog for the great teaching.




What on earth was this? Were they being made fools of? Some of the

less grumpy danavas however realized that they had just been handed a

great lesson.


"Yes, we understand. "Da" means Daya the quality of mercy and

compassion. We are cruel and ruthless by nature, and consequently

always unhappy. This lack of compassion prevents us from ever gaining

the Absolute."



"You too",said Brahma," have understood rightly."



According to tradition this great lesson is what the thunderclouds

constantly rumble. DA! DA! DA!


Be self-controlled! -daman

Be generous! -datta

Be compassionate! -daya


SOURCE- indiayogi.com-


SO, GIVING CAN TAKE MANY FORMS - performing charity work by donating

money, alms or service ... but who is to give to whom? technically,

nothing belongs to us... everything belongs to the Lord almighty...

but, we should share ... wealth and other resources...


with regards ...

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