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Kali Temple Insured Against Terrorism

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Here's an odd little news item (and a rather sad sign-o-the-times)

that may interest some of the Kali devotees among us:


KOLKATA, INDIA, Thursday, December 5, 2002: Devotees visiting the

150-year-old Dakshineswar Kali Temple near Kolkata (Calcutta) may

soon be insured against terrorist attacks.


Though properties of temples are often insured against theft, this is

the first temple to cover devotees as well under an anti-terrorist

insurance umbrella.


The temple draws five thousand devotees daily -- and at its annual

festival of Kalpataru Utsav, beginning December 15, that number soars

to 1.5 million. The temple could be paying an annual premium of

US$1.25 million for this first-of-its-kind policy.


Insurance companies say as the concept exists, it is known as public

liability insurance. However, figuring out how many devotees will be

covered under the insurance at a time and for how much is proving



The whole idea has yet to sink in among regular devotees. The temple

has 20 guards of its own, with two of them armed while four men staff

a police camp on the premises on a regular basis. On special

occasions, like the forthcoming festival, the state does increase

deployment of police.


Source: http://www.ndtv.com

Courtesy of HPI (Hindu Press International)

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Those who do these vile things in the house of Mother Kali deserve to be

tortured to death! Forget insurance, the karma one gets from this is

atrocious however that is just my perspective. A mother's heart is always

tender no matter what is done She will always forgive if she is approached

as mother. However there is a very great temple in the Himalaya of Devi Kali

the most powerful Kali temple known to man, if a sinner goes here they will

turn blind as soon as they see the statue of Kali.





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Greetings Kalika Putra


Gosh! Sometimes you do frighten me!! Especially when you say things

like "deserve to be tortured to death!" Are you serious?


I do agree with you about the karma aspect one get for committing

such atrocious act.


You mention about Kali temple in the Himalayas, "a sinner goes


they will turn blind as soon as they see the statue of Kali".


here who is not a sinner? I know I am.

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LOL, well Nora let me give you this analogy if your brother goes into your

mother's house and steals, you mother is more likely to forgive him then

you. This is how I see it, when people act in such a way then they deserve

the worst of punishment there are a few things I cannot tolerate and if it

ever occurs in front of me then the person committing that crime will pay a

heavy price.


The abuse of anything defenceless or weak (incl of Females, paying

disrespect to a woman)


The defaming the name of divinities


Defiling of Holy places.


Not paying respect to one of the five major religions especially Hinduism.


Cursing of any mother whatsoever.


I think these are sins that cannot be forgiven; they indeed are heinous and

on such the wrath of bhadra pishachini and bhadra kali be given. I know this

may sound very extreme however that is how I feel about these things there

are some sins. I am not saying interfere with every situation you come

across you don't know what this may do in relation to rananubandhas however

try to help and don't look kindly to the person who commits this.






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