Guest guest Posted October 29, 2002 Report Share Posted October 29, 2002 Namaste everyone, I really wanted to share with you this Kashi Ganga Gita. Yes, the Holy River is flowing everywhere! Jaya Ganga Ma ki jai! Prem, Varuna from by Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, interfaith spiritual teacher, caregiver, AIDS activist,... Sacred Kashi The Kashi Ganga Gita Om Ganesha 1. This blessed ashram keeps me awake each night beneath the River stars. What if I fall to sleep and lose one breath or miss one beat of Kashi's pulsating heart? What if the dead in the Ganga rise up and call Ma? My sacred Kashi, my love, my Mother of all. Who can sleep when I need to hear Kashi's call? Quiet now, no one make a sound, the Dawn Mother Usha, is earth bound, On Kashi's sacred ground. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 2. The currents of our sacred river run through our life, Minute by minute, day by day, lifetime after lifetime. The great abode of the Ganga, Kashi, is the perfect age in your life and in mine. There is no right or wrong moment to be on her sacred ground. Kashi, Kashi, the place of the heart chakra, the place of the unstruck sound. Blessings be to Kashi and the Ganga, the heavenly river, Kashi bound. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 3. Our Mother flows from Shiva's head, To bring liberation to the near dead. She drenches them in her liquid flow, They bow their heads, they know, they know. She moves according to currents that originate in the heavens. She is the sacred bridge to her children in death. She is the Mother, between this world and the divine. She is your Ma Ganga; She surely is mine. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 4. Throw their ashes and their bones into the Mother's waters, She will take them home. The waters that take them from living to dead Flow from the Great One’s head. She, the Mother, is the purest access between the two worlds, Only in Kashi is this understood. Light the pyres and bring the wood. The ash of her dead, she wears on her breast. She takes them across to the place she knows best, The heavens above Kashi where her children now rest. She is a continuous link between heaven and earth. She is Kashi's own Goddess, Sacred to the Kashi soil, sacred to us all. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 5. Kashi is Stanu, the Lingam of light. Kashi herself is Shiva's abode. From the depths of the earth to the heavens high, the Stanu Lingam will never die. Kashi is the City of Light, She transcends all cycles of time. She is Shiva's mystical body, transcending space. ASI and VARUNA Rivers surround Kashi, bowing to the Ganga's grace. All is complete, all is divine. All is Kashi Gange. All this, the great one's say. Om Namah Kashi Gange Ki Jai 6. Flowing waters reflect the full moon. No moon anywhere is like Kashi's moon. Flowing waters reflect the noonday sun. There is no sun anywhere like Kashi's sun. Flowing waters ease pilgrims’ hearts. There are no pilgrims anywhere like pilgrims at Kashi. Flowing waters liberate the dead. There are no deaths anywhere like Kashi deaths. Flowing waters, when drunk, complete the living. There are no people anywhere like those living at Kashi by the Ganga's flowing waters. Nowhere on earth is comparable to our blessed Kashi on the shore of the sacred Ganga. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 7. He who is bound by karma He who is of the world He who bows to material wealth can come to our sacred Kashi and find, through Goddess Ganga and God Shiva, spiritual health and wealth. They who long for truth of life beyond all waves of time, Come to Kashi and find the liquid Goddess. One finds the lingam One finds the yoni One finds life One finds death. In Kashi, one finds nothing One just is, one just is. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 8. Our Kashi is the sacred cremation ground of the world. Bathe in the Manikarnika Tirtha. Bathe in the waters, and when ready, surrender your bodies to death. Shiva will present you with his spiritual body as the soul rests. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 9. Lord Shiva moved from Kailash to Kashi's shore. Here his lingam pierced the earth. Maheshwara roams Kashi to this day. On the shore of his Ganga he watches his children play. Kali dances in her cremation ground. Shiva watches her children without a sound. Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 10. Shiva is both Shakti and Shiva. Ganga is both Shiva and Shakti. Kashi is the very body of Shiva. The liquid Goddess is the very body of truth. All who know, know that at Kashi, the seeds of karma does not grow. