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Cup of Bliss

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OM fellow travellers


Whenever we are about to get caught up in apparent differences

let us remind ourselves of our true nature and view the world

through that true nature. Then you see a world of connection,

interdependence, purity and divinity. Nothing says that clearly as

the following poem by Swami Sivananda.



-- Sri Swami Sivananda


Sorrow touches me not,

Pain affects me not;

All joy, all blis I am,

Eternal satisfaction I am.


The silvery moon, the brilliant sun

Are my eyes.

The rivers are my veins.

The stars, the mountains,

The herbs, trees and plants,

The Vedas and the Devas

Are my expression, my breath.


My exhalation is this universe,

My inhalation is dissolution.

The world is my body,

All bodies are mine.

All hands, ears, eyes are mine.

The fire is my mouth,

The wind is my breath.


Energy, time proceed from me.

All beings throb in me,

All hearts pulsate in me.

Causation I am,

In all quarters I am,

Quarters are my garment.


All time is now,

All distance here;

I fill all space,

Where can I move?

No space to move.

Infinite I am,

Unconditioned I am,

Bhuma I am

Bhumananda Svarupoham.


a) Bhuma - Infinite

b) Bhumananda Svarupoham - I am the True Self of Infinite Bliss



OM Namah Sivaya



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Thank you Omprem-ji, now you are taking it to the next level. We must

see how Christianity and the Sanatama Dharma are really not so

different after all.


It seems everyone wants to make Jesus for their own...

such is what happens when a great soul comes to Earth. Every faith

will make a claim to him/her and say "Only we own Him," or "we taught

Him all He knows."


I've also heard that "Jesus was a Kriya Yogi par excellence," that in

his missing years, when he disappeared from public view to when He

began His ministry (a lost period of about 15 years), He pilgrimmaged

to India and learned yoga from the great masters. I've also heard that

Christ was none other that an Avatar of Vishnu; Krishna

Consciousness=Christ Consciousness. Evidence can also be found by

Vaisnavites keeping a picture of Jesus next to their statue of



But there really is no proof of this...unless you go by the statement,

"The proof is in the pudding," By looking at his actions and

teachings, they are all consonant with Yogic principles.


Look at a Catholic Mass: the most important part is the

"transubstantiation" where the priest turns bread and wine into the

body and blood of Christ which all in turn partake of. Sounds like a

tantric ritual to me! Also sounds like everyone is receiving prasad.

Further, the priests are all ordained in a line of succession all the

way back to Christ. Hmmm...could this be parampara?


Christs actions of walking on water, healing the sick, feeding the

masses -- not to speak of rising again from death! -- if one believes

them, sounds like stories of Siddhas and miracle workers all over

India. Truly, if a man could do such things, he must know yogic laws

and principles.


Finally, what is Christ Consciousness? Among other things: love,

devotion, surrender. Sound familiar?


As far as close minded Christians not accepting Yoga, fine! Let them.

This is a practice taught by parampara, tradition: Do not go outside

your tradition and water down the teachings; everything you need can

already be found in what you have already been taught. They are only

following this principle. Do we look down onourselves when we do not

go outside your tradition and learn/accept Christian principles? No.

Why should we expect them to do the same?


We look at them as being close-minded and they look at us as being



What we have to see is the mountain-top view of all this:


First, it is us/them, us/them ... on and on, never stopping. I know

it's easier said than done, but we must stop this and we will



Next we must KNOW that we are all shouting about the same thing: the

One God! As all Hindus know, She clothes herself in different forms

for the benefit of her children and for her play. Maybe Jesus is yet

another costume she has put on to courageously go out and proclaim

bhakti -- "Love!" Jnana -- "I and my Father are the same" and Karma --

"faith without works is dead" to the rest of the world. Surely our

Mother would not neglect the rest of the world outside of India.


Next, we must be happy that Catholics are starting to embrace the

Sanatama Dharma, taking up our chants and philosophy! We are moving

towards that Oneness...no more divisions. It's been said that the new

Satya Yuga is already dawning upon us, where ALL again know and live

by the principles of the Sanatama Dharma.


Shall we not embrace "them" back? "They" are trying, even it seems

from our small point of view that "they" are only trying to convert

"us." Who can know God's play?


Finally, is our faith in our ETERNAL Sanatama Dharma so small that we

think it will be swallowed up by this "newer intruder?" It's just

Goddess playing -- She's coming back to be one with us. And besides,

Mother Kali's got your back...and she swallows all. No fear!




, "omprem" <omprem> wrote:

> OM fellow travellers


> Whenever we are about to get caught up in apparent differences

> let us remind ourselves of our true nature and view the world

> through that true nature. Then you see a world of connection,


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greetings sivadancer!


I agree with you whole-heartedly! yes, that indeed was a beautiful

poem by swami sivananda! and we thank ompremji fot posting it at this

very approriate moment!!!


here is my own beloved Rumi and how he views this whole scenario!!!


Whoever is loved is beautiful and

the converse not necessarily true

Lovableness is the root principle

from which beauty grew.


'There are girls more beautiful than Layla',

they told Majnoon

'But I don't love Layla for her form'

responded Majnoon


'Layla in my hand is like a cup

'It is the wine within I am in love with

'You have eyes for the beaker,

'Of the wine within you are unaware',

said Majnoon


'A golden goblet studded with precious stones

Containing vinegar

'Or something else other than wine

Would be of no use to me

'An old broken gourd of wine

Is superior to such a golden goblet

And hundreds like it,

said Majnoon


For a man to tell the wine from the beaker

He must be moved with passion and yearning

Take two men, one hungry the other full

The man suffering from hunger

Perceives a living nourishing soul in a piece of bread

The man full of food merely conceives the shape of the bread.




