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12. Srutyai Namo stusubhakarma phala prasutyai

Ratyai Namo stu Ramaniya gun a rnava yai

Saktai Namo stu s'atapatra niketanayai

Pustyai Namo stu purusottama vallabhayai ||



Salutations to Maha Lakshmi, the very incarnation of Vedas who is

responsible for the benefits of yagas, Salutations to Sri maha

Lakshmi who is ocean with qualities of mercy and kindness and the

most lovable one. Salutations to Sri Maha Lakshmi the replica of all

powerful energy. Salutations to Sri Maha Lakshmi, the seat of

Sumptuousness and wife of Sriman narayana.



13. Namostu nalika nibhananayai

Namostu dugdho dadhi janma bhumyai

Namostu soma mtrta sodarayai

Namostu narayana vallabhayai ||


Salutations to Lakshmi Devi whohas her face similar to lotus; born

together with Candra (Moon) and divine Nectre (Amrta) and the queen

of Visnu.



14. Namo stu hema mbuja pitthikayai

Namo stu bjhumandala nayikayai

Namo stu devadidaya parayai

Namo stu saranga yudha vallabhayai ||



Being seated on the golden lotus throne, the presiding diety of the

entire universe, possessing extreme mercy towards devas, the queen of

sarangasura i.e., vaikunttah To such Sri Maha Lakshmi I offer my




15. Namo stu devyai bhrugunandanayai

Namo stu visnorurasi sthitayai

Namo stu lakshmyai kamala layayai

Namo stu Damodara vallabhayai ||



The daughter of Bhrugu MahaRsi, the dweller on the chest of Vishnu,

possessing lotus as her seat, the better half of Sri Maha Visnu To

such Sri Devi I bow.



16. Namo stu kanyai kamalekshanayai

Namo stu bhutyai bhuvana prasutyai

Namo stu devadibhi rarcitayai

Namo stu nandatmaja vallabhayai ||



Whose eyes resembling the petals of lotuses, very brilliant with

radiating form, the universal mother being worshipped by Devas and

others, the most beloved to the preacher of Gita Sri Krisna. To the

Sri Lakshmi I offer my pranamas.



17. Sampatka rani sakalendirya nandanani

Samrajya da naniratani saroruhakshi

Tvadvandanani durita paharonodyatani

Mamevamata ranisam kalayantumanye ||



Having eyes resempbling the petals of lotuses; being extolled by all

the worlds OH! Mother the people who will serve you will obtain every

pleasure and they will be absolved of all sins. Hence OB! Maha

Lakshmi; I always prostrate your feet. Kindly purify me.


18. Yatkataksha samupasana vidhih

Sevakasya sakalardha sampadah

Santanoti vacana nga manasow

Stvam murari hrdayesvarim bhaje ||



OH! Lakshmi Devi when your merciful looks are directed towards your

devotees they are enriched in several ways; Such of ye, I always

worship with my words, deeds, mind and heart.



19. Sarasija nayane | Saroja haste

Dhavala taramsuka gandhamalya sobhe |

Bhagavati | Harivallabhe | Manojne |

Tribhuvana bhutikari | Prasida mahyam ||



Possessing lotus like eyes, having lotuses in the hands, Adorned with

white clothes, SriGandha fragrance and with flower garlands, granter

of riches toall the three worlds; OH! Damsel of the highest order!

Vaisnavi! Have mercy on me and grant me all riches and wealth.



20. Dighastibhih kanaka kumbha mukha varusta

Svarvahini vimala carujala plutangim

Pratarnamami jagatam janani masesa

Lokadhi nadha gruhini mamrutabdhi putrm ||



The eight (elephants) who support the eight corners, bring Ganga

water from heaven with golden pots and with trunks well lifted pour

it as Abhiseka and as a result she has all the organs of the body

well wet, the mother of all the worlds, the wife of Sri MahaVisnu the

ruler of the three worlds, the daughter of the milky samudra. To such

Sri Lakshmi I offer any salutations.



21. Kamale! Kamalaksha vallabhe | tvam

Karunapura tarangitai rapamgai

Avalokaya mama kincananam

Prathamam patra makrutrimam dayayah ||



OH! Maha Lakshmi who is endowed with lotus like eyes and the wife Sri

Maha Visnu direct your looks on me. I am fit to be the first person

for your mercy. I am not a deceitful person. Your benevolence flows

like running waters with ocillating waves. Let your kind looks fall

on me and make me wealthy.



22. Stuvanti ye stutibhi ramubhi ranvaham

Trayi mayim tribhuvana mataram Ramam |

Gunadhika gurutara bhagya bhajino

Bhavanti to bhuvi budha bhavita sayah ||



Who ever worships Sri Maha Lakshmi the mother of the three worlds and

the replica of Vedas daily with these praises of slokas, such

devotees will be endowed with good qualities of character and will

possess lot of wealth and also being applauded by scholars and worthy

of reputation.



23. Suvarna dhara stotramya

Cchankaracarya nirmitam

Trisandyam yah patthe nityam

Sakubera samo bhavet ||


Who ever recites this kanakadhara stotra composed by Bhagavadpada

Sankaracarya three tomes i.e., morning, midday and in the evening

will be equal to Kubera.



FOLKS, this is our 'deepavali' gift to you all! please recite these

verses to get 'material' wealth and also 'spiritua' wealth!







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