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! ll. Temples filled with the devoted garland sellers selling their wares. Shiva as Ardhanarishvara, half woman, Lord. Prayed to in the temples, loved and adored. He wears sari and dhoti, male and female. The One who is complete, the One who is full. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 12. Why is the River holy and sacred? Why do all the sins that man and woman put upon themselves disappear like mist in clear air? She has fallen from the heavens through Shiva's hair. Now She moves through Kashi and the body within. Taking human pain, taking human sin. Let go of your banks of attachment, let go of your pride. Flow in her sacred waters. Do not flow against her. She is your Mother She is your Ma. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 13. Shiva's creative power is Ganga herself. She falls with a gentle roar to the waiting earth. Shiva smiles and all of Kashi watches him dance. His head is still. He dances with such grace. His right earring is a snake. His left is a disc. To see him dance is a Shaivite’s only wish. Watch Shiva dance in the forest of your heart, The dance that does not end and did not start. What bliss. What joy. What ecstasy to see Shiva dance in sacred Kashi. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! l4. Lord Shiva is the flame of desiring God in all of Kashi. Shiva is our soul. Ganga is our heart. Kali is our Mother Kashi is our all. Is this not the holiest city of them all? Jai Kashi! Jai Gange! Come to Kashi. die as you play die as you live die as you take die as you give. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 15. Live in Kashi in accordance to your dharma. Live in Kashi where the Gods ignore your karma. Live in Kashi where the Ganga has sons. Gangaputras tend the flow of Ganga's sacred name. Live in Kashi were all women are Kali. Live in Kashi were Annapurna is also queen. Live in Kashi, drink of Ganga's sacred streams. Live in Kashi, die in her arms. Live in Kashi at the Mother's breast. Live in Kashi, give the soul rest. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 16. The Asi River enters Kashi at the Asi Gate. The pilgrim enters Kashi according to his faith. The Varuna River enters the Ganga at Varuna Sangam. The pilgrim enters Kashi trough the heart. It is the pilgrim whom Kashi holds dear. Enter pilgrim, enter Kashi without fear. Jai Kashi Jai Gange’ Ki Jai! 17. Parvati, Parvati, Mother of Kashi, You won your lord by prayer and austerities. You won your lord by prayer and faith. You are the Mother, and Shiva's consort and mate. Kashi is your domain. Kashi is the sacredness of you. Kashi, the pure of the pure, Kashi the city we adore. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 18. The great Goddess Chandi, in her horrific form, has temples in Kashi for the forlorn. Consort to Shiva, she holds her children dear. So many come to her. So many have their fears disappear. She cries out in the Kashi night, "The Mother lives here, the Mother lives here." Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 19. Kashi stands in the middle of the earth. There is nothing more sacred than Kashi’s soil. Nothing more sacred than Kashi’s air. Nothing more sacred than Kashi's sun, Kashi’s moon, Kashi’s stars. Nothing more sacred anywhere! We bow to you our Kashi Mother, our Father too. We bow, we cry, we live, we die, we are reborn. All to you Kashi, all to you! Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 20. The River of life. The River of death. Dip three times, pilgrim, Make sure her waters cover your head. The smoke from the cremation grounds strokes your brow. You are in the moment. So ancient in its beliefs. The ashes of the dead swirl around Kashi’s breast. Kashi, Kashi, do you hear me call? To live here In Kashi is to have it all. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! 21. Oh Mother Annapurna, Queen of Kashi, let me live here all my life. Oh sweet Mother of nourishment, let me live here all my death. Oh my Mother, with giving full breasts, let me breathe here. Oh my Mother, who cares about all, let me dive into your yoni world. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 22. Early morning in Kashi, Early morning in the River, One can feel the Giver, One can feel the Mother. One can feel Lord Shiva, One can feel Annapurna, One can feel life, One can feel death, Most of all, one can become that which they feel. