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Om aapyaayantu mamaangaani vaak praanas chakshuh

shrotram atho

Balam indriyaani cha sarvanni sarvam Brahma-fanishadam

Maaham Brahma nirraakuryaam maa maa brahma niraakarod

Aniraakaranam astu, aniraakaranam me astu

Tadaatmani nirate, ya upanishatsu dharmaah

Te mayi santu, te mayi santu

Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih


Om. May my limbs, speech, life-force, eye, ear, strength and all

my senses grow vigorous.

All these are the Brahman of the Upanishads.

May I never deny Brahman. May Brahman never spurn me.

May there be no denial of Brahman.

May there be no spurning of Brahman.

Let all the virtues cited in the upanishads abide in me, delighting

in the Self. May they in me abide.

Om Peace. Peace. Peace.


Om saha naavavatu, saha nau bhunaktu, saha veeryam


Tejasvinaavadheetamasu, maa vidvishaavahai

Om Shantih, Shantih, shantih


Om. May That protect us both, teacher and student. May That

cause us both to enjoy the Bliss of Liberation. May we both exert

to find out the true meaning of the Scriptures. May our learning

be brilliant. May we never quarrel with each other.

Om Peace. Peace. Peace.


OM Namah Sivaya





, "Nora" <ashwini_puralasamy>


> Om Sarvesham svastir bhavatu Sarvesham shantir bhavatu

> Sarvesham purnam bhavatu Sarvesham mangalam bhavatu


> May auspiciousness be unto all: May Peace be unto all:

> May fullness be unto all May prosperity be unto all,


> Sarve bhavantu sukhinah Sarve santu niramayaah

> Sarve bhadrani pashyantu Ma kaschit-duhkha-bhag-bhavet


> May all be happy May all be free from disabilities:

> May all look to the good of others May none suffer from



> Asato maa sat gamaya, Tamasomma jyotir gamaya

> Mrityor ma amritam gamaya


> Lead me from the unreal to the Real, From darkness to light


> From death to immortality


> Om purnamadah purnamidam Purnat purna mudachyate

> Purnasya purna madaya Purna mevaavasishyate


> OM! May we realize that the invisible Reality is whole,

> And the seeming universe too is whole;

> And though the projected universe is from that Reality,

> The whole remains whole


> Om Shantih! Shantih! Shantih !


> Om Peace: Peace : Peace


> Om Dyaouh Shantih, Antariksham Shantih

> Prithvi Shantih, Apah Shantih, Oushadhayah Shantih

> Vanaspatayah Shanti, Vishve Devah Shantih

> Brahma Shantih, Sarvam Shantih

> Shantireve Shantih ( Saama Santireti )


> Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih


> May there be peace, in the heaven, , in the sky, in the earth, in


> water, in the herbs, in the trees, in all celestials and Brahma. In

> short, may peace prevail everywhere.

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