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>Manda yoga, when he challenged me, he made got

>punished by my

>protectors and

>protecting deities like Dakini, Hakini, Kakini and

>lord Shiva.



vow! dakinic_monk, this sounds one notch higer than

the autobiography of a yogi or svoboda's aghora.

someday i look forward to reading your autobiography!


my personal viewpoint on sex is that there is nothing

wrong as long as it is between consenting partners but

i am very much against promiscuity and imho, a

monogamous life is the best bet.


according to paramahamsa satyananda who is perhaps one

of the most repected teachers in tantra, who has a

very orthodox grounding in yoga and is the disciple of

the remowned swami sivananda(one of the formost

advocates of brahmacharya), maithuna in tantra has

nothing to do with morals- it is takes advantage of a

state of mind, to propel inwards towards god

realisation. this state of mind referred to is the

climax at intercourse and the aim in tantra is to

elongate the period of this, so that one can produce

enough energy and then draw it inward. maithuna in

this sense is not good or bad but is only a tool to

get to a higher plane. of course the downside of this

is that every joe wants to attain self-realisation(or

probably have a good time) through maithuna- in the

end the true purpose of maithuna in tantra becomes

lost and just becomes an excuse for orgies.


perhaps this might be the reason for the scriptural

injunction against sex as only someone who has arrived

at certain stage of evolution and who will not get

sidetracked into the sensual aspects of tantra, is

really fit for tantric maithuna in its spiritual










Message: 20

Tue, 17 Dec 2002 21:39:51 +1100

"kalika Putra" <dakinic_monk

RE: Re: Shakti the sex energy? THE FOOLISH



Dear Aadi,


Vamachara is Asuri, asuri does not mean evil it

means highly


lots of risk, high demand and get a lot of bad karma.

These are the

outcomes, when you go far indeed you go far but the

higher you go the


you will fall. That is why many incl myself are

against Asuri sadhana.

I was

once challenged by an Asuri sadhak who took great

offence to this, he

was a

great devotee of Devi Kali even more so then I since

he practiced


Manda yoga, when he challenged me, he made got

punished by my

protectors and

protecting deities like Dakini, Hakini, Kakini and

lord Shiva.


When he asked Devi he was given a very harsh reply

that being that he


succumb to ahamkara. When you do asuri sadhana it is a

must that you


fully controlling all your desires and senses. Kaula

has three parths


the highest is against all this, all these rituals are

done on the


and all kaula texts are encrypted so what you read and

quote is false


you need a nath guru to teach the true meaning of

kaula siddhanta.

Kaula is

only practiced once you have reached nirvakalpa

samadhi that is when


become atharvan kaula the true shakthi abhishek to

initiate a kaula is


his/her glands produce amrita.


None of us are at this level hence lets no even go

into the field of


Asuri sadhana is something I have studied a great deal

of since most


who despise me practice this form of worship hence I

must be aware of


they do. Asuri sadhana is not for beginners besides

Babaji is totally

against the concept of Asuri sadhana and so is Lord

Krishna hence one


not do this. History has repeated itself over and over



When you do asuri sadhana you are fueling your atma

with evil sooner of

later this will take effect; there are two ways one

can approach God

the way

of Light and the way of darkness, once you delve into

darkness you will







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