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 23. Lingam of light is Kashi's right. Fiery lingams born on Kashi’s shore. Lingams in the sacred waters. Lingams on sacred ground. Lingams that are worshipped. Lingams never ignored. All of Kashi is a lingam to be loved and adored. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 24. The Lord’s emblem is the lingam of Kashi. Bow low, Pilgrim, and lay your head at Shiva’s feet. Kali will bless you. Mother Annapurna will give you all food to eat. Shiva will whisper in your ear, when it is time for death to hear words that will carry you into his lingam’s light. Bow low chela. Shiva is here. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 25. Shiva’s dance, to the beat of the damaru, causes creation to begin. The sound of His drum is Kashi on the shores of the Ganga. It washes away all pilgrims’ sins. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 26. Shiva reveals himself out of the fiery column of light to all who bow to the Mother. Only in Kashi can one see Shiva as he truly is. Bow low chela. Bow low to Kashi’s soil. Bow low and be blessed by Shiva’s form. Bow low and He will come to you. It will not take long, when you sing Shiva’s song. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai. 27. Come drench yourself in the river at the Manikarnika Ghat. Come and dip three times beneath the ash of the dead. Come and play with Mother Sati next to her cremation ground. Come pilgrim, don't make a sound. Death in Kashi is not death at all. Here are the life giving waters, where the dead dwell. Only in Kashi does time stay still. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai. 28. All sins disappear in Kashi’s holy air. All tirthas at Kashi will take you to heaven. All waters of the Ganga will get you there. The fulfillment of reaching Kashi’s Ganga shore has the Mother’s chela in pain no more. All sorrows go when Kashi is in sight. All desires run in fright. Come to Kashi and be free. Bathe in the Ganga, and Shiva you will see. Om Shiva, Om Annapurna. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai. 29. They who remain silent in Kashi hear quite well the gods ringing the sacred Ganga bells. They who remain still in Kashi can see clearly the waters of the Ganga coming quite near. Those who speak softly in Kashi can see Shiva listening to their prayers. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 30. In Kashi the soul is bound back to God. All inner cravings cease to be in the clear air of sacred Kashi. All tribulations of life drown in the waters of the Ganga when chelas come home to Kashi to the waters of their Mother. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 31. Kashi, Kashi, the city of Shiva. Kashi, Kashi, the city of Annapurna. Kashi, Kashi, the city of eternal Mothers. Kashi, Kashi, where all beings are made sisters and brothers. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 32. Kashi is protected by Shiva. This sacred city is as old as the world and before. Its age is eternal. Its rishis and sages have been there forever. Kashi’s priceless truths grow more each day. It is a city of freedom where the gods play. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 33. The waters of the Mother wash all sins away. Even the slightest drop of moisture coming from her waters, can have her children escape all karmas coming their way. The Ganga consumes her children's pain. Sing out Her holy name. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 34. Praise be to Shiva. Praise be to Kashi. Praise be to Ganga. Praise to be Kali. Praise be to all. The praises come from Kashi’s sacred soil. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 35. Drench the Linga with Ganga water. Praise Parvati, the Mountain's daughter. Turn your senses to the divine. Swim in the Ganga where there is no space or time. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 36. Devoted pilgrims have come to Kashi for hundreds of years, Come to worship those they hold dear. Shouting, chanting and ringing bells, Begging the gods to keep them well. Can you not tell, chela? Only in Kashi are all sorrows taken. Only in Kashi are all joys given. Come to Kashi with heads bowed low. Come to Kashi and never go. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 37. Come to Kashi to the wisdom well, The well that Shiva dug himself. The waters are the Ganga’s daughter. Drink your fill of Shiva’s well. Be drenched in the sacredness of Shiva’s truth. Be drenched in the waters of the Mother’s womb. