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Om kali Varunaji,

I am trying to send mail regarding Swami Vitalananda feedback on your mail but

could do so to this address

tulasi3 (AT) whale-mail (DOT) com


Can you give the correct address ?


Jai Kali !!!



>Kali_Ma >Kali_Ma >Subject:

Kali-Yoga >Fri, 06 Sep 2002 21:12:15 -0000 > >Namaste everyone,

> >Kali-Yoga was created by my Sadguru, Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati. The >Parama-Guru

of our lineage is Neem Karoli Baba and some of Her >Teachers are Shirdi Sai Baba

and Bhagavan Sri Nityananda of >Ganeshpuri. It's a meditative practice (which

inclused Kali asanas, >Kali pranayamas, Kali mudras, Kali pujas, selfless

service and Kali >Chakra meditation). If you go on Her ashram's website, in the

"Ma's >Thoughts" section, there are sketches of some mudras. Kali Yoga is >the

yoga of transformation, which teaches the path of spiritual ego >death and the

ability to consume life. By the fire of the breath, >Kali uses our impurities

as fuel in each of our chakras to project us >more in the Jivamukta state of

being. She eats it. > >Inner Peace >by Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati > > >Many have

asked me, "What is inner peace?" > >The very thought of life sometimes brings

to the human mind the >thought of chaos. When one does not converse from a

place of the >higher self, then the struggle through life becomes harder. This

>inner peace that most seek, most talk about seeking, is really the >ability to

be by yourself, within yourself, at a very special time >each day. There is a

place that one can find, a place that is totally >yours and belong only to you.