Translation by Morteza Anvari



oh sivadancer, on another note i liked a lot of things you had to say

on this subject of christianity versus hinduism...


In fact , it is said when Jesus was missing for some 15 odd years ,

he went to Tibet where he was referred to 'issa' and then he went to

BENARAS, INDIA where he learned all the essence of the vedas and the

upanishads... but the one thing that bothered jesus christ was the

practice of 'caste system' in its most banal form and it seems He

fell out with his brahmin fellow travellers and left Benaras saying

he will send his missionaries tto root out this corrupt system...

now, how far this is true ... God ONLY KNOWS!!!




her arms, it reminds me of mother yasoda and baby krishna and i am

moved to tears looking at the vatsalya bhava....


when i see a picture oF jesus christ , he definitely looks to me like

a great self-realized soul...


of course, being a hindu, i believe in 'reincaranation' and 'karma'

and the whole nine yards but that does not prevent me from reading

the verses in the bible and the many parables therein...


take mother teresa for example? is she not the best example of karma

yoga and bhakti yoga?


so, if a religion teaches you how to love God/ess and the rest of

humanity unconditionally, that is the best religion ... when the big


nothing matters!




thank you siva dancer once again for restoring the 'balance' to a

controversial topic-

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OM Sivadancer


Thank you also for your excellent post. You are right that there is

no difference between Christ Consciousness, Self-Realization,

Nirvikalpa- or Asamprajnata-Samadhi.


You are correct to point out that no matter how different the paths

to the top of the mountain are, the view from the top is the same.


"Paths are many, Truth is One."


The problem arises not because of the different paths but

because some of the people on those paths do not realize

where their path is headed and how it will eventually merge into

the others. These people are prime examples of avidya or

spiritual ignorance. They can produce a lot of disturbance and

distraction, leading others to engage in that maya as if it were

real thus dissapating prana and internal focus so that the

connection with the Divine is temporarily lost.


Everyone should practice ahimsa in thought, word and deed,

maintain their own spiritual practice and celebrate the unfolding

of the Divine Plan.


OM Namah Sivaya





, "sivadancer" <sivadancer>


> Thank you Omprem-ji, now you are taking it to the next level.

We must

> see how Christianity and the Sanatama Dharma are really not


> different after all.


> It seems everyone wants to make Jesus for their own...

> such is what happens when a great soul comes to Earth. Every


> will make a claim to him/her and say "Only we own Him," or

"we taught

> Him all He knows."


> I've also heard that "Jesus was a Kriya Yogi par excellence,"

that in

> his missing years, when he disappeared from public view to

when He

> began His ministry (a lost period of about 15 years), He


> to India and learned yoga from the great masters. I've also

heard that

> Christ was none other that an Avatar of Vishnu; Krishna

> Consciousness=Christ Consciousness. Evidence can also be

found by

> Vaisnavites keeping a picture of Jesus next to their statue of

> Krishna.


> But there really is no proof of this...unless you go by the


> "The proof is in the pudding," By looking at his actions and

> teachings, they are all consonant with Yogic principles.


> Look at a Catholic Mass: the most important part is the

> "transubstantiation" where the priest turns bread and wine into


> body and blood of Christ which all in turn partake of. Sounds

like a

> tantric ritual to me! Also sounds like everyone is receiving


> Further, the priests are all ordained in a line of succession all


> way back to Christ. Hmmm...could this be parampara?


> Christs actions of walking on water, healing the sick, feeding


> masses -- not to speak of rising again from death! -- if one


> them, sounds like stories of Siddhas and miracle workers all


> India. Truly, if a man could do such things, he must know yogic


> and principles.


> Finally, what is Christ Consciousness? Among other things:


> devotion, surrender. Sound familiar?


> As far as close minded Christians not accepting Yoga, fine! Let


> This is a practice taught by parampara, tradition: Do not go


> your tradition and water down the teachings; everything you

need can

> already be found in what you have already been taught. They

are only

> following this principle. Do we look down onourselves when

we do not

> go outside your tradition and learn/accept Christian principles?


> Why should we expect them to do the same?


> We look at them as being close-minded and they look at us as


> close-minded.


> What we have to see is the mountain-top view of all this:


> First, it is us/them, us/them ... on and on, never stopping. I


> it's easier said than done, but we must stop this and we will

> eventually.


> Next we must KNOW that we are all shouting about the same

thing: the

> One God! As all Hindus know, She clothes herself in different


> for the benefit of her children and for her play. Maybe Jesus is


> another costume she has put on to courageously go out and


> bhakti -- "Love!" Jnana -- "I and my Father are the same" and

Karma --

> "faith without works is dead" to the rest of the world. Surely our

> Mother would not neglect the rest of the world outside of India.


> Next, we must be happy that Catholics are starting to embrace


> Sanatama Dharma, taking up our chants and philosophy! We

are moving

> towards that Oneness...no more divisions. It's been said that

the new

> Satya Yuga is already dawning upon us, where ALL again

know and live

> by the principles of the Sanatama Dharma.


> Shall we not embrace "them" back? "They" are trying, even it


> from our small point of view that "they" are only trying to convert

> "us." Who can know God's play?


> Finally, is our faith in our ETERNAL Sanatama Dharma so

small that we

> think it will be swallowed up by this "newer intruder?" It's just

> Goddess playing -- She's coming back to be one with us. And


> Mother Kali's got your back...and she swallows all. No fear!




> , "omprem" <omprem> wrote:

> > OM fellow travellers

> >

> > Whenever we are about to get caught up in apparent


> > let us remind ourselves of our true nature and view the world

> > through that true nature. Then you see a world of connection,

> >

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