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Kundalini shakti- another perspective?

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dear prisni!


thank you!



I am not so sure that different disciplines are so wastly different

after all.


the different disciplines may differ in its methodology or

techniques of worship but the goal is always the same - "to seek



yes, kundalini awakening is not just a unique feature of shaktism or

vaishnavism or shavism. or tantrism.... ..


kundalini can be awakened by following any path- sikhism, taoism,

buddhism and even christianity! smiles!


what is kundalini?


This is a force of pure (virgin) spirituality , which lies dormant

in the root chakra (muladhara) of the human body.




"By constant purification and self perfection the seven vital energy

centres (chakras) which govern all aspects of mind, body and soul,

are prepared for the awakening of Kundalini. Once awakened by divine

grace, the Kundalini passes through these centres, not unlike a

string through beads, enlightening each as it passes through.

Arriving at the seventh centre (Sahasrara) the seeker's awareness is

united with the eternal-self-within. The experience is transrational,

non causal, a tangible and real bliss of truth-awareness. "


As the Kundalini passes through each of the vital centres, they are

stimulated to produce a pure, nourishing energy. The Vedas (Ancient

Scriptures of India) describe this energy as a sacred river emitted

by each of the seven chakras.


Shankaracharya called this energy "spun". He too described its nature

as being like divine water showering down upon him as he meditated in

the ecstacy of devotion. Other Indian scriptures call this

energy "Paramchaitanya" (energy of supreme consciousness).



Shankaracharya said "All Glory unto the current of Divine Bliss

which, brimming from the river of Thy Holy stories, flows into the

lake of my mind, through the canals of intellect, subduing the dust

of sin and cooling the heat of memory".



how this kundalini awakening described in christian literature?


"I have reached the inner vision and through Thy Spirit in me I have

heard Thy wondrous secret, through Thy mystic insight Thou hast

caused a spring of knowledge to well up within me, a fountain of

power, pouring forth living waters, a flood of love and of all

embracing wisdom, like the splendour of eternal light".


Kundalini is also described as "tree of life" in the apocryphal

gospel of Phillip .


LORD krishna also describes the kundalini as a tree of spirituality

in the srimad bhagwat gita.


in tantra, kundalini is described as "kalpavriksha" - the wish-

fulfilling tree - in fact, there is a kalpavriksha mantra.


in the gospel of john , there is a reference to kundalini -" to be

born of water and the spirit" - this describes kundalini awakening.


in hindu tests also, kundalini is described as a 'nourishing' energy

whose 'ascent' to the sahasrara chakra is kind of a 'rebirth' -

awareness with the self or spirit.



There are more references to the chakras and kundalini in the

Revelations !


In St. John's spiritual vision;" I saw seven standing lamps of gold"

(the chakras emitting the divine light?),


John sees Christ as one of the seven lamps (you will see the

significance of this later), Christ is holding the "seven stars"

(demonstrating his command of the chakra system?) and speaks of

the "seven churches" (the divine institution within each chakra?).



thus, the divine mother kundalini is present in all human beings

regardless of color, caste, religious affliation!



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OM Adi Shakthi


Thank you so much for the information on the Christian view of

Kundalini, or rather, the hidden metaphors on Kundalini that are

still left in the Bible after centuries of tinkering.This is very

useful information for an ongoing project of mine. Could you provide

your source for this?


OM Namah Sivaya



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dear ompremji,


thank you so much for your kind words! it means a lot coming from



here is the link


this is a beautiful site ; i discovered it by accident.


christ and kundalini




if you would like, i have seen many sites comparing hindu scriptures

to the bible... i can post them...




here is a beautiful poem on this 'divine' energy


yogi satgurunath from the natha tradition



Living in Calm and Solitude

Subduing body and his Mind

Within himself in gratitude

Ridding Desires of all Kind.


Neath Sylvan bowers in his Seat

Cool Stream flows by deerskin laid neat

This is the Yogi's true retreat

In meditation is his treat.


By Allakh Gorakhia's mystic touch

Disease, hunger nor sleep assail

Yogis who rent maya's death veil

Are those who in khechari prevail


Deathless Yogi, fearless, bold

Prana between the eyebrows hold

By kevali in Shivanetra be!

Oh death, where is thy victory?


In lotus posture yogis stay

Do sun-moon prana of night and day

Spinal breathing it is called

Victor of death, be breath enthralled


He stands supreme, beyond all dream

Of friend and foe alike

Success and failure, name and fame

To Him a mere doll's wedding game

In joy and sorrow, light and dark

He is ever that eternal spark

In honor, and dishonor, too

The constant yogi, ever new!

Beholding self, by Self supreme

Shattering the waking dream

Maya shall be put to flight

By those who in the Self delight

A Compassionate and healing light

A Hamsa in its splendid flight

Away oh darkness! Fly, oh night!

The Yogi comes in radiant might.


Allak Niranjan Om Shiv Om!!

Allak Niranjan Om Shiv Om!!



all sadhus belonging to the natha tradition greet one another with

these words... "alakh niranjan" - it is greeting just like 'namaste'

means the divine in me bows to the divine in you!



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