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in honor of GODDESS LAKSHMI!!!!

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SHRI Sankaracarya during his Brahmacari Bhikshatana one day visited

the house of a poor Brahmin lady, whose husband also went to the

village for Bhiksha and nothing was available in the house to offer.


She was very much upset and worried that she could not offer any

thing to such a great person who came to her house. She earnestly

searched for some thing to be given in her house. At last she found

an Amla fruit (Emblic myrobalan). She was feeling very shy to offer

but she gave it with all humility and respect in the bowl of

Sankaracarya. Sri Sankaracarya was very much moved at the sight of

the poverty, stricken woman and immediately in an extempore way

started imploring Goddess Lakshmi to be merciful towards this poor

Brahmin lady to drive away her poverty.


He recited twenty two slokas in praise of Goddess Lakshmi Who was

very much pleased and appeared (Satkshathkara) before SHRI

Sankaracarya and asked for his cause and all of prayer.


SHRI Sankaracarya pleaded her to grant riches to the Brahmin lady.


Goddess Lakshmi said that this Brahmin lady did not qualify to get

any riches in this life as she did not to do any charities in her

previous life and carry consideration and she deserves sufferance and

justified her stand of not confering any wealth on her.


Sankaracarya while accepting her sTand replied that in this life she

gave him Amla fruit with very great reverence inspite of not having

any thing due toher extreme poverty and this act ofher alone will

justify to shower riches on her.


Hearing upon this Goddess Lakshmi was greatly moved and immensely

pleased with the advocacy of the argument of Sri Sankaracarya and

showered instantly golden rain of Amla fruits (Emblic myrobalan).


Thus the stotra of SHRI Sankaracarya towards Goddess Lakshmi was

sacred, famous and popular known as Kanakadhara Stotra. Bhagavatpada

Sankaracarya's Kanakadhara Stotra also called by him as Surarnadhara

Stotra studded with Anugraha Bijakshar as aiming at Sri Lakshmi.


Lakshmi in her manifestation is


Arogya Lakshmi (giver of health),

Keerti Lakshmi (bestower of name and fame),

Santana Lakshmi (blesses children and continuing progeny),

Vijaya Lakshmi (ensures victory in all the efforts),

Dhana Lakshmi (Showers continuing wealth,

Dhanya Lakshmi (restores abundant crops),

Moksha Lakshmi (grants liberation),

Sowbhagya Lakshmi (unending harmony and auspiciousness),

anta Lakshmi (giving peace).

Thus she is apparently one in all the eight forms (Ashta Lakshmi) who

also confers Ashta Siddhis, which are Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima,

Prapti, Prakamya, Eesitva and Vasitva.


SHRI Sankaracarya with (Lokanugra Drusti) eye on the welfare of the

people has recited the Kanakadhara Stotra to alleviate the sufferance

of the people in their variety and grant them all the boons of Asta



If one has all the Wealth and no health, wealth ceases to have any

significance. Like wise the important of all manifestations of

Goddess Lakshmi. If one has wealth, health and no children all these

will be futiLe. Hence Lakshmi (Asta Lakshmi manifestation fulfill

all desires.


The prayer of Lakshmi is aimed to grant the missing wants of the

devotees by the Goddess.


In Gayatri Mahamantra the Second pada "Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi" has

the Beejakshara "Sreem" of Sree Lakshmi and represents yajurveda

and "Aham Brahmasmi"


Adwaita Siddhanta of Sri Sankaracarya. Sree Maha Devi seated on the

Hrdaya (chest) of Sri Visnu carries all the power of him coupled with

her Sakti.


SHRI Sankaracarya while reciting the Kanakadhara Stotra brought out

alike the greatness and glory of Visnu ventilated that such divinity

was being presided by Sree Lakshmi.


Lakshmi Devi was being extolled in all her eight qualifying

manifestations as (Asta Lakshmi) and her varied boons to be conferred

on the those who are desirous of them.


There are three slokas in ancient palmyra leaves in addition to the

twenty two slokas said to have been recited by Adi Sankaracarya.


These three are also incorporated for the benefit of the devotees

since they fall in line with the main slokas in their spirit. These

slokas were brought to the notice by Brahmasri Bhutapuri subrahmanya

sarma with great benediction, which are as follows.


1. Bilvatavi Madhya lasatsaroje

Sahasra patre sukhi sannivistam |

Astapadambhuruha panipadmam

Stuvarna Varnam pranamami lakshmeem ||


O Maha Lakshmi who is adorning in the middle of the thousand petalled

lotus in Bilva Vana, Holding Golden Lotuses in her hand, possessing

golden hue colour. To her my Salutations.



2. Kamala sana panina lalate

Likhita mokshara punkti masya jantoh |

Parimarjayam mata ranghrinate

Dhanika dvara nivasa dukha doghrim ||


O! Mother Goddess; remove my fate having been written by Brahma that

I have to stand and work at the doorsteps of the wealthy people and

drive away such situation and purify me.



3. Amho ruham janma gruham bhavatya

Vaksha sthalam bhartu gruham murareh

Karunyatah kalpaya padma vase |

Leelagruham mehrudaya ravindam ||



O! MahaLakshmi! Your origin and birthplace is Lotus flower. Your

aunt's house (husband's mother) also is the Chest of Sri Maha Visnu.

Like wise make my lotus heart as pompous and enjoyable house and make

me ever grateful to you. Lotus has a special bearing on Goddess Maha

Lakshmi. She is born on the lotus and her eyes are like lotus and

her hands resempble lotus.





jaya jaya shankara!


om sree mahalakshmiyaii namaha!





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