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 38. Shiva’s body would burn with pain of separation when he was away from his beloved city. Only by returning to where all is sacred could there be relief for this mighty god. "Kashi, Kashi," he cried out, "Never must we part." Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 39. The lotus of Shiva’s heart swims upon the breast of the sacred Ganga. The twinkle in Parvati’s eyes finds the flow of the river only in Kashi. Does not the great God Brahma bow to the Giver? Shiva, Shiva, Shiva. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 40. In the air of Kashi Sacred sounds can be heard. Scriptures are read day and night. Holy fires burn and burn. The gods swim in the Ganga. The chela learns. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 41. In Kashi the wrathful forms of Kali roam the cremation grounds in happiness and harmony. On the banks of the Ganga sits the Sadhu waiting to be blessed by the Mother’s hand. Kali screams out with such glee, "Jai Kashi. Jai Kashi." Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 42. The Gods grant any boon one asks for, on Kashi’s soil. Nothing is too big and nothing is too small. Bow low, pilgrim. Touch your head to the Ganga’s shore. Go on chela, ask for liberation. There is nothing more. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 43. Oh, Ganga, Ganga, remover of all miseries, let us all taste your sweetness. May your waters never dry. Oh, our Mother Ganga, I bow to your greatness. I bow to your beauty. I bow to your love. I bow to your city, Kashi. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 44. True knowledge is received when the Ganga is worshipped in Kashi. Doing austerities on the bank of the Ganga, samadhi can be achieved. Chanting Shiva’s holy name, doing your malas, wearing the sacred ash, brings joy to the River, brings bliss to the Lord Shiva. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 45. Kashi is Shiva Shiva is Kashi Kashi is the Mother The Mother is Kashi Every blade of grass is Shiva Every breath taken in Kashi is the Mother Here the two live together entwined in each other. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 46. Ganesha loves to roam Kashi’s shore, granting boons forever more. All who think on Ganesha are free. All who worship His father become the heart of Kashi. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 47. Take a few steps in the direction of Kashi and find yourself growing strong. Sing out to the Ganga and learn Kashi’s song. Take a few steps toward Kashi and hear the heavens shout. Take a few steps toward Kashi and relieve yourself of doubt. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 48. The milk is poured on the Lingam. The chela’s head bows to the ground. The dripping of the milk is the only sound. Blessed are they who can hear this sound every day. Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai 49. Only in Kashi can one dip in the sacred Ganga and have pride and vanity removed. When one is in this blessed river, she lives in the spirit of prayer. Where else can this be? Nowhere. Nowhere. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 50. Ganga, Ganga, Ganga. Where all the Gods meet and play. Where love exists and hate is drowned, the lower self melts away without a sound Ganga, Ganga, Ganga. Where all the Gods laugh and dance, illusion does not have the slightest chance. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 51. Inward attitude of surrender and love, Joyous feelings of the Gods above, Removal of impurities, removal of shame, The sacred waters exclaim "all are the same." Gods and humans bow before She. Gods and humans bow before He. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 52 Shiva asked the Ganga to give his devotees true mental concentration. Shiva asked the Ganga to give his devotees the value of meditation. Shiva asked the Ganga to bring his devotees into liberation. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 53. The path of devotion leads one to the river of grace. The path of devotion brings a smile to Shiva’s face. The path of devotion leads to the Mother’s breast. This path is the only path that lasts. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 54. Only in Kashi does the Goddess Kali dwell in Her fullest form. Kashi is Her home, the cremation ground Her playground, the ghats Her playthings. Only in Kashi can the pilgrim become one of Her playthings. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 55. All darkness leaves the soul when the chela is made whole on Kashi’s sacred land All depth becomes apparent in the ancient City of Death All life is lived on the shore of the Ganga. All life is lived well on the shore of the Ganga. All death is a blessing on the shore of the Ganga. