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Androgynous deities/Puja to Ardhanarishwara

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Hello all,

Which deities are hermaphrodites, androgynous and bisexual in Indian

pantheon? How to worship them?

I know for one - Ardhanarishwara and I would like to know puja for Hir.

Thank you,


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Namaskar Endymion:


Thank you for your post. You asked: "Which deities are

hermaphrodites, androgynous and bisexual in Indian pantheon?"


Most of the major Hindu deities are androgynous to some degree:

Krishna and Shiva, while very much male gods, often are depicted as

having such an almost feminine grace and beauty, which suggests the

belief that the Supreme Divine both encompasses and transcends

distinctions of gender. Likewise, we Shaktas find a similar androgyny

in Goddess Durga -- who, while invariably described as possessing the

most extraordinary feminine beauty and allure, also possesses more

traditionally male-associated characteristics such as ruthless power

and aggression, military prowess and supreme sovereignity.


There are several more specifically "androgynous" deities -- i.e.,

those who are explicitly portrayed as half female and half male. The

best known is Ardhanareshwari, the fused form of Parvati and Shiva

(see our homepage presentation at

http://www.shaktisadhana.org/shivanshakti2.html); perhaps the second-

best known is Lakshmi-Narayani, the fused form of Lakshmi and Vishnu

(for our homepage presentation,


There are others, as well. For example, you'll also find a rare,

fused form of the Goddess Shodasi at this link:



*** How to worship them? ***

>From a bhakta (devotional) viewpoint, they can all be approached

through a typical pooja; and, if they so speak to you, be taken as

your ishtadevata (personal approach to the Supreme Divine). On the

other hand, there are more eoteric approaches -- for example,

Ardhanarishwari is considered a governing deity of the Ajna Chakra in

Kundalini Yoga (see picture at

http://www.exoticindia.com/product/BE96/ ). There are undoubtedly

more specific Tantric approaches to Ardhanareshwari and the other

androgynous forms, but I do not know them. Perhaps members who do

have further direction in this regard would be so kind as to share?


Thanks again for the query, Endymion. Was it at all helpful? Please

let me know if you were seeking something different or more specific.


Aum Maatangyai Namahe

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