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Sarees-our -tradition

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Dear ones.....;


As Miss Sudha said ......gone are the Saree days.....gone are those

traditions."Gone with the wind ...from the west"


But as a matter of fact all these changes takes place according to that Great

Godess will only...!


One day Swami Vivekananda was doing meditation in the North near Kashmir.He was

sitting in an old temple of DEvi.Then he saw in His visions......how the temple

was destructed by the Muslim invasion to INDIA. He became sad & angry.Then He

thought in his mind " If I'm there I'll have protected this temple".

Then all of a sudden DEVI appeared infront of him and told...."son this All

happened according to My Will only. Now tell me Shall I protect u OR R u going

to protect ME ?? "


On hearing this Swami fell at Mother's Lotus feet.


Soooooo no point in crying abt Tradition & Sarees.......Becoz No one of us

created the so called tradition.So why cry for something that which is not

really urs.!!!


Your Mother...Devi.....Sree MAhalakshi is the only this that u can say your's.So

cry for HEr.....!!! wish u all best dear ones....AMy Devi gaurd U all.







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OM Pramod


"Soooooo no point in crying abt Tradition & Sarees.......Becoz No

one of us created the so called tradition.So why cry for

something that which is not really urs.!!!


Your Mother...Devi.....Sree MAhalakshi is the only this that u can

say your's."


Does this mean that we can never do anything, change anything

unless we actually had a hand in creating that thing in the first

place? I don't think so. It is a tamasic misconception that

because everything comes from Devi why exert yourself at all.


Because you are here you are already involved and have a stake

in everything. If you value tradition of any kind, sarees or

otherwise, for their sattvic bases, you have a stake in the

maintenance of that tradition. It is not the tradition that is

important it is the sattvic nature that fostered it and which it

promotes that is in your interest to protect. To do nothing may be

sink deeper into maya and tamas or rajas. But also, to over-

react in a rajasic manner is also not beneficial. The action must

be sattvic and reflect cosmic consciousness.


Your first task is to bring yourself to Brahman. Your second task

is bring others to Brahman while retaining Cosmic

Consciousness yourself. In uplifting others and replacing

tamasic/rajasic personal, societal or world practices with sattvic

ones is to affirm your connection with the divine and to create

more and more places on earth that support the maintenance of

that divine connection for all.


OM Namah Sivaya



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Om Sakthi .....


Dear one ...I din't say anything of My own.MAy be I'm not as

knowldgeable as u are.I just got taht idea from one of our great


A great King ...........Still a poor Cattle Boy......World kns Him as Sri

Krishna.Me too....!

I didn't tell taht we shouldn't try to change anything.......I mean to retrive

our tradition.I jsut said we shouldn't CRY.... loud ......taht something is

Going off...or may be gone ..!!!! I don't kn itz Tammsic...Sattvic...Or

something else.

Krishna said Arjuna...Why u r feeling pettiy for All those great warriors who

stand infront of U ....Becoz they R ur realtives & Gurus ??? If SO U don't have

to worry abt tht......Becoz ME Myself have killed them several time before !!! U

r just doing it .......!!! There is nothing NEW in it ...!

And Atlast Krishna reveals Arjuna the fact.... HE & Arjuna are same...!

So as Prem said.......Yes we can lead others to Bramha only if we ourself attain

taht state .....! But To see a Light tehre should be some darkness......! U call

it Tamasic or wht ever....But only in darkness u see light...! So .....the Maya

will be acting on u.......making u think ...work...do ur karma....Until an

Unless u r capable of going out of the KArmic field...! Krishna Also says no one

can easily get aways...or stay back from Karama....! But it doesn't mean taht U

should be totally indulged or stay back from it.It jsut means U keep a passive

mind.Like a water drop on a Lotus leaf...!

This was only My idea.I mean abt going away of tradition.We should try to keep

it on back to tracks .....If ur mind will so.But its alwasy better to be

passive.Becoz in indulging in such things more....U r unconciously being a part

of Another KARAM CYCLE....! ........Then how u can Attain Bramha....! Devi id

not differnt from u.This is the theorey....! We all kn taht.Thinking otherwise

is Tamassic...too.But Still this is not knowledge.....Becoz of May we kn

it..Still don't kn it WELL....! In Sucha situaion..........All men have only one

option......As Krishna says.....Surrender to ME.....!

Swami Vivekanda's story tells the same.Devi asks Him a question tht open His

inner eyes...though being a Sait...He too had Tammasic effect....The MAY.Then

Why talk abt we poor ignorent people...! So Devi ask Him "Now Shall I protect u

....or are u going to protect me..."..!

Hope with the help of my Gurus..& My Devi...I'm possible to expain the Views( I

can't say My views)



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