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 56. Ancient time beats on the drums of Kashi here on the sacred shores Time stands still forever more Chelas of Shiva destined for Kashi need not wait for time They call on the Mother and Kashi calls them home Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 57. Even the sun expresses gratitude to shine His brightness over Kashi. "I shall rise over Kashi," cries out the Sun. "I shall hide in the Ganga when the day is done." "Ready to rise again," sang out Kashi’s sun. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 58. The Sun divided Himself in twelve parts. All living parts blossomed on Ganga’s shores The pilgrim burns with passion beneath these twelve parts At last he is home. The Sun is full. The heart is Kashi. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 59. Who would want to leave Kashi’s shore, the sacred City of Light? "Not I," cry out the Holy. "Not I," cry out the sinner. "Not I," cry out the young. "Not I," cry out the sick. "Not I," cry out the healthy. No one wants to leave Kashi. No wants to leave the Ganga. "Not I," cried out Shiva. "Not I," cried out the Mother. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 60. Ganesha, too, never wanted to leave Kashi and divided Himself into many parts. Wherever you go in Kashi, there is a part of Ganesha. Bathe in the same waters as Ganesha, only in Kashi. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai 61. Kashi is the greatest tirtha in the world Holiness, itself becomes geographical. The Ganga swells with pride as the chela’s sins step aside. Jai Kashi Gange Ki Jai ---------------- Keep Air Smoke Free - Deadline: Nov 5th Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 29, 2002 Report Share Posted October 29, 2002 simply great is this great peom tks for such a reading pleasure --- tulasi3 wrote: > Namaste everyone, > > I really wanted to share with you this Kashi > Ganga Gita. Yes, the Holy River is flowing > everywhere! Jaya Ganga Ma ki jai! > Prem, > Varuna > > from > by Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, interfaith spiritual > teacher, caregiver, AIDS activist,... > > Sacred Kashi > The Kashi Ganga Gita > > Om Ganesha > > 1. > This blessed ashram keeps me awake each night > beneath the River stars. > What if I fall to sleep and lose one breath or > miss one beat of Kashi's pulsating heart? > What if the dead in the Ganga rise up and call > Ma? > My sacred Kashi, my love, my Mother of all. > Who can sleep when I need to hear Kashi's call? > Quiet now, no one make a sound, > the Dawn Mother Usha, is earth bound, > On Kashi's sacred ground. > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 2. > The currents of our sacred river run through our > life, > Minute by minute, day by day, lifetime after > lifetime. > The great abode of the Ganga, Kashi, > is the perfect age in your life and in > mine. > There is no right or wrong moment to be on her > sacred ground. > Kashi, Kashi, the place of the heart chakra, > the place of the unstruck sound. > Blessings be to Kashi and the Ganga, > the heavenly river, Kashi bound. > > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 3. > Our Mother flows from Shiva's head, > To bring liberation to the near dead. > She drenches them in her liquid flow, > They bow their heads, they know, they know. > She moves according to currents that originate > in the heavens. > She is the sacred bridge to her children in > death. > She is the Mother, between this world and the > divine. > She is your Ma Ganga; She surely is mine. > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 4. > Throw their ashes and their bones into the > Mother's waters, > She will take them home. > The waters that take them from living to dead > Flow from the Great One’s head. > She, the Mother, is the purest access between > the two worlds, > Only in Kashi is this understood. > Light the pyres and bring the wood. > The ash of her dead, she wears on her breast. > She takes them across to the place she knows > best, > The heavens above Kashi where her children now > rest. > She is a continuous link between heaven and > earth. > She is Kashi's own Goddess, > Sacred to the Kashi soil, sacred to us all. > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 5. > Kashi is Stanu, the Lingam of light. > Kashi herself is Shiva's abode. > From the depths of the earth to the heavens high, > the Stanu Lingam will never die. > Kashi is the City of Light, > She transcends all cycles of time. > She