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Here are the verses from the " KANAKADHARASTAVAM' COMPOSED BY

SHANKARA BHAGHAGVATPADA ! for a beautiful rendering of these verses,

visit www. musicindia.com and listen to these verses sung by Bombay

sisters in their melodious voice!




(Srimat Sankara Bhagavat Pada)


1. Vande vandaru mandara mindirananda kandalam |

Amandananda sandoha bandhuram sindhura nanam ||



Srimat Sankaracarya prayed to Srimaha Ganapati the elephant faced one

before addressing Gouri the form of the kalpavrksa who fulfills all

the desires of her devotees. Ganesa pleasth Gouri with his fulfilent,

over powering groups of his followers. Sankaracarya felt it fit to

pray Ganapati at the beginning of Kanakadhara Stotra.



2. Angam hareh pulaka bhusana masrayanti

Bhrunga nganeva mukula Bjharanam tamalam

Angikruta khila vibhuti rapangalila

Mangalyada stumama mangala devatayah ||


OH! Maha Lakshmi kindly direct your benevolent looks towards me.

Grant me all auspiciousness and every happiness to me. You are well

seated on the chest of Sri Maha Visnu who is thrilled with Ananda

like the female cater pillars attached to the black(Kamiga) tree

looking as lightening flowering buds.



3. Mugdha muhurvidadhati vadane murareh |

Prematrapa prani hitani gata gatani |

Maladrusor madhu Kariva mahotpaleya |

Samesriyam disatusagara sambhavayah ||


Just as the caterpillar very much eager to stay on the black lotus,

Lakshmi devi with her beautiful looks of her eyes is impatient to see

her lover Visnu Murti. Lsri Maha Visnu too equally looks at her and

at the very sight itself Lakshmi devi is moving with Lshyness. Let

the looks of love of both Lakshmi Devi and Maha Visnu fall on me,

purify me and grant all riches.



4. Visva marendra pada vibhrama dana daksha

Manandha hetu radhikam mura vidviso pi

Esannis idatu mayi kshana mikshan ardha

Mind ivarodara sahodara mindirayah ||


Sri Maha Visnu is capable of granting the entire empire comprising

the three lokas (earth, astral and celestial worlds) to Devendra. I

plead Lakshmi who gives happiness to Visnu and being equal to the

inner part of the black lotus, keep her benevolent askances (looks)

on me for a while.



5. Amilita ksha madhigamya muda mukunda

Mananda kanda manimesa mananga tantram |

Akekarashita Kan inika pakshma Netram

Bhutyai bhavenma bhujanga sayanganayah ||



Having possessed with sensuous desire with half closed eyes, the

beautiful, elegant visnu with all his love being enhanced and

directed towards her, Rama devi Lakshmi having noticed it, with all

Shyness shutting half of her eye lids looks at sesasayi Vishnu who is

resting on Sesu(The great Snake). Let that looks of Sri Lakshmi grant

me all health.



6. Kalambuda li lalito rasi kaitabhare

Rdharadhare sphuratiya tati dageneva

Matussa masta jagatam mahaniya murti

Rbhadrani me disatubhargava nandanayah ||



SriMaha Lakshmi with her beautiful askances looks like the electric

spark of the clouds. Sri Maha Vishnu resembles the groups of black

clouds. Let this mother of all the worlds, the daughter of Bhrugu

Maharsi who is seated on the chest of Sri Maha Visnu, the most

splendrous personality grant us all auspicious things.



7. Bahvantare murajitah srita kowstubheya

Haravaliva harinilamayi vibhati

Kamaprada bhagavato pi katakshamala

Kalyana mavahatu me-kamala layayah ||



OH! Maha Lakshmi your piercing looks are directed towards Sri Maha

Visnu who is shinning brilliantly with his koustubha garland decended

on his chest and though is ye who is responsible for the immense

light emanating from the Indra Nila precious stones around his neck.

Further the very looks of yours are fulfilling the desires of Sri

Maha Visnu.


OH! Such endearing, benevolent looks of Sri Maha Lakshmi fall on me

and grant me all auspicious celebrities.



8. Praptam padam prathamatah khalu yat prabhavat |

Mangalya bhaji madhu madhini man madhena |

Mayya patetta diha mandhara miksha nardham

Mandalasam ca makar a laya kanya kayah ||


Whose Maha Lakshmi's powerful lasting looks influenced the celebrite

Maha Visnu with the great desire to rule the entire creation such

Maha Lakshmi's mild and pleasing looks slowly fall on me.



9. Dadya ddayanu pavano dravinambu dhara |

Masminna kincana vahanga sisow visanne |

Duskarma gharma mapaniya ciraya ;duram |

Narayana pranayini nayanambu vahah ||



When the wings less bird suffers due to intense heat, the cloud that

comes in contact rains and subsides its heat and satisfies its thirst

with the water. Like wise the benevolence of Lakshmi Devi is promoted

by the air generated by the clouds and thus erasing my long standing

sins like the subdued heat and let wealth be rained similar like the

wingless bird who has been satisfied.



10. Esta visista matayo pi naraya yadrag

Drust a sthrivistapa padam sulabham bhajante |

Drustih prahrsta kamalodara dipti ristam

Pustim krsista mama puskara vistarayah ||




Humans inspite of their desire lessness to perform the sacred duties

of yajnas, they are getting the impossible post of Devendra, the

ruler of heaven when the merciful looks of Lakshmi Devi falls on

them. Let the merciful looks of Sri Devi who possesses the colour of

lotus flower and who is well seated on it grant me the wishful wealth

desired by me.



11. Girdevatiti garuda dhwaja sundariti |

Sakambhariti sasisekhara vallabheti

Sristi stiti pralaya kelisu samsthtaya

Tasmai nama sthribhu vanaika gurostarunyai ||



In the name of Sarasvati the wife of Brahma; In the form of Lakshmi

Devi the wife of Sri Narayana who protects the world; and as a

kalarupini by name Sakambari incharge of time and as beloved parvati

Devi Wife of Parameswara who is incharge of annihilation of the

world, Salutations to such Sri Maha Lakshmi the queen of Visnu Murti

the ruler of the three worlds.



to be continued....

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