Perhaps this place is a place in the >universe that you can find while you are

sitting very still, becoming >very aware of your breath, your life and the

moment. > >Inner peace cannot be obtained outside of the moment. It does not

>exist. It does not exist in yesterday's memory of beauty, profound >happiness

or tomorrow's thought of richness and wealth, or even >health. Inner peace

comes from simplicity, and that simplicity must >dwell in the core of your

being. > >One can attain inner peace by taking a few seconds each day and

>saying, very simply, "Stop!" Stop and feel the breeze on your face. >Stop and

feel the warmth of the sun on your being. If one stops for a >moment every day,

the chaos of life will become something that can be >used as fuel, and inner

peace can be found. This is not just for a >short while but for the rest of

your life, if you begin the rest of >your life in the moment of now. > >Life

can be very chaotic and overwhelming. How does one find peace in >the midst of

life's chaos? Sometimes I am hungry for chaos. >Sometimes, on a spring day, I

am working with the dying, it is this >young child and myself all alone in the

room of death. I want the >chaos of her screams of joy and laughter. I want the

chaos of running >after her while she's playing amongst her little friends. That

type >of chaos is enjoyment. That type of chaos you don't miss until you >don't

have it anymore. To work with the dying one becomes very >proficient in

understanding the rules of life. To work with chaos, >the only tool there is,

is the appreciation of that chaos that you >hate so much. Make order of your

life but don't make it so orderly >that you forget the beauty in chaos. > >What

can we do as individuals to create peace in our environment, >workplace and

home? What is it you want? Do you not want to run like >a child even if you're

in your 50s, 60s, 70s or older? Do you not >want to experience life to its

fullest? > >Perhaps this is not a peaceful explanation, but indeed it is

>something we all need to want to do. We need to move our bodies in >order to

have peace. We need to balance our lives, looking straight >into the face of

chaos, and then breathing it in and sorting it all >out in our deepest

meditation. But do not seek peace when it is truly >movement of peace that you

want. If you keep your mind steady on a >mantra, if you keep your mind steady

on your heart and your breath >all day with a great awareness of all that you

do; that will >absolutely bring you a certain amount of calmness to enjoy all

chaos >and bring an inner peace deep within your soul so you are able to

>radiate joy. Use the breath, be aware and repeat the >words, "(Breathing in) I

know I am breathing in. (Breathing out) I >know I am breathing out." You will

see, as you meditate and from all >that you do, everyone around you will feel

your oneness with the >universe. And they too will become calmer. Thus you will

create a >peaceful environment around you and with others. > >One of my students

asked me, "How do shakti (spiritual energy) and >peace relate?" Shakti is

connected to nothing. It is individual in >itself. It is permanence. It is

impermanence. It is the power of the >Mother and does not only ride in the

Mother's soul. It is just there >as the Mother breathes. It is not connected to

her, nor is it >connected to you. You may absorb it as one absorbs water when

you >place your hand in a flowing stream. It goes right into your cells >and

erases dryness. If you sit in the face of Shakti you will be >eating Shakti,

devouring your life instead of your life devouring >you. Shakti will give you

the energy to walk tall and strong >throughout life. Shakti, if used right,

will bring you the greatest >amount of peace. It will bring the greatest amount

of encouragement >and fortitude to do what needs to be done in life. > >Be

aware, be in God, breathe in the Shakti and you will find peace. > >---- > >A

simple Kali-Yoga meditation from Her website: > >Mother Kali > >I have only one

path to teach and that path is love. >I use love as a razor to scrape away the

scars left over from the >ego's war with the heart. > This is my Puja, this is

my Prayer, > > Ma > > > Sit with a straight back and call for the Dark Mother

of the Agora, >she will come silent and full to the caller. The worshipper must

>destroy inside of himself the small I in order to be in the presence >of the

Divine Mother. > >Call gently Her Name: Kali Ma. Now all you have to do is wait

without >wanting. You need not believe in the Black One. You need not even

>believe in Guru. You need only to believe in yourself and in the >ability to

sustain the substance of silence. > > >In the empty space of the heart that has

burnt in the Dhuni there is >a feeling of death, a death that is good and

strong. What I mean by >strong is that this is the death of the ego, the death

that so many >seekers have looked for but didn't have the strength to find. Not

one >person can hurt you, but you must also remember that not one person >can

help you. >You are the maker of the moment. > >Mother of all that is light and

dark, show me your form. I shall hold >my hands so close to your being that

perhaps my fingers will burn. I >shall fill myself up with your purity and

become aware of the Earth >and all the pitfalls that can call a child away from

its mother. You, >Kali, are the mother of all. > >The All Good and All Powerful

One, Kali, is without beginning or end. >Where her consort creates, she

preserves and withdraws the world of >extended matter. May she, the Black One

of the dead night's glory, >forgive those who live in the silence and have

never - due to lack of >meditation - felt her hand on their breast. I am Ma,

and I beg you to >go deeper into the place of the terrifying horror of the

dying ego. >I shall be there with you. > > - Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati > >-- > >It

feels great to have this opportunity of interfaith satsang with >fellow

Kalidas(i)s! >With prem, > >Varuna > > Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile

device: Click Here

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  • 2 months later...

>From my Guru:


Om Ganesha

The Time of Hanumanji's Ashram

The Time of Kali Yoga and the Kali Yogi

A Time for Peace for Everyone



December 3, 2002



Namaste my chelas all over the world,


Procrastination is a habit that once started becomes harder and

harder to give up.

It is not in your genes, nor in your Lineage.

It is simply a habit that you can break with deep awareness.

Everyone can do something about it.

When you become successful in your meditation and on your spiritual

path, you can bet that you did not procrastinate.

People who waste their time on gossiping or bad habits, procrastinate.

When you have something to do and you keep putting it off, this is


You want to do it and yet you keep leaving out that which you need to


Then it becomes painful.

A lack of beauty comes to the one who keeps procrastination.

If you keep putting off serving others then you are hurting you and


Procrastination can bring huge spaces for addictions.

Keeping busy with what is important makes your life worthwhile.

The only time you should say not now, is when you are meditating and

the ego begins to bring thoughts to your mind.

This is when you need to say not now.

You all know what you need to do so just do it.

Let us start with Kali Yoga.

Always make time to go to your Kali Yoga class or do your Kali Yoga

on your own if you know how.

Procrastination is simply self deluding.

Kali Yoga is in the now.

Procrastination can have you waking up and finding out that you are

95 years old and wasting your life.


As you live at the feet of your Paramaguru and Guru, try to do all

things as they come upon you.

You will be surprised how happy this will make you.

I will help you, my chelas, to break the habit of procrastination.

The source of Awareness is in you and you start to be aware through

the watching of your breath.

I cannot say this enough.

The breath, the breath, the breath.

One day you will not be able to tell when your breath leaves off and

the Mother's breath begins.


When you understand where negative feelings come from you will soon

find out that you do not need them in your life.

Do not refer to your mind thoughts.

Refer to the prana thoughts of the heart.

The prana in the heart only brings positive feelings.

Once you gravitate to your heart and the prana that surround it and

are in it, you begin to let go of negativity.

Being positive keeps you healthy and happy.

Procrastinating when you should be exercising, can keep you not as

healthy as you must be.

I would love if each one of you would take a nice walk today saying

the Mantra, "My Ma loves me," as you walk.

This will make your heart feel good and you will get your exercise in.

I know you are all probably asking, what is heart prana?

It is early very early this moment in the Mother's Dance and yet I

cannot wait to be able to teach our before dawn Darshan.

The heart prana in the Guru Mother's heart begins to swirl around and

around and touches every part of all chakras.

In other words, the prana of the heart is internally breathed when

you jump into the Guru and Paramaguru's moment.


Once you understand that happiness is already in you and you only

need to stir it up, then you will not let negativity take up any kind

of real space within your being.

This is not pretending that negativity does not exist.

This only makes you use your mental capacity and huge heart.

How do you live in the moment?

To live in the moment let the past go.

Bringing your attention always to the past, uses up the moment.

The past is the past and the future has not happened.

Awareness will bring you into the now.

Bring joyous moments of the past into the now and let the negativity

go this moment.

Access your wisdom this moment and watch how your quality of life

becomes more and more.

You can change your destiny through your own inner wisdom.

There is no need to pretend that you are happy.

As you read these words on this sacred Darshan Line, you can very

easily become happy as you live in the fertile ground of the moment.


I ask our Baba Neem Karoli to bring you all to the Mother's Heart


Feel the power of your Baba my chela and never ever forget how much

this Guru Mother loves you with all her heart and soul.


Let us all merge this moment in the Baba's Moment as he takes you

into mine.

This is my Puja and this is my Prayer.

Love Ma Jaya

Tenzin Yangchen


Jai Kali Ma Ki Jai

Always at his Feet, Our Neem Karoli Baba Ki Jai



Hope everyone enjoyed! Namaste to all! Om Shanti!



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