is Shiva's mystical body, > transcending space. > ASI and VARUNA Rivers surround Kashi, > bowing to the Ganga's grace. > All is complete, all is divine. > All is Kashi Gange. > All this, the great one's say. > > Om Namah Kashi Gange Ki Jai > > 6. > Flowing waters reflect the full moon. > No moon anywhere is like Kashi's moon. > Flowing waters reflect the noonday sun. > There is no sun anywhere like Kashi's sun. > Flowing waters ease pilgrims’ hearts. > There are no pilgrims anywhere like pilgrims at > Kashi. > Flowing waters liberate the dead. > There are no deaths anywhere like Kashi deaths. > Flowing waters, when drunk, complete the living. > There are no people anywhere like those living > at Kashi > by the Ganga's flowing waters. > Nowhere on earth is comparable > to our blessed Kashi on the shore of the sacred > Ganga. > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 7. > He who is bound by karma > He who is of the world > He who bows to material wealth > can come to our sacred Kashi > and find, through Goddess Ganga and God Shiva, > spiritual health and wealth. > They who long for truth of life > beyond all waves of time, > Come to Kashi and find the liquid Goddess. > One finds the lingam > One finds the yoni > One finds life > One finds death. > In Kashi, one finds nothing > One just is, one just is. > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 8. > Our Kashi is the sacred cremation ground of the > world. > Bathe in the Manikarnika Tirtha. > Bathe in the waters, and when ready, surrender > your bodies to death. > Shiva will present you with his spiritual body > as the soul rests. > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 9. > Lord Shiva moved from Kailash to Kashi's shore. > Here his lingam pierced the earth. > Maheshwara roams Kashi to this day. > On the shore of his Ganga he watches his > children play. > Kali dances in her cremation ground. > Shiva watches her children without a sound. > Om Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 10. > Shiva is both Shakti and Shiva. > Ganga is both Shiva and Shakti. > Kashi is the very body of Shiva. > The liquid Goddess is the very body of truth. > All who know, know that at Kashi, the seeds of > karma does not grow. > Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > ll. > Temples filled with the devoted garland sellers > selling their wares. > Shiva as Ardhanarishvara, half woman, Lord. > Prayed to in the temples, loved and adored. > He wears sari and dhoti, male and female. > The One who is complete, the One who is full. > Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 12. > Why is the River holy and sacred? > Why do all the sins that man and woman put upon > themselves > disappear like mist in clear air? > She has fallen from the heavens through Shiva's > hair. > Now She moves through Kashi and the body within. > Taking human pain, taking human sin. > Let go of your banks of attachment, let go of > your pride. > Flow in her sacred waters. > Do not flow against her. > She is your Mother > She is your Ma. > Jai Kashi Gange’ Ki Jai! > > 13. > Shiva's creative power is Ganga herself. > She falls with a gentle roar to the waiting > earth. > Shiva smiles and all of Kashi watches him dance. > His head is still. > He dances with such grace. > His right earring is a snake. > His left is a disc. > === message truncated === Y! 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Guest guest Posted October 30, 2002 Report Share Posted October 30, 2002 Greetings Tulasi! thank you for sharing this devotional poem by your guruji by ma jaya sati bhagwati! i have visited her web site and have often discovered many 'gems; there! yes, the best tirthastan is KASHI! the best tirtha or water is Ganga jal ! ALSO THE ABODE OF KASHI VISHWANATHA AND KASHI VISALKSHI ! (LORD SHIVA AND HIS CONSORT ANNAPURNESHWERI) here is something to celebrate this sentiment! The City of Benares: Are there not many holy places on this earth? Yet which of them would equal in the balance one speck of Kashi's dust? Are there not many rivers running to the sea? Yet whcih of them is like the River of Heaven in Kashi? Are there not many fields of liberation on earth? Yet not one equals the smallest part of the city never forsaken by Shiva The Ganges, Shiva, and Kashi: Where this Trinity is watchful, no wonder here is found the grace tha leads one on to perfect blisss. Kashi Khanda BOLO PARVATI=PARAMEMESHWER KI JAI! BOLO GANGA MATA KI JAI! BOLO KASHI PUNYA BHOOMI KI